986 resultados para QUANTUM-WELL


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In this paper we show that if the electrons in a quantum Hall sample are subjected to a constant electric field in the plane of the material, comparable in magnitude to the background magnetic field on the system of electrons, a multiplicity of edge states localized at different regions of space is produced in the sample. The actions governing the dynamics of these edge states are obtained starting from the well-known Schrödinger field theory for a system of nonrelativistic electrons, where on top of the constant background electric and magnetic fields, the electrons are further subject to slowly varying weak electromagnetic fields. In the regions between the edges, dubbed as the "bulk," the fermions can be integrated out entirely and the dynamics expressed in terms of a local effective action involving the slowly varying electromagnetic potentials. It is further shown how the bulk action is gauge noninvariant in a particular way, and how the edge states conspire to restore the U(1) electromagnetic gauge invariance of the system. In the edge action we obtain a heretofore unnoticed gauge-invariant term that depends on the particular edge. We argue that this term may be detected experimentally as different edges respond differently to a monochromatic probe due to this term


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Electron wave motion in a quantum wire with periodic structure is treated by direct solution of the Schrödinger equation as a mode-matching problem. Our method is particularly useful for a wire consisting of several distinct units, where the total transfer matrix for wave propagation is just the product of those for its basic units. It is generally applicable to any linearly connected serial device, and it can be implemented on a small computer. The one-dimensional mesoscopic crystal recently considered by Ulloa, Castaño, and Kirczenow [Phys. Rev. B 41, 12 350 (1990)] is discussed with our method, and is shown to be a strictly one-dimensional problem. Electron motion in the multiple-stub T-shaped potential well considered by Sols et al. [J. Appl. Phys. 66, 3892 (1989)] is also treated. A structure combining features of both of these is investigated


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The role of effective mass and dielectric mismatches on chemical potentials and addition energies of many-electron multishell quantum dots (QDs) is explored within the framework of a recent extension of the spin density functional theory. It is shown that although the gross electronic density is located in the wells of these multishell QDs, taking position-dependent effective mass and dielectric constant into account can lead to the appearance of relevant differences in chemical potential and addition energies as compared to standard calculations in which the effective mass and the dielectric constant of the well is assumed for the whole multishell structure.


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The transport and magnetotransport properties of the metallic and ferromagnetic SrRuO3 (SRO) and the metallic and paramagnetic LaNiO3 (LNO) epitaxial thin films have been investigated in fields up to 55 T at temperatures down to 1.8 K . At low temperatures both samples display a well-defined resistivity minimum. We argue that this behavior is due to the increasing relevance of quantum corrections to the conductivity (QCC) as temperature is lowered; this effect being particularly relevant in these oxides due to their short mean free path. However, it is not straightforward to discriminate between contributions of weak localization and renormalization of electron-electron interactions to the QCC through temperature dependence alone. We have taken advantage of the distinct effect of a magnetic field on both mechanisms to demonstrate that in ferromagnetic SRO the weak-localization contribution is suppressed by the large internal field leaving only renormalized electron-electron interactions, whereas in the nonmagnetic LNO thin films the weak-localization term is relevant.


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During recent years, quantum information processing and the study of N−qubit quantum systems have attracted a lot of interest, both in theory and experiment. Apart from the promise of performing efficient quantum information protocols, such as quantum key distribution, teleportation or quantum computation, however, these investigations also revealed a great deal of difficulties which still need to be resolved in practise. Quantum information protocols rely on the application of unitary and non–unitary quantum operations that act on a given set of quantum mechanical two-state systems (qubits) to form (entangled) states, in which the information is encoded. The overall system of qubits is often referred to as a quantum register. Today the entanglement in a quantum register is known as the key resource for many protocols of quantum computation and quantum information theory. However, despite the successful demonstration of several protocols, such as teleportation or quantum key distribution, there are still many open questions of how entanglement affects the efficiency of quantum algorithms or how it can be protected against noisy environments. To facilitate the simulation of such N−qubit quantum systems and the analysis of their entanglement properties, we have developed the Feynman program. The program package provides all necessary tools in order to define and to deal with quantum registers, quantum gates and quantum operations. Using an interactive and easily extendible design within the framework of the computer algebra system Maple, the Feynman program is a powerful toolbox not only for teaching the basic and more advanced concepts of quantum information but also for studying their physical realization in the future. To this end, the Feynman program implements a selection of algebraic separability criteria for bipartite and multipartite mixed states as well as the most frequently used entanglement measures from the literature. Additionally, the program supports the work with quantum operations and their associated (Jamiolkowski) dual states. Based on the implementation of several popular decoherence models, we provide tools especially for the quantitative analysis of quantum operations. As an application of the developed tools we further present two case studies in which the entanglement of two atomic processes is investigated. In particular, we have studied the change of the electron-ion spin entanglement in atomic photoionization and the photon-photon polarization entanglement in the two-photon decay of hydrogen. The results show that both processes are, in principle, suitable for the creation and control of entanglement. Apart from process-specific parameters like initial atom polarization, it is mainly the process geometry which offers a simple and effective instrument to adjust the final state entanglement. Finally, for the case of the two-photon decay of hydrogenlike systems, we study the difference between nonlocal quantum correlations, as given by the violation of the Bell inequality and the concurrence as a true entanglement measure.


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The accurate transport of an ion over macroscopic distances represents a challenging control problem due to the different length and time scales that enter and the experimental limitations on the controls that need to be accounted for. Here, we investigate the performance of different control techniques for ion transport in state-of-the-art segmented miniaturized ion traps. We employ numerical optimization of classical trajectories and quantum wavepacket propagation as well as analytical solutions derived from invariant based inverse engineering and geometric optimal control. The applicability of each of the control methods depends on the length and time scales of the transport. Our comprehensive set of tools allows us make a number of observations. We find that accurate shuttling can be performed with operation times below the trap oscillation period. The maximum speed is limited by the maximum acceleration that can be exerted on the ion. When using controls obtained from classical dynamics for wavepacket propagation, wavepacket squeezing is the only quantum effect that comes into play for a large range of trapping parameters. We show that this can be corrected by a compensating force derived from invariant based inverse engineering, without a significant increase in the operation time.


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Es discuteixen breument algunes consideracions sobre l'aplicació de la Teoria dels Conjunts difusos a la Química quàntica. Es demostra aqui que molts conceptes químics associats a la teoria són adequats per ésser connectats amb l'estructura dels Conjunts difusos. També s'explica com algunes descripcions teoriques dels observables quàntics es potencien tractant-les amb les eines associades als esmentats Conjunts difusos. La funció densitat es pren com a exemple de l'ús de distribucions de possibilitat al mateix temps que les distribucions de probabilitat quàntiques


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La present tesi està centrada en l'ús de la Teoria de Semblança Quàntica per a calcular descriptors moleculars. Aquests descriptors s'utilitzen com a paràmetres estructurals per a derivar correlacions entre l'estructura i la funció o activitat experimental per a un conjunt de compostos. Els estudis de Relacions Quantitatives Estructura-Activitat són d'especial interès per al disseny racional de molècules assistit per ordinador i, en particular, per al disseny de fàrmacs. Aquesta memòria consta de quatre parts diferenciades. En els dos primers blocs es revisen els fonaments de la teoria de semblança quàntica, així com l'aproximació topològica basada en la teoria de grafs. Ambdues teories es fan servir per a calcular els descriptors moleculars. En el segon bloc, s'ha de remarcar la programació i implementació de programari per a calcular els anomenats índexs topològics de semblança quàntica. La tercera secció detalla les bases de les Relacions Quantitatives Estructura-Activitat i, finalment, el darrer apartat recull els resultats d'aplicació obtinguts per a diferents sistemes biològics.


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Quantum calculations of the ground vibrational state tunneling splitting of H-atom and D-atom transfer in malonaldehyde are performed on a full-dimensional ab initio potential energy surface (PES). The PES is a fit to 11 147 near basis-set-limit frozen-core CCSD(T) electronic energies. This surface properly describes the invariance of the potential with respect to all permutations of identical atoms. The saddle-point barrier for the H-atom transfer on the PES is 4.1 kcal/mol, in excellent agreement with the reported ab initio value. Model one-dimensional and "exact" full-dimensional calculations of the splitting for H- and D-atom transfer are done using this PES. The tunneling splittings in full dimensionality are calculated using the unbiased "fixed-node" diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) method in Cartesian and saddle-point normal coordinates. The ground-state tunneling splitting is found to be 21.6 cm(-1) in Cartesian coordinates and 22.6 cm(-1) in normal coordinates, with an uncertainty of 2-3 cm(-1). This splitting is also calculated based on a model which makes use of the exact single-well zero-point energy (ZPE) obtained with the MULTIMODE code and DMC ZPE and this calculation gives a tunneling splitting of 21-22 cm(-1). The corresponding computed splittings for the D-atom transfer are 3.0, 3.1, and 2-3 cm(-1). These calculated tunneling splittings agree with each other to within less than the standard uncertainties obtained with the DMC method used, which are between 2 and 3 cm(-1), and agree well with the experimental values of 21.6 and 2.9 cm(-1) for the H and D transfer, respectively. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Time-resolved studies of chlorosilylene, ClSiH, generated by the 193 nm laser flash photolysis of 1-chloro-1-silacyclopent-3-ene, are carried out to obtain rate constants for its bimolecular reaction with ethene, C2H4, in the gas-phase. The reaction is studied over the pressure range 0.13-13.3 kPa (with added SF6) at five temperatures in the range 296-562 K. The second order rate constants, obtained by extrapolation to the high pressure limits at each temperature, fitted the Arrhenius equation: log(k(infinity)/cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1))=(-10.55 +/- 0.10) + (3.86 +/- 0.70) kJ mol(-1)/RT ln10. The Arrhenius parameters correspond to a loose transition state and the rate constant at room temperature is 43% of that for SiH2 + C2H4, showing that the deactivating effect of Cl-for-H substitution in the silylene is not large. Quantum chemical calculations of the potential energy surface for this reaction at the G3MP2//B3LYP level show that, as well as 1-chlorosilirane, ethylchlorosilylene is a viable product. The calculations reveal how the added effect of the Cl atom on the divalent state stabilisation of ClSiH influences the course of this reaction. RRKM calculations of the reaction pressure dependence suggest that ethylchlorosilylene should be the main product. The results are compared and contrasted with those of SiH2 and SiCl2 with C2H4.


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This study describes a simple technique that improves a recently developed 3D sub-diffraction imaging method based on three-photon absorption of commercially available quantum dots. The method combines imaging of biological samples via tri-exciton generation in quantum dots with deconvolution and spectral multiplexing, resulting in a novel approach for multi-color imaging of even thick biological samples at a 1.4 to 1.9-fold better spatial resolution. This approach is realized on a conventional confocal microscope equipped with standard continuous-wave lasers. We demonstrate the potential of multi-color tri-exciton imaging of quantum dots combined with deconvolution on viral vesicles in lentivirally transduced cells as well as intermediate filaments in three-dimensional clusters of mouse-derived neural stem cells (neurospheres) and dense microtubuli arrays in myotubes formed by stacks of differentiated C2C12 myoblasts.


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In this work, we present a detailed study on the optical properties of two GaAs/Al(0.35)Ga(0.65)As coupled double quantum wells (CDQWs) with inter-well barriers of different thicknesses, by using photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The two CDQWs were grown in a single sample, assuring very similar experimental conditions for measurements of both. The PL spectrum of each CDQW exhibits two recombination channels which can be accurately identified as the excitonic e(1)-hh(1) transitions originated from CDQWs of different effective dimensions. The PL spectra characteristics and the behavior of the emissions as a function of temperature and excitation power are interpreted in the scenario of the bimodal interface roughness model, taking into account the exciton migration between the two regions considered in this model and the difference in the potential fluctuation levels between those two regions. The details of the PL spectra behavior as a function of excitation power are explained in terms of the competition between the band gap renormalization (BGR) and the potential fluctuation effects. The results obtained for the two CDQWs, which have different degrees of potential fluctuation, are also compared and discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study and compare the information loss of a large class of Gaussian bipartite systems. It includes the usual Caldeira-Leggett-type model as well as Anosov models ( parametric oscillators, the inverted oscillator environment, etc), which exhibit instability, one of the most important characteristics of chaotic systems. We establish a rigorous connection between the quantum Lyapunov exponents and coherence loss, and show that in the case of unstable environments coherence loss is completely determined by the upper quantum Lyapunov exponent, a behavior which is more universal than that of the Caldeira-Leggett-type model.


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The anomalous alternating magnetoresistivity in HgTe quantum wells with thicknesses of 5.8 and 8.3 nm, i.e., near the transition from the direct band spectrum to an inverted spectrum, has been revealed and analyzed. It has been shown that the revealed anomalous alternating magnetoresistivity in wells with an inverted spectrum is well described by the theory developed by S.V. Iordanskii et al. [JETP Lett. 60, 206 (1994)] and W. Knap et al. [Phys. Rev. B 53, 3912 (1996)]. A detailed comparison of the experimental data with the theory indicates the presence of only the cubic term in the spin splitting of the electronic spectrum. The applicability conditions of the mentioned theory are not satisfied in a well with a direct gap and, for this reason, such a certain conclusion is impossible. The results indicate the existence of a strong spin-orbit interaction in symmetric HgTe quantum wells near the topological transition.


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Here we present the results of magneto resistance measurements in tilted magnetic field and compare them with calculations. The comparison between calculated and measured spectra for the case of perpendicular fields enable us to estimate the dependence of the valley splitting as a function of the magnetic field and the total Lande g-factor (which is assumed to be independent of the magnetic field). Since both the exchange contribution to the Zeeman splitting as well as the valley splitting are properties associated with the 2D quantum confinement, they depend only on the perpendicular component of the magnetic field, while the bare Zeeman splitting depends on the total magnetic field. This information aided by the comparison between experimental and calculated gray scale maps permits to obtain separately the values of the exchange and the bare contribution to the g-factor.