902 resultados para Piezoelectric vibration
Bismuth germanate glasses are interesting materials due to their physical properties and their unique structural characteristics caused by the coordination changes of bismuth and germanium atoms. Glasses of the bismuth germanate system were prepared by melting/molding method and were investigated concerning their thermal and structural properties. The structural analysis of the samples was carried out by micro-Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopes. It was observed that the glass structure is formed basically by GeO(4) tetrahedral units also having the formation of the GeO(6) octahedral units. BiO(2) was considered a network former by observing the presence of octahedral BiO(6) and pyramidal BiO(3) groups in the local structure of the samples. An absorption band observed at 1103 cm(-1) in the IR spectrum of the undoped glass was attributed to the Bi-O-Ge and/or Bi-O-Bi linkage vibration. The said band shifted to lower wavenumbers after the CeO(2) addition thus reflecting changes in the glass network. Cerium oxide was an efficient oxidant agent to prevent the darkening of the glasses which was probably associated to the reduction of Bi ions. However, CeO(2) was incorporated as a local network modifier in the glass structure even at concentrations of 0.2 mol%. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[Ba(1-x)Y(2x/3)](Zr(0.25)Ti(0.75))O(3) powders with different yttrium concentrations (x = 0, 0.025 and 0.05) were prepared by solid state reaction. These powders were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Fourier transform Raman scattering (FT-RS), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and X-ray absorption near-edge (XANES) spectroscopies. The optical properties were investigated by means of ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. Even with the addition of yttrium, the XRD patterns revealed that all powders crystallize in a perovskite-type cubic structure. FT-RS and FT-IR spectra indicated that the presence of [YO(6)] clusters is able to change the interaction forces between the O-Ti-O and O-Zr-O bonds. XANES spectra were used to obtain information on the off-center Ti displacements or distortion effects on the [TiO(6)] clusters. The different optical band gap values estimated from UV-vis spectra suggested the existence of intermediary energy levels (shallow or deep holes) within the band gap. The PL measurements carried out with a 350 nm wavelength at room temperature showed that all powders present typical broad band emissions in the blue region. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Pure O-methyl N-methoxycarbonyl thiocarbamate CH(3)OC(S)N(H)C(O)OCH(3) (I) and O-ethyl N-methoxycarbonyl thiocarbamate, CH(3)CH(2)OC(S)N(H)C(O)OCH(3) (II), are quantitatively prepared by the addition reaction between the CH(3)OC(O)NCS and the corresponding alcohols. The compounds are characterized by multinuclear ((1)H and (13)C) and bi-dimensional ((13)C HSQC) NMR, GC-MS and FTIR spectroscopy techniques. Structural and conformational properties are analyzed using a combined approach involving crystallographic data, vibration spectra and theoretical calculations. The low-temperature (150 K) crystal structure of II was determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The substance crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/n with a = 4.088(1)angstrom. b = 22.346(1)angstrom, c = 8.284(1)angstrom, beta = 100.687(3)degrees and Z = 4 molecules per unit cell. The conformation adopted by the thiocarbamate group -OC(S)N(H)- is syn (C=S double bond in synperiplanar orientation with respect to the N-H single bond), while the methoxycarbonyl C=O double bond is in antiperiplanar orientation with respect to the N-H bond. The non-H atoms in II are essentially coplanar and the molecules are arranged in the crystal lattice as centro-symmetric dimeric units held by N-H center dot center dot center dot S=C hydrogen bonds Id(N center dot center dot center dot S) = 3.387(1)angstrom, <(N-H center dot center dot center dot S) = 166.4(2)degrees]. Furthermore, the effect of the it electronic resonance in the structural and vibrational properties is also discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We have investigated the polyoxides HOOH, HOOOH, HOOOOH, and HOOO employing the CCSD(T) methodology, and the correlation consistent basis sets. For all molecules, we have computed fundamental vibrational frequencies, structural parameters, rotational constants, and rotation-vibration corrections. For HOOOH, we have obtained a good agreement between our results and microwave and infrared spectra measurements, although for the symmetric OO stretch some important differences were found. Heats of formation were computed using atomization energies, and our recommendation is as follows: Delta H degrees(f,298)(HOOOH) = -21.50 kcal/mol and Delta H degrees(f,298)(HOOOOH) = -10.61 kcal/mol. In the case of HOOO, to estimate the heat of formation, we have constructed three isodesmic reactions to cancel high order correlation effects. The results obtained confirmed that the latter effects are very important for HOOO. The new Delta H degrees(f,298)(HOOO) obtained is 5.5 kcal/mol. We have also calculated the zero-point energies of DO and DOOO to correct the experimental lower limit determined for the Delta H degrees(f,298)(HOOO). The Delta(Delta ZPE) decreases the binding energy of HOOO by 0.56 kcal/mol. Employing the latter value, the new experimental lower limit for Delta H degrees(f,298)(HOOO) is 3.07 kcal/mol, just 2.4 kcal/mol lower than our determination. We expect that the fundamental vibrational frequencies and rotational constants determined for HOOOOH and DOOOOD contribute to its identification in the gas phase. The vibrational spectrum of HOOOOH shows some overlapping with that of HOOOH thus indicating that one may encounter some difficulties in its characterization. We discuss the consequences of the thermochemical properties determined in this work, and suggest that the amount of HOOO present in the atmosphere is smaller than that proposed recently in this journal (J. Phys. Chem A 2007, 111, 4727).
The coating of cotton fiber is used in the textile industry to increase the mechanical resistance of the yarn and their resistance to vibration, friction, impact, and elongation, which are some of the forces to which the yarn is subjected during the weaving process. The main objective of this study was to investigate the use of synthetic hydrophilic polymers, poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), and poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVP) to coat 100% cotton textile fiber, with the aim of giving the fiber temporary mechanical resistance. For the fixation of the polymer on the fiber, UV-C radiation was used as the crosslinking process. The influence of the crosslinking process was determined through tensile testing of the coated fibers. The results indicated that UV-C radiation increased the mechanical resistance of the yarn coated with PVP by up to 44% and the yarn coated with PVA by up to 67% compared with the pure cotton yarn, that is, without polymeric coating and crosslinking. This study is of great relevance, and it is important to consider that UV-C radiation dispenses with the use of chemical substances and prevents the generation of toxic waste at the end of the process. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 119: 2560-2567, 2011
Coating of cotton yarn is employed in the textile industry to increase the mechanical resistance of the yarns and resistance to vibration, friction, impact, and elongation, which are some of the forces to which the yarn is subjected during the weaving process. The main objective of this study is to investigate the usage of a synthetic hydrophilic polymer, poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVP), to coat 100% cotton textile yarn, aiming to give the yarn a temporary mechanical resistance. For the improvement of the mechanical resistance of the yarn, the following crosslinking processes of PVP were investigated: UV-C (ultraviolet) radiation, the Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions, and sensitized UV-C radiation. The influence of each crosslinking process was determined through tensile testing of the coated yarns. The results indicated that the best crosslinking process employed was UV-C radiation; increasing the mechanical resistance of the yarn up to 44% if compared with the pure cotton yarn, that is, without polymeric coating and crosslinking. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 51:445-453, 2011. (C) 2010 Society of Plastics Engineers
This paper describes an automatic device for in situ and continuous monitoring of the ageing process occurring in natural and synthetic resins widely used in art and in the conservation and restoration of cultural artefacts. The results of tests carried out under accelerated ageing conditions are also presented. This easy-to-assemble palm-top device, essentially consists of oscillators based on quartz crystal resonators coated with films of the organic materials whose response to environmental stress is to be addressed. The device contains a microcontroller which selects at pre-defined time intervals the oscillators and records and stores their oscillation frequency. The ageing of the coatings, caused by the environmental stress and resulting in a shift in the oscillation frequency of the modified crystals, can be straightforwardly monitored in this way. The kinetics of this process reflects the level of risk damage associated with a specific microenvironment. In this case, natural and artificial resins, broadly employed in art and restoration of artistic and archaeological artefacts (dammar and Paraloid B72), were applied onto the crystals. The environmental stress was represented by visible and UV radiation, since the chosen materials are known to be photochemically active, to different extents. In the case of dammar, the results obtained are consistent with previous data obtained using a bench-top equipment by impedance analysis through discrete measurements and confirm that the ageing of this material is reflected in the gravimetric response of the modified quartz crystals. As for Paraloid B72, the outcome of the assays indicates that the resin is resistant to visible light, but is very sensitive to UV irradiation. The use of a continuous monitoring system, apart from being obviously more practical, is essential to identify short-term (i.e. reversible) events, like water vapour adsorption/desorption processes, and to highlight ageing trends or sudden changes of such trends. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The oscillatory electro-oxidation of methanol was studied by means of in situ infrared (IR) spectroscopy in the attenuated total reflection (ATR) configuration using a platinum film on a Si prism as working electrode. The surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) effect considerably improves the spectroscopic resolution, allowing at following the coverage of some adsorbing species during the galvanostatic oscillations. Carbon monoxide was the main adsorbed specie observed in the induction period and within the oscillatory regime. The system was investigated at two distinct time-scales and its dynamics characterized accordingly. During the induction period the main transformation observed as the system move through the phase space towards the oscillatory region was the decrease of the coverage of adsorbed carbon, coupled to the increase of the electrode potential. Similar transition characterizes the evolution within the oscillatory region, but at a considerably slower rate. Experiments with higher time resolution revealed that the electrode potential oscillates in-phase with the frequency of the linearly adsorbed CO vibration and that the amount of adsorbed CO oscillates with small amplitude. Adsorbed formate was found to play, if any, a very small role. Results are discussed and compared with other systems. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundamentalmente, o presente trabalho faz uma análise elástica linear de pontes ou vigas curvas assimétricas de seção transversal aberta e de parede fina, com propriedades físicas, geométricas e raio de curvatura constantes ao longo do eixo baricêntrico. Para tanto, utilizaram-se as equações diferenciais de VLASOV considerando o acoplamento entre as deformações nas direções vertical, transversal, axial de torcão nal. Na solução do sistema de quatro equações com derivadas parciais foi utilizado um apropriado método numérico de integração (Diferenças Finitas Centrais). A análise divide-se, basicamente, em dois tipos: análise DINÂMICA e ESTATICA. Ambas são utilizadas também na determinação do coeficiente de impacto (C.M.D.). A primeira refere-se tanto na determinação das características dinâmicas básicas (frequências naturais e respectivos modos de vibração), como também na determinação da resposta dinâmica da viga, em tensões e deformações, para cargas móveis arbitrárias. Vigas com qualquer combinação das condições de contorno, incluindo bordos rotulados e engastados nas três direções de flexão e na torção, são consideradas. 0s resultados da análise teórica, obtidos pela aplicação de programas computacionais implementados em microcomputador (análise estática) e no computador B-6700 (análise dinâmica), são comparados tanto com os da bibliografia técnica como também com resultados experimentais, apresentando boa correlação.
Este trabalho é camposto por dois estudos basicamente: um estudo teórico sobre os blocos sílico-calcários de areia-cal e um estudo prático sobre a viabilidade técnica de produção destes blocos em uma região determinada. A pesquisa teórica procurou elucidar o que vem a ser um bloco síilico-calcário, buscando a viabilidade da pesquisa prática e os pontos principais a serem abordados. Foram estudados, nesta parte, as matérias-primas e o processo produtivo empregado na confecção destes elementos, mostrando a importância de cada item para as características do produto final. Foi dada atenção ainda às características técnicas, aos fatores que determinam a produção e emprego e aos aspectos positivos e negativos dos elementos deste tipo produzido em outros locais. A pesquisa prática buscou a disponibilidade de matéria-prima conveniente para a produção de blocos sílicos-calcários, e o efeito das variações do processo produtivo sobre os produtos confeccionados com os materiais estudados. A matéria-prima empregada foi uma areia quartzosa da região de Santa Maria-RS, cal calcítica virgem de São Sepé-RS, e cinza volante da termoelétrica Presidente Médici, em Bagé-RS, fazendo-se variações nas percentagens destes componentes. As variações do processo produtivo foram efetuadas no tipo de moldagem dos corpos de prova, em que foi usada pressão, vibração e vibro-compressão, e na pressão de autoclavagem. Para todas as variações efetuadas foram obtidas as seguintes características: variações por autoclavagem, massa específica aparente, absorção d´água, resistência à compressão, resistência à tração e módulo de elasticidade à compressão, as quais foram relacionadas através de quadros e figuras às diversas variações.
Este trabalho apresenta o estudo da efetividade de barreiras de amortecimento para atenuar a vibração causada pela propagação de ondas sísmicas oriundas de detonações. A barreira consta de uma porção do terreno cujas características de propagação são modificadas artificialmente pela detonação de uma linha de furos com parâmetros idênticos aos dos furos de produção. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a efetividade deste recurso, evidenciado pelo coeficiente de redução entre os valores de vibração gerados em situações com e sem o uso de barreira (0,41) e também através da mudança dos coeficientes da equação de previsão via Distância Escalonada, possibilitando em escala de produção o aumento na carga máxima por tempo de retardo ( 4,9 % à 118,9% ), com redução de custos devido ao menor consumo de retardos por furo ( -5,7 % à - 40,7 % ).
The alginic acid or alginates are acidic polysaccharides found in brown seaweed widely used in food, cosmetic, medical and pharmaceutical industry. This paper proposes the extraction, chemical characterization and verification of the pharmacological activities of brown seaweed variegata Lobophora . The alginate was extracted from the seaweed Lobophora variegata and part was sulphated for comparative purposes. The native extract showed 42% total sugar, 65% uronic acid, 0,36 % protein and 0% of sulfate, while the sulfate showed 39% , 60%, 0.36% and 27,92 % respectively. The presence of a sulfate group may be observed by the metachromasia with toluidine blue in electrophoresis system and characteristic vibration 1262,34 cm-1 in infrared spectroscopy connections assigned to S = O. We observed the formation of films and beads of native alginate, where more concentrated solution 6% resulted in a thicker and more consistent film. Native alginate showed proliferative activity at concentrations (25 and 50 mcg), (50 mg) and (100 mg) in 3T3 cell line in 24h, 48h and 72h, respectively , as the sulfated (100 mg) in 24 . Also showed antiproliferative or cytotoxic activity in HeLa cells of strain, (25 and 100 mg), (25 and 100 mg) and (25, 50 and 100 mg), to native, now for the sulfate concentrations (100 mg) in 24 (25, 50 and 100 mg) in 48 hours, and (50 and 100 mg ) 72h. For their antioxidant activity, the sulfated alginates have better total antioxidant activity reaching 29 % of the native activity while 7.5 % of activity . For the hydroxyl radical AS showed high inhibition ( between 77-83 % ) in concentrations, but the AN surpassed these numbers in the order of 78-92 % inhibition. The reducing power of AN and AS ranged between 39-82 % . In the method of ferric chelation NA reached 100 % chelating while the AS remained at a plateau oscillating 6.5%. However, in this study , we found alginates with promising pharmacological activities, to use in various industries as an antioxidant / anti-tumor compound
A self-flotator vibrational prototype electromechanical drive for treatment of oil and water emulsion or like emulsion is presented and evaluated. Oil production and refining to obtain derivatives is carried out under arrangements technically referred to as on-shore and off-shore, ie, on the continent and in the sea. In Brazil 80 % of the petroleum production is taken at sea and area of deployment and it cost scale are worrisome. It is associated, oily water production on a large scale, carrier 95% of the potential pollutant of activity whose final destination is the environment medium, terrestrial or maritime. Although diversified set of techniques and water treatment systems are in use or research, we propose an innovative system that operates in a sustainable way without chemical additives, for the good of the ecosystem. Labyrinth adsor-bent is used in metal spirals, and laboratory scale flow. Equipment and process patents are claimed. Treatments were performed at different flow rates and bands often monitored with control systems, some built, other bought for this purpose. Measurements of the levels of oil and grease (OGC) of efluents treaty remained within the range of legal framework under test conditions. Adsorbents were weighed before and after treatment for obtaining oil impregna-tion, the performance goal of vibratory action and treatment as a whole. Treatment technolo-gies in course are referenced, to compare performance, qualitatively and quantitatively. The vibration energy consumption is faced with and without conventional flotation and self-flotation. There are good prospects for the proposed, especially in reducing the residence time, by capillary action system. The impregnation dimensionless parameter was created and confronted with consecrated dimensionless parameters, on the vibrational version, such as Weber number and Froude number in quadratic form, referred to as vibrational criticality. Re-sults suggest limits to the vibration intensity
The present work concerns an auto-ethnographic study based on life experiences and reflections of an educator at Escola Viva Preschool and Elementary-Middle School, located in the city center of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. As a cognitive model of operation, we use the metaphor of the Circle Dance. The objective of this study is to identify, interpret and describe the ludopoetics that are achieved through a Musical Education program, which we denominate, Humanescent. The data of this investigation was derived from the music making by Preschool and Elementary-Middle School students at Escola Viva during 2007, 2008 and 2009, from which 20 learners were selected to form the corpus, along with the description and interpretation of photos of their experiences and sand tray scenes. We justify the methodological systemization of the research based on our own pedagogical practice, which supports Musical Education in the schools based on the principals of Embodiment, Autopoesis and Flow. The methodological systemization was developed through an Action Research model and on the concepts of Systemic Development, with the goal of re-reading the context investigated through the structuring of categories of Ludopoesis: Self-esteem, Self-territory, Self-connectivity, Self-realization and Selfworth. We used an observant-participant research approach with regard to the perception of emergent knowledge, the surroundings, the experience lived and the contextual and vibration of the circumstances. Besides this, we used projection to interpret the experiences lived, in the form of drawings, short poems, letters or sand tray scenes as symbolic interpretations of experience. In the unfolding of the Ludopoetic Process (Selfesteem, Self-territory, Self-connectivity, Self-realization and Selfworth) we draw conclusions about the relevance of the ludic musical experience, which foments the formation of the self based on music learning, and which is demonstrated in the Embodiment of the learners. In the auto-formative process (of learners and educators) we observe the importance of pedagogical work based on Musical Humanescent Education that gives value to the music making path to the construction of music and performance in play, creativity, and sensibility. The experience of making music in a playful way allows for organization of the self and its autonomous production in the joy of living within a ludopoetic process. These findings highlight the educator as in a permanent state of selfformation, which generates moments of flow. However, in Musical Humanescent Education, music is learned collectively, doing a circle dance, experiencing love, fostering an expansion of the creative spirit, and giving recognition to playfulness as a necessary condition for education and to the value of music made with the true nature and sensibilities of the educators
Numerosas pesquisas têm estudado os métodos não-destrutivos de avaliação de materiais e sua aplicação àqueles de matrizes complexas, como é o caso da madeira. Um dos primeiros métodos não-destrutivos investigados para aplicação nesses casos foi o da vibração transversal. Apesar de sua concepção simples, e a despeito dos grandes avanços obtidos nessa área com outros métodos, como, por exemplo, o ultra-som, o método de vibração transversal para a determinação do módulo de elasticidade da madeira revela-se como de grande potencial de aplicação, sobretudo pela precisão do modelo matemático a ele associado e pela possibilidade de sua aplicação a peças de dimensões estruturais (in-grade testing). Neste trabalho, apresenta-se o uso desse método na determinação do módulo de elasticidade de três espécies de eucalipto. Foram ensaiados não-destrutivamente e por ensaios mecânicos convencionais de flexão corpos-de-prova de 2 cm x 2 cm x 46 cm de E. grandis, E. saligna e E. citriodora. Os ensaios não-destrutivos foram conduzidos com uso do sistema BING - Beam Identification by Non-destructive Grading, que permite a análise das vibrações do material nos domínios do tempo e da freqüência. Os resultados obtidos revelaram boa correlação entre os dois tipos de ensaios empregados, justificando o início dos ensaios com peças de dimensões estruturais, para a viabilização da técnica nas práticas de classificação estrutural.