961 resultados para Petrologia - Amazonas


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Com o intuito de promover uma ação internacional para a gestão sustentável, conservação e desenvolvimento das florestas e chamar a atenção da população para o papel destas na geração de benefícios econômicos, sociais e ambientais, principalmente para os povos que dependem delas para sobreviver, a Assembléia Geral da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), declarou 2011 como o Ano Internacional das Florestas. Paradoxal a esta ação, o ano de 2011 é também marcado pela inauguração da Rodovia Interoceânica Sul (IOS) no Peru, que ao conectar-se a malha rodoviária brasileira cria um elo de ligação direta entre o Oceano Atlântico e o Oceano Pacífico. Segundo seus idealizadores, o projeto aumentará as possibilidades de comércio internacional. Além de incrementar o comércio bilateral e integrar a Macro-Região Sul do Peru ao restante do país, a IOS proporciona ao Brasil uma alternativa de acesso ao Oceano Pacífico e aos mercados da Ásia e, ao Peru, um acesso mais eficiente ao Atlântico e aos mercados da costa leste dos EUA e da Europa. Por outro lado, a IOS passa por uma das mais preservadas regiões da Amazônia e, é considerada de importância única em termos de risco para os esforços mundiais de conservação da biodiversidade e de respeito aos direitos das últimas populações humanas que ali vivem sem ou com muito pouco contato com a sociedade moderna. Os impactos socioambientais ligados à construção e/ou reabilitação de estradas em territórios tropicais úmidos adquiriram fama mundial precisamente com a BR- 364, trecho principal desse corredor no território brasileiro. A pavimentação desta estrada nos anos 1980 provocou desastres ambiental e social gravíssimos no norte de Mato Grosso, em Rondônia e no Acre. Desta forma, a presente pesquisa tem por objetivo fazer um estudo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The Roosevelt-Domain Aripuanã that by Filho et al 2004 is characterized by a metavolcanic sedimentary sequence, containing acidic to interemediary metavolcanic rocks and clastic and chemical sediments, deformed and metamorphosed at low grade, with U-Pb age of 1.743 +- 4 Ma, (by Granito Zé do Torno), and circumscribed bodies of granites late to post-orogenic (Aripuanã)...


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This work aims to identify and photograph grains that compose important Cretaceous carbonate units of the Potiguar Basin, represented by the Ponta do Mel and Jandaíra formations (Albian-Campanian). Petrographic investigation of thin sections was essential. The samples studied come from wells and surface samples from the collection UNESPetro – UNESP, Rio Claro. In the Ponta do Mel Formation, the grains consist of ooids, oncoids, peloids and bioclasts. Regarding to the identified bioclasts, the solenoporacean red algae, mollusks (bivalves and gastropods), echinoids, foraminifera, ostracods and worms were the dominant elements. In the Jandaíra Formation, the grains are composed by ooids, peloids and bioclasts, which are represented by green algae, mollusks (bivalves and gastropods), benthic foraminifera miliolids, worms, echinoderms and ostracods. The grains found in the Ponta do Mel Formation are somewhat similar to those found in the Jandaíra Formation, with the exception of calcareous algae. The subsurface material from the Ponta do Mel Formation is derived from the upper part of the unit, representing marine high-energy carbonates, which also contains ooids and Trocholina. The samples of Jandaíra Formation, collected in outcrops, often contain green algae, mollusks and miliolids, and come from inner shelf and lagoon facies previously described


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The granites Rondonianos, located in Rondônia Tin Pronvíncia, the southwestern portion of the Amazonian Craton, have great economic importance due to its large potential metallogenic. These granites stands out Intrusive Suite or Suite Granites Latest Rondônia Rondônia, with approximately 997-998 Ma (Bettencourt et al., 1997, 1999), for their tin mineralization having the largest reserves of this ore from Brazil. These tin mineralization in veins greissen are genetically related to these granites, deposits with different structural styles both within granitic plutons (endogreissen) as the host rocks (exogreissen). The western region of the Massif Caritianas has few published works, and the geology and potential econômicoão that were never fully known, now with the recovery of tin in the world market need new campaigns and prospective discoveries of new deposits


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The area chosen for this study is the island of Trinidade, which is located 1167 km off the Brazilian coast, in parallel Victory at 20 ° 30'S and 29 º 19'W, being the most easterly point of our continent. The isolation of oceanic island of Trinidade leaves no noticeable that she is part of a large submarine volcanic chain oriented east-west lineament known as Vitória- Trindade. Along with the island of Martin Vaz, who is Federal Territory is administered by the Navy of Brazil. Both correspond to Source alkaline volcanic islands. The area of the island of Trinidad has approximately 10 km2. Geologically consisting ankaratritic spills, spills tannbuschiticos, volcanic tuff spills analcite-ankaratrite, phonolite spills, spills nefelinite, pyroclastics, spills grazinite, tinguaitos, olivine-analcitito, calcarenite dunes and wind according to Almeida (1961). The island has its base on the ocean floor, at 5,800 m depth. It is the only place still recognizes preserved volcanic necks and plugs, as well as remnants of a volcano in Brazil. Magmatism occurred here a sodium alkali-silica subsaturated where his wrist was last 50,000 years according to Almeida (1961). It is a place with restricted access due to their distance from the coast, his contribution and hard to be an exclusive area of the Navy. On the island with peaks occur up to 620 meters high, and its rugged mountainous terrain and difficult access to very specific points, as the peak of Desire, peak Fazendinha, Monument and other points on the island. Because of its location far from the coast, its small infrastructure, difficulty of landing and restricted access by sea, the island of Trinidad offers no possibility of tourism, being a military outpost, and scientific basis of great importance, which conduct research in area of marine biology, oceanography, geology and others


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This monograph presents the data of geological mapping, structural and economic research of an area of about 230 km², in the outskirts of Jacutinga / MG, south of Minas Gerais State and adjacent areas of the northeastern state of São Paulo, in compliance with the discipline of Graduation Course of Geology at the Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences. It consists of Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe, developed in response to the collision of cratons Parana and Sao Francisco (630 Ma ago), with mass transit to the east, affected by the coexistence of a system pushes later, with convergence to Northwest, giving rise to the intricate area of interference of the two provinces. Locally there metasedimentary rocks of molasse basin of Proterozoic- Phanerozoic transition called Eleutério; Intrusive, equigranular and porphyroid granits, polyphase, and predominantly granodioritic migmatites Anatexia of structures with different neossomas predominantly granodioritic to granitic in Group Amparo, paragneisses arcosianos, greywacke, aluminous , calc-silicate, mica schists and migmatites of the aluminous migmatites and Itapira Anatexia of multi-phase, with neossomas predominantly granodiorite, with intercalations orthogneissic homogeneous granitic to tonalitic porphyroid composition of the Amparo. We tried to draw a geological map, semi-structural detail of the area in focus, with location of mineral occurrences economically viable operation. Furthermore, this study aims to train students in basic and applied geology, using techniques learned during the undergraduate course.


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In the Serra de Jacobina, localized in the North Central portion of the state of Bahia, occours the Jacobina Group. It’s a sedimentary basin and the gold deposit is stocked on the basal portion, which consist on quartzites intercalated with oligomítico metaconglomerates of Serra do Córrego Formation. There are controversies about the origin of the gold mineralization, but the currently most accepted hypothesis corresponds to a paleoplacer deposit with subsequent ore remobilization and concentration by hydrothermal process. The sulphidation is one of the main results of hydrothermal process, which was more detail characterized, besides identifying if there was more than one sulfides phase generation and its relationship with gold mineralization. The analyzes were performed from the main reef's (metaconglomerates mineralized levels) of Mine Canavieiras: Maneira, Holandez, Liberino, Piritoso, MU and LU. Chemical analyzes semi-quantitative were developed with EDS in MEV and also petrographics analyses. The main sulfide is pyrite, followed by chalcopyrite. Six groups of pyrite were classified according with chemical composition, however they show similarities in their habit and occurrence. Were identified four types of chlorite, labeled A, B, C, D. Gold occurs in free form, associate to pyrites, to Fe-Ti-Muscovite, to chlorite type B and to microfractures with iron hydroxide. Gold presents three different compositions: pure, with Ag or associated with U-Zr. The results of chemical analysis showed that the hydrothermal process have as their main source, ultramafic rocks present in the Jacobina Basin


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Studies of mafic-ultramafic bodies have been carried out through the years due to their great use on the interpretation of geochemical and geotectonic processes that took place in Earth's history. Amongst them, chromitites are notably recognized for being excellent indicators of their parental magma chemistry and of different geotectonic environments, as well for frequently containing associated noble metals mineralization. Thus the investigation of one of this ultramafic bodies that occurs inside the Pilar de Goiás Greenstone Belt was proposed, resulting in a detailed map of the chromitites and country rocks, as well as innumerous new data on the chemistry of chromite and associated matrix and accessory minerals. These studies were based upon geological field observations, optic and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), besides electron microprobe and cathodoluminescence analysis performed at the “Eugen F. Stumpfl Laboratory” of the Montanuniversität Institute of Resource Mineralogy, University of Leoben - Leoben, Austria. The chromitites are composed of 40-70% in volume of chromite (~50% on average), 14-55% of talc (~30% on average), 3-60% of chromium rich chlorite (~20% on average), traces to 4% of iron hydroxides and traces to 3% of rutile (1,5% on average). The chromite occurs as large spherical aggregates or as fine grained subhedral crystals disseminated in the matrix. This aggregates have diameters of 0.3-1.5 cm (1 cm on average) and are extremely well rounded, massive to intensively fractured, and commonly deformed to ellipsoids. When observed under the microscope, these aggregates show well rounded to slightly irregular borders, but on their interiors, these structures are represented by fine to medium grained euhedral to subhedral chromite crystals that have sharp contacts between themselves. The rock's matrix is basically made of chlorite and talc that define a metamorphic foliation (Sn), being the talc an alteration product ...


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As rochas intrusivas básicas associadas a Formação Serra Geral na porção sul do município de Rio Claro e norte de Piracicaba configuram geometrias na forma de diques e soleiras. Estes corpos estão associados à uma parte da Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná que foi deformada por eventos tectônico que resultaram em trends preferencias NW-SE, condicionando a estratigrafia, a intrusão e geometria dos corpos de diabásio e formação da estrutura domática do alto de Pitanga. Os corpos intrusivos tem em sua maioria a forma de soleiras e em menor quantidade a forma de diques. A compreensão destes corpos é importante para o entendimento da estratigrafia da área conhecida como domo de Pitanga na região de Rio e Piracicaba


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The Mesozoic acid volcanism of the Paraná-Etendeka Province can be considered as one of the biggest events of its kind in the Earth's surface, and its study have attracted special interest in characterizing the end of magmatism that preceded the rupture process and the formation of continental Africa and South America Although significant, the acid volcanism featuring Members Chapecó Palmas and Serra Geral Formation represents only 2.5% of the total generated by the magmatic rocks and perhaps therefore the existing literature on these rocks is well less significant than that on the basalts. However, there are still aspects still unclear about the origin and evolution of these rocks in relation to the associated basalts. Thus, two profiles were selected, called RA and TA, which be a systematic collection of samples from the base where the Botucatu Formation sandstones occur at the top, where they observe Palmas acid rock type. These samples should be analyzed for major, minor and trace elements and treated in specific diagrams to define the vertical variation lithochemistry and their possible relationships with the associated basalts


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This study focuses on metasedimentary rocks from the Passos Nappe in São Sebastião do Paraíso, southern Minas Gerais, Brazil. These rocks belong to the Internal Domain (Araxa Group) of the Southern Brasilia Belt, a Neproterozoic orogenic belt associated to the formation of the Gondwana Supercontinent. Rocks from the studied area are characterized by an inverted metamorphic gradient. Previously calculated metamorphic conditions show an increasing from geenschist facies at the base (450°C, 6 kbar), to upper amphibolite facies (750°C, 11 Kbar) at the top of the sequence. However, most of these estimates are based on Fe-Mg exchange thermometers and peak temperatures may be underestimated due to Fe-Mg exchange from cooling after peak metamorphism. In this study, we present new PT results for these rocks, based on metamorphic mineral assemblage LA-ICP-MS analyses. In the studied area, rocks from the top of the sequence have a typical granulite facies mineral assemblage: Grt+Ky+Kfs+/-Pl+liq. These rocks lack muscovite and have only minor amounts of Ti-rich, dark brown biotite. In a simplified NaKFMASH system the stability field for this mineral assemblage is bounded by the reactions Sil = Ky on the low pressure side, Ms+Ab = Ky+Kfs+liq on the low temperature side and for high-Mg bulk compositions Bt + Grt = Opx + Ky + liq on the high-temperature side. Minimum temperatures (considering post-peak reequilibration) of ca. 750°C are obtained by Fe/(Fe+Mg) values of 0.7 in garnets from a Grt+Ky+Kfs bearing sample. LA-ICP-MS results obtained for three samples show that rutiles included in garnets have up to 1847 ppm of Zr, which would translate into temperatures up to 830°C for a pressure between 12 to 15 kbar. Also for retroeclogite sample, the results indicate the contents of Zr in the garnet 537 ppm at a temperature of 708 ° C. It is noteworthy that several occurrences of retroeclogites occur in the upper part of the sequence and pressures...


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The increasing amount of sequences stored in genomic databases has become unfeasible to the sequential analysis. Then, the parallel computing brought its power to the Bioinformatics through parallel algorithms to align and analyze the sequences, providing improvements mainly in the running time of these algorithms. In many situations, the parallel strategy contributes to reducing the computational complexity of the big problems. This work shows some results obtained by an implementation of a parallel score estimating technique for the score matrix calculation stage, which is the first stage of a progressive multiple sequence alignment. The performance and quality of the parallel score estimating are compared with the results of a dynamic programming approach also implemented in parallel. This comparison shows a significant reduction of running time. Moreover, the quality of the final alignment, using the new strategy, is analyzed and compared with the quality of the approach with dynamic programming.


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Sao Paulo State Research Foundation-FAPESP