888 resultados para Pre-school


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The current study was carried out to evaluate the impact of a well-being curriculum based on existing knowledge of themes within PP, which contribute to well-being. The Positive Well-Being Curriculum consists of twelve ninety minute sessions delivered weekly during a school term. The twelve well-being sessions fit into four domains: positive experience, positive emotions, positive relationships, achievement and meaning (Seligman, 2007). The objectives of the study were to test the practical implications of running a well-being curriculum, to develop a range of activities within each domain and to evaluate the impact on student well-being with regard to life satisfaction, positive affectivity and subjective happiness. A pilot was carried out as preparation for the main mixed method intervention study, which was conducted in two London primary schools. Pre and post data was collected using standardised measures, focus groups and one to one interviews. Findings from the pilot demonstrated a significant increase in well-being as demonstrated by increases in: life satisfaction, positive affect and subjective happiness. Additional information was gathered which informed the content and implementation of the curriculum in the main study. The experience of taking part in the study as evidenced through qualitative and quantitative results, indicate that the Positive Well-being Curriculum was perceived by participating teachers and children to contribute positively to the well-being of the children. These findings would be of interest to educational psychologists as there is an increasing interest by schools to include creative and validated resources to support and enhance the well-being of all children. A number of useful insights were developed about the usefulness of the curriculum for children in a variety of educational settings.


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This study used a phenomenological research design to determine the difficulties faced in the science-based entrepreneur project development process for pre-service science teachers.. Qualitative data were obtained through interviews conducted with ten pre-service science teachers. The data were analysed using an inductive thematic analysis. The results indicated that pre-service science teachers have most difficulty ‘making decisions on one of the innovative ideas’ and ‘making predictions about unexpected situations’. They also have difficulties ‘calculating the cost as a result of design or work analysis’, ‘identifying if the idea already existed (similarity analysis)’ and ‘making decisions on the required materials, tools, services’. These results show the need for pre-service science teachers to communicate with other institutions and organisations.


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This thesis is a case study of a primary school in a highly diverse urban neighbourhood in Sweden. Basic pre-conditions for intercultural school development are studied by examining the overall organisation of teaching, learning and opportunities for collaboration in the investigated case. The study focuses on the targeted support measures to enhance learning for students with an immigrant background: Mother tongue instruction, Swedish as a Second Language, and tutoring in the mother tongue, as well as looking at pedagogical support provided by the school library. The latter has a mission to promote learning and inclusion, where non-native speakers of Swedish are a prioritised group. Communities of practice linked to the work organisation at a meso-level are investigated, and the collaborative relationships between professional groups at the school involved in the various support measures. Teacher relationships and categorisations implied by support measures impact the learning spaces that are shaped for students and the teaching spaces within which teachers work. Collaborative opportunities and convergence of concerns in the teaching spaces combine to shape the overall space for intercultural development. The raw data for the case study consists of interviews, national policy documents and additional information on local work organisation gained through documents and observations. Four articles resulted from the case study, each focusing a specific support measure. An overarching analysis is then made of findings from these articles and the other dimensions of the investigation. The analysis describes the organisation in terms of monocultural or intercultural school cultures, pointing to significant characteristics of the landscapes of practice, with respect to their overall implications for the spaces of school development. In the discussion, findings are considered in relation to research on professional development in education, collaboration, democracy and inclusive schooling. The relative positioning of languages and cultures is given particular attention, to ascertain if the school culture is monocultural or intercultural in the sense given by Lahdenperä (2008), and to what extent it could enable intercultural development. Such positioning plays a role interms of affordances for identity, participation and engagement discussed by Wenger (1998). This case study should be understood against the wider background of recent social developments in Europe linked to globalisation and technological changes. It is argued that looking at the concrete specifics which facilitate or obstruct school development, and simultaneously reflecting on how the different forms of teaching interrelate in the overall organisation and in policy may provide a useful vantage point from which structural changes can be contemplated.The discussion underlines the importance of the physical localisation of activities, continuity in personal contacts and time available for joint pedagogical reflection, as basic conditions for effective intercultural dialogue in the organisation. Finally, the impact of policy is considered, looking at connections between levels of policy, expressed in official steering documents, and conditions for teaching and learning at the level of an individual school.


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This thesis examines the spatial and temporal variation in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels in Guernsey and the impacts on pre-existing asthmatics. Whilst air quality in Guernsey is generally good, the levels of NO2 exceed UK standards in several locations. The evidence indicates that people suffering from asthma have exacerbation of their symptoms if exposed to elevated levels of air pollutants including NO2, although this research has never been carried out in Guernsey before. In addition, exposure assessment of individuals is rarely carried out and research in this area is limited due to the complexity of undertaking such a study, which will include a combination of exposures in the home, the workplace and ambient exposures, which vary depending on the individual daily experience. For the first time in Guernsey, this research has examined NO2 levels in correlation with asthma patient admissions to hospital, assessment of NO2 exposures in typical homes and typical workplaces in Guernsey. The data showed a temporal correlation between NO2 levels and the number of hospital admissions and the trend from 2008-2012 was upwards. Statistical analysis of the data did not show a significant linear correlation due to the small size of the data sets. Exposure assessment of individuals showed a spatial variation in exposures in Guernsey and assessment in indoor environments showed that real-time analysis of NO2 levels needs to be undertaken if indoor micro environments for NO2 are the be assessed adequately. There was temporal and spatial variation in NO2 concentrations measured using diffusion tubes, which provide a monthly mean value, and analysers measuring NO2 concentrations in real time. The research shows that building layout and design are important factors for good air flow and ventilation and the dispersion of NO2 indoors. Environmental Health Officers have statutory responsibilities for ambient air quality, hygiene of buildings and workplace environments and this role needs to be co-ordinated with healthcare professionals to improve health outcomes for asthmatics. The outcome of the thesis was the development of a risk management framework for pre-existing asthmatics at work for use by regulators of workplaces and an information leaflet to assist in improving health outcomes for asthmatics in Guernsey.


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Sleep helps the consolidation of declarative memories in the laboratory, but the pro-mnemonic effect of daytime naps in schools is yet to be fully characterized. While a few studies indicate that sleep can indeed benefit school learning, it remains unclear how best to use it. Here we set out to evaluate the influence of daytime naps on the duration of declarative memories learned in school by students of 10–15 years old. A total of 584 students from 6th grade were investigated. Students within a regular classroom were exposed to a 15-min lecture on new declarative contents, absent from the standard curriculum for this age group. The students were then randomly sorted into nap and non-nap groups. Students in the nap group were conducted to a quiet room with mats, received sleep masks and were invited to sleep. At the same time, students in the non-nap group attended regular school classes given by their usual teacher (Experiment I), or English classes given by another experimenter (Experiment II). These 2 versions of the study differed in a number of ways. In Experiment I (n = 371), students were pre-tested on lecture-related contents before the lecture, were invited to nap for up to 2 h, and after 1, 2, or 5 days received surprise tests with similar content but different wording and question order. In Experiment II (n = 213), students were invited to nap for up to 50 min (duration of a regular class); surprise tests were applied immediately after the lecture, and repeated after 5, 30, or 110 days. Experiment I showed a significant ∼10% gain in test scores for both nap and non-nap groups 1 day after learning, in comparison with pre-test scores. This gain was sustained in the nap group after 2 and 5 days, but in the non-nap group it decayed completely after 5 days. In Experiment II, the nap group showed significantly higher scores than the non-nap group at all times tested, thus precluding specific conclusions. The results suggest that sleep can be used to enhance the duration of memory contents learned in school.


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Objectives: To evaluate the feasibility of a universally delivered CBT-based programme for pupils within a Scottish secondary school setting. Design: A pre-post, within and between groups design was utilised. Setting: Religious Moral Citizenship and Education (RMCE) classes in a Scottish secondary school. Participants: Four (n = 103) classes of third year secondary school pupils were arbitrarily allocated to two conditions: RMCE-as usual (RMCE-AU) controls, and LLTTF intervention. Intervention: Living Life to the Full (LLTTF) is a series of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)-based booklets and accompanying 8 classes to improve coping skills. An adolescent version of LLTTF was recently developed. This was delivered over nine weeks by school teachers trained in the approach. Outcome measures: The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale, General Self-Efficacy Scale, and Locus of Control scale were administered at baseline and 9 week follow-up. To determine acceptability and utility of the materials course feedback was gathered weekly from the intervention group and a focus group (n=5) was conducted at 3 month follow up. Results: Outcome measures showed no significant improvement in overall wellbeing of those in the intervention group compared with that of the control group. Weekly feedback suggested that the majority of pupils found the materials useful and relevant. Focus group feedback suggested that pupils found the intervention useful, had utilised strategies in everyday life and would welcome recurring provision of such interventions within the school setting. Conclusions: Universally delivered CBT intervention is acceptable and feasible within the secondary school environment. However, objective measurement using standardised tools does not adequately corroborate qualitative feedback from pupils. Issues relating to measurement, study design and implementation of future interventions are discussed.


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Background: Malnutrition is a complication in chronic kidney disease (CKD) known to affect quality of life and prognosis although not often diagnosed. It is associated with rapid progression to end stage renal disease (ESRD) and mortality. Early identification and treatment will slow down progression to ESRD and mortality. Objective: To determine the prevalence and pattern of malnutrition in pre-dialysis CKD patients in Southern Nigeria. Methods: One hundred and twenty consecutive pre-dialysis CKD and 40 control subjects without CKD were studied. Data obtained from participants were demographics, body mass index (BMI), and aetiology of CKD. Indices used to assess presence of malnutrition were low BMI, hypocholesterolaemia and hypoalbuminaemia. Statistical significance was taken at 0.05 level. Results: The mean age of the CKD subjects was 48.8±16.6years with a male: female ratio of 1.7:1. Prevalence of malnutrition in the CKD subjects was 46.7%, higher than 27.5% observed in the controls (p=0.033). Prevalence of malnutrition increased significantly across CKD stages 2 to 5 (p=0.020). It was significantly commoner in elderly patients (p=0.047) but not significantly different between males and females(p=0.188). Conclusion: Malnutrition is common in pre-dialysis CKD patients even in early CKD stages. Prevalence of malnutrition increases with worsening kidney function and increasing age.


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Background: Pre-eclampsia is a hypertensive disorder specific to pregnancy responsible for significant maternal morbidity and mortality in Africa. The majority of deaths related to pre-eclampsia could be avoided with timely and effective care. “Phase one delays” arise because of lack of knowledge. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the knowledge levels of women living in Makole ward, comparing respondent subgroups with different demographic characteristics. It also aimed to compare knowledge levels in respect to six subtopics of pre-eclampsia. This was to allow for planning of appropriate activities to reduce delays in seeking health care. Methods: This study surveyed 200 adult women randomly identified in the community. They were asked 36 questions on preeclampsia requiring yes / no answers. The data was analysed quantitatively. Results: Overall knowledge levels were low with an average of 41% of correct answers. Minor differences in the knowledge levels of demographic subgroups were found. Statistically significant differences were identified between sub-topics of preeclampsia; signs and symptoms were the least well known. Conclusion: Educational systems (formal and informal) are failing to provide communities with potentially life-saving information. Health centre, community and school based education programmes are recommended.


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This paper presents the results of a study conducted among pre-service home economics teachers from the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana with different levels of practical experience in teaching. The pre-service Home Economics teachers in the 3rd year of their studies had just completed their first class of teaching experience in contrast to the pre-service teachers from the 4th year of their faculty studies, who had conducted more teaching lessons. The results showed that the 4th-year pre-service teachers had fewer doubts and problems concerning the planning and conducting of a lesson. They also statistically significantly agreed that they are sufficiently prepared to teach than the 3rd-year pre-service teachers are. The results showed that the majority of the pre-service teachers agreed that the feedback from their colleagues was helpful for their professional development. The results suggest the importance of practical teaching experience in the context of professional development and the intention to continue a career in education. However, the results also revealed some critical points in the teacher’s development of competency. The results suggest problems related to the application of theoretical knowledge on the children’s development in practice and pro problems related to classroom management in specific situations. (DIPF/Orig.)


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In the present globalised and digitised world, availability of a plethora of pre-packaged classroom resources for English Language Teaching (ELT) seems Lo threaten ESL/EFL teachers' professional agency in the language classroom. Whilst it is difficult to envisage the viability of these materials presented for a global audience of learners (Liyanage & Bartlett, 2008), the practice also seriously limits ESL/EFL teachers' agency in the application of their pedagogic content knowledges. The selection and implementation of pre-packaged materials by language teachers arc due either to personal choice or to mandated regulations and established practices(Birch & Liyanage, 2004; Liyanage & Bartlett, 2008). This paper reports the reflections of thirty overseas ESL/ EFL teachers enrolled in postgraduate programmes on (i) their use of pre-packaged materials in language classrooms in contexts where such practice is mandated or is the nom1, and, (ii) the effect of this practice on their professional agency in the Jru1guage classroom.


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Background: Adolescents suffer daytime consequences from sleep loss. Sleep education programs have been developed in an attempt to increase sleep knowledge and/or duration. This paper presents data from three trials of the Aus-tralian Centre for Education in Sleep (ACES) program for adolescents.

Methods: The ACES program was delivered to 69 Australian adolescents in a pre-post cross-sectional design (mean age 15.2) and 29 New Zealand adolescents in a randomised control trial (mean age 14.8 years). Assessments in sleep parame-ters were undertaken at baseline and post intervention.

Results: Where sleep knowledge was evaluated (Australian trials), significant improvements were shown in all trials (All p <0.05). Where sleep duration was assessed (New Zealand trial) significant improvements were found in week and weekend sleep duration [F(1, 27)=4.26, p=0.04). Both, students and teachers found the program feasible, interesting, and educational.

Conclusions: ACES sleep education programmes can improve both sleep knowledge and sleep duration in adolescents. Improving the programme so sleep knowledge attained equates to actual sleep behaviour change are areas for future direc-tion. Collectively these findings provide encouraging signs that adolescents can improve their sleep knowledge and behav-iour with sleep education which bodes well for sleep-related health and psycho-social issues.


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An examination of the relationship between maternal depression, anxiety, body dissatisfaction and self-esteem, child feeding practices, and obesity risk in pre-schoolers. A systematic review revealed moderate associations between maternal depression and pre-schooler obesity risk, and a possible link between both maternal anxiety and body dissatisfaction and pre-schooler obesity risk. The empirical studies however, did not support a link between any of the measures of psychosocial health and pre-schooler obesity risk.


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An internship in a European company dealing with aquaculture and biotechnology - AquaBioTech Group, Malta - was undertaken to complete the Master Degree of Science in Aquaculture of the School of Tourism and Maritime Technology of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria. Biotechnology and aquaculture are two areas that have been synergistically used to contribute for the progress and improvement of fish production. The AquaBioTech Group is an example of a company able to integrate these areas to maximizing their services. Located in Mosta (Malta) the company operates in a sustainable way using Recirculation Aquaculture Systems (RAS) to maintain aquaculture species. In collaboration with several companies and institutions, the AquaBioTech Group is involved and supports the development of important international research projects. The present report focuses on two important parts of the internship performed during 6 months. Initially, it will cover the operation and constitution of the company, describing the routines and techniques acquired. Then, it will describe a pathology trial that forms the practical and scientific component of this report. Despite the limitation to describe some confidential assays, this trial consisted in the infection of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with the bacterium Flavobacterium psychrophilum in order to evaluate the mortality rates over time. The internship served to solidify theoretical knowledge acquired during the academic training, develop professional skills and provide an understanding of jobs available on the market.


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The effect of microwave pre-treatment on the levels of total phenolic compounds, flavonoids, proanthocyanidins and individual major compounds as well as the total antioxidant activity of the dried lemon pomace was investigated. The results showed that microwave pre-treatment significantly affected all the examined parameters. The total phenolic content, total flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, as well as the total antioxidant activity significantly increased as the microwave radiation time and power increased (e.g., 2.5 folds for phenolics, 1.4 folds for flavonoids and 5.5 folds for proanthocyanidins), however irradiation more than 480 W for 5 min resulted in the decrease of these parameters. These findings indicate that microwave irradiation time and power may enhance higher levels of the phenolic compounds as well as the antioxidant capacity of the dried lemon pomace powder. However, higher and longer irradiation may lead to a degradation of phenolic compounds and lower the antioxidant capacity of the dried lemon pomace.