990 resultados para Parkin exon 3 deletion
One of the major regulators of mitosis in somatic cells is cdc25B. cdc25B is tightly regulated at multiple levels. The final activation step involves the regulated binding of 14-3-3 proteins. Previous studies have demonstrated that Ser-323 is a primary 14-3-3 binding site in cdc25B, which influences its activity and cellular localization. 14-3-3 binding to this site appeared to interact with the N-terminal domain of cdc25B to regulate its activity. The presence of consensus 14-3-3 binding sites in the N-terminal domain suggested that the interaction is through direct binding of the 14-3-3 dimer to sites in the N-terminal domain. We have identified Ser-151 and Ser-230 in the N-terminal domain as functional 14-3-3 binding sites utilized by cdc25B in vivo. These low affinity sites cooperate to bind the 14-3-3 dimer bound to the high affinity Ser-323 site, thus forming an intramolecular bridge that constrains cdc25B structure to prevent access of the catalytic site. Loss of 14-3-3 binding to either N-terminal site relaxes cdc25B structure sufficiently to permit access to the catalytic site, and the nuclear export sequence located in the N-terminal domain. Mutation of the Ser-323 site was functionally equivalent to the mutation of all three sites, resulting in the complete loss of 14-3-3 binding, increased access of the catalytic site, and access to nuclear localization sequence.
The BRN2 transcription factor (POU3F2, N-Oct-3) has been implicated in development of the melanocytic lineage and in melanoma. Using a low calcium medium supplemented with stem cell factor, fibroblast growth factor-2, endothelin-3 and cholera toxin, we have established and partially characterised human melanocyte precursor cells, which are unpigmented, contain immature melanosomes and lack L-dihydroxyphenylalanine reactivity. Melanoblast cultures expressed high levels of BRN2 compared to melanocytes, which decreased to a level similar to that of melanocytes when cultured in medium that contained phorbol ester but lacked endothelin-3, stem cell factor and fibroblast growth factor-2. This decrease in BRN2 accompanied a positive L-dihydroxyphenylalanine reaction and induction of melanosome maturation consistent with melanoblast differentiation seen during development. Culture of primary melanocytes in low calcium medium supplemented with stem cell factor, fibroblast growth factor-2 and endothelin-3 caused an increase in BRN2 protein levels with a concomitant change to a melanoblast-like morphology. Synergism between any two of these growth factors was required for BRN2 protein induction, whereas all three factors were required to alter melanocyte morphology and for maximal BRN2 protein expression. These finding implicate BRN2 as an early marker of melanoblasts that may contribute to the hierarchy of melanocytic gene control.
Conventional kinesin is a microtubule-based molecular motor involved in the transport of membranous and non-membranous cargoes. The kinesin holoenzyme exists as a heterotetramer, consisting of two heavy chain and two light chain subunits. It is thought that one function of the light chains is to interact with the cargo. Alternative splicing of kinesin light chain pre-mRNA has been observed in lower organisms, although evidence for alternative splicing of the human gene has not been reported. We have identified 19 variants of the human KNS2 gene (KLC1) that are generated by alternative splicing of downstream exons, but calculate that KNS2 has the potential to produce 285919 spliceforms. Corresponding spliceforms of the mouse KLC1 gene were also identified. The alternative exons are all located 3' of exon 12 and the novel spliceforms produce both alternative carboxy termini and alternative 3' untranslated regions. The observation of multiple light chain isoforms is consistent with their proposed role in specific cargo attachment.
Photolysis of 3-pyridyldiazomethane in an Ar matrix at 7-10 K gives 3-pyridylcarbene. Further photolysis causes ring opening to nitrile ylide 26 (formonitrile pent-2-en-4-ynylide) as the major reaction together with a minor amount of ring expansion to 1-azacyclohepta-1,3,4,6-tetraene, 27. Matrix photolysis of 3-azidopyridine leads to ring opening to formonitrile N-cyanovinylmethylide, 33.
The crystal structure of the title compound, C12H14O2, has been determined at 150 K. Significant intermolecular non-conventional C-H...O interactions involving the terminal acetylinic H atom are observed, which result in a zigzag hydrogen-bonded chain in the b direction.
Novel 2-amino-1,3-thiazole-5-carboxylates have been synthesised in high yield by unprecedented ultrasonic and thermally mediated nucleophilic displacement of bromide from ethyl 2-bromo-1,3-thiazole-5-carboxylate by primary, secondary and aryl amines.
Evaluation of patients for rehabilitation after musculoskeletal injury involves identifying, grading and assessing the injury and its impact on the patient's normal activities. Management is guided by a multidisciplinary team, comprising the patient, doctor and physical therapist, with other health professionals recruited as required. Parallel interventions involving the various team members are specified in a customised management plan. The key component of the plan is active mobilisation utilising strengthening, flexibility and endurance exercise programs. Passive physical treatments (heat, ice, and manual therapy), as well as drug therapy and psychological interventions, are used as adjunctive therapy. Biomechanical devices or techniques (eg, orthotic devices) may also be helpful. Coexisting conditions such as depression and drug dependence are treated at the same time as the injury. Effective team communication, simulated environmental testing and, for those employed, contact with the employer facilitate a staged return to normal living, sports and occupational activities.
Apresenta????o resumida dos 50 projetos vencedores do 3?? Concurso de Experi??ncias Inovadoras de Gest??o na Administra????o P??blica Federal, realizado conjuntamente pelo MARE e ENAP em 1998
Os advogados/usu??rios da Justi??a do Trabalho em Minas Gerais dispunham de 114 Varas do Trabalho para protocoliza????o de peti????es trabalhistas. Necessitavam se deslocar para as cidades das Varas do Trabalho para efetuarem a protocoliza????o. Tal situa????o em muitas ocasi??es gerava gastos com viagens, di??rias, hospedagens al??m da perda de tempo na locomo????o. A Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Tel??grafos em Minas Gerais, no atendimento comercial ao cliente Tribunal Regional do Trabalho 3?? Regi??o, identificou junto ?? equipe da Diretoria Geral Judici??ria a necessidade de amplia????o dos pontos de atendimento para os advogados/usu??rios agilizarem a remessa das peti????es trabalhistas aos seus destinos
A reforma do Estado ?? uma preocupa????o comum a quase todos os pa??ses do mundo. No ??mbito nacional, ap??s um per??odo mais exacerbado de radicaliza????es e polariza????es, o debate sobre o assunto vem adquirindo maior serenidade, profundidade e rigor. Seu foco tem se deslocado de uma defini????o aprior??stica e descontextualizada do tamanho ideal do Estado (e, com isso, vem conseguindo, paulatinamente, ultrapassar os manique??smos iniciais), para se centrar em quest??es realmente estrat??gicas: que tipo de Estado se deseja construir? Como dever?? se relacionar com a sociedade e o mercado? Quais ser??o sua miss??o, objetivos, papel, formas e meios de interven????o e fun????es? Que caracter??sticas organizacionais e gerenciais necessitar?? adquirir para lograr ??xito? O primeiro volume desta s??rie ?? um exemplo dessa mudan??a oportuna de enfoque, partindo do Estado necess??rio e conseguindo avan??ar em rela????o a, pelo menos, algumas das quest??es estrat??gicas j?? mencionadas
Este documento trata de: aspectos conceituais da lei: finalidade, import??ncia e hierarquia da lei.; no????es gerais da lei de licita????es - Lei n?? 8.666/93; tipos de licita????o:menor pre??o, melhor t??cnica, t??cnica e pre??o e maior lance ou oferta; modalidades de licita????o: concorr??ncia, tomada de pre??os, convite, concurso e leil??o; exce????es ?? obrigatoriedade de licita????o: dispensa e inexigibilidade; regime de execu????o indireta; comiss??o de licita????o; etapas do processo licitat??rio: edital, procedimentos/documentos do certame, registro cadastral, habilita????o dos interessados, julgamento e encerramento; preg??o; registro de pre??os
Este documento trata de: or??amento p??blico: conceito, fun????es, t??cnicas, princ??pios e marcos legais; enfoques do or??amento: enfoque fiscal dos or??amentos e enfoque program??tico da despesa; roteiro da elabora????o e execu????o or??ament??ria anual; classifica????es or??ament??rias da despesa e da receita; execu????o dos or??amentos; execu????o or??ament??ria e financeira
A disciplina teve como principais conte??dos: as principais dimens??es institucionais que comp??em o Sistema Pol??tico Brasileiro e seus impactos sobre o funcionamento da Democracia no Brasil. Modelos de democracia em perspectiva comparada. O sistema de governo e as rela????es entre executivo e legislativo. Representa????o pol??tica, partidos e elei????es. O federalismo e as rela????es intergovernamentais. O papel pol??tico das institui????es de justi??a. Reforma Pol??tica. Os condicionamentos decorrentes das caracter??sticas do Sistema Pol??tico Brasileiro no processo decis??rio sobre pol??ticas p??blicas
A disciplina teve como principais conte??dos: a necessidade do Estado. Externalidades e bens p??blicos. Padr??es de interven????o do Estado e as fun????es econ??micas: alocativa, distributiva e estabilizadora. Equidade e efici??ncia. O financiamento do Setor P??blico. Sistema Tribut??rio Brasileiro. Pol??tica econ??mica: fiscal, monet??ria e cambial
A disciplina teve como principais conte??dos: origens, defini????o, caracter??sticas e import??ncia da burocracia cl??ssica. As insufici??ncias do paradigma burocr??tico: problemas end??genos e ex??genos. Origens e caracter??sticas da Nova Gest??o P??blica. Resultados das reformas de gest??o p??blica: balan??o cr??tico. A Governan??a P??blica e a rediscuss??o do papel da Administra????o P??blica. Tend??ncias atuais do debate: consensos, d??vidas e dilemas