944 resultados para Projetos sociais - Avaliação


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In this study, we present a political evaluation of how SENAC/RN perceives PRONATEC, emphasizing all ideological principles, aims and theories that this institution reproduces and reinforces while playing this professional qualification program. We intended to reveal ideological aspects that inspire SENAC’s perception of PRONATEC, pointing the actual interests hidden by those aspects. Our starting question is: What ideologies, objectives and theories that are explicitly or implicitly reinforced by Senac in implementing PRONATEC? In the research, we consider the hypothesis that transferring the responsibility about PRONATEC from public to private institutions is something that impoverishes the professional formation process, once the program ends up subordinated to private institution’s ideological, political and economic interests. The methodological approach chosen was the single case study. As data source, we used broad literature survey, official files of PRONATEC and SENAC, official information about the program and personal interviews. At the end of the research, we present elements that show some “flexibility” on PRONATEC due to SENAC’s interests, offering a superficial professional formation, commonly dissociated from a propaedeutic education, focusing on the need of adaptation e consensus of works around a society project. In this regard, despite PRONATEC is payed by public resources, it’s been used by SENAC as a fortifier of this institution on professional education market, in an hegemonic and neoliberal construction of a model of society.


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Contemporáneamente, parece que la relación entre el Estado y la sociedad civil ha sido modificada por los patrones de neoliberalismo que se propagan a la ideología de la responsabilidad social y, por lo tanto, la expansión del “Tercer Sector”. Así, desde la década de 1980 las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales surgen en Brasil, alcanzando un papel importante en la sociedad, como la realización de sus actividades y proyectos. Anteriormente había organizaciones, pero ahora reconocidas como ONG en este contexto. Así es como cuantitativamente se estructuraron las organizaciones de todo el país y sus acciones se vuelven más relevantes. El surgimiento de las ONG en Brasil se asocia con la lógica liberal y neoliberal que transfiere a la empresa la tarea de cuidar a los incapaces pobres y excluidos. Esta ideología trata de minimizar las necesidades sociales donde las obras del gobierno no son suficientes. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo comprender a través del análisis de entrevistas y estudio de caso como el “Tercer Sector” ha influido en la población de Felipe Camarão, Natal/RN. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es continuar el estudio y ampliar las reflexiones sobre las contradicciones y los conflictos existentes entre las organizaciones del “Tercer Sector” que trabajan en el lugar, teniendo como selección una asociación, una fundación y una ONG que trabaja en el barrio, analizar si hay o no una articulación entre las organizaciones investigadas.


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Contemporáneamente, parece que la relación entre el Estado y la sociedad civil ha sido modificada por los patrones de neoliberalismo que se propagan a la ideología de la responsabilidad social y, por lo tanto, la expansión del “Tercer Sector”. Así, desde la década de 1980 las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales surgen en Brasil, alcanzando un papel importante en la sociedad, como la realización de sus actividades y proyectos. Anteriormente había organizaciones, pero ahora reconocidas como ONG en este contexto. Así es como cuantitativamente se estructuraron las organizaciones de todo el país y sus acciones se vuelven más relevantes. El surgimiento de las ONG en Brasil se asocia con la lógica liberal y neoliberal que transfiere a la empresa la tarea de cuidar a los incapaces pobres y excluidos. Esta ideología trata de minimizar las necesidades sociales donde las obras del gobierno no son suficientes. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo comprender a través del análisis de entrevistas y estudio de caso como el “Tercer Sector” ha influido en la población de Felipe Camarão, Natal/RN. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es continuar el estudio y ampliar las reflexiones sobre las contradicciones y los conflictos existentes entre las organizaciones del “Tercer Sector” que trabajan en el lugar, teniendo como selección una asociación, una fundación y una ONG que trabaja en el barrio, analizar si hay o no una articulación entre las organizaciones investigadas.


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Over the years there has been a broader definition of the term health. At the same time it was found also an evolution of the concept of health care which in turn has led to changes in the approach to delivery of health services and hence in its management. In this regard, currently the nephrology services have been searching for quality technical and social need. In view of these innovations and the quest for quality, it elaborated the general objective: to develop a quality assessment protocol for dialysis service Onofre Lopes University Hospital. It is an intervention project effected through an action research, which consisted of 4 steps. Initially was identified through a literature search in scientific literature, which quality indicators would apply to a dialysis unit being selected as follows: infection rate in hemodialysis access site, microbiological control of water used for hemodialysis and Index User satisfaction. Through critical reflection on the theme researched in the previous step, it was drawn up three data collection instruments, interview form type, applied between the months of October and November 2015. In addition to the information obtained, also made up of the use of information retrieval technique. The results were organized in graphs and tables and analyzed using qualitative and exploratory technical approach. Then a reflective analysis of the data obtained and the diagnosis of reality studied was traced and confronted with the literature was performed. The data produced in this study revealed that the Dialysis Unit of HUOL is much to be desired, considering that some weaknesses have been identified in its structure. Faced with this finding have been proposed, as a contribution and aiming to guide the development of future actions, suggestions for improvement that should be implemented and monitored to be assured overcoming these difficulties, allowing an appropriate organizational restructuring, and resulting in improved service public offered. It was concluded that for hemodialysis treatment results are achieved and positive, it is necessary to have physical structure and adequate infrastructure, multidisciplinary team specialized, trained and in sufficient quantity, well designed processes for professionals to have standards to be followed decreasing the chance to err, and a risk management system to detect and control situations that endanger patient safety.


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Over the years there has been a broader definition of the term health. At the same time it was found also an evolution of the concept of health care which in turn has led to changes in the approach to delivery of health services and hence in its management. In this regard, currently the nephrology services have been searching for quality technical and social need. In view of these innovations and the quest for quality, it elaborated the general objective: to develop a quality assessment protocol for dialysis service Onofre Lopes University Hospital. It is an intervention project effected through an action research, which consisted of 4 steps. Initially was identified through a literature search in scientific literature, which quality indicators would apply to a dialysis unit being selected as follows: infection rate in hemodialysis access site, microbiological control of water used for hemodialysis and Index User satisfaction. Through critical reflection on the theme researched in the previous step, it was drawn up three data collection instruments, interview form type, applied between the months of October and November 2015. In addition to the information obtained, also made up of the use of information retrieval technique. The results were organized in graphs and tables and analyzed using qualitative and exploratory technical approach. Then a reflective analysis of the data obtained and the diagnosis of reality studied was traced and confronted with the literature was performed. The data produced in this study revealed that the Dialysis Unit of HUOL is much to be desired, considering that some weaknesses have been identified in its structure. Faced with this finding have been proposed, as a contribution and aiming to guide the development of future actions, suggestions for improvement that should be implemented and monitored to be assured overcoming these difficulties, allowing an appropriate organizational restructuring, and resulting in improved service public offered. It was concluded that for hemodialysis treatment results are achieved and positive, it is necessary to have physical structure and adequate infrastructure, multidisciplinary team specialized, trained and in sufficient quantity, well designed processes for professionals to have standards to be followed decreasing the chance to err, and a risk management system to detect and control situations that endanger patient safety.


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Soft skills and teamwork practices were identi ed as the main de ciencies of recent graduates in computer courses. This issue led to a realization of a qualitative research aimed at investigating the challenges faced by professors of those courses in conducting, monitoring and assessing collaborative software development projects. Di erent challenges were reported by teachers, including di culties in the assessment of students both in the collective and individual levels. In this context, a quantitative research was conducted with the aim to map soft skill of students to a set of indicators that can be extracted from software repositories using data mining techniques. These indicators are aimed at measuring soft skills, such as teamwork, leadership, problem solving and the pace of communication. Then, a peer assessment approach was applied in a collaborative software development course of the software engineering major at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This research presents a correlation study between the students' soft skills scores and indicators based on mining software repositories. This study contributes: (i) in the presentation of professors' perception of the di culties and opportunities for improving management and monitoring practices in collaborative software development projects; (ii) in investigating relationships between soft skills and activities performed by students using software repositories; (iii) in encouraging the development of soft skills and the use of software repositories among software engineering students; (iv) in contributing to the state of the art of three important areas of software engineering, namely software engineering education, educational data mining and human aspects of software engineering.


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Soft skills and teamwork practices were identi ed as the main de ciencies of recent graduates in computer courses. This issue led to a realization of a qualitative research aimed at investigating the challenges faced by professors of those courses in conducting, monitoring and assessing collaborative software development projects. Di erent challenges were reported by teachers, including di culties in the assessment of students both in the collective and individual levels. In this context, a quantitative research was conducted with the aim to map soft skill of students to a set of indicators that can be extracted from software repositories using data mining techniques. These indicators are aimed at measuring soft skills, such as teamwork, leadership, problem solving and the pace of communication. Then, a peer assessment approach was applied in a collaborative software development course of the software engineering major at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This research presents a correlation study between the students' soft skills scores and indicators based on mining software repositories. This study contributes: (i) in the presentation of professors' perception of the di culties and opportunities for improving management and monitoring practices in collaborative software development projects; (ii) in investigating relationships between soft skills and activities performed by students using software repositories; (iii) in encouraging the development of soft skills and the use of software repositories among software engineering students; (iv) in contributing to the state of the art of three important areas of software engineering, namely software engineering education, educational data mining and human aspects of software engineering.


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The aim of this study was to propose a Performance Evaluation System for outsourced employees of the University Restaurant of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte to supply the lack of evaluative instruments. According to Provision of Services Contract nº050/2010 and nº055/2011 of FURN with SAFE LOCAÇÃO DE MÃO DE OBRA LTDA ME, it is the hired company to promote periodic functional performance evaluation of the outsourced employees, but this is not done. The performance evaluation process serves to evaluate if the employees are making their tasks according to the organizations’ objectives and goals, besides that helps to find service failures and capacity of employees demands, thus contributing to improve work conditions and the global performance of the organizations. To elaborate the proposal of evaluation, it was chosen an action research with the participation of all stakeholders, employees and managers from UR. On data collect, first, outsourced employees and management servers were interviewed, in order to raise existing perceptions about performance evaluation aspects. From these data and the work routine observation, a proposal of performance evaluation was elaborated, that was appreciated, criticized and adjusted by the actors involved (employees and managers) to the final formulation of the instrument. This study also presents the necessary steps to the implementation of the Performance Evaluation System. The proposed Performance Evaluation System can be applied to the FURN assuming this process, after modification of contract terms and the approval by the ADCON. It also can serve as an example to others units that works with the provision of outsourced services, enabling so the performance evaluation to be part of the management policy of all people working in FURN.


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A Saúde do Trabalhador (ST) refere-se a um campo do saber que compreende as relações entre o trabalho e o processo saúde/doença de modo articulado a um corpo de práticas teóricas interdisciplinares. No contexto das possibilidades para se efetivar a ST na amplitude que exige este conceito, diferentes iniciativas de Educação Popular em Saúde se articulam com demandas do Controle Social em Saúde, permitindo novas abordagens para configurar a formação crítica e ativa de trabalhadores de saúde e movimentos sociais no mosaico das políticas de ST. Nessa direção, os projetos de extensão universitária orientados pela Educação Popular têm desvelado caminhos metodológicos e novas possibilidades teóricas de pensar a Atenção à Saúde do Trabalhador, de forma articulada com a necessidade de re-significar o processo de formação dos profissionais da saúde, com ênfase no cuidado integral na atenção à saúde. O estudo promovido por ocasião do Doutoramento em Ciências da Saúde propiciou a avaliação do impacto e da potência das ações destes projetos na reorientação do cuidado guiado pela educação popular no campo da saúde do trabalhador. A sistematização foi utilizada como principal estratégia metodológica para a produção dos dados analisados, além de estratégias de pesquisa qualitativa como constituintes da fase exploratória do estudo, tendo como técnica central, nesse sentido, o grupo focal. Os resultados mostraram mudanças significativas no processo do cuidar em saúde guiado pela educação popular, A reorientação de práticas e saberes, coadunadas aos princípios fundamentais do Sistema Único de Saúde, foi observada nos sujeitos que participaram da experiência. A sistematização da experiência permitiu ainda concluir que estratégias de diálogo, organização político-social e troca de experiências de vida se apresentam como cenário significativo no compartilhamento de cultura e saúde do trabalhador, oportunizando crescimento coletivo e melhor qualidade de vida.


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This thesis investigates the voting behavior of the fractions of the new working class in Rio Grande do Norte, more specifically in the cities of Natal, Mossoró and Caicó, from the presidential election of 2014. This research examined the ideology, the evaluation of government and guidance the vote of a portion of the working classes of RN voters. In Brazil, from 2003, socio-economic change has occurred perceptibly, especially in a part of the working classes who ascended socially and switched to the "C economic class." Thus, there was this period, a significant expansion of this social stratum. The expansion of the "class C" in the past decade in Brazil raised the academic debate and in the media about the emergence of a "new middle class". Neri (2008) termed the "class C" of the "new middle class" and that will be the central part of their studies. But the debate on the "new middle class" can not be simplistic to the point of considering that social mobility, the main variable income, entered this segment of the population in the middle class, because it has different specificities of the popular classes. To understand this phenomenon, the income variable was outdated, adding the importance of ownership of the means of production, control of labor power and the symbolic values in the division of social classes resulting in three fractions of the new working class: the management positions, non-heads and small fighters. In this study, using as a complement to the sociological approach (ideologies and social classes) and the performance evaluation was identified that the new working class (heads) mainly reproduced the ideological and political positioning of the middle class, resulting in the rejection of PT governments (2003-2014) and it’s social, compensatory and redistributive policies. From what has been seen, the new working class (chiefs) approaches the ideological and political behavior of the middle class that will reflect in their electoral choices and class interests. The new working class (not heads and small fighters who voted in the situation) because of its classist and ideological interests approached the Workers' Party positively evaluating the Lula-Dilma governments (2003-2014) due to the implementation of compensatory policies, and redistributive programs government turned to the popular classes. In a counterpoint, the voters of the new working class (not heads and small fighters) who voted null, reproduced the discourse of mainstream media and the middle class about the rejection of compensatory policies, redistribution and government programs of Lula-Dilma governments, and consequently they disapproved of the government Dilma and her candidacy.


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Identidade, cultura e tecnologia são os temas centrais desta dissertação. Quando esses três elementos se encontram, diversas oportunidades e possibilidades são oferecidas aos indivíduos. O site Omelete, objeto de pesquisa escolhido, é resultado de um projeto elaborado por amigos, fãs de histórias em quadrinhos e games, que não encontravam informações suficientes sobre seus temas favoritos e decidiram criar um blog para compartilhar conteúdos sobre cultura pop e satisfazer suas curiosidades e vontades. Hoje, o que nasceu como blog é considerado o maior veículo online sobre cultura pop do Brasil. O objetivo da dissertação foi verificar as características do objeto e do contexto em que se encontra e quais fatores o colocaram em sua posição atual. Para isso, primeiro fizemos uma revisão de literatura para estabelecer as bases teóricas da dissertação. Depois, categorizamos o conteúdo publicado no site sobre a Comic-Con International: San Diego durante um período determinado e analisamos os dados obtidos. Por último, descrevemos o evento Comic Con Experience, organizado pelo Omelete e pela Chiaroscuro, e averiguamos as informações colhidas desde a revisão de literatura até a experiência pessoal na convenção. A sociedade na qual vivemos permite o surgimento, o desenvolvimento e a manutenção de tribos e culturas variadas. É uma sociedade em que a tecnologia oferece ferramentas para as pessoas poderem se comunicar, compartilhar informações e interagir com internautas com interesses semelhantes, como o consumo dos mesmos produtos culturais. Essas ações são responsáveis pela formação da identidade dos indivíduos e dos grupos a que pertencem. De forma participativa, os grupos constroem conhecimento e fortalecem a inteligência coletiva.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.


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The work is to demonstrate the scope of modern-day major regulatory provisions and the policies implemented to adoption of biofuels in the national energy matrix. The adoption of biofuels as an alternative to fossil fuels, is based on the realization of the fundamental right to an ecologically balanced environment mitigating hazards and environmental hazards arising from a postmodern society. However, the change in the Brazilian energy matrix observe the precepts of certain environmental principles to essentially environmental preservation The proposed Environmental rule of law is founded on the realization of the right (duty) key to an ecologically balanced environment for sustainable development. Thus, it is up to the State, in addition to considering the dangers and risks fruits of government decisions, present the possible instruments to mitigate the irreversible environmental damage to the environment. The management of environmental risks present in the ideals of an Environmental rule of law, plays an important role in the preservation and economic development, using, therefore, of acautelatórios legal instruments, such as environmental licensing and the ecological-economic zoning, measures adopted in the light of the principles of precaution and preservation. The adoption of research in the environmental field, improvement and development of environmental technology, building a system to observe ecological changes, imposition of environmental policy objectives to be achieved in the medium and long term and systematization of organizations plan a protection policy environmental, are essential measures to control possible environmental risks and damage guided by the aforementioned environmental principles. Thus, it will be used the inductive method of approach, starting from the analysis of the new perspective of Environmental rule of law and the implementation of biofuels in the context of a post-modern society, marked by uncertainty and the risk of damage, from the study of the principles of caution, maintaining and cautionary measures in mitigating the hazards and potential risks.


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Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: (i) analisar a evolução das características antropométricas e capacidades físicas ao longo de uma época desportiva (comparação entre sub-15, sub-17 e sub-19) e (ii) desenvolver uma plataforma informática para auxiliar o controlo e avaliação. No primeiro trabalho a amostra foi constituída por um total de 50 jogadores portugueses de elite Sub-15 (idade de 14.0 ± 0.1 anos; n=16), Sub-17 (idade de 15.6 ± 0.5 anos; n=14) e Sub-19 (idade de 17.2 ± 0.7 anos; n=20) e foram controlados em três (3) momentos de avaliação; após o período de preparação geral (avaliação pré época), após a 1ª fase do quadro competitivo (avaliação meio época) e após a 2ª fase do quadro competitivo (avaliação pós época). Para a análise antropométrica foi avaliada a altura, massa corporal, índice de massa corporal, massa muscular, massa gorda e perímetros do bicípite, tronco, abdómen, coxa e perna. Para a análise da capacidade física foi avaliada a resistência aeróbia, o trabalho desenvolvido pelos membros inferiores durante o salto vertical, a potência dos membros inferiores durante a corrida, a agilidade e a flexibilidade. Para as características antropométricas encontrou-se para os três (3) escalões um aumento na massa corporal e uma estabilização da massa gorda explicado pelo aumento da massa muscular. As capacidades físicas melhoraram para os três (3) escalões principalmente da avaliação da pré época para o meio da época existindo uma estagnação do meio da época para o final da época. Tendo por base o tempo despendido e a logística necessária aquando da recolha de dados para o primeiro trabalho, desenvolveu-se uma plataforma de forma a auxiliar e simplificar todo o processo. Utilizou-se o software Visual Studio 2013 da Microsoft® sendo usada a linguagem programática vb.net com auxílio a uma base de dados em SQL. Foi definido um diagrama lógico para agilização dos diferentes exercícios com a base de dados no qual se incluiu os testes de agilidade, resistência, flexibilidade, velocidade, altura de salto e análise antropométrica. O entendimento das variações existentes ao longo de uma época desportiva de acordo com o quadro competitivo de cada equipa, as suas idades de desenvolvimento e a inclusão das novas tecnologias para auxiliar o complexo processo de treino, podem contribuir como uma ferramenta fundamental na avaliação e controlo do treino desportivo.