964 resultados para Português Não-universitário (K-12)


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Bd. 12 (1897)


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Bd. 12 (1897)


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li-Ibn al-Ḥājib.


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1- al-Durrah al-zāhirah bi-taḍmīn al-Burʼah al-fājirah / lil-Shaykh Qāsim (printed text, paginated 1-15; ff. 1r-8r) -- 2. Afḍal al-zād li-yawm al-maʻād fī al-ṣalāh wa-al-salām ʻalá khayr al-ʻibād (ff. 9r-28v) -- 3. On miracles of the Prophet (ff. 29r-32r) -- 4. Commentary on a verse from the Qurʼān (ff. 32v-34v) -- 5. Hādhihi Qaṣīdat Sayyidinā Muḥammad [A poem in praise of the Prophet] (f. 35r) -- 6. Hādhā Mawlid Sayyid al-awwalīn wa-al-ākhirīn Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻAbd al-Muṭṭalib, 25 Rabīʻ al-Awwal 1274 AH [November 12, 1857 AD] (ff. 36r-40v).


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lil-ʻalāmah Abī al-Ḥasan ʻAlī ibn Abī al-Karam Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd al-Karīm ibn ʻAbd al-Wāḥid al-Shaybānī al-maʻrūf bi-Ibn al-Athīr al-Jazarī al-mulaqqab bi-ʻIzz al-Dīn. Wa-bi-hāmishihi Tārīkh murūj al-dhahab wa-maʻādin al-jawhar / lil-Imām Abī al-Ḥasan ʻAlī ibn al-Ḥusayn al-Masʻūdī.


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Pīr Ḥasan Kabīr ad-Dīn, Pīr Imām Shāh, Pīr Ṣadr ad-Dīn, ... [et al.]].


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Pīr Imām Shāh, Pīr Sohodev, Pīr Shams, ... [et al.]].


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Despite their differences and the difficulties in the EU-UK relationship, the UK has played a significant role in many areas of EU integration for more than 40 years. While determining the exact impact of a British withdrawal from the EU is difficult, one can list a number of areas in which undoubtedly Brexit would have a profoundly negative impact on the EU, and an even greater negative impact on the UK itself. Brexit would also radically change the way the EU functions by changing the EU’s main institutions, creating a series of alterations that would not in the end necessarily be wholly detrimental to the union.


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Two recent instances of flagrant infringement of agreed EU rules – the submission by Italy and France of budget plans for 2015 that clearly violated their governments’ vows of continued austerity under the Stability and Growth Pact and David Cameron’s petulant refusal to pay a back payment of billions of euros to the EU budget – threaten the EU’s fundamental workings, which are based on a clear rulebook enforced vigorously by a strong Commission. As warned by Daniel Gros in his latest CEPS Commentary, Juncker’s Commission risks losing its authority from the start if rules can be bent or broken to accommodate the larger member states’ domestic political priorities. He also calls upon leaders in member states to play their part as well. Pandering to populists may be attractive in terms of short-term electoral gains, but the long-term cost in terms of credibility, both their own and that of the EU, will be very high.


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The cordial letter of November 10th from the British Prime Minister to the President of the European Council is an important document. It sets the stage for deliberations on whether the UK stays in the EU, or quits in an historic act of destructive disintegration for the EU that condemns the UK to what has fittingly been called “the spectre of geo-political irrelevance”. Overall the letter is looking like a plausible move towards settling the Brussels part of the Prime Minister’s manifest objective to keep the UK in the EU, argues Michael Emerson in this CEPS Commentary. But there is one major part of the debate that is underdeveloped so far: the clarification of the scenarios and consequences of secession. Eurosceptics have not detailed their positions on how to manage the secession, but what is becoming clearer is that all conceivable options are far more problematic than the status quo.


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Much has been made of the divide that opened up in 2015 between eastern and western member states as a result of acrimonious discussions on how to handle the refugee crisis and distribute asylum applicants across the EU. Against the prevailing political sentiment in certain member state capitals, Germany and France pushed through a plan devised by the European Commission to relocate 120,000 refugees, by a qualified majority vote in the Council. Rather than creating an east/west divide, however, the vote split the group of (relatively) new Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) of the EU into two factions: Romania, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary voted against the plan, whereas several other CEECs, namely Poland, Bulgaria and the Baltic states, joined the controversial motion on the side of the other (northern, southern and western) member states. Finland abstained. Few member states have shifted their positions in the meantime. If anything, in fact, they have coalesced among the Visegrad 4, following a change of government in Poland; and they have hardened, as a result of new proposals by the Commission to fine member states that refuse to accept refugees. With Hungary’s referendum on the Commission’s relocation scheme scheduled for October 2nd, tensions are set to intensify even further.


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Theresa May, who is set to become UK Prime Minister on Wednesday, has made it clear that “Brexit means Brexit”. Stating this so bluntly has become necessary as a number of voices have speculated that there may be a way back from the brink, claiming that the result of the referendum is not very decisive and that citizens have been misled by the lies of the Brexit campaign, not realising the magnitude of the decision. There certainly seems a wish in the Chancellery in Berlin and in some other capitals that Britain can be kept in, accompanied by a willingness to table compromises to smooth the process.