929 resultados para Public School Society of New-York.
Depiction of closed circuit TV students at the New York Trade School filming a voltage regulator check performed by William C. H. Meyer. Original caption reads, "Closed-circuit TV takes a class at the New York Trade School into the Automotive Shop where William C. H. Meyer, head of the Automotive Department, demonstrates a voltage-regulator check. Students Robert Niefeld (left) and Denis Mahoney serve as cameramen." Black and white photograph part of series of four photographs accompanying a press release of the New York Trade School announcing the demonstration of a new technique in closed-circuit TV developed at the New York Trade School.
Several students are shown working in a section of the Television Laboratory at the New York Trade School. Black and white photograph with some damage due to writing in red ink along the long edges.
A class of electrical students at the New York Trade School are pictured at workbenches. Black and white photograph.
This is a view of the library at the New York Trade School, which was taken at a slightly different time than Photo73 as shown by the different wall hangings, namely the addition of a stuffed deer on the wall. Photograph is black and white and slightly fading.
A group of students from the New York Trade School studying lithography pose for a group photo. Black and white photograph mounted on paper.
Part of a lithography lab at the New York Trade School is depicted in this photograph. To the right sample prints are hung on a board, while other prints can be seen on the table, possibly drying. Black and white photograph.
Alexander Davis, Jr., a graduate of the Carpentry program of the New York Trade School in 1955 is shown working. Original caption reads, "Carpenter Contractor, Alex E. Davis Builder, Easton, Pa. Alexander Davis, Jr. - Carpentry 1955. The remodeling of old and building of new houses etc., offers many opportunities for success. Mr. Davis is shown hanging a new door on a building." Black and white photograph with caption glued to reverse.
A student or teacher at the New York Trade School is shown working on a lathe in the Carpentry Department. Black and white photograph credited to the New York City Works Progress Administration.
La reticula de Nueva York ha sido un formato de nuevos planteamientos de "hacer ciudad" desde hace dos siglos. Esta ultima decada ha suspuesto un periodo fructifero para el espacio publico neoyorkino bajo la administracion de Michael Bloomerg. Esta revitalizacion no habria podido ser posible sin la reactivacion de factores de espacio publico que ya existian: la reticula, la legislacion publica y el rol del ciudadano. El ciudadano juega un papel fundamental en la ciudad, ya que es usuario, critico y promotor de espacio publico. Sin embargo, en ocasiones no es evidente para quien o quienes estan pensados los nuevos espacios publicos en la ciudad. Desde esta perspectiva, podemos identificar diferentes usuarios en la ciudad y analizar formulas recientes de espacio publico para cada uno de ellos: el vecino, el ciudadano, y el visitante. En palabras de Jane Jacobs: " las ciudades tienen la capacidad de proveer algo para todo el mundo, solo porque, y solo cuando, han sido proyectadas por todo el mundo".