913 resultados para Permanent dentition


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Alors que le volume de leur clientèle baisse, que les modes de subventions sont requestionnés, que la concurrence entre les collèges s'installe, que les employeurs et la clientèle expriment de plus en plus clairement leurs besoins, qu'une récession continue à menacer l'économie du pays, les collèges doivent assurer une meilleure formation à leurs élèves et ce au moindre coût. Chaque collège se voit donc forcé d'introduire dans sa gestion des ressources humaines les concepts d'efficacité et d'efficience et, en conséquence, d'introduire des pratiques d'évaluation et ce à la demande expresse des contribuables qui prétendent payer trop cher les services rendus par les collèges. Qui plus est, certains vérificateurs externes des collèges commencent à s'interroger sur la façon dont les collèges assument leur responsabilité en ce qui concerne l'enseignement. Compte tenu des sommes impliquées pour le personnel enseignant, ils jugent nos systèmes de contrôle déficients, sentiment largement partagé par l'ensemble de la population. Toutefois, il nous semble important de souligner, dès le départ, que l'évaluation du personnel enseignant est un sujet délicat. Tout le monde théorise sur le sujet, tout le monde en reconnaît la nécessité mais peu de collèges passent à l'action. Pourtant, il s'en fait de l'évaluation dans notre collège. Chaque année, le directeur général dépose au ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Science un rapport de nos activités; chaque année, nous présentons à la Direction générale de l'enseignement collégial nos états financiers; chaque année, tous les départements déposent à la Direction des services pédagogiques un rapport comprenant d'une part l'évaluation des activités tenues au cours de l'armée et d'autre part, la présentation des prospectives pour l'armée à venir; depuis 1985, le Collège s'est donné et a implanté une politique institutionnelle d'évaluation des apprentissages des étudiants dont le suivi est assuré annuellement par la Commission pédagogique; chaque année se fait, de façon systématique, l'évaluation du rendement des cadres du collège. […]


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COSTA MIGUEL, M. C.; NONAKA, C. F. W.; GERMANO, A. R.; SOUZA, L. B.; SOUZA, L. B. Oral foreign body granuloma: unusual presentation of a rare adverse reaction to permanent injectable cosmetic filler. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, v. 38, p. 385-387, 2009.


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Os dentes decíduos têm, além de outras funções, manter o espaço para o correto posicionamento dos permanentes, mas quando são perdidos precocemente, há uma migração dos dentes adjacentes para este local da perda, o que pode levar ao fechamento ou redução do espaço destinado à erupção do dente sucessor, ao encurtamento do arco e também à extrusão do dente antagonista. Caso aconteça, a manutenção do comprimento do arco dentário é extremamente necessária, visando a prevenção de futuras más oclusões. Este estudo tem por objetivo fazer uma breve revisão da literatura de um aparelho muito utilizado e extremamente útil na manutenção de um espaço criado por perdas precoces indesejáveis, que é o arco lingual de Nance. A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada nas bases de dados: Pub Med e bibliotecas online. As palavras chave utilizadas foram “dentição mista”, “mantenedor de espaço” e “arco lingual de Nance”, em conjunto ou individualmente. Também foram consultados livros e teses. Concluiu-se que, quando ocorrem perdas uni ou bilaterais de um ou mais molares decíduos mandibulares, o mantenedor de espaço de eleição é o arco lingual.


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Os caninos superiores permanentes possuem um longo e difícil trajeto de erupção, desde a sua formação até à sua posição final de erupção. Deste modo, estão susceptíveis a desvios de erupção por fatores etiológicos genéticos, ambientais ou locais. Quando se fala em desvios de erupção, a literatura remete-nos para casos de inclusão do canino permanente. Estes problemas clínicos são muito frequentes, sendo que o diagnóstico e tratamento desses problemas necessitam de uma abordagem multidisciplinar. Sendo de enorme importância o conhecimento dos padrões de normalidade que se estabelecem nos diferentes estágios de crescimento e desenvolvimento da dentição decídua, mista e permanente para um diagnóstico adequado e, posteriormente, para o sucesso do tratamento clínico. Quando não diagnosticado ou tratado inadequadamente, podem resultar no desenvolvimento de problemas, como: más oclusões, reabsorções dos dentes adjacentes, formação cística, infecções e problemas estéticos.


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Os caninos permanentes exercem um papel importante na dentição tanto por razões estéticas quanto funcionais. Os dentes seguem uma sequência de erupção favorável no desenvolvimento da oclusão normal, mas algum distúrbio desse mecanismo, nesse período de transição da dentição decídua para a permanente, pode levar a alterações na sequência ou mesmo no trajeto de erupção, levando a impactação de dentes. São os caninos superiores permanentes, depois dos terceiros mo lares que apresentam maior ocorrência de impactação. Na impossibilidade do diagnóstico precoce, esforços serão empregues para reposicionar o dente no arco dentário evitando sua extração, dada a sua importância no equilíbrio, harmonia e função. Nos casos não diagnosticados ou tratados inadequadamente podem ocorrer perturbações mecânicas, infecciosas ou neoplásicas. O prognóstico depende da posição do canino em relação às estruturas adjacentes e à possibilidade de movimentação ortodôntica. O presente trabalho aborda os principais fatores a serem considerados nos casos de caninos superiores permanentes impactados, tais como processo de erupção, etiologia, diagnóstico, tratamento e principalmente patologias associadas a caninos inclusos.


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This paper studies the relationship between permanent income and homicides, estimating an income-crime elasticity. We assume that this elasticity varies across geographical areas. We estimate different specifications of Spatial Panel Models using information of urban areas in Medellin (Colombia), areas known as communes. Spatial Models consider the importance of location and the type of neighbors of each commune. We simulate an intervention over permanent income in order to estimate the income elasticity for each commune and the average elasticity of income-crime on the city. We provide evidence about spatial dependence between the homicides per commune and their neighbors, and about a relationship between homicides and neighbor’s income. In our case of study, the average estimated impact of 1% increase in permanent income in a specific commune produces a decrease in the homicide rate on average in 0.39%. Finally, permanent income plays a crime deterrent role, but also this effect of income on crime varies across the city, showing that some areas are strategically located to this kind of intervention.


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Poster presented at Open Repositories 2016 in Dublin, Ireland, June 14, 2016


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In the north Atlantic subtropical gyre, the oceanic vertical structure of density is characterized by a region of rapid increase with depth. This layer is called the permanent pycnocline. The permanent pycnocline is found below a surface mode water ,which are ventilated every winter when penetrated locally by the mixed layer. Assessing the structure and variability of the permanent pycnocline is of a major interest in the understanding of the climate system because the pycnocline layer delimits important heat and anthropogenic reservoir. Moreover, the heat content structure translate into changes in the large scale stratification feature, such as the permanent pycnocline. We developed a new objective algorithm for the characterization of the large scale structure of the permanent pycnocline (OAC-P). Argo data have been used with OAC-P to provide a detailed description of the mean structure of the North-Atlantic subtropical pycnocline (e.g.: depth, thickness, temperature, salinity, density, potential vorticity). Results reveal a surprisingly complex structure with inhomogeneous properties. While the classical bowl shape of the pycnocline depth is captured, much more complex pycnocline structure emerges at the regional scale. In the southern recirculation gyre of the Gulf Stream Extension, the pycnocline is deep, thick, the maximum of stratification is found in the middle on the layer and follow an isopycnal surface. But local processes influence and modify this textbook description and the pycnocline is characterized by a vertically asymmetric structure and gradients in thermohaline properties. T/S distribution along the permanent pycnocline depth is complex and reveals a diversity of water masses resulting from mixing of different source waters. We will present the observed mean structure of the North-Atlantic subtropical permanent pycnocline and relate it to physical processes that constraint it.


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A chapter linking universities and welfare states to permanent financial austerity can take a shorter or a longer historical perspective. This chapter looks further back (to the postwar expansion of European welfare states) to better understand future transformations of both public institutions. Their long-term sustainability problems did not start with the financial crisis of 2008 but have been growing since the 1970s (Schäfer and Streeck 2013; Bonoli and Natali 2012; Hay and Wincott 2012). Financial austerity is not a post-crisis phenomenon. As a concept, it was used in welfare state research at least a decade earlier, although it does not seem to have been used in higher education studies until recently. Two quotations bring us to the heart of the matter: welfare states and universities are currently changing under adverse financial conditions caused by an array of interrelating and mutually reinforcing forces and their long-term financial sustainability is at stake across Europe. The welfare state is a “particular trademark of the European social model” (Svallfors 2012: 1), “the jewel in the crown” and a “fundamental part of what Europe stands for” (Giddens 2006: 14), as are tuition-free universities, the cornerstone of intergenerational social mobility in Continental Europe. The past trajectories of major types of welfare states and of universities in Europe tend to go hand in hand: first vastly expanding following the Second World War, and especially in the 1960s and 1970s, and then being in the state of permanent resource-driven and legitimacy-based “crisis” in the last two decades. Welfare states and universities, two critically important public institutions, seem to be under heavy attacks from the public, the media and politicians. Their long-term sustainability is being questioned, and solutions to their (real and perceived) problems are being sought at global, European, and national levels.


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Background Both contraceptive use and fertility rates are high fertility in Malawi. Status of women remains low and is believed to affect reproductive health decisions including use of Long Acting and Permanent Contraceptives Method (LAPCM). Objective This study seeks to examine the relationship between women empowerment and LAPCM. A measure of women’s empowerment is derived from the women’s responses to questions on the number of household decisions in which the respondent participates, employment status, type of earnings, women’s control over cash earnings and level of education. Methods The study is based on a sub sample of 5,948 married women from the 2010 Malawi Demographic and Health Survey. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics, Chi-square and multinomial logistic regression models (α=5%). Results The prevalence of current use of LAPCM was 20.0% and increases with increasing empowerment level (p<0.001). Mean age and empowerment score of women who are currently using LAPCM were 38.53±6.2 years and 6.80±2.9 respectively. Urban women (22.2%) were more currently using LAPCM than rural women (19.4%) p<0.001. Women who belong to Seven Day Adventists/Baptist were 1.51(C.I=1.058-2.153; p=0.023) more likely and Muslims were 0.58(C.I=0.410-0.809; p=0.001) less likely to currently use LAPCM than Catholic women. Being in the richest wealth quintile (OR=1.91; C.I=1.362-2.665; p<0.001) promotes current use of LAPCM than poorest. The likelihood of currently using LAPCM was higher among women who have access to FP programmes on media and increases consistently with increasing women empowerment level even when other potential confounding variables were used as control. Conclusion In Malawi, LAPCM is still underutilized and more than half of the women are not adequately empowered. Women empowerment, wealth quintile and access to FP programmes are key factors influencing the use of LAPCM. Programmes that address these determinants are urgently needed in Malawi.


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Los índices mundialmente aplicados para la predicción de diámetros mesiodistales de caninos y premolares son los de Moyers y Tanaka – Johnston, actualmente, investigadores brasileros desarrollaron un nuevo método que emplea dos ecuaciones, una para hombres y otra para mujeres, e integra el tamaño del primer molar permanente mandibular. El presente estudio buscó determinar que método es más preciso para calcularlos. Fueron analizados 94 modelos de estudio, 41 de hombres y 53 de mujeres, en edades comprendidas entre los 12 y 31 años, la muestra fue elegida a conveniencia, se midieron todos los dientes desde el primer molar mandibular izquierdo permanente al primer molar mandibular derecho permanente con un calibrador Mitutuyo digital y se obtuvieron los valores de los dientes anteriormente referenciados. Se aplicó el test de Pearson y el test t de Student.. Los tres métodos analizados tuvieron una correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa con respecto al valor real (p=0,000), el sistema de Melgaҫo fue el que presentó el mayor grado de correlación (R=0,735). Los 3 índices muestran diferencias estadísticamente significativas al compararlos con el valor real (p=0,000),. No existió diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre el lado derecho e izquierdo (p= 0,6). Con referencia al sexo, no se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el lado derecho (p=0,15), mientras que en el lado izquierdo si se observó tal diferencia (p=0,04). Se concluyó que el Método de Melgaҫo es el más apegado a la realidad en nuestra población


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At head of title: City of Nottingham Art Museum, Nottingham Castle.


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This work reports the development of integrated Co rich CoPtP hard magnetic material for MEMS applications such as Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvesting. We report a new method of electrodeposition compared to the conventional DC plating, involving a combination of forward and reverse pulses for optimized deposition of Co rich CoPtP hard magnetic material. This results in significant improvements in the microstructure of the developed films as the pulse reverse plated films are smooth, stress free and uniform. Such improvements in the structural properties are reflected in the hard magnetic properties of the material as well. The intrinsic coercivities of the pulse reverse deposited film are more than 6 times higher for both in-plane and out-of-plane measurement directions and the squareness of the hysteresis loops also improve due to the similar reasons.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect on oral health, at age 9 years, of daily oral supplementation with the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri, strain ATCC 55730, to mothers during the last month of gestation and to children through the first year of life. The study was a single-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial involving 113 children: 60 in the probiotic and 53 in the placebo group. The subjects underwent clinical and radiographic examination of the primary dentition and carious lesions, plaque and gingivitis were recorded. Saliva and plaque were sampled for determination of mutans streptococci (MS) and lactobacilli (LB) in saliva and plaque as well as salivary secretory IgA (SIgA). Forty-nine (82%) children in the probiotic group and 31 (58%) in the placebo group were caries-free (p < 0.01). The prevalence of approximal caries lesions was lower in the probiotic group (0.67 ± 1.61 vs. 1.53 ± 2.64; p < 0.05) and there were fewer sites with gingivitis compared to the placebo group (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences between the groups with respect to frequency of toothbrushing, plaque and dietary habits, but to intake of fluoride supplements (p < 0.05). There were no intergroup differences with respect to L. reuteri, MS, LB or SIgA in saliva. Within the limitation of this study it seems that daily supplementation with L. reuteri from birth and during the first year of life is associated with reduced caries prevalence and gingivitis score in the primary dentition at 9 years of age.


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The South Carolina Department of Transportation publishes Qualified Products Listings which include pre-qualified materials that may be used on construction and maintenance projects as specified in the project proposal. This document deals with permanent traffic barrier components.