985 resultados para Pre-release programs for prisoners


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1. When freshly eclosed females of the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata (Lep.) are isolated, only about 50% of them build nests and lay eggs thereby suggesting a pre-imaginal biasing of caste. 2. Wasps that lay eggs take a very variable amount of time after eclosion to start doing so. 3. Females eclosing from nests where larvae are fed at a relatively higher rate are more likely to become egg-layers and are likely to take less time after eclosion to begin to lay eggs. 4. Thus, both forms of pre-imaginal biasing of caste, namely, differences in egg laying capacity and differences in the time taken to attain reproductive maturity, appear to be influenced by larval nutrition.


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Fast excitatory transmission between neurons in the central nervous system is mainly mediated by L-glutamate acting on ligand gated (ionotropic) receptors. These are further categorized according to their pharmacological properties to AMPA (2-amino-3-(5-methyl-3-oxo-1,2- oxazol-4-yl)propanoic acid), NMDA (N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid) and kainate (KAR) subclasses. In the rat and the mouse hippocampus, development of glutamatergic transmission is most dynamic during the first postnatal weeks. This coincides with the declining developmental expression of the GluK1 subunit-containing KARs. However, the function of KARs during early development of the brain is poorly understood. The present study reveals novel types of tonically active KARs (hereafter referred to as tKARs) which play a central role in functional development of the hippocampal CA3-CA1 network. The study shows for the first time how concomitant pre- and postsynaptic KAR function contributes to development of CA3-CA1 circuitry by regulating transmitter release and interneuron excitability. Moreover, the tKAR-dependent regulation of transmitter release provides a novel mechanism for silencing and unsilencing early synapses and thus shaping the early synaptic connectivity. The role of GluK1-containing KARs was studied in area CA3 of the neonatal hippocampus. The data demonstrate that presynaptic KARs in excitatory synapses to both pyramidal cells and interneurons are tonically activated by ambient glutamate and that they regulate glutamate release differentially, depending on target cell type. At synapses to pyramidal cells these tKARs inhibit glutamate release in a G-protein dependent manner but in contrast, at synapses to interneurons, tKARs facilitate glutamate release. On the network level these mechanisms act together upregulating activity of GABAergic microcircuits and promoting endogenous hippocampal network oscillations. By virtue of this, tKARs are likely to have an instrumental role in the functional development of the hippocampal circuitry. The next step was to investigate the role of GluK1 -containing receptors in the regulation of interneuron excitability. The spontaneous firing of interneurons in the CA3 stratum lucidum is markedly decreased during development. The shift involves tKARs that inhibit medium-duration afterhyperpolarization (mAHP) in these neurons during the first postnatal week. This promotes burst spiking of interneurons and thereby increases GABAergic activity in the network synergistically with the tKAR-mediated facilitation of their excitatory drive. During development the amplitude of evoked medium afterhyperpolarizing current (ImAHP) is dramatically increased due to decoupling tKAR activation and ImAHP modulation. These changes take place at the same time when the endogeneous network oscillations disappear. These tKAR-driven mechanisms in the CA3 area regulate both GABAergic and glutamatergic transmission and thus gate the feedforward excitatory drive to the area CA1. Here presynaptic tKARs to CA1 pyramidal cells suppress glutamate release and enable strong facilitation in response to high-frequency input. Therefore, CA1 synapses are finely tuned to high-frequency transmission; an activity pattern that is common in neonatal CA3-CA1 circuitry both in vivo and in vitro. The tKAR-regulated release probability acts as a novel presynaptic silencing mechanism that can be unsilenced in response to Hebbian activity. The present results shed new light on the mechanisms modulating the early network activity that paves the way for oscillations lying behind cognitive tasks such as learning and memory. Kainate receptor antagonists are already being developed for therapeutic use for instance against pain and migraine. Because of these modulatory actions, tKARs also represent an attractive candidate for therapeutic treatment of developmentally related complications such as learning disabilities.


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In a max-min LP, the objective is to maximise ω subject to Ax ≤ 1, Cx ≥ ω1, and x ≥ 0 for nonnegative matrices A and C. We present a local algorithm (constant-time distributed algorithm) for approximating max-min LPs. The approximation ratio of our algorithm is the best possible for any local algorithm; there is a matching unconditional lower bound.


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In a max-min LP, the objective is to maximise ω subject to Ax ≤ 1, Cx ≥ ω1, and x ≥ 0. In a min-max LP, the objective is to minimise ρ subject to Ax ≤ ρ1, Cx ≥ 1, and x ≥ 0. The matrices A and C are nonnegative and sparse: each row ai of A has at most ΔI positive elements, and each row ck of C has at most ΔK positive elements. We study the approximability of max-min LPs and min-max LPs in a distributed setting; in particular, we focus on local algorithms (constant-time distributed algorithms). We show that for any ΔI ≥ 2, ΔK ≥ 2, and ε > 0 there exists a local algorithm that achieves the approximation ratio ΔI (1 − 1/ΔK) + ε. We also show that this result is the best possible: no local algorithm can achieve the approximation ratio ΔI (1 − 1/ΔK) for any ΔI ≥ 2 and ΔK ≥ 2.


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Characteristics of pre-monsoon and monsoon boundary layer structure and turbulence were studied in New Delhi and Bangalore, India during the summer of 1987. Micrometeorological towers were installed and instrumented at these locations to provide mean and turbulent surface layer measurements, while information on the vertical structure of the atmosphere was obtained using miniradiosondes. Thermal structures of the pre-monsoon and monsoon boundary layers were quite distinct. The daytime, pre-monsoon boundary layer observed over New Delhi was much deeper than that of the monsoon boundary layer observed over Bangalore and at times was characterized by multiple inversions. Surface, turbulent sensible heat fluxes at both sites were approximately the same (235 and 200 Wm−2 for New Delhi and Bangalore, respectively). Diurnal variations in the monsoon boundary layer at Bangalore were more regular compared to those under pre-monsoon conditions at New Delhi. One-dimensional numerical simulations of the pre-monsoon boundary layer using a turbulent energy closure scheme show good agreement with observations.


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Caste is usually thought to be determined entirely in the adult stage in most primitively eusocial wasps and bees. A pre-imaginal caste bias has however been recently discovered in the primitively eusocial waspRopalidia marginata. This study also suggested that reigning queens and possibly other adults may influence the production of new queens and implied at least partial support to the parental manipulation or sub-fertility hypothesis for the evolution of insect sociality. The interest of these results prompted an attempt at their reconfirmation. Complete reconfirmation has now been obtained using data from an independent experiment and two additional methods of data analysis. We therefore conclude that caste is at least partly determined prior to eclosion in the primitively eusocial waspRopalidia marginata which lacks morphological differentiation between egg-layers and non-egg-layers.


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Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Bolivialaisten naisvankien (alkuperäisväestön) ja globaalin huumesodan ("War on Drugs") välistä yhteyttä. Keskustelu sijoitetaan laajemmin kokan viljelyn politiikkaan ja alkuperäisväestön kulttuuriin. Kokaa viljeleviä köyhiä maalaisia, joista huomattava osa on naisia, on vangittu Boliviassa kiihtyvää tahtia viime vuosikymmeninä. Moni naisista on kokan tuotannossa ja kaupassa mukana, sillä se on monesti ainoa keino taloudelliseen selviämiseen. Yleisesti ottaen naisvangit ja naisrikolliset ovat marginaalinen ilmiö. Kansainvälisesti tarkasteltuna naisvankien suhteellinen osuus koko vankilaväestöstä on noin 5,2 % (keskiarvo). Boliviassa osuus on vaihdellut 6,1 %:n ja 17,1 %:n välillä vuosina 2000-2008. Naisvankien määrä yleisesti ottaen on ollut rajussa kasvussa, suurin syy naisten vangitsemiseen on huumausaineisiin liittyvät rikokset. Näyttää myös siltä että vähemmistöt ja etnisen taustan omaavat henkilöt ovat yliedustettuina vankilaväestössä. Bolivia seuraa tätä kansainvälistä trendiä. Tämä tutkielma on rajattu kysymyksiin Bolivian intiaaniperäisten naisten osuudesta maan huumerikollisuudessa, sekä heidän suhteellisen korkeaa vangitsemisastetta selittäviin yhteiskunnallisiin tekijöihin. Kysymykset sukupuolesta, etnisyydestä ja kokan viljelyn politiikasta ovat keskiössä. Yleisiä kriminologisia teorioita peilataan kriittisesti suhteessa aineistoon ja Bolivian kontekstiin. Huumesodan ja Bolivian ankaran huumelainsäädännön seurauksista keskustellaan kriittisesti, sekä pohditaan köyhän alkuperäisväestön massavangitsemisen tarpeellisuutta. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovat: mitkä tekijät selittävät kohtuullisen korkean intiaaniperäisten naisvankien määrän Boliviassa, ja mikä on heidän asemansa globaalissa huumesodassa? Tutkielmassa on analysoitu kvantitatiivista ja kvalitatiivista aineistoa. Päälähteenä on ollut Bolivian tilastokeskuksen tuottamat rikostilastot. Tutkielman tärkeimpänä löydöksenä voidaan pitää havaintoa, että vastoin tiettyjä olettamuksia, intiaaniperäiset naiset ovat hyvinkin aktiivisia perinteisesti miehisiksi käsitetyillä aloilla kuten rikollisuudessa ja politiikassa. Tutkielmassa osoitetaan myös, että pidätysten määrät ovat moninkertaistuneet muutamassa vuosikymmenessä. Koska kokan viljelyssä on kyse pääasiallisesti taloudellisesta toimeentulosta, tämä tutkielma kysyy, onko hengissä pysyminen rikos?


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We study the problem of finding a set of constraints of minimum cardinality which when relaxed in an infeasible linear program, make it feasible. We show the problem is NP-hard even when the constraint matrix is totally unimodular and prove polynomial-time solvability when the constraint matrix and the right-hand-side together form a totally unimodular matrix.


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Due to large scale afforestation programs and forest conservation legislations, India's total forest area seems to have stabilized or even increased. In spite of such efforts, forest fragmentation and degradation continues, with forests being subject to increased pressure due to anthropogenic factors. Such fragmentation and degradation is leading to the forest cover to change from very dense to moderately dense and open forest and 253 km(2) of very dense forest has been converted to moderately dense forest, open forest, scrub and non-forest (during 2005-2007). Similarly, there has been a degradation of 4,120 km(2) of moderately dense forest to open forest, scrub and non-forest resulting in a net loss of 936 km(2) of moderately dense forest. Additionally, 4,335 km(2) of open forest have degraded to scrub and non-forest. Coupled with pressure due to anthropogenic factors, climate change is likely to be an added stress on forests. Forest sector programs and policies are major factors that determine the status of forests and potentially resilience to projected impacts of climate change. An attempt is made to review the forest policies and programs and their implications for the status of forests and for vulnerability of forests to projected climate change. The study concludes that forest conservation and development policies and programs need to be oriented to incorporate climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation.


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Intracellular pathogen sensor, NOD2, has been implicated in regulation of wide range of anti-inflammatory responses critical during development of a diverse array of inflammatory diseases; however, underlying molecular details are still imprecisely understood. In this study, we demonstrate that NOD2 programs macrophages to trigger Notch1 signaling. Signaling perturbations or genetic approaches suggest signaling integration through cross-talk between Notch1-PI3K during the NOD2-triggered expression of a multitude of immunological parameters including COX-2/PGE(2) and IL-10. NOD2 stimulation enhanced active recruitment of CSL/RBP-Jk on the COX-2 promoter in vivo. Intriguingly, nitric oxide assumes critical importance in NOD2-mediated activation of Notch1 signaling as iNOS(-/-) macrophages exhibited compromised ability to execute NOD2-triggered Notch1 signaling responses. Correlative evidence demonstrates that this mechanism operates in vivo in brain and splenocytes derived from wild type, but not from iNOS(-/-) mice. Importantly, NOD2-driven activation of the Notch1-PI3K signaling axis contributes to its capacity to impart survival of macrophages against TNF-alpha or IFN-gamma-mediated apoptosis and resolution of inflammation. Current investigation identifies Notch1-PI3K as signaling cohorts involved in the NOD2-triggered expression of a battery of genes associated with anti-inflammatory functions. These findings serve as a paradigm to understand the pathogenesis of NOD2-associated inflammatory diseases and clearly pave a way toward development of novel therapeutics.


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In a medium containing cellulose as the carbon source, the rapid growth of Sporotrichum thermophile, the secretion of cellulases and the utilization of cellulose were well-correlated events. The production of beta-glucosidase in culture medium lagged behind cellulases, coinciding with the time of extensive autolysis of mycelia. By contrast, neither apparent autolysis nor secretion of beta-glucosidase occurred when S. thermophile was grown in medium containing cellobiose; the enzyme activity remained associated with mycelia. The release of beta-glucosidase in cellulose-grown cultures was correlated with the activity of the lytic enzyme in the cell wall. Immunocytochemical localization and biochemical characterization showed that a beta-glucosidase released in the cellulose medium was the same as that which remained associated with mycelia grown on cellobiose. The results indicated that the release of beta-glucosidase in the cellulose culture is incidental to the activity of the lytic enzymes which are strongly induced by cellulose. The observations minimize a functional role of the culture fluid beta-glucosidase in cellulolysis by the fungus. Rather, the available information suggests that the cellulases and beta-glucosidases associated with the hyphal cell wall may play a role in cellulolysis by the fungus. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.


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n a medium containing cellulose as the carbon source, the rapid growth of Sporotrichum thermophile, the secretion of cellulases and the utilization of cellulose were well-correlated events. The production of beta-glucosidase in culture medium lagged behind cellulases, coinciding with the time of extensive autolysis of mycelia. By contrast, neither apparent autolysis nor secretion of beta-glucosidase occurred when S. thermophile was grown in medium containing cellobiose; the enzyme activity remained associated with mycelia. The release of beta-glucosidase in cellulose-grown cultures was correlated with the activity of the lytic enzyme in the cell wall. Immunocytochemical localization and biochemical characterization showed that a beta-glucosidase released in the cellulose medium was the same as that which remained associated with mycelia grown on cellobiose. The results indicated that the release of beta-glucosidase in the cellulose culture is incidental to the activity of the lytic enzymes which are strongly induced by cellulose. The observations minimize a functional role of the culture fluid beta-glucosidase in cellulolysis by the fungus. Rather, the available information suggests that the cellulases and beta-glucosidases associated with the hyphal cell wall may play a role in cellulolysis by the fungus. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.


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Clay liners have been widely used to contain toxic and hazardous wastes. Clays adsorb the contaminant cations due to their exchange capacity. To improve the performance of the clay liner, fly ash, a waste material arising out of combustion of coal has been studied as a pre-filter material. The results indicate that fly ash has the potential to retain heavy metal ions. This study concerns the retention of zinc by fly ash. The influence of pH on retention as well as leaching characteristics are examined. The results obtained from the retention experiments by permeameter method indicate that fly ash retains the zinc ions through precipitation in the pores as well as onto the surface when the ambient pH value is more than 6.9, and only through adsorption when the pH value is less than 6.9. It has been observed that fly ash did not release the retained zinc ions when the pH value is between 3.5 and 10.0. Hence, the retention of zinc ions by fly ash is likely to be permanent since the pH of most of the landfill leachates are between 3.7 to 8.8.