978 resultados para Psychologie et anthropologie


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Quantitative relationships between nitrate distribution, chlorophyll and primary integrated values have been used to evaluate the phytoplankton abundance in the Gulf of Guinea. Data of Guinee I cruise (May-July 1968) of the R.V. Jean Charcot have been used. They show a large oligotrophic convergence area (< 250 mg C/m2/J). A relationship previously found between the depth of the nitracline (first level where the nitrate appears) and the depth of the thermal maximum gradient is confirmed. From a practical point of view, this relationship is very useful since it allows, when the biological or chemical data are not available, a rough estimation of phytoplankton integrated biomass and production in the water column, from a temperature profile.


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The total coliforms, fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci were counted over 1 year at 33 stations in the Ebrié Lagoon near Abidjan (Ivory Coast). Most of the waters show high numbers of bacteria, (D category of the American standards). For the sea-beaches, high numbers of fecal germs are found where the human population is abundant.


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The method developed by Robson (1966) is used to standardize fishing effort of Côte d'Ivoire trawlers whose size and power are very different. This method also allows the estimation of the relative abundances in the different fishing areas. The results obtained using 10 years data show that the entire Ivorian continental shelf can be considered as a single fishery unit. The relative fishing power of vessels is well correlated with gross tonnage, brake horse power and length of the vessel. The obsolescence of the trawlers affects their fishing power.


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Geryon quinquedens is present along the West African continental slope at depths from 300 to 1000 m, on silt-clay sediments. Geryon is a cold and rather poorly oxygenated water loving species. It is easily caught by traps as it is a scavenger and predatory crustacea. In a given area its distribution does not appear to be homogeneous: for example, densities of red crabs are higher in the eastern and western region of Côte d'Ivoire than in the central zone. Similar observations can be made off Congo, Angola and United States. It can be assumed that there is a relation between the abundance of Geryon and the productivity level of the area. Geographical variations of sex ratio are suspected to be correlated with the density distribution. Males and females have not the same bathymetric distribution: females are only common in the shallower waters (300-500 m) whereas males are present in the whole biotope. Seasonal migrations occur down and up the slope in both the sexes and are certainly related to the reproductive biology. Knowledge of the reproductive biology is also necessary to understand fishing-trap catch rate: egg maturation extends over several months and ovigerous females are exceptionally caught by traps; males also are less available during the same period (March to August) when migrations are less important; in this period, mean size increases and probably this happens at the end of a moult. From September to February the catch-rates increase. Growth is slow compared with other littoral Guinean Crustacea (Peneides). Females become sexually mature at a size of 80 mm (carapace width): modification in the allometric relations of abdomen and carapace are then conspicuous.


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In the Ebrié lagoon fishes are mostly caught by means of 6 kinds of fishing gear: small and large mesh gillnets (respectively 1.5-2 and 6.5-8 inches stretched mesh), cast-nets and multi-hooked lines for individual fishermen, and beach seines and ring-nets for collective fishing. Statistical data gathered during 1977 allowed an estimation of total catches: about 6700 tons. The bulk of the catch, 4800 tons, came from beach nets and ring nets, the contribution of which is nearly the same. Individual fishing gear, small mesh gillnets repesenting the main part, account for 25 to 30% of total catch; about 1900 tons for year 1977. Six species, or species groups, comprise more than 85% of the catch. In the Abidjan area, where marine influence is the more noticeable, ring nets are more numerous and their catches increased since 1975. On the other hand, fish captures in unsalted and brackish waters seem to show a stagnancy and a decrease in fish lengths; this phenomenon is probably in connection with beach-seine excessive fishing effort and/or their small meshes (one inch stretched).


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Ecology and dynamics of juvenile pink shrimp Penaeus duorarum were studied from weekly sampling in the Abidjan lagoon system. After a brief description of biogeography and principal features of climate, hydrology of Ebrié lagoon and Adiopodoumé bay were considered. Shrimp distribution were connected with the main environmental factors. Precise work was done in Adiopodoumé bay, especially concerning the succession of age classes, their growth on the nursery grounds, seasonal variation in abundance, size and distribution, in relation to environmental factors. These results, and former knowledges, allowed us to propose a general pattern for pink shrimp life history in Côte d'Ivoire.


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The warm season is the abundance period of the planktonic larval stages of Decapod Crustacea and of Lucifer faxonii in Ivoirian waters. Two or three maxima occur each year during the enrichments interrupting the warm and oligotropic season: February (small upwellings), June - some years - (first rains) and September - November (flood of rivers, end of cold season). Vertical distribution follows seasonal variations and varies little among the taxons. In a general way, Decapod larvae and Lucifer inhabit superficial layers in cold season and sink down during the warm season. It allows them to follow the maximum of primary production. Lucifer faxonii is breeding almost the year long. Breeds succede at rate of 3,7 weeks approximately.


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The food of Dentex angolensis, studied from 386 stomachs, consists essentially of small epibenthic crustaceans and, with less importance, of fishes. A systematic list with abundance and occurrence is given here. It is noted that the composition of the stomach content can differ with depth and season.


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Descriptions of spawning and larval development of Ethmalosa, up to the vitelline vesicle resorption stage, are made from plankton samplings in the Ebrié coastal lagoon and from artificially fertilized eggs. Spawning takes place from November to June in waters with salinities of 18 to 26 parts per thousand, and temperatures of 22.8 to 30.2 degrees, for 13-14 cm long fishes.


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Primary production rates in the Gulf the Guinea (east tropical Atlantic) were measured with in situ incubations. The extracellular organic carbon passed through 0.8 u pore size membrane filters averaged 29.5% of the carbon fixed by photosynthesis. These is a good linear correlation (r=0.86) between assimilation and organic excretion. The significance and limits of the method for the measurements of low rates of photosynthesis is discussed. The influence of ecological factors (nutrients, light and stability) cannot be demonstrated. The importance of bacterial regeneration processes by reutilization of algal extracellular products is assessed.


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Seasonal variations of abundance and vertical distribution over the shelf are investigated for Ostracoda, Cladocera and Cirripede larvae. The main characteristics of the environment are the periodical enrichments mainly caused by upwellings, secondly by the river floods. Ostracoda abundance variations approximately follow phytoplankton outburst. Breeding occurs all over the year. Their vertical distribution is correlated with a discontinuity layer. Diurnal migration, when it occurs in warm season consists in an upward movement during the night towards surface layers. The Ostracoda inhabit bottom layers during the day and migrate at night in intermediate and surface layers. For the main two species of Cladocera, Penilia avirostris and Evadne tergestina, abundance periods follow upwellings, especially during the main cool season. However, Cladocera can grow in low salinity but rich waters. On average Penilia inhabits more superficial waters in cold than in warm seasons. Cirripede nauplii and cypris are more abundant off rocky coasts. Their maxima are in the upwelling periods.


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Surface temperature was measured by remote sensing through Cape Lopez (Gulf of Guinea) frontal region during the fishing season in June and July 1972 and 1974. Twelve typical situations are analysed through four main directions: surface situation, tendency, hydrobiological structure and availability to fisheries. The tuna behavior is analysed in relation with the frontal zone movements and a mechanism which tends to aggregate important shoals of tunas is presented.


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The hydrology of the Ebrie coastal lagoon in Abidjan area is summarized. The authors describe the oxygenation in that area during the two extreme seasons of the hydrological cycle: the low-water season (March-April) and the high-water season (Sept-Oct). The influences of the continental and oceanic waters, photosynthesis, exchanges with the atmosphere and pollution are considered. The oxigen consumption of primary organic pollution represents from 9 to 12% of the content of the waters that circulates in the area. It is geographically very heterogeneous. The central basin, swept by strong marine and fresh water currents, shows a rather high level of water oxygenation. In the peripheric bays, water circulation and mixing are less important and pollution accelerates the natural eutrophic processes. During the low-water season, a vertical stratification is responsible for a bottom anoxic layer and the deposit of reduced organic silts. On the contrary, supersaturations, up to 200%, are recorded on the surface layer. During the high-water season the break of the vertical stratification sets the loose reduced silts into suspension and partly reoxygenates the bottom waters. A classification of the different areas, based on the oxygen vertical profiles is proposed.


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Methods for the estimation of zooplankton biomasses, used in the Oceanographic Research Center of Abidjan are presented. They deal with settled and displacement volumes, dry weight and ash-free dry weight, elementary carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus composition. The dry weight method is detailed: elimination of salt by a fresh water stream, preservation of dry samples at -20 degrees Celsius, rehydration during weighing. A few comments on the 'CHN' analysed values are made: at 1,100 degrees Celsius, most of the carbon is organic, only 10% of the mineral fraction being analysed.


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Data are reported on: (1) date and place of ringing the juveniles and adults of the sea bird of the genus Sterna in Côte d'Ivoire, and (2) date and place of recapture during the winter periods of 1973-74 and 1974-75.