999 resultados para Planejamento Participativo
O presente trabalho analisa criticamente o Projeto de “Requalificação Urbana Nova Luz”, localizado no bairro de Santa Ifigênia em São Paulo, iniciado no ano de 2005 e atualmente em curso. A área abrangida pelo projeto tem aproximadamente 362 mil metros quadrados, é circunscrita pelas ruas Mauá, Av. Cásper Líbero, Av. Ipiranga, Av. São João e Av. Duque de Caxias. Na abordagem inicial colocada pelo projeto emerge o Planejamento Estratégico com um programa cultural e principal motivador de retorno financeiro aos setores imobiliários e de requalificação urbana. Neste cenário, políticas de revitalização são associadas a programas de promoção cultural de museus e monumentos arquitetônicos, recriando uma nova imagem da cidade. Em diversas literaturas a respeito dos programas de revitalização em áreas centrais, é apontado com freqüência - como resultado desses processos - o surgimento do fenômeno de gentrificação, que implica numa substituição dos antigos moradores dessas áreas por outros com maior poder aquisitivo. Essa dinâmica de produção de um espaço revitalizado é geralmente amparada por flexibilizações de Leis e Instrumentos Urbanísticos, bem como financiamentos de agências multilaterais que fixam parâmetros e exigências para liberação dos recursos
Cardoso Island, settled in the south of paulista region, is characterized by its ecological importance due to the great biodiversity of Mata Atlântica and for accommodating several kinds of ecosystems as mangroves, which were considered by UNESCO as human natural ownership. The mangroves are among the most important marine ecosystems, known as warranty of biological productivity and diversity and supply of food and economical resources to the local population. Although the island has been transformed in a state park for preservation, it hasn’t become free from environmental impacts made by antropical activities. This way it was proposed a rebuilt of an evolutionary process in the region, having as an objective to subsidize programs of environmental conservation and planning , aiming to a sustainable development. For this it was used a isobasis methodological analyses where by the drainage channels and its confluences makes relative maps to the different base levels represented by the isobasis, characterizing itself by an attempt to rebuilt the preterit local landscape. There were elaborated eight maps referring to four orders of confluences met in the region of Cardoso Island and round it where you can conclude it is about an appropriate methodology to rebuilt preterits environments that specially aim to actions of environmental planning and conservation.
This paper presents a material demand forecasting to executive aircrafts modifications, the objective was to determinate a cadence of kits of materials in order reduce over stock, but also keeping the customer quality support. This work was motivated by the strong tendency that the market has to cut costs, especially those that do not add value to the product, waste. To solve the problem the Poisson probability distribution was used and also the error measures MPE, MAPE and MSE. At the end, after some adjustments, we found a satisfactory model for the problem
This paper analyzes the experience of Participatory Budgeting (PB) in the city of Campinas (SP) from the perspective of public communication, understand it as an important factor to increase the participation of social actors in decision-making processes. The democratization process in Brazil was the springboard for a change in the relations between state and society. In line with the new democratic demands, the OP appears to be the possibility of linkage between representative democracy and participatory democracy. As methodological procedure was used the case study of OP in Campinas from 2001 to 20011, comparing the administrations of two different political parties: PT (2001-2004), under the governments of Antonio da Costa dos Santos and Izalene Tiene, and PDT, with the consecutive term of Hélio de Oliveira Santos (2005-2011). We sought to assess whit this research if the communication actions used by different public administrations achieve the public interest adequately, encouraging popular participation
The Medical Physics has been developing very fast due to the progress of the technologies and to the increase of the concerns with cure of diseases. One of the Medical Physics main performances at the present time is the use of ionizing radiations for cancer treatment, especially, services as Radiotherapy. The radiotherapy technique uses ionizing radiation with therapeutic end of cancer controls, avoiding your proliferation and it worsens of the patient. For the treatment a radiation bunch is used, with rectangular form, that it passes through the different types of tissues of the patient's body, and depending on the attenuation and of the depth of the fabrics, a great amount of energy is deposited inside in different points of the body. Like this, to plan this treatment type it should be obtained the dimension of the distribution and dose absorption along the volume. For this, it is necessary in the planning of the treatment of the cancer for radiotherapy to build isodose curves, which are lines that represent points of same amount of dose to be deposited in the area to be treated. To aid the construction of the curves of form isodose to reach the best result in the planning of the treatment, in other words, a great planning, providing the maximum of dose in the tumor and saving the healthy and critical organs, it has been using mathematical tools and computational. A plan of cancer treatment for radiotherapy is considered great when all the parameters that involve the treatment, be them physical or biological, they were investigated and adapted individually for the patient. For that, is considered the type and the location of the tumor, worrying about the elimination of the cancer without damaging the healthy tissue of the treated area, mainly the risk organs, which are in general very sensitive to the radiations. This way, the optimization techniques... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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All the time, organizations are seeking ways to relate to their audiences, in order to become stronger institutionally and merchandising. In the era of information technology contacts occur increasingly in virtual form, minimizing the face-to-face. Thus, this study contextualizes the trade fairs as a way to bring business relations / public interest in a real environment and provides the friendly atmosphere, much as in a short time, the company with a large amount of their customers, potential customers, partners, suppliers, and other audiences that may be interesting. However, shows that for the success of these events is a necessary strategic planning, so that subsequent implementation is possible to measure the results. It also envisions the trade fairs getting a new format, that is, their commercial character to give the space for the relational as a way to bring more awareness to organizations and to strengthen ties with their audiences. This beneath the optics of Public Relation as the appropriate professional to manage relationships and therefore be the strategist of the company's participation in a trade fair
Qualidade na coleta de dados do feixe de radiação, modelagem por meio do sistema de planejamento de tratamento (SPT) e controle da qualidade do processo envolvido são cruciais à fidedignidade do serviço de radioterapia de forma a contribuir à eficácia do tratamento e segurança do principal ente envolvido no final de toda essa sistemática, o paciente. Para isso foi proposto nesse presente trabalho a coleta de dados do feixe de raios-x de 6MV seguido da introdução desses dados ao SPT para processo de modelagem computacional que teve agregado, a todo esses processos, o controle da qualidade segundo critérios de aceitação
This paper focuses on the implementation of a geological and geotechnical mapping to the planning of the region stream Bertini, territorial expansion area of the municipality of Americana (SP), a medium-sized city in the countryside of Sao Paulo state, with great potential for growth industrial and residential. To this end, based on the methodology established by the Institute for Technological Research, the charters geological and geotechnical aimed at exposing the capabilities and limitations of the soil. The analysis of similar soil characteristics such as geology, geomorphology, slope, geotechnical testing and the current use and land cover was possible to recognize four geotechinical units. The units I and III are related to areas of top and concave and convex parts of the study area, shown to be sites of low occupancy restriction. However the units II and IV, respectively allocated in the floodplain of the Piracicaba River and the banks of the stream Bertini and some of its drainage, showed a more restricted area due to proximity to water bodies and drainages that offer higher slopes.
Are presented on this paper, concepts of corrective, preventive and predictive maintenances, following the prerequisites for planning and implementation of a maintenance plan. You also find the theoretical introduction of some measurement instruments accompanied by the necessary and recommended activities during routine maintenances of the electrical equipments in a building installation. Using case study, it is possible to assess a real maintenance plan applied to two occupied floors in a financial institution. The developing of a case study consolidates the effectiveness of the present concepts on this theoretical introduction and shows that the current maintenance plan can be improved in order to obtain better results on company productivity and reliability of equipments. As a conclusion, we can notice the importance of a solid maintenance plan and the need of including this theme on the graduation in Electrical Engineering
O século passado foi marcado por grandes avanços tecnológicos na agricultura que culminaram com a chamada “Revolução Verde”, a qual é hoje, comprovadamente, considerada como um modelo insustentável. Tal fato tem motivado instituições científicas e agricultores a buscarem por novos paradigmas para a produção. A agroecologia tem se destacado por abordar o manejo de agroecossistemas dentro de uma visão holística, sistêmica e participativa, subsidiando a recuperação das suas funções e a autonomia durante a transição agroecológica. Nesse contexto, a utilização de ferramentas para avaliação e monitoramento do processo, como a análise de indicadores de sustentabilidade, é fundamental. O presente estudo teve como objetivo monitorar participativamente o grau de sustentabilidade de duas unidades de produção orgânica em Jaguariúna-SP, após cinco anos de uma primeira avaliação. Foram analisados 81 indicadores, abordando quatro dimensões da sustentabilidade: ambiental, social, econômica e política. Os resultados foram obtidos de forma consensual e participativa entre pesquisadores e agricultores, enriquecendo o estudo. Do ponto de vista global, houve um leve avanço no grau de sustentabilidade das duas propriedades. No entanto, ambas continuam no mesmo nível de transição agroecológica apresentado em pesquisa realizada em 2005.
Currently, more and more processing activities within companies are seen as projects. Project management, as a theory, is well developed and is accepted today in the market as a required competency for organizations. Various methods and techniques have been developed covering all aspects of a project, from conception to final delivery of the products produced by the same. The overall objective of the study is to report the experience of developing the project planning for the machine safety adequacy in robotic cells pallet manufacturers, demonstrating the importance of knowledge in the area of project management for the productive sector, and focusing on the difficulties encountered in particular project. Thus was developed the scope management by a team composed of different areas of engineering, and implementation strategy of the project was chosen from the tool BVOA, with the possible subsequent definition of the project schedule. Furthermore, the risk planning was analyzed using FMECA tool that predicts and mitigates potential failures. It is concluded that the constant and direct relationship between the different stakeholders generates more efficient results, reaching the demands of the project. The definition of alternatives for implementation enabled the viability of the project, and the study of failures was positive to enrich the analysis of planning
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A formação do trombo arterial, composto predominantemente por plaquetas, se dá sob condições de estresse de cisalhamento elevado, nos locais de lesão aterosclerótica vascular e fluxo sanguíneo perturbado e tem como consequência diminuição ou obstrução do calibre dos vasos dos diferentes órgãos podendo levar a eventos isquêmicos. As doenças cardiovasculares são consideradas as principais causas de morte no mundo. Nesse contexto, estima-se que a aterosclerose/aterotrombose seja a causa primária de doença arterial coronariana e acidente vascular cerebral representado mais de 50% das causas de mortes em países ocidentais . É sabido que a aterosclerose, primeiro evento que predispõe à aterotrombose, é considerada um processo inflamatório crônico, e que a utilização de antiinflamatórios não esteroidais (AINEs) COX-1, melhor estabilizam a estrutura da placa ateromatosa impedindo o rompimento e a consequente formação do trombo. Neste contexto, no presente trabalho foram obtidos de novos candidatos a fármacos com propriedades doadoras de NO e antiagregantes plaquetárias, através da estratégia de hibridação molecular dos AINEs contendo uma subunidade doadora de óxido nítrico, representada pelos furoxanos, e espaçada por uma subunidade N-acil hidrazônica. Dessa forma, a inibição da síntese de tromboxanos associada à doação de óxido nítrico permitiu atuação nas plaquetas através de um mecanismo múltiplo de ação com fins de diminuição da agregação plaquetária. Os produtos intermediários e finais apresentaram bons rendimentos e foram caracterizados por técnicas analíticas as quais predisseram que as estruturas propostas foram obtidas. Todos os compostos se como doadores de óxido nítrico. Os compostos 1a e 3a apresentaram atividade analgésica superior a dipirona, utilizada como controle. No ensaio de agregação plaquetária ―in vitro‖... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Considering the growing degradation of the urban environmental quality resulting from the progressive sound pollution increase, as well as the consequent harmful effects about the human health, the present study had its central objective the argument and management tools implementation of the urban noise that can be integrated to the environmental planning in the city of Rio Claro (SP). Therefore, normative and bibliographical revisions were developed, that made feasible the directives of control argument and prevention of the urban noise, as well as the technical procedures of sound levels and evaluation’s definition and especially about the criteria applicable for the elaboration of an urban acoustic zoning methodology. Among the main results obtained detach: (1) the applicable legislation to the management of urban noise’s synthesis and argument; (2) the methodology of urban acoustic zoning development and (3) its implementation to determined areas of Rio Claro (SP) with the (4) respective cartography representation; (5) the mapping of sound levels in the central zone of Rio Claro (SP), (6) the obtaining and analysis of noise describers (LAeq, Lmáx, L10, L50, L90, Lmin and TNI) and the subsequent (7) acoustic maps elaboration for the main describers.