998 resultados para Paraloid B-72


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Leishmaniasis is one of the six major tropical diseases targeted by the World Health Organization. It is a life-threatening disease of medical, social and economic importance in endemic areas. No vaccine is yet available for human use, and chemotherapy presents several problems. Pentavalent antimonials have been the drugs of choice to treat the disease for more than six decades; however, they exhibit high toxicity and are not indicated for children, for pregnant or breastfeeding women or for chronically ill patients. Amphotericin B (AmpB) is a second-line drug, and although it has been increasingly used to treat visceral leishmaniasis (VL), its clinical use has been hampered due to its high toxicity. This review focuses on the development and in vivo usage of new delivery systems for AmpB that aim to decrease its toxicity without altering its therapeutic efficacy. These new formulations, when adjusted with regard to their production costs, may be considered new drug delivery systems that promise to improve the treatment of leishmaniasis, by reducing the side effects and the number of doses while permitting a satisfactory cost-benefit ratio.


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ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:Since women are frequently the minority among blood donors worldwide, studies evaluating this population usually reflect male features. We assessed the features of female blood donors with positive serology for HBV and compared them with those of men.METHODS The study comprised consecutive blood donors referred to a specialized liver disease center to be evaluated due to HBsAg- and/or anti-HBc-positive tests.RESULTS: The study encompassed 1,273 individuals, 219 (17.2%) of whom were referred due to positive HBsAg test and 1,054 (82.8%) due to reactive anti-HBc test. Subjects' mean age was 36.8±10.9 years, and 28.7% were women. Female blood donors referred for positive HBsAg screening tests demonstrated higher prevalence of healthcare workers (9.3% vs 2.5%) and lower prevalence of sexual risk behaviors (15.1% vs 41.1%) and alcohol abuse (1.9% vs 19.8%) compared to men. Women had lower ALT (0.6 vs 0.8×ULN), AST (0.6 vs 0.8×ULN), direct bilirubin (0.2 vs 0.3mg/dL), and alkaline phosphatase (0.5 vs 0.6×ULN) levels and higher platelet count (223,380±50,293 vs 195,020±53,060/mm3). Women also had a higher prevalence of false-positive results (29.6% vs 17.0%). No differences were observed with respect to liver biopsies. Female blood donors referenced for reactive anti-HBc screening tests presented similar clinical, epidemiological, and biochemical characteristics to those reported for positive HBsAg screening tests and similarly had a higher prevalence of false-reactive results.CONCLUSIONS: Compared to men, female blood donors with positive HBsAg and/or anti-HBc screening tests demonstrated higher prevalence of professional risk and false-positive results and reduced alteration of liver chemistry.


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ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:Although deaf people are exposed to hepatitis B and C risk factors, epidemiological studies regarding these diseases in deaf people are lacking.METHODS:After watching an explanatory digital versatile disc (DVD) in Brazilian Sign Language, 88 deaf people were interviewed and tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs), hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc), and hepatitis C virus antibody (anti-HCV).RESULTS:The prevalence of hepatitis B markers was 8%; they were associated with incarceration and being born outside the State of São Paulo. No cases of hepatitis C were identified.CONCLUSIONS:Participants showed a substantial lack of knowledge regarding viral hepatitis, indicating a need for public policies that consider linguistic and cultural profiles.


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Esta dissertação tem como objecto de estudo a implementação de um sistema b-learning na Escola Secundaria do Nambambe -Lubango, uma vez que a instituição reúne condições para a sua materialização, ainda que não a tenha. Por isso, pensámos fazer um estudo pormenorizado sobre o tema, a fim de descrever e explicar as condições existentes para a sua implantação. O Sistema a ser utilizado é o Moodle, com todas as suas ferramentas e potencialidades, nomeadamente: o fórum e a avaliação, que poderão complementar as actividades presenciais com maior rigor e originalidade. A metodologia empregue é o estudo de caso com vista a explicar a implantação do b-learning que é a modalidade aceite para ser efectuada nesta instituição, a julgar pelas vantagens que ela oferece e os benefícios que trará para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, mormente para os professores e alunos em termos de tecnologia, informação e conhecimento, libertando-se da infoexclusão digital. Com a pesquisa bibliográfica referente à temática e aplicação de um questionário dirigido aos professores e alunos que, depois de analisados os dados, podemos concluir que os inqueridos revelam competências básicas para a execução do projecto e os benefícios que este sistema oferecer para qualquer aprendente, tanto durante a vida como ao longo da vida.


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Hepatitis B and C viral infections remain an important cause of global morbidity and mortality. Studies have been conducted in population groups of large cities, leaving gaps in the knowledge regarding the situation in small municipalities. We aimed to measure the prevalence of hepatitis B and C markers and presence of infection-associated factors. METHODS: All inhabitants of Cássia dos Coqueiros aged ≥18 years who agreed to participate in the research were included. We collected blood as well as information via a questionnaire between March 2011 and December 2013. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted. RESULTS: Among the 1,001 participants, 41 (4.1%) participants had a serological profile of hepatitis B viral exposure, and only one (0.1%) participant was considered a virus carrier. The frequency of isolated antibody to hepatitis B virus surface antigen (anti-HBs) markers was 17.8% for the overall population. In the multivariate analysis, hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection was associated with age, birth outside the State of São Paulo, history of hepatitis, ≥2 sexual partners in the last 6 months, and tattoos. Four (0.4%) participants had a serological profile of hepatitis C viral exposure. However, after confirmation using viral ribonucleic acid (RNA) evaluation, only one (0.1%) individual remained positive. CONCLUSIONS: The positivity rates for hepatitis B and C were low, despite greater sexual freedom and the recent emergence of illicit drugs, as observed by the health personnel working in Cássia dos Coqueiros.


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Abstract Brazil was formerly considered a country with intermediate hepatitis B endemicity, with large heterogeneity between Brazilian regions and areas of high prevalence, especially in the Amazon basin. Systematic vaccination of children was initiated in 1998. Between 2004 and 2009, a large population-based study reported decreased prevalence in all regions of Brazil. This review analyzed the current hepatitis B epidemiological situation in Brazil through a systematic search of the scientific literature in MEDLINE, LILACS, and CAPES thesis database, as well as disease notifications to the Information System for Notifiable Diseases. The search strategy identified 87 articles and 13 theses, resulting in 100 total publications. The most recent results indicate reduced hepatitis B prevalence nationwide, classifying Brazil as having low endemicity. Most studies showed HBV carrier prevalence less than 1%. However, there are still isolated regions with increased prevalence, particularly the Amazon, as well as specific groups, such as homeless people in large cities and isolated Afro-descendant communities in the center of the country. This review alsao detected successful vaccination coverage reported in a few studies around the country. The prevalence of anti-HBs alone ranged from 50% to 90%. However, isolated and distant localities still have low coverage rates. This review reinforces the downward trend of hepatitis B prevalence in Brazil and the need to intensify vaccination strategies for young people and adults in specific regions with persisting higher HBV infection prevalence.


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Few studies have addressed the primary characteristics of patients infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) in the general population, especially those living in small- and medium-sized cities in Brazil. We aimed to determine the clinical, demographic, and epidemiologic characteristics of patients diagnosed with HBV who were followed up at an infectious diseases clinic of a public hospital in State of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: Medical records of patients aged >18 years and diagnosed with HBV infection between January 2000 and December 2013 were reviewed. RESULTS: Seventy-five patients were enrolled with male-female main infection-associated risk factors; 9 (12%) were co-infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 5 (6.7%) with hepatitis C virus (HCV), and 3 (4%) were co-infected with both HIV and HCV. Antiviral HBV therapy was applied in 21 (28%) patients and tenofovir monotherapy was the most prescribed medication. After approximately 2 years of antiviral treatment, the HBV-DNA viral load was undetectable in 12 (92.3%) patients and lower levels of alanine aminotransferase were found in these patients. CONCLUSIONS: Over a 13-year interval, very few individuals infected with HBV were identified, highlighting the barriers for caring for patients with HBV in developing countries. New measures need to be implemented to complement curative practices.


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RESUMO - A exposição a radiações ionizantes em tomografia computorizada (TC) pode constituir-se como um risco para a saúde dos utentes. A TC é utilizada no diagnóstico e follow-up de doentes com Linfoma não-Hodgkin, subtipo Linfoma Difuso das Grandes Células B (LDGCB). O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a dose efetiva acumulada e o risco de segundas neoplasias nestes doentes, diagnosticados em 2011 no IPOLFG e seguidos na consulta de hematologia até 2013. Foram avaliados retrospetivamente 70 doentes com base nos registos de dose do “Patient Protocol” das TC efetuadas. Em média cada doente fez 12 TC e a dose efetiva acumulada foi de 64,76 mSv (percentil 75). Três doentes foram expostos a doses de radiação superiores 90 mSv e um atingiu 111,72 mSv. Os resultados demonstram ser necessário rever os parâmetros e protocolos de exames de TC: (i) TC crânio (DLP= 777 mGycm) e TC abdominal-pélvico (DLP= 628 mGycm). O aumento do número de exames de TC efetuados e a consequente dose parece corresponder a um aumento do risco de segundas neoplasias e risco de morte por doenças neoplásicas durante a vida destes doentes. Os resultados são aparentemente mais significativos para as mulheres, que apresentam o dobro do risco de cancro do pulmão e risco de mortalidade superior em 14% para todas as doenças neoplásicas. O elevado número de exames de TC realizados por cada doente contribui para o aumento da probabilidade de efeitos deletérios e também para o aumento dos níveis de dose efetiva coletiva na população em geral.


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Ventilator-dependent premature infants are often treated with dexamethasone. Several trials showed that steroids while improve pulmonary compliance and facilitate extubation, some treated infants may have adverse effects, such as alterations of growth curves. We conducted this retrospective study to evaluate the effects of steroids on mechanical ventilation, oxygen therapy, hospital length stay and mortality, in ventilator-dependent infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) (defined as the need of oxygen supplementation at 28 days of life). Twenty-six newborns with BPD were evaluated during 9 -- 42 days postpartum (mean = 31 days) and were divided into two groups: Group I - 14 newborns that did not receive dexamethasone, and Group II - 12 newborns that received dexamethasone at 14 --21 days of life. Dexamethasone was given at a dose of 0.25 mg per kilogram of body weight twice daily intravenously for 3 days, after which the dose was tapered. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences in the mean length of mechanical ventilation (Group I - 37 days, Group II - 35 days); oxygen supplementation (Group I - 16 days, Group II - 29 days); hospital stay (Group I - 72 days, Group II - 113 days); mortality (Group I - 35.7%, Group II - 41.6%). At birth, Group II was lighter (BW: Group I - 1154 grams ± 302, Group II - 791 grams ± 165; p < 0.05) and smaller (height: Group I - 37.22 cm ± 3.3, Group II - 33.5 ± 2.4; p< 0.05) than Group I. At 40 weeks, there were no statistically significant differences between groups in relation to anthropometric measurements. CONCLUSIONS: The use of corticosteroids in bronchopulmonary dysplasic infants may influence the somatic growth during its use. However, after its suspension, a recovery seems to occur, suggesting that its influence could be transitory.


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PURPOSE: To determine the consequences of the chronic use of systemic corticosteroids in children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis by means of evaluating osteochondral effects depicted by magnetic resonance imaging. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We reviewed clinical and magnetic resonance imaging findings in 69 children (72 knees) with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Two groups were studied. Group I: 34 (49.3%) children had previous or current use of systemic corticotherapy (22 girls; 12 boys; mean age: 11.3 years; mean disease duration: 5.9 years; mean corticotherapy duration: 2.9 years; mean cumulative dose of previous corticosteroids: 5000 mg); Group II: 35 (50.7%) children had no previous use of corticosteroids (27 girls; 8 boys; mean age: 11.7 years; mean disease duration: 5.3 years). The groups were compared statistically. RESULTS: In the group that had received corticotherapy (Group I), osteochondral abnormalities were significantly correlated to long-standing disease (>3.5 years; p<0.001). This correlation was not found in the group that had no previous history of corticotherapy (Group II). No correlations were established between median dose of corticosteroids and magnetic resonance imaging findings. CONCLUSION: It is important to further investigate the long-term intra-articular effects of systemic corticotherapy to ensure that the side effects of the aggressive therapy will not be more harmful for the joints than the symptoms suffered over the natural course of the disease.


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INTRODUCTION: The clinical importance of preoperative serum levels of CA 72-4, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), CA 19-9, and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) was prospectively evaluated in 44 patients with gastric cancer. METHOD: The serum tumor marker levels were determined by commercial radioimmunoassay kits. Positivity for CA 72-4 (>4 U/mL), CEA (>5 ng/mL), CA 19-9 (>37 U/mL), and AFP (>10 ng/mL) were correlated according to the stage, histology, and lymph node metastasis. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: CA 72-4 showed a higher positivity rate for gastric cancer (47.7%) than CEA (25%), CA 19-9 (25%), and AFP (0%). The combination of CA 72-4 with CEA and CA 19-9 increased the sensitivity to 61.4%. The positivity rates of CA 72-4 in patients at stages I and II (initial disease) and in patients at stages III and IV (advanced disease) were 9% and 60.6%, respectively (P < 0.005). No correlation was found between CEA and CA 19-9 levels and the stage of gastric cancer. There was a tendency of positivity for CA 72-4 to suggest lymph node involvement, but it was not significant (P = 0.075). Serum levels of tumor markers did not show a correlation with the histological types of gastric cancer. CONCLUSION: Preoperative serum levels of CA 72-4 provided a predictive value in indicating advanced gastric cancer.


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The global prevalence of hepatitis B virus is estimated to be 350 million chronic carriers, varying widely from low (<2%, as in Western Europe, North America, New Zealand, Australia, and Japan) to high (>8% as in Africa, Southeast Asia, and China). The overall prevalence in Brazil is about 8%. There are currently 7 genotypic variations, from A to G, and also 4 main surface antigen subtypes: adw, ayw, adr, and ayr. There has been great interest in identifying the geographic distribution and prognosis associated with the various genotypes and subtypes. Although the serologic test is highly sensitive and specific, it does not detect cases of mutant hepatitis B, which is increasingly common worldwide due to resistance and vaccine escape, antiviral therapy, and immunosuppression, among other causes. Alterations in surface, polymerase, X region, core, and precore genes have been described. The main mutations occur in surface and in core/precore genes, also known as occult hepatitis, since its serologic markers of active infection (HBsAg) and viral replication (HBeAg) can be negative. Thus, mutation should be suspected when serologic tests to hepatitis B show control of immunity or replication coincident with worsened clinical status and exclusion of other causes of hepatitis.


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Haemophilus influenzae is one of the most important bacterial agents of otitis and sinusitis. H. influenzae type b (Hib) is one of the main causes of meningitis, pneumonia, and septicemia in nonvaccinated children under 6 years of age. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of H. influenzae and Hib oropharyngeal colonization prior to the onset of the Hib vaccination program in Brazil in previously healthy children and to assess the susceptibility profile of this microorganism to a selected group of antimicrobials that are used to treat acute respiratory infections. METHOD: Cultures of Haemophilus influenzae were made from oropharynx swabs from 987 children under 6 years of age who were enrolled in 29 day-care centers in Taubaté (a city of São Paulo state, Brazil) between July and December 1998. RESULTS: The prevalence of H. influenzae carriers was 17.4%, and only 5.5% of the strains were beta-lactamase producers. The prevalence of Hib carriers was high, 7.3% on average (range, 0.0 - 33.3%). CONCLUSIONS: The low prevalence of colonization by penicillin-resistant strains indicates that it is not necessary to substitute ampicilin or amoxicilin to effectively treat otitis and sinusitis caused by H. influenzae in Taubaté.


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Neste trabalho, objetivou-se a caracterização de uma enfermidade ainda nova para o Estado do Acre, na castanha-do-brasil (Bertholletia. excelsa), onde, após, exames macro e microscópios, foi constatado que tal doença era causada pelo fungo do gênero Colletotrichumsp. Em pesquisas de laboratório, foi testada a eficiência de quatro produtos químicos: MONCOZEB, BENOMYL, TIABENDAZOLE e PCNB, na inibição do desenvolvimento micelial "in vitro" do fungo Colletotrichumsp. Os resultados indicaram que apenas o Moncozeb não apresentou efeito inibidor sobre o crescimento do fungo. Os demais inibiram totalmente o crescimento micelial do fungo estudado.


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Composition of the male flowers of peach palm(Bactris gasipaes H.E.K., Palmae). Male flowers of, peach palm ore occasionally consumed as a vegetable 0r, mixed with other ingredients, as a condiment. Three sample were analysed to discover their nutritional values. These flowers contain law levels of protein (1.2% and fats (2.8%)and reasonable levels of able levels of carboidrates (15%); nutritional value is low.