947 resultados para Q15 - Land Ownership and Tenure


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This exploratory study evaluated biophysical, cultural and socio-economic factors affecting crop production and land utilisation in the Nkonkobe Municipality, South Africa. The study sought to establish what farmers in the area perceive as serious threats to crop production, drivers for land abandonment, and how best current agricultural production could be intensified. The farmers’ perspectives were assessed through interviews using semi-structured and open-ended questionnaires. The results of the study revealed declining crop productivity and increase in land abandonment in the Municipality. The biophysical drivers of land abandonment were low and erratic rainfall and land degradation while the socio-economic drivers were labour shortages due to old age and youth movement to cities, lack of farming equipment and security concerns. The most abandoned crops were maize, sorghum and wheat. This trend was attributed to the labour intensiveness of cereal production and a shift in dietary preference to purchased rice. These findings should be factored in any programmes that seek to increase land utilisation and crop productivity in the Municipality.


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Entre el 14 i el 18 de març de 1998 es va celebrar a Barcelona la conferència Earth’s Changing Land sota la tutela dels programes internacionals Global Change in Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE) i Land Use and Land Cover Change (LUCC). L’objectiu principal de la trobada era presentar les darreres aportacions científiques sobre els efectes presents i previsibles del canvi global sobre els ecosistemes terrestres i la societat. Al mateix temps, es volia afavorir l’establiment de ponts de diàleg entre els professionals implicats en el canvi global


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Antes de que Colombia fuera país, ya existían disputas, enfrentamientos e injusticias en torno a la estructura de acceso, tenencia y usufructo de la tierra. Tal situación engendró tensiones espaciales, que se pueden abordar y caracterizar a partir de un marco teórico sobre neoinstitucionalismo político. Con lo anterior en mente, el objetivo de ésta investigación , fue el de determinar la manera en que las dinámicas entre tensiones espaciales históricas como instituciones, delinearon el contexto del cual surgió la Ley 1448 de 2011 (Restitución de tierras y reparación de víctimas del conflicto armado) y la intervención e incidencia que ésta pretende, en la coyuntura actual.


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The problem of land ownership protection in this country is an issue that must be faced by those who have as part of their responsibilities the recognition, the restitution and the reparation of victims of forced displacement. One of the points that must be analyzed is the protection of ownership of urban lands, a subject falling under municipal responsibility. The development of a public policy by the City of Medellín for the protection of such lands is a significant advance for the creation of protocols and for the return of rights to those who have adandoned their lands because of violence or who have been divested of their homes in urban areas.


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The text argues that, even if different sectors of society have some strategic points of agreement on the issue of land, which converge on the specific issue of restitution, they strongly disagree on various other points. On one side are some who advocate “pure restitution” and consequently support a restitution policy that focuses on correcting the illegal dispossession and clarifying land titles and individual rights to property, which would serve to boost the land market and allow for rural development policies that modernize agricultural production, fundamentally based on large, corporate ownership. On the other end of the spectrum are advocates of what we call “comprehensive restitution,” who promote adopting a restitution policy that meets the requirements not only of corrective justice but also of recognition and redistribution, advancing the interest of peasant, indigenous, and afro-Colombian communities.


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The urban growth in Latino American cities, in a neoliberal context, has led to several population groups to having no possibilities to the access to urban land. Informal and irregular urban settlements increase, requiring attention from local governments, with actions and strategies in order to achieve both the regularization of such situation and further prevention. In the city of Córdoba different informal and irregular operations have taken place promoted by different actors. Furthermore, policies focused on regularization which have been promoted, have few intervention mechanisms, a fact that becomes critical, especially for the urban problems it causes. The main aim of this article is to present a classification over different modes of urban land acquirement taking place out of both urban and civil legislations. Afterwards, different informal settlement typologies are described, as well as the policies focused on them, together with their respective effects and impacts.


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En los últimos años se hizo más notoria la existencia en América Latina de movimientos sociales contrarios a la implementación de medidas neoliberales y al avance de los procesos de globalización, que profundizaron problemas de vieja data, como la concentración de la tierra o la exclusión de los indígenas de los procesos nacionales. Entre estos movimientos encontramos al Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) y el Movimiento de los Trabajadores Rurales sin Tierra (MST), que desde la década de los ochenta venían reclamando un conjunto de reivindicaciones a partir de su relación con la tierra y el significado de ésta para el desarrollo de su vida en comunidad. Por esta razón, realizar una comparación entre el EZLN y el MST, con el previo reconocimiento de sus contextos, resulta un ejercicio enriquecedor, en la medida en que permite ampliar el conocimiento sobre la situación general de América Latina y las alternativas que proponen otros actores a los problemas de sus países y la región.-----For the past few years the existence of social movements rebelling against the implementation of neoliberalism and globalization processes, deepening old social problems such as extensive land ownership or the exclusion of indigenous peoples from national decision making processes, has risen in Latin America. Among such movements the Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) y el Movimiento de los Trabajadores Rurales sin Tierra (MST), have been forming since the eighties a series of demands linking their relationship with the land, and the cultural meaning that land carries for the development of community life. That is why to compare the EZLN and the MST, after having recognized their particular contexts is a very interesting exercise, for it allows us to broaden our knowledge on the social situation of Latin America, in general, and also the particular problem each region in experiencing at the moment.


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Using a unique neighborhood crime dataset for Bogotá in 2011, this study uses a spatial econometric approach and examines the role of socioeconomic and agglomeration variables in explaining the variance of crime. It uses two different types of crime, violent crime represented in homicides and property crime represented in residential burglaries. These two types of crime are then measured in non-standard crime statistics that are created as the area incidence for each crime in the neighborhood. The existence of crime hotspots in Bogotá has been shown in most of the literature, and using these non-standard crime statistics at this neighborhood level some hotspots arise again, thus validating the use of a spatial approach for these new crime statistics. The final specification includes socioeconomic, agglomeration, land-use and visual aspect variables that are then included in a SARAR model an estimated by the procedure devised by Kelejian and Prucha (2009). The resulting coefficients and marginal effects show the relevance of these crime hotspots which is similar with most previous studies. However, socioeconomic variables are significant and show the importance of age, and education. Agglomeration variables are significant and thus more densely populated areas are correlated with more crime. Interestingly, both types of crimes do not have the same significant covariates. Education and young male population have a different sign for homicide and residential burglaries. Inequality matters for homicides while higher real estate valuation matters for residential burglaries. Finally, density impacts positively both crimes.


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Este trabajo de grado, analiza las tensiones entre las diversas prácticas de propiedad en el Parque Tayrona configurados históricamente. En esta región la propiedad sobre la tierra y el acceso a los recursos estaba y está monopolizada por el narcotráfico, fuerzas paramiitares y las élites de la región. En la misma vía el uso y tenencia de amplias porciones de tierra se destinan para desarrollo de planes turísticos, en los cuales los propietarios hacen parte de la élite regional, que a su vez mantienen tierras destinadas para monocultivos de banano o café. A saber, el ecoturismo irrumpe en este contexto, de desigualdad, violencia y control paramilitar, como mecanismo que paradójicamente, por un lado moviliza posibilidades de tenencia y uso de la tierra y formas de reconocimiento dentro de las comunidades campesinas y por otro lado produce y mantiene prácticas de desposesión, desigualdad y la continuidad de conflictos socioambientales en la región.


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El interés de esta monografía es analizar el diseño y la formulación de la Política Pública de Restitución de Tierras del Gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos. En particular, se busca establecer los aciertos y los desaciertos de dicho proceso para evidenciar que si bien la Restitución de Tierras propuesta por el Gobierno fue creada con el propósito de superar las desigualdades asociadas a la tenencia de tierras en Colombia, su formulación ha sido insuficiente para responder a las demandas de las víctimas del conflicto armado. Para tal fin se utilizan los dos modelos para el análisis de políticas públicas propuestos por la Universidad de Rosario como la herramienta teórica principal que permite entender cómo se llevo a cabo la formulación de esta política pública.


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The present document presents the general notions and the definition of property taxation and, as part of it, the working definition of rural property taxation emphasizing that property taxation is a matter of “property” and rural property taxation is linked with rural property, specifically with land ownership. In addition, the document presents some facts about the performance of property taxation based on a secondary source of cross-country analysis. In order to give a definition of rural property tax, I will explain the logic of taxation linked to property and then present the nature and logic behind property taxation in theory.


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We examine for the first time the association of different measures of ownership and control, and separation ratios with firm’s value and performance for 108 non-financial firms that traded their stock during the period 1998 to 2002. We found that large blockholders exert a positive influence upon firm’s valuation and performance, which validates the positive monitoring approach of large shareholders, but also found that this relation is not monotone implying that when separation of control and ownership tends to increase, a negative effect is exerted on firm’s valuation. Furthermore, we report first estimates of a survey of corporate governance practices conducted in 2004 for 43 Colombian non-financial companies. The index’s scores suggest that implementation of good governance in Colombian firms has been slow and poor as measured by the average of the Index that is below half the maximum attainable value. Regrettably, we did not find any support to recent theories that predict a positive association between good governance practices, measured by the CGI, and performance. At most there exists a positive relationship for sub-index but the results were not statistically significant in general.


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El presente trabajo pretende hacer una revisión de la bibliografía latinoamericana con respecto al concepto de propiedad del suelo urbano. Se explica primero el itinerario del concepto a través de la historia, rescatando los puntos más importantes del debate y las particularidades que cada contexto aportó a la formación del concepto actual, para ahondar después en el análisis de la situación del debate en el contexto latinoamericano desde 1990, explicando los puntos de discusión y las posiciones de los autores con respecto a los mismos, para después intentar intuir el devenir futuro del concepto en nuestro continente. En este trabajo se encontró que las problemáticas particulares de las ciudades latinoamericanas tienen una influencia importante en el devenir de la discusión proporcionándole un enfoque diferente en el tratamiento del concepto.


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La autora revisa tres novelas que leen la Historia bajo nuevos planteamientos y que proponen otro sentido de heroicidad. La tragedia del Generalísimo, de Denzil Romero, evoca al criollo ilustrado Francisco de Miranda, teórico de los procesos de Independencia. Riera enfatiza las cualidades casi divinas del héroe, sus dudas y excentricidades, su paso de la defensa del realismo al de la causa americana. Mientras llega el día, de Juan Valdano, mira a la Independencia desde una visión contrahegemónica. Riera rescata la noción de que los eventos de 1810, en Quito, no fueron manifestación del nacionalismo criollo, sino de un heterogéneo colectivo social y cultural, el mestizo, que buscaba superar viejos agravios. La biografía Bolívar. Delirio y epopeya, de Víctor Paz, juega con el mito sin alejarse de las fuentes historiográficas. La autora reflexiona sobre los rasgos que definirían al Libertador: cordura-delirio, lucidez-locura, sobre la idea de la emancipación como deseo de posesión de tierras, otorgado por el derecho de nacimiento y negado por la herencia de la sangre. El protagonismo entonces no sería exclusivo de Bolívar, aunque este perviva como paradigma cultural, capaz de legitimar actuales presupuestos de de-colonialidad.