984 resultados para R(infinity) property


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A strategy for achieving enantiodivergency from R-(-)-carvone in the context of synthesis of eudesmanes and dihydroagarofurans is disclosed, which involves, among other things, sequential setting of the C10 quaternary centre and recreation of the desired C7 isopropyl stereochemistry to enter the antipodal series. A synthesis of 1-deacetoxy-ent-orbiculin has been achieved as a demonstration of the effectiveness and applicability of this approach. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the relaxation of long-tailed distributions under stochastic dynamics that do not support such tails. Linear relaxation is found to be a borderline case in which long tails are exponentially suppressed in time but not eliminated. Relaxation stronger than linear suppresses long tails immediately, but may lead to strong transient peaks in the probability distribution. We also find that a delta-function initial distribution under stronger than linear decay displays not one but two different regimes of diffusive spreading.


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We develop a general theory of Markov chains realizable as random walks on R-trivial monoids. It provides explicit and simple formulas for the eigenvalues of the transition matrix, for multiplicities of the eigenvalues via Mobius inversion along a lattice, a condition for diagonalizability of the transition matrix and some techniques for bounding the mixing time. In addition, we discuss several examples, such as Toom-Tsetlin models, an exchange walk for finite Coxeter groups, as well as examples previously studied by the authors, such as nonabelian sandpile models and the promotion Markov chain on posets. Many of these examples can be viewed as random walks on quotients of free tree monoids, a new class of monoids whose combinatorics we develop.


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We investigate the correlation between the band propagation property and the nature and amplitude of serrations in the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect within the framework of the Ananthakrishna model. Several significant results emerge. First, we find that spatial and temporal correlations continuously increase with strain rate from type C to type A bands. Consequently, the nature of the bands also changes continuously from type C to A bands, and so do the changes in the associated serrations. Second, even the smallest extent of propagation induces small amplitude serrations. The spatial extent of band propagation is directly correlated with the duration of small amplitude serrations, a result that is consistent with recent experiments. This correspondence allows one to estimate the spatial extent of band propagation by just measuring the temporal stretch of small amplitude serrations. Therefore, this should be of practical value when only stress versus strain is recorded. Third, the average stress drop magnitude of the small amplitude serrations induced by the propagating bands remains small and nearly constant with strain rate. As a consequence, the fully propagating type A bands are in a state of criticality. We rationalize the increasing levels of spatial and temporal correlations found with increasing strain rates. Lastly, the model also predicts several band morphologies seen in experiments including the Luders-like propagating band. (C) 2015 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider a continuum percolation model consisting of two types of nodes, namely legitimate and eavesdropper nodes, distributed according to independent Poisson point processes in R-2 of intensities lambda and lambda(E), respectively. A directed edge from one legitimate node A to another legitimate node B exists provided that the strength of the signal transmitted from node A that is received at node B is higher than that received at any eavesdropper node. The strength of the signal received at a node from a legitimate node depends not only on the distance between these nodes, but also on the location of the other legitimate nodes and an interference suppression parameter gamma. The graph is said to percolate when there exists an infinitely connected component. We show that for any finite intensity lambda(E) of eavesdropper nodes, there exists a critical intensity lambda(c) < infinity such that for all lambda > lambda(c) the graph percolates for sufficiently small values of the interference parameter. Furthermore, for the subcritical regime, we show that there exists a lambda(0) such that for all lambda < lambda(0) <= lambda(c) a suitable graph defined over eavesdropper node connections percolates that precludes percolation in the graphs formed by the legitimate nodes.


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We study the problem of finding small s-t separators that induce graphs having certain properties. It is known that finding a minimum clique s-t separator is polynomial-time solvable (Tarjan in Discrete Math. 55:221-232, 1985), while for example the problems of finding a minimum s-t separator that induces a connected graph or forms an independent set are fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the size of the separator (Marx et al. in ACM Trans. Algorithms 9(4): 30, 2013). Motivated by these results, we study properties that generalize cliques, independent sets, and connected graphs, and determine the complexity of finding separators satisfying these properties. We investigate these problems also on bounded-degree graphs. Our results are as follows: Finding a minimum c-connected s-t separator is FPT for c=2 and W1]-hard for any ca parts per thousand yen3. Finding a minimum s-t separator with diameter at most d is W1]-hard for any da parts per thousand yen2. Finding a minimum r-regular s-t separator is W1]-hard for any ra parts per thousand yen1. For any decidable graph property, finding a minimum s-t separator with this property is FPT parameterized jointly by the size of the separator and the maximum degree. Finding a connected s-t separator of minimum size does not have a polynomial kernel, even when restricted to graphs of maximum degree at most 3, unless .


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Fracture toughness measurements at the small scale have gained prominence over the years due to the continuing miniaturization of structural systems. Measurements carried out on bulk materials cannot be extrapolated to smaller length scales either due to the complexity of the microstructure or due to the size and geometric effect. Many new geometries have been proposed for fracture property measurements at small-length scales depending on the material behaviour and the type of device used in service. In situ testing provides the necessary environment to observe fracture at these length scales so as to determine the actual failure mechanism in these systems. In this paper, several improvements are incorporated to a previously proposed geometry of bending a doubly clamped beam for fracture toughness measurements. Both monotonic and cyclic loading conditions have been imposed on the beam to study R-curve and fatigue effects. In addition to the advantages that in situ SEM-based testing offers in such tests, FEM has been used as a simulation tool to replace cumbersome and expensive experiments to optimize the geometry. A description of all the improvements made to this specific geometry of clamped beam bending to make a variety of fracture property measurements is given in this paper.


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3,4-Dichlorophenol (1) crystallizes in the tetragonal space group I4(1)/a with a short axis of 3.7926 (9) angstrom. The structure is unique in that both type I and type II Cl.....Cl interactions are present, these contact types being distinguished by the angle ranges of the respective C-Cl....Cl angles. The present study shows that these two types of contacts are utterly different. The crystal structures of 4-bromo-3-chlorophenol (2) and 3-bromo-4-chlorophenol (3) have been determined. The crystal structure of (2) is isomorphous to that of (1) with the Br atom in the 4-position participating in a type II interaction. However, the monoclinic P2(1)/c packing of compound (3) is different; while the structure still has O-H....O hydrogen bonds, the tetramer O-H.....O synthon seen in (1) and (2) is not seen. Rather than a type I Br....Br interaction which would have been mandated if (3) were isomorphous to (1) and (2), Br forms a Br....O contact wherein its electrophilic character is clearly evident. Crystal structures of the related compounds 4-chloro-3-iodophenol (4) and 3,5-dibromophenol (5) were also determined. A computational survey of the structural landscape was undertaken for (1), (2) and (3), using a crystal structure prediction protocol in space groups P2(1)/c and I4(1)/a with the COMPASS26 force field. While both tetragonal and monoclinic structures are energetically reasonable for all compounds, the fact that (3) takes the latter structure indicates that Br prefers type II over type I contacts. In order to differentiate further between type I and type II halogen contacts, which being chemically distinct are expected to have different distance fall-off properties, a variable-temperature crystallography study was performed on compounds (1), (2) and (4). Length variations with temperature are greater for type II contacts compared with type I. The type II Br....Br interaction in (2) is stronger than the corresponding type II Cl....Cl interaction in (1), leading to elastic bending of the former upon application of mechanical stress, which contrasts with the plastic deformation of (1). The observation of elastic deformation in (2) is noteworthy; in that it finds an explanation based on the strengths of the respective halogen bonds, it could also be taken as a good starting model for future property design. Cl/Br isostructurality is studied with the Cambridge Structural Database and it is indicated that this isostructurality is based on shape and size similarity of Cl and Br, rather than arising from any chemical resemblance.


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One of the desired properties for any new biomaterial composition is its long-term stability in a suitable animal model and such property cannot be appropriately assessed by performing short-term implantation studies. While hydroxyapatite (HA) or bioglass coated metallic biomaterials are being investigated for in vivo biocompatibility properties, such study is not extensively being pursued for bulk glass ceramics. In view of their inherent brittle nature, the implant stability as well as impact of long-term release of metallic ions on bone regeneration have been a major concern. In this perspective, the present article reports the results of the in vivo implantation experiments carried out using 100% strontium (Sr)-substituted glass ceramics with the nominal composition of 4.5 SiO2-3Al(2)O(3)-1.5P(2)O(5)-3SrO-2SrF(2) for 26 weeks in cylindrical bone defects in rabbit model. The combination of histological and micro-computed tomography analysis provided a qualitative and quantitative understanding of the bone regeneration around the glass ceramic implants in comparison to the highly bioactive HA bioglass implants (control). The sequential polychrome labeling of bone during in vivo osseointegration using three fluorochromes followed by fluorescence microscopy observation confirmed homogeneous bone formation around the test implants. The results of the present study unequivocally confirm the long-term implant stability as well as osteoconductive property of 100% Sr-substituted glass ceramics, which is comparable to that of a known bioactive implant, that is, HA-based bioglass. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 103B: 1168-1179, 2015.


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We prove a sub-convex estimate for the sup-norm of L-2-normalized holomorphic modular forms of weight k on the upper half plane, with respect to the unit group of a quaternion division algebra over Q. More precisely we show that when the L-2 norm of an eigenfunction f is one, parallel to f parallel to(infinity) <<(epsilon) k(1/2-1/33+epsilon) for any epsilon > 0 and for all k sufficiently large.


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Hydrogen, either in pure form or as a gaseous fuel mixture specie enhances the fuel conversion efficiency and reduce emissions in an internal combustion engine. This is due to the reduction in combustion duration attributed to higher laminar flame speeds. Hydrogen is also expected to increase the engine convective heat flux, attributed (directly or indirectly) to parameters like higher adiabatic flame temperature, laminar flame speed, thermal conductivity and diffusivity and lower flame quenching distance. These factors (adversely) affect the thermo-kinematic response and offset some of the benefits. The current work addresses the influence of mixture hydrogen fraction in syngas on the engine energy balance and the thermo-kinematic response for close to stoichiometric operating conditions. Four different bio-derived syngas compositions with fuel calorific value varying from 3.14 MJ/kg to 7.55 MJ/kg and air fuel mixture hydrogen fraction varying from 7.1% to 14.2% by volume are used. The analysis comprises of (a) use of chemical kinetics simulation package CHEMKIN for quantifying the thermo-physical properties (b) 0-D model for engine in-cylinder analysis and (c) in-cylinder investigations on a two-cylinder engine in open loop cooling mode for quantifying the thermo-kinematic response and engine energy balance. With lower adiabatic flame temperature for Syngas, the in-cylinder heat transfer analysis suggests that temperature has little effect in terms of increasing the heat flux. For typical engine like conditions (700 K and 25 bar at CR of 10), the laminar flame speed for syngas exceeds that of methane (55.5 cm/s) beyond mixture hydrogen fraction of 11% and is attributed to the increase in H based radicals. This leads to a reduction in the effective Lewis number and laminar flame thickness, potentially inducing flame instability and cellularity. Use of a thermodynamic model to assess the isolated influence of thermal conductivity and diffusivity on heat flux suggests an increase in the peak heat flux between 2% and 15% for the lowest (0.420 MW/m(2)) and highest (0.480 MW/m(2)) hydrogen containing syngas over methane (0.415 MW/m(2)) fueled operation. Experimental investigations indicate the engine cooling load for syngas fueled engine is higher by about 7% and 12% as compared to methane fueled operation; the losses are seen to increase with increasing mixture hydrogen fraction. Increase in the gas to electricity efficiency is observed from 18% to 24% as the mixture hydrogen fraction increases from 7.1% to 9.5%. Further increase in mixture hydrogen fraction to 14.2% results in the reduction of efficiency to 23%; argued due to the changes in the initial and terminal stages of combustion. On doubling of mixture hydrogen fraction, the flame kernel development and fast burn phase duration decrease by about 7% and 10% respectively and the terminal combustion duration, corresponding to 90%-98% mass burn, increases by about 23%. This increase in combustion duration arises from the cooling of the near wall mixture in the boundary layer attributed to the presence of hydrogen. The enhancement in engine cooling load and subsequent reduction in the brake thermal efficiency with increasing hydrogen fraction is evident from the engine energy balance along with the cumulative heat release profiles. Copyright (C) 2015, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Translation of mRNAs is the primary function of the ribosomal machinery. Although cells allow for a certain level of translational errors/mistranslation (which may well be a strategic need), maintenance of the fidelity of translation is vital for the cellular function and fitness. The P-site bound initiator tRNA selects the start codon in an mRNA and specifies the reading frame. A direct P-site binding of the initiator tRNA is a function of its special structural features, ribosomal elements, and the initiation factors. A highly conserved feature of the 3 consecutive G:C base pairs (3GC pairs) in the anticodon stem of the initiator tRNAs is vital in directing it to the P-site. Mutations in the 3GC pairs diminish/abolish initiation under normal physiological conditions. Using molecular genetics approaches, we have identified conditions that allow initiation with the mutant tRNAs in Escherichia coli. During our studies, we have uncovered a novel phenomenon of in vivo initiation by elongator tRNAs. Here, we recapitulate how the cellular abundance of the initiator tRNA, and nucleoside modifications in rRNA are connected with the tRNA selection in the P-site. We then discuss our recent finding of how a conserved feature in the mRNA, the Shine-Dalgarno sequence, influences tRNA selection in the P-site.


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The chiral sensing property of helicin (the derivative of natural product obtained by partial oxidation of salicin, extracted from willow tree (Salix helix)) is reported. The use of helicin as a chiral derivatizing agent for the discrimination of amines and amino alcohols is convincingly established using H-1 NMR spectroscopy. The large chemical shift separation achieved between the discriminated peaks facilitated the accurate quantification of enantiomeric composition. The consistent trend observed in the shifting of imine proton peak (Delta delta) of helicin in all the derivatized molecules might aid the determination of spatial configuration. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The chiral sensing property of helicin (the derivative of natural product obtained by partial oxidation of salicin, extracted from willow tree (Salix helix)) is reported. The use of helicin as a chiral derivatizing agent for the discrimination of amines and amino alcohols is convincingly established using H-1 NMR spectroscopy. The large chemical shift separation achieved between the discriminated peaks facilitated the accurate quantification of enantiomeric composition. The consistent trend observed in the shifting of imine proton peak (Delta delta) of helicin in all the derivatized molecules might aid the determination of spatial configuration. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Free vibration problem of a rotating Euler-Bernoulli beam is solved with a truly meshless local Petrov-Galerkin method. Radial basis function and summation of two radial basis functions are used for interpolation. Radial basis function satisfies the Kronecker delta property and makes it simpler to apply the essential boundary conditions. Interpolation with summation of two radial basis functions increases the node carrying capacity within the sub-domain of the trial function and higher natural frequencies can be computed by selecting the complete domain as a sub-domain of the trial function. The mass and stiffness matrices are derived and numerical results for frequencies are obtained for a fixed-free beam and hinged-free beam simulating hingeless and articulated helicopter blades. Stiffness and mass distribution suitable for wind turbine blades are also considered. Results show an accurate match with existing literature.