950 resultados para Pressões respiratórias Máximas


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Bobergs printing house in Falun has during some time had problems regarding deposits on blankets intheirs Müller Martini UV-printing presses. Deposits appear in both image areas and non-image areas.These areas have been analyzed and the deposits on non-image areas contain chalk, clay and talc. Thequestion remains how these material bond to the blanket surface. The chalk and clay comes from thepaper. The talc comes from the ink. Deposits from image areas contain pigment and talc from the printingink. The dampening water has also been analyzed. The result shows some sort of problem with thehardness regulator for the clean water. The pH-level should be increased a few steps.


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The question formulation in the essay brought up whether Clas Ohlson works today with their graphical productionflow and if that way of working leads to a desirable result in press. After a dialogue with Clas Ohlson it emerged thatthey had certain problems with the material that came out of the printing presses. Certain colours were not reproducedaccording to the stated values that had been developed. In March -08 an analysis of the graphical production flowspresent situation were done at Clas Ohlsons in order to find out how they worked with their production of print materials.In the analysis, their way to work with color spaces, displays, ICC-profiles, PDF-exports, pictures and printerswere examined. Occasional interviews were also implemented with responsible personnel about how they worked withdifferent aspects.Deficiencies were found on almost all examined parts in their graphical production flow. Wrong colorspaces andCMYK-profiles was used in big extent, the displays where uncalibrated or incorrectly calibrated, wrong PDF-presetswas used frequently and it also showed that six different suppliers for their printing materials were used. The solutionsthat were relevant for the problems and defects were later on presented as proposals on measures.


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På uppdrag av Tidningsutgivarna har en studie utförts angående olika möjligheter att införa tryck av variabeldata med tryckmetoden inkjet i svensk dagspress. Målet var att undersöka tekniska möjligheter och begränsningar samt att utreda om det fanns något intresse på marknaden som skulle kunna ge någon avkastning. Studien utfördes med hjälp av noggranna källstudier och ett fortlöpande samarbete med olika företag med intresse för dagspress. Rapporten beskriver också företag som arbetar med den här typen av innovationer idag och diverse tidigare projekt med variabeltryckta tidningar. Nya teknologier som eventuellt kan vara av intresse för framtida utveckling har också beskrivits och hur tidningens framtid kommer att se ut ur ett kortare och ett längre perspektiv. Studien visar att inkjetpressar inte klarar av den hastighet som de moderna tidningspressarna håller idag. Men i takt med minskade upplagor och utvecklad teknologi, samt ett stort marknadsmässigt intresse så tyder det på att det kommer att finnas möjlighet att tillverka anpassade digitaltryckta tidningsupplagor inom en överskådlig framtid. Inkjet kan fungera som ett bra komplement till offset. Inlinepressar ger möjligheten att införa variabeltryck i stora tidningsupplagor medan separata inkjetpressar passar bra för tryck av mindre lokala upplagor.


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The sheet metal forming process basically involves the shaping of sheet metal of various thickness and material properties into the desired contours. This metal forming process has been extensively used by the automotive industry to manufacture both car panels and parts. Over the years numerous investigations have been conducted on various aspects of the manufacturing process with varied success. In recent years the requirements on the sheet metal forming industry have headed towards improved stability in the forming process while lowering environmental burdens. Therefore the overall aim of this research was to identify a technique for developing lubricant formulations that are insensitive to the sheet metal forming process. Due to the expense of running experiments on production presses and to improve time efficiency of the process the evaluation procedure was required to be performed in a laboratory. Preliminary investigations in the friction/lubricant system identified several laboratory tests capable of measuring lubricant performance and their interaction with process variables. However, little was found on the correlation between laboratory tests and production performance of lubricants. Therefore the focus of the research switched to identifying links between the performance of lubricants in a production environment and laboratory tests. To reduce the influence of external parameters all significant process variables were identified and included in the correlation study to ensure that lubricant formulations could be desensitised to all significant variables. The significant process variables were found to be sensitive to die position, for instance: contact pressure, blank coating of the strips and surface roughness of the dies were found significant for the flat areas of the die while no variables affected friction when polished drawbeads were used. The next phase was to identify the interaction between the significant variables and the main lubricant ingredient groups. Only the fatty material ingredient group (responsible for the formation of boundary lubricant regimes) was found to significantly influence friction with no interaction between the ingredient groups. The influence of varying this ingredient group was then investigated in a production part and compared to laboratory results. The correlation between production performance and laboratory tests was found to be test dependant. With both the Flat Face Friction test and the Drawbead Simulator unaffected by changes in the lubricant formulation, while the Flat Bottom Cup test showing similar results as the production trial. It is believed that the lack of correlation between the friction tests and the production performance of the lubricant is due to the absence of bulk plastic deformation of the strip. For this reason the Ohio State University (OSU) friction test was incorporated in the lubricant evaluation procedure along with a Flat Bottom Cup test. Finally, it is strongly believed that if the lubricant evaluation procedure highlighted in this research is followed then lubricant formulations can be developed confidently in the laboratory.


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This paper surveys recent research on aid and growth. It also provides an overview of research on inter-recipient aid allocation.


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Hollow structures made of Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS) are increasingly used in the automobile industry for crash and structural components. Generally high pressure hydroforming is used to form these tabular parts, which is a costly manufacturing process due to the high pressure equipment and large tonnage presses required. A new process termed low pressure hydroforming, where a pressurized tube is crushed between two dies, represents a more cost effective alternative due to the lower pressures and die closing forces required.

In this study the low pressure tube hydroforming of one simple and two different complex hollow shapes is investigated. The complexities of the pat1S compared to simple shapes are critically studied and the die filling conditions are investigated and discussed. FUl1hennore the thickness distributions over the circumference of the part during forming are analyzed.


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Tool condition monitoring is an important factor in ensuring manufacturing efficiency and product quality. Audio signal based methods are a promising technique for condition monitoring. However, the influence of interfering signals and background noise has hindered the use of this technique in production sites. Blind signal separation (BSS) has the potential to solve this problem by recovering the signal of interest out of the observed mixtures, given that the knowledge about the BSS model is available. In this paper, we discuss the development of the BSS model for sheet metal stamping with a mechanical press system, so that the BSS techniques based on this model can be developed in future. This involves conducting a set of specially designed machine operations and developing a novel signal extraction technique. Also, the link between stamping process conditions and the extracted audio signal associated with stamping was successfully demonstrated by conducting a series of trials with different lubrication conditions and levels of tool wear.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul


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Na atual conjuntura de mercado, em que fatores, como recessão, comoditização de produtos, transformação do varejo, proliferação de mídias, concorrência acirrada, muitas vezes, predatória, torna-se cada vez mais difícil para as empresas encontrar diferenciais competitivos sustentáveis. Destarte, como reflexo dessas pressões econômicas competitivas e alterações sociais bem como culturais, estão sendo forçadas a se fazerem mais orientadas para o mercado e mais responsáveis com o cliente. Ao considerar o mercado industrial (B to B), que produz bens e serviços utilizados na produção de outros bens e serviços por outras organizações, o papel da venda pessoal vem sendo ampliado. O profissional de vendas desse setor é muito mais consultor de negócios do que vendedor. Espera-se de tal profissional a solução de problemas, portanto, este deve focar na construção de relacionamentos duradouros com os clientes. Registre-se que, em relação ao gerente de vendas, a expectativa é a mesma. No Brasil, vários profissionais de vendas foram promovidos ao cargo de gerente pelo sucesso obtido como vendedores, muitas vezes, com pouca ou nenhuma formação específica, antes de assumirem a função. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram identificar e analisar quais tarefas, dentre as preconizadas pela teoria da administração de vendas, estão presentes na gestão de vendas das empresas fabricantes de tecido índigo, no Brasil, um mercado constituído por treze empresas. Como parâmetro desta avaliação, realizou-se um levantamento de campo, de natureza exploratória, em três fases, a primeira e segunda, quantitativa, por meio de entrevistas estruturadas; a terceira, de natureza qualitativa, por meio de entrevistas pessoais com gerentes de vendas de seis empresas do setor, o equivalente a 78,7% do mercado pesquisado. Constatou-se que, quanto à aplicação das técnicas gerenciais, não há uniformidade na atividade de administração de vendas das empresas pesquisadas. Também não se pôde afirmar que os resultados de faturamento estejam apenas relacionados às práticas de gestão em administração de vendas, embora haja fortes evidências nesse sentido.