948 resultados para Piano music (4 hands)
Purpose Musicians often suffer injuries related to their music playing. Therefore, some use the Alexander Technique (AT), a psycho-physical method that helps to release unnecessary muscle tension and re-educates non-beneficial movement patterns through enhanced kinaesthetic awareness. According to a recent review AT may be effective for chronic back pain. This review aimed to evaluate the evidence for the effectiveness of AT lessons on music performance and musicians’ health and well-being. Methods The following electronic databases were searched up to July 2012 for relevant literature: PUBMED, Google Scholar, CINAHL and EMBASE. The search criteria were "Alexander technique" AND "music*" [all fields]. References were searched, and experts and societies of AT or musicians' medicine contacted for further publications. Results 100 studies were identified. 35 studies were included for further analysis, 5 of which were randomised controlled trials (RCTs), 5 controlled but not randomised, 5 not controlled, 5 qualitative case studies, 2 mixed-models (RCT and case studies), 7 surveys, 4 qualitative case reports and 2 unpublished pilot studies. 13 to 72 musicians participated per RCT. In 5 RCTs AT groups received between 12 and 20 one-to-one lessons. In 4 RCTs control groups received no interventions. Primary outcomes were performance anxiety, performance, "use" as well as respiratory function and pain. Performance anxiety decreased by AT in 3 of 4 RCTs. Music performance was improved by AT in 1 RCT, yet in 2 RCTs comparing neurofeedback (NF) to AT, only NF showed improvements. Conclusions To investigate the effectiveness of AT in musicians a variety of study designs and outcome measures have been used. Evidence from RCTs suggests that AT may improve performance anxiety in musicians. Effects on music performance, body use and respiratory function yet remain inconsistent. Future trials with well-established study designs are warranted to further and more reliably explore the potential of AT as a relatively low cost and low risk method in the interest of musicians.
This chapter maps out central globalizing perspectives that have influenced discourses on revival and related transformational processes of traditional forms of musical expression. Focusing on the Latvian groups Skandinieki and Iļģi and on electric folk in England, the chapter analyzes the extent to which meta-perspectives can help elucidate the impact of global flows on music revivals. As Held et al.’s 2003 globalization study indicates, revival situations can be interpreted from different meta-perspectives. Equating globalization with homogenization, a sceptic perspective perceives revival as an important means of preservation. A hyperglobal approach regards globalization not as a threat, but as a possible access to Western market structures. A transformationalist perspective perceives increasingly dense global networks as the basis for developing new structures, approached from an open perspective. Although supporting a transformationalist perspective, this chapter argues that an adequate modern approach toward revival requires the combination of all three perspectives.
arr. par F. Hermann d'après Le Grand Septuor Oeuvre 20 composé par L. van Beethoven
arr. and ed. for the choir committee of the Council of the United Synagogue by Francis L. Cohen ...
by M. Halpern
music & words by A. Goldfaden. Arr. for piano by J. M. Rumshisky [[Elektronische Ressource]]
Page 2 – A is for Access. The librarian’s role is changing from manager of materials to manager of access to materials. Where Will Your Research Be Tomorrow? Institutional repositories hope to preserve research created on-campus. Page 3 - An Ideal Collaboration. Librarians provide research support for UConn/Stamford Author Nechama Tec Page 4 - In Brief. Naxos is a new online music collection. A new method for binding paperback books saves the cover information. Archives & Special Collections add new collections. Page 5 - In Brief. ARTstor is a major new collection of online art images. Human Rights Internet Archives are donated to the Dodd Center. The annual RBS Greenwich Capital Economic Seminar focuses on the next four years. A delegation from China visits Babbidge Library. Users tell us what they think. Page 6 - Staff News
Honorio Siccardi (1897-1963) es una figura destacada en el mundo musical argentino y latinoamericano por su múltiple actividad como docente y compositor. Se publica el Catálogo General de sus obras en 1993. Primer trabajo que nos da la posibilidad de conocer su producción artística, la cual consta de 270 obras de diversos géneros musicales y trabajos musicológicos. En el 2002-2004, se desarrolla el proyecto de investigación “Música argentina del siglo XX. Obras para piano de Honorio Siccardi.", subsidiado por Secretaría de Ciencia, Técnica y Posgrado de la UNCuyo, obteniendo como resultado un catálogo de obras para piano, documentación fehaciente que las contextualiza y análisis estilístico de obras seleccionadas, lo que nos permite demostrar la hipótesis propuesta: “Honorio Siccardi(1897-1963), compositor argentino del Siglo XX, desarrolla su estilo vanguardista en sus obras para piano". La publicación total de las obras para piano de Siccardi en: “Obras para piano de Honorio Siccardi. Música argentina del siglo XX" y la grabación de las mismas se concreta con la presentación del CD. “Honorio Siccardi. Obra integral para piano" 2007. Lo importante del enfoque y de los resultados esperados de este trabajo es el rescate, preservación, edición, grabación y difusión de las obras para piano.
A 5-day training in Nonimaging Optics for European SME’s employees was carried out in June 2012 in the framework of the FP7 funded Support Action "SMETHODS". The training combined theoretical introduction and hands-on practice. The experience was very positive, and the lessons learned will improve the next scheduled sessions. Introduction The FP7 funded Support Action "SMETHODS" [1] is an initiative of seven European academic institutions to strengthen Europe's optics and photonics industry, which has started on 1 September 2011. Participation in training sessions is free for participants, who are selected with priority will be given to employees of small and medium sized European enterprises (SMEs). The consortium in SMETHODS is formed by seven partners that are the most prominent academic institutions in optical design in their countries. Through fully integrated collaborative training sessions, the consortium provides professional assistance as well as hands-on training in a variety of design tasks in four domains: (1) imaging optics, (2) nonimaging optics, (3) wave optics, and (4) diffractive optics. For each of this domains domain, 5-day training sessions are scheduled to be hold in different locations throughout Europe, four times in two years, the teach four times in a 2.5 years period.
A contribuição da música no campo das ciências humanas vem sendo valorizado pelas ciências da saúde nas últimas décadas, favorecendo relações entre a Fonoaudiologia e a Musicoterapia. A avaliação da percepção musical busca compreender princípios básicos como a discriminação de timbres, melodias, ritmos, intensidade, altura, duração das notas, densidade, entre outros, além de conhecimentos inerentes em relação a audição, bem como as experiências musicais no decorrer da vida. O objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar um teste informatizado de avaliação do reconhecimento de melodias tradicionais brasileiras e verificar o desempenho de crianças com audição normal neste instrumento. Foi realizada a elaboração de um teste, denominado Avaliação do Reconhecimento de Melodias Tradicionais em Crianças normo-ouvintes (ARMTC), em formato de website, composto por 15 melodias tradicionais da cultura brasileira, gravadas com timbre sintetizado de piano, padronizadas com andamentos variáveis, intensidades similares, tonalidade de acordo com a partitura utilizada, reprodução de 12 segundos cada melodia e pausas de quatro segundos entre cada melodia. A casuística foi composta por 155 crianças, com faixa etária entre oito e 11 anos, de ambos os sexos, com limiares auditivos nas frequências de 500 Hz a 4000 Hz dentro dos padrões de normalidade e curva timpanométrica tipo A. Todas as crianças foram submetidas à triagem audiológica (frequências de 500 Hz, 1 KHz, 2 KHz e 4 KHz), Timpanometria e ao ARMTC. O ARMTC foi aplicado em campo livre com intensidade de 65 dBNA, com caixa de som posicionada a 0o azimute, à uma distância de um metro do participante que se manteve sentado. As crianças foram instruídas a clicar na tela do notebook no ícone correspondente ao nome e ilustração da melodia a qual ouviram e prosseguir dessa forma até o término das 15 melodias apresentadas. Na maioria das melodias selecionadas não houve diferença significante entre número de erros/acertos e tempo de reação quando estas variáveis foram correlacionadas ao sexo, idade e local em que o teste foi aplicado. As melodias mais reconhecidas foram: Cai, cai balão, Boi da cara preta, que teve igual score a Caranguejo, Escravos de Jó, O cravo, Parabéns a você e Marcha soldado, as quais obtiveram reconhecimento superior à 70% de acertos e a melodia com menor reconhecimento foi Capelinha de melão.
Sensing techniques are important for solving problems of uncertainty inherent to intelligent grasping tasks. The main goal here is to present a visual sensing system based on range imaging technology for robot manipulation of non-rigid objects. Our proposal provides a suitable visual perception system of complex grasping tasks to support a robot controller when other sensor systems, such as tactile and force, are not able to obtain useful data relevant to the grasping manipulation task. In particular, a new visual approach based on RGBD data was implemented to help a robot controller carry out intelligent manipulation tasks with flexible objects. The proposed method supervises the interaction between the grasped object and the robot hand in order to avoid poor contact between the fingertips and an object when there is neither force nor pressure data. This new approach is also used to measure changes to the shape of an object’s surfaces and so allows us to find deformations caused by inappropriate pressure being applied by the hand’s fingers. Test was carried out for grasping tasks involving several flexible household objects with a multi-fingered robot hand working in real time. Our approach generates pulses from the deformation detection method and sends an event message to the robot controller when surface deformation is detected. In comparison with other methods, the obtained results reveal that our visual pipeline does not use deformations models of objects and materials, as well as the approach works well both planar and 3D household objects in real time. In addition, our method does not depend on the pose of the robot hand because the location of the reference system is computed from a recognition process of a pattern located place at the robot forearm. The presented experiments demonstrate that the proposed method accomplishes a good monitoring of grasping task with several objects and different grasping configurations in indoor environments.