919 resultados para Process control -- Statistical methods


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 Introduction: the 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is an essential enzyme in folate metabolism; their polymorphisms have been associated with heart disease risk increase, obstetric problems, neural tube defects in fetuses and cancer susceptibility. This gene has a single nucleotide polymorphism, a C-T change at nucleotide 677, which affects significantly its enzymatic activity. Objective: because of the biological importance of this enzyme and the Colombian population genetic heterogeneity characteristic, a study was performed to determine allele and genotype frequencies of MTHFR C677T polymorphism in healthy individuals, taking into account that in Colombia there are only studies that have involved case-control methodology. Methods: we analyzed this polymorphism trough the amplification of the DNA of a 206 students sample population. Additionally, Colombian overall frequencies were calculated, using data from healthy controls reported in other studies. Results: a Hardy-Weinberg disequilibri m was found in the sample tested. For the Colombian data, we found that the global population was in equilibrium. Conclusion: T allele population frequency seems to be under positive selection pressure, which is reflected in the population allele increase, despite its deleterious effect. A Spanish study reported similar results and identified folic acid supplementation on expectant mothers as a probably cause of this change. 


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Desde la adopción de un significado integral de salud por la Organización mundial de la salud (OMS) donde esta es definida como “…un estado de completo bienestar físico, mental y social, y no solamente la ausencia de enfermedad… 1948”, ha sido fundamental entender las motivaciones colectivas e individuales que se involucran como determinantes del proceso de bienestar y enfermedad, estos mismos hacen que se torne el estado de salud en una compleja sinfonía de variables dinámicas que se transforman de lugar a lugar o de individuo a individuo. Desde allí, el entorno, en todos sus aspectos ha mostrado gran importancia imprimiendo patrones en las conductas comunes e individuales que se transfiguran finalmente sobre el individuo.


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Introducción: La utilización de catéteres venosos centrales (CVC) en la unidad de cuidado intensivo tiene gran importancia y amplio uso, son fuente de apoyo para la realización de varia actividades, pero con un gran potencial de complicaciones, por lo cual es fundamental conocer todos los aspectos relacionados con su uso, para así poder controlarlas. Métodos: Realizamos un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con el objetivo de caracterizar los pacientes que requirieron CVC en el Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá durante junio de 2011 y mayo de 2013, describimos sus complicaciones asociadas tanto mecánicas como infecciosas, determinamos la tasa de bacteriemia, gérmenes causales y sus patrones de resistencia. Resultados: Se colocaron 2.286 CVC, el 52,9% en hombres, la media de edad fue 58,9 años. El total de las complicaciones ascienden al 4,5%, infecciosas 4,0% y mecánicas 0,6%. Dentro de las mecánicas solo encontramos inmediatas, no tardías. Con respecto a las infecciosas encontramos infección del sitio de inserción y bacteriemia. Se documentó una tasa de bacteriemia de 3,4 por 1000-días catéter en 2013, en disminución con respecto a 2012 (3,9) y 2011 (4,4). El microorganismo mas frecuentemente aislado fue el Staphylococcus Coagulasa Negativo con patrón usual de resistencia. Conclusión: Las complicaciones asociadas al uso de CVC en el HUFSFB, se presentan en menor frecuencia a las descritas internacionalmente; la tasa de bacteriemia asociada al CVC ha disminuido año tras año, posiblemente asociado al cuidado mas estricto posterior a la implementación de protocolos de manejo.


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RESUMEN Introducción El papel de las nuevas técnicas ecocardiográficas para el diagnóstico de infarto agudo del miocardio se encuentra en desarrollo y la realización de mecánica ventricular izquierda podría sugerir la presencia de enfermedad coronaria hemodinámicamente significativa. Objetivos Determinar si en pacientes con infarto agudo del miocardio la medición de strain longitudinal global y regional sirve para predecir la presencia de enfermedad coronaria significativa. Métodos Es un estudio de pruebas diagnósticas en el que se evaluaron las características operativas de la mecánica ventricular izquierda para la detección de enfermedad coronaria significativa comparado contra el cateterismo cardiaco, considerado el patrón de oro. Se analizaron 54 pacientes con infarto agudo del miocardio llevados a cateterismo cardiaco, a quienes se les realizó un ecocardiograma transtorácico con medición de strain longitudinal global y regional. Resultados De los 54 pacientes analizados, el 83% tenía enfermedad coronaria significativa. El hallazgo de un strain longitudinal global < -17.5 tuvo una sensibilidad del 85% y una especificidad del 78% para predecir la presencia de enfermedad coronaria; para la arteria descendente anterior un strain longitudinal regional < – 17.4 tuvo una sensibilidad de 82% y una especificidad de 44%, para la arteria circunfleja una sensibilidad del 87% y una especificidad del 37% y para la arteria coronaria derecha una sensibilidad de 73% y una especificidad de 32%. Conclusiones La realización de ecocardiografía con mecánica ventricular en pacientes con infarto agudo del miocardio es útil para predecir la presencia de enfermedad coronaria hemodinámicamente significativa.


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Els mètodes de detecció, diagnosi i aïllament de fallades (Fault Detection and Isolation - FDI) basats en la redundància analítica (és a dir, la comparació del comportament actual del procés amb l’esperat, obtingut mitjançant un model matemàtic del mateix), són àmpliament utilitzats per al diagnòstic de sistemes quan el model matemàtic està disponible. S’ha implementat un algoritme per implementar aquesta redundància analítica a partir del model de la plana conegut com a Anàlisi Estructural


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L'objectiu general d'aquest treball és trobar i mostrar una eina que permeti obtenir una representació dels senyals procedents de sistemes dinàmics adequada a les necessitats dels sistemes de Supervisió Experta de processos. Aquest objectiu general es pot subdividir en diverses parts, que són tractades en els diferents capítols que composen el treball i que es poden resumir en els següents punts: En primer lloc, cal conèixer les necessitats dels sistemes de Supervisió: La gran quantitat de dades que provenen dels processos fa necessari el tractament d'aquestes dades per obtenir-ne d'altres, més elaborades, amb un nivell més elevat de representació. La utilització de raonament qualitatiu, pròpia dels éssers humans, comporta la necessitat de representar simbòlicament els senyals, de traduir les dades numèriques en símbols. La Supervisió de sistemes dinàmics comporta que el temps sigui una variable fonamental, la asincronia dels esdeveniments significatius per a la Supervisió fa que les representacions més adequades i útils dels senyals siguin asíncrones. Finalment,l'ús dels coneixements experimentals en la Supervisió dels processos comporta que les representacions més naturals siguin les més útils. Aquestes necessitats fan de la representació dels senyals mitjançant episodis l'eina amb més possibilitats per assolir els objectius que es volen assolir. Per això, es presenta un formalisme que permet descriure i incloure-hi la formalització i les diferents aproximacions a aquest tipus de representació ja existents i, al mateix temps, augmentar-ne la significació a través de característiques dels senyals que no es tenen en compte en les aproximacions ja existents. El següent pas és aprofitar el nou formalisme per obtenir una nova representació amb un grau més gran de significació, cosa que s'aconsegueix representant explícitament les discontinuïtats i els períodes estacionaris o d'estabilitat, molt significatius en Supervisió de processos. Un problema sempre present en el tractament de senyals és el soroll que els afecta. Per aquest motiu es presenta un mètode que permet filtrar el soroll de manera que les representacions resultants quedin afectades el mínim possible per aquest tractament. Finalment, es presenta l'aplicació en línia de les eines descrites. La representació en línia dels senyals comporta el tractament de la incertesa inherent al coneixement parcial del senyal (un episodi no pot ser determinat i caracteritzat completament fins que no s'acaba). L'obtenció de resultats amb determinats graus de certesa és perfectament coherent amb la seva utilització posterior mitjançant Sistemes Experts o altres eines de la IA. Totes les aportacions del treball vénen acompanyades d'exemples i/o aplicacions que permeten observar-ne la utilitat i les limitacions.


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Com o avanço da tecnologia cada vez mais acessível, torna-se imprescindível acompanhar este mesmo desenvolvimento e adotá-lo para a obtenção de um melhor produto. Sendo as formas farmacêuticas estéreis alvo de uma rigorosa avaliação dos seus requisitos, é uma grande vantagem conhecer quais as orientações atuais para o fabrico destes produtos. Uma vez que estamos na era da “aldeia global”, é inquestionável a necessidade de conhecer documentos de outros países, isto porque na indústria farmacêutica, tal como em muitas outras, há o objetivo de expandir a comercialização de produtos para outros países, continentes, mas há que ter em atenção que para esses países os requisitos de qualidade desses produtos podem não ser iguais aos do nosso país. Ao conhecer e aplicar os principais e mais rígidos controlos e normas, é certo que todos os outros serão cumpridos. Como principais documentos que regulam e orientam o processo de fabrico destes produtos existem as Good Manufacturing Practices, as normas da Internactional Standardization Organization e as Farmacopeias de vários países. Na indústria farmacêutica, principalmente no fabrico das formas farmacêuticas estéreis, há controlo não só do processo de fabrico e produto final, como também de todo o ambiente e intervenientes que envolvem a produção. Dentro das formas farmacêuticas em estudo encontram-se as de uso oftálmico, de aplicação nasal, de aplicação auricular e de uso parenteral. Todas estas têm o principal requisito de ser estéreis, variando nos outros parâmetros, como tonicidade e pH de acordo com a localização da administração. Os ensaios realizados tanto em In Process Control como no produto final, estão presentes nas Farmacopeias, que serão discutidos e comparados entre si.


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The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is an important large-scale atmospheric circulation that influences the European countries climate. This study evaluated NAO impact in air quality in Porto Metropolitan Area (PMA), Portugal, for the period 2002-2006. NAO, air pollutants and meteorological data were statistically analyzed. All data were obtained from PMA Weather Station, PMA Air Quality Stations and NOAA analysis. Two statistical methods were applied in different time scale : principal component and correlation coefficient. Annual time scale, using multivariate analysis (PCA, principal component analysis), were applied in order to identified positive and significant association between air pollutants such as PM10, PM2.5, CO, NO and NO2, with NAO. On the other hand, the correlation coefficient using seasonal time scale were also applied to the same data. The results of PCA analysis present a general negative significant association between the total precipitation and NAO, in Factor 1 and 2 (explaining around 70% of the variance), presented in the years of 2002, 2004 and 2005. During the same years, some air pollutants (such as PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx and CO) present also a positive association with NAO. The O3 shows as well a positive association with NAP during 2002 and 2004, at 2nd Factor, explaining 30% of the variance. From the seasonal analysis using correlation coefficient, it was found significant correlation between PM10 (0.72., p<0.05, in 2002), PM2.5 (0 74, p<0.05, in 2004), and SO2 (0.78, p<0.01, in 2002) with NAO during March-December (no winter period) period. Significant associations between air pollutants and NAO were also verified in the winter period (December to April) mainly with ozone (2005, r=-0.55, p.<0.01). Once that human health and hospital morbidities may be affected by air pollution, the results suggest that NAO forecast can be an important tool to prevent them, in the Iberian Peninsula and specially Portugal.


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The soil microflora is very heterogeneous in its spatial distribution. The origins of this heterogeneity and its significance for soil function are not well understood. A problem for understanding spatial variation better is the assumption of statistical stationarity that is made in most of the statistical methods used to assess it. These assumptions are made explicit in geostatistical methods that have been increasingly used by soil biologists in recent years. Geostatistical methods are powerful, particularly for local prediction, but they require the assumption that the variability of a property of interest is spatially uniform, which is not always plausible given what is known about the complexity of the soil microflora and the soil environment. We have used the wavelet transform, a relatively new innovation in mathematical analysis, to investigate the spatial variation of abundance of Azotobacter in the soil of a typical agricultural landscape. The wavelet transform entails no assumptions of stationarity and is well suited to the analysis of variables that show intermittent or transient features at different spatial scales. In this study, we computed cross-variograms of Azotobacter abundance with the pH, water content and loss on ignition of the soil. These revealed scale-dependent covariation in all cases. The wavelet transform also showed that the correlation of Azotobacter abundance with all three soil properties depended on spatial scale, the correlation generally increased with spatial scale and was only significantly different from zero at some scales. However, the wavelet analysis also allowed us to show how the correlation changed across the landscape. For example, at one scale Azotobacter abundance was strongly correlated with pH in part of the transect, and not with soil water content, but this was reversed elsewhere on the transect. The results show how scale-dependent variation of potentially limiting environmental factors can induce a complex spatial pattern of abundance in a soil organism. The geostatistical methods that we used here make assumptions that are not consistent with the spatial changes in the covariation of these properties that our wavelet analysis has shown. This suggests that the wavelet transform is a powerful tool for future investigation of the spatial structure and function of soil biota. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Solar electromagnetic radiation powers Earth’s climate system and, consequently, it is often naively assumed that changes in this solar output must be responsible for changes in Earth’s climate. However, the Sun is close to a blackbody radiator and so emits according to its surface temperature and the huge thermal time constant of the outer part of the Sun limits the variability in surface temperature and hence output. As a result, on all timescales of interest, changes in total power output are limited to small changes in effective surface temperature (associated with magnetic fields) and potential, although as yet undetected, solar radius variations. Larger variations are seen in the UV part of the spectrum which is emitted from the lower solar atmosphere (the chromosphere) and which influences Earth’s stratosphere. There is interest in“top-down” mechanisms whereby solar UV irradiance modulates stratospheric temperatures and winds which, in turn, may influence the underlying troposphere where Earth’s climate and weather reside. This contrasts with “bottom-up” effects in which the small total solar irradiance (dominated by the visible and near-IR) variations cause surface temperature changes which drive atmospheric circulations. In addition to these electromagnetic outputs, the Sun modulates energetic particle fluxes incident on the Earth. Solar Energetic Particles (SEP) are emitted by solar flares and from the shock fronts ahead of supersonic (and super-Alfvenic) ejections of material from the solar atmosphere. These SEPs enhance the destruction of polar stratospheric ozone which could be an additional form of top-down climate forcing. Even more energetic are Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs). These particles are not generated by the Sun, rather they originate at the shock fronts emanating from violent galactic events such as supernovae explosions; however, the expansion of the solar magnetic field into interplanetary space means that the Sun modulates the number of GCRs reaching Earth. These play a key role in enabling Earth’s global electric (thunderstorm) circuit and it has been proposed that they also modulate the formation of clouds. Both electromagnetic and corpuscular solar effects are known to vary over the solar magnetic cycle which is typically between 10 and 14 yrs in length (with an average close to 11 yrs). The solar magnetic field polarity at any one phase of one of these activity cycles is opposite to that at the same phase of the next cycle and this influences some phenomena, for example GCRs, which therefore show a 22 yr (“Hale”) cycle on average. Other phenomena, such as irradiance modulation, do not depend on the polarity of the magnetic field and so show only the basic 11-yr activity cycle. However, any effects on climate are much more significant for solar drifts over centennial timescales. This chapter discusses and evaluates potential effects on Earth’s climate system of variations in these solar inputs. Because of the great variety of proposed mechanisms, the wide range of timescales studied (from days to millennia) and the many debates (often triggered by the application of inadequate statistical methods), the literature on this subject is vast, complex, divergent and rapidly changing: consequently the number of references cited in this review is very large (yet still only a small fraction of the total).


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The paper considers meta-analysis of diagnostic studies that use a continuous score for classification of study participants into healthy or diseased groups. Classification is often done on the basis of a threshold or cut-off value, which might vary between studies. Consequently, conventional meta-analysis methodology focusing solely on separate analysis of sensitivity and specificity might be confounded by a potentially unknown variation of the cut-off value. To cope with this phenomena it is suggested to use, instead, an overall estimate of the misclassification error previously suggested and used as Youden’s index and; furthermore, it is argued that this index is less prone to between-study variation of cut-off values. A simple Mantel–Haenszel estimator as a summary measure of the overall misclassification error is suggested, which adjusts for a potential study effect. The measure of the misclassification error based on Youden’s index is advantageous in that it easily allows an extension to a likelihood approach, which is then able to cope with unobserved heterogeneity via a nonparametric mixture model. All methods are illustrated at hand of an example on a diagnostic meta-analysis on duplex doppler ultrasound, with angiography as the standard for stroke prevention.


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Proportion estimators are quite frequently used in many application areas. The conventional proportion estimator (number of events divided by sample size) encounters a number of problems when the data are sparse as will be demonstrated in various settings. The problem of estimating its variance when sample sizes become small is rarely addressed in a satisfying framework. Specifically, we have in mind applications like the weighted risk difference in multicenter trials or stratifying risk ratio estimators (to adjust for potential confounders) in epidemiological studies. It is suggested to estimate p using the parametric family (see PDF for character) and p(1 - p) using (see PDF for character), where (see PDF for character). We investigate the estimation problem of choosing c 0 from various perspectives including minimizing the average mean squared error of (see PDF for character), average bias and average mean squared error of (see PDF for character). The optimal value of c for minimizing the average mean squared error of (see PDF for character) is found to be independent of n and equals c = 1. The optimal value of c for minimizing the average mean squared error of (see PDF for character) is found to be dependent of n with limiting value c = 0.833. This might justifiy to use a near-optimal value of c = 1 in practice which also turns out to be beneficial when constructing confidence intervals of the form (see PDF for character).


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The contribution investigates the problem of estimating the size of a population, also known as the missing cases problem. Suppose a registration system is targeting to identify all cases having a certain characteristic such as a specific disease (cancer, heart disease, ...), disease related condition (HIV, heroin use, ...) or a specific behavior (driving a car without license). Every case in such a registration system has a certain notification history in that it might have been identified several times (at least once) which can be understood as a particular capture-recapture situation. Typically, cases are left out which have never been listed at any occasion, and it is this frequency one wants to estimate. In this paper modelling is concentrating on the counting distribution, e.g. the distribution of the variable that counts how often a given case has been identified by the registration system. Besides very simple models like the binomial or Poisson distribution, finite (nonparametric) mixtures of these are considered providing rather flexible modelling tools. Estimation is done using maximum likelihood by means of the EM algorithm. A case study on heroin users in Bangkok in the year 2001 is completing the contribution.


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Human languages form a distinct and largely independent class of cultural replicators with behaviour and fidelity that can rival that of genes. Parallels between biological and linguistic evolution mean that statistical methods inspired by phylogenetics and comparative biology are being increasingly applied to study language. Phylogenetic trees constructed from linguistic elements chart the history of human cultures, and comparative studies reveal surprising and general features of how languages evolve, including patterns in the rates of evolution of language elements and social factors that influence temporal trends of language evolution. For many comparative questions of anthropology and human behavioural ecology, historical processes estimated from linguistic phylogenies may be more relevant than those estimated from genes.