941 resultados para Pancreatic tumor
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a treatment modality that has advanced rapidly in recent years. It causes tissue and vascular damage with the interaction of a photosensitizing agent (PS), light of a proper wavelength, and molecular oxygen. Evaluation of vessel damage usually relies on histopathology evaluation. Results are often qualitative or at best semi-quantitative based on a subjective system. The aim of this study was to evaluate, using CD31 immunohistochem- istry and image analysis software, the vascular damage after PDT in a well-established rodent model of chemically induced mammary tumor. Fourteen Sprague-Dawley rats received a single dose of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthraxcene (80 mg/kg by gavage), treatment efficacy was evaluated by comparing the vascular density of tumors after treatment with Photogem® as a PS, intraperitoneally, followed by interstitial fiber optic lighting, from a diode laser, at 200 mW/cm and light dose of 100 J/cm directed against his tumor (7 animals), with a control group (6 animals, no PDT). The animals were euthanized 30 hours after the lighting and mammary tumors were removed and samples from each lesion were formalin-fixed. Immunostained blood vessels were quantified by Image Pro-Plus version 7.0. The control group had an average of 3368.6 ± 4027.1 pixels per picture and the treated group had an average of 779 ± 1242.6 pixels per area (P < 0.01), indicating that PDT caused a significant decrease in vascular density of mammary tumors. The combined immu- nohistochemistry using CD31, with selection of representative areas by a trained pathology, followed by quantification of staining using Image Pro-Plus version 7.0 system was a practical and robust methodology for vessel damage evalua- tion, which probably could be used to assess other antiangiogenic treatments.
I tumori macroscopici e microscopici, dopo la loro prima fase di crescita, sono composti da un numero medio elevato di cellule. Così, in assenza di perturbazioni esterne, la loro crescita e i punti di equilibrio possono essere descritti da equazioni differenziali. Tuttavia, il tumore interagisce fortemente col macroambiente che lo circonda e di conseguenza una descrizione del tutto deterministica risulta a volte inappropriata. In questo caso si può considerare l'interazione con fluttuazioni statistiche, causate da disturbi esterni, utilizzando le equazioni differenziali stocastiche (SDE). Questo è vero in modo particolare quando si cerca di modellizzare tumori altamente immunogenici che interagiscono con il sistema immunitario, in quanto la complessità di questa interazione risulta in fenomeni di multistabilità. Così, il rumore può provocare disturbi e indurre transizioni di stato (Noise-Induced-Transitions). E' importante notare che una NIT può avere implicazioni profonde sulla vita di un paziente, dal momento che una transizione da uno stato di equilibrio piccolo, nelle dimensioni del tumore, ad uno stato di equilibrio macroscopico, nella maggior parte dei casi significa il passaggio dalla vita alla morte. Generalmente l'approccio standard è quello di modellizzare le fluttuazioni stocastiche dei parametri per mezzo di rumore gaussiano bianco o colorato. In alcuni casi però questa procedura è altamente inadeguata, a causa della illimitatezza intrinseca dei rumori gaussiani che può portare a gravi incongruenze biologiche: pertanto devono essere utilizzati dei rumori "limitati", che, tuttavia, sono molto meno studiati di quelli gaussiani. Inoltre, l'insorgenza di NIT dipende dal tipo di rumore scelto, che rivela un nuovo livello di complessità in biologia. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di studiare le applicazioni di due tipi diversi di "rumori limitati" nelle transizioni indotte in due casi: interazione tra tumore e sistema immunitario e chemioterapia dei tumori. Nel primo caso, abbiamo anche introdotto un nuovo modello matematico di terapia, che estende, in modo nuovo, il noto modello di Norton-Simon.
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die funktionelle Bedeutung des Drosophila melanogaster tumor suppressor Gens lethal(2)tumorous imaginal discs (l(2)tid) durch die Identifikation von molekularen Partnern der vom Gen kodierten Proteine zu etablieren. Mit dem Screening einer Expressionsbibliothek mittels des Hefe-Di-Hybrid-Systems wurde das Protein Patched (Ptc) als ein neues Tid-bindendes Protein identifiziert. Ptc ist ein Zentralregulator der Hedhehog-Signalkette. Diese ist in der Entwicklung konserviert und in manchen humanen Krebsarten verwickelt. Die Tid/Ptc-Interaktion wurde mittels unabhängigen biochemischen Methoden wie dem GST-pulldown-Test oder der Immunopräzipitation überprüft. Außerdem ergaben funktionelle Studien in tumorosen Imaginalscheiben einen möglichen inhibitorischen Effekt von Tid über die Hh Signaltransduktion.Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Interaktion zwischen Tid und dem E-APC-Protein (Adenomatous polyposis coli) bewiesen. Polakis und seine Gruppe zeigten durch Studien mit dem Hefe-Di-Hybrid-System und in vitro, dass das hTid mit dem APC-Protein interagiert. Um dies auch auf Drosophila-Ebene zu überprüfen, wurden Immunopräzipitation-Studien mit den Drosophila-Gegenstücken durchgeführt. Diese Studien zeigen zum ersten Mal eine direkte Interaktion beider Proteine in vivo.
Tumor-assoziierte Antigene (TAA) repräsentieren wichtige Zielstrukturen in zytotoxischen T-Zell (ZTL)-basierten Immuntherapien zur Behandlung maligner Erkrankungen. Die Tatsache, dass TAA nicht spezifisch nur in Tumoren sondern auch in nicht-transformierten Zellen vorhanden sind, kann infolge verschiedener Toleranz-Mechanismen zur Eliminierung von ZTL führen, deren T-Zell-Rezeptoren eine hohe Affinität für TAA besitzen. Entsprechend erfordert die Entwicklung effektiver Immuntherapeutika die genaue Analyse des verfügbaren T-Zell-Repertoires mit Spezifität für ein gegebenes TAA.Die Arbeit fokusierte das Tyrosinase (369-377) ZTL-Epitop, das im Komplex mit HLA-A*0201 (A2.1) auf der Zell-Oberfläche von malignen Melanomen und verschiedenen nicht-transformierten Zellen präsentiert wird. Es wurde gefunden, dass sowohl das humane als auch das murine Tyrosinase (369-377)-spezifische ZTL-Repertoire durch Selbst-Toleranz kompromittiert ist und dass diese Toleranz weder durch Verwendung einer bestimmten Peptid-Variante noch durch Interferenz mit CD4+CD25+ regulatorischen T-Zellen oder CTLA-4 umgangen werden kann. Diese Ergebnisse wurden anschließend auf ein anderes Krankheitsmodell, das Multiple Myelom (MM), adaptiert. Unter Umgehung von Selbst-Toleranz in A2.1-transgenen Mäusen wurde gezeigt, dass Transkriptionsfaktoren, die die terminale Differenzierung von B-Zellen in maligne und nicht-maligne Plasmazellen diktieren, als MM-assoziierte ZTL-Epitope dienen können.Diese Arbeit bietet einen bedeutenden und innovativen Beitrag zur Gestaltung von Tyrosinase-basierten Melanom- und MM-reaktiven Immuntherapien.
Background and aims: Sorafenib is the reference therapy for advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). No method exists to predict in the very early period subsequent individual response. Starting from the clinical experience in humans that subcutaneous metastases may rapidly change consistency under sorafenib and that elastosonography a new ultrasound based technique allows assessment of tissue stiffness, we investigated the role of elastonography in the very early prediction of tumor response to sorafenib in a HCC animal model. Methods: HCC (Huh7 cells) subcutaneous xenografting in mice was utilized. Mice were randomized to vehicle or treatment with sorafenib when tumor size was 5-10 mm. Elastosonography (Mylab 70XVG, Esaote, Genova, Italy) of the whole tumor mass on a sagittal plane with a 10 MHz linear transducer was performed at different time points from treatment start (day 0, +2, +4, +7 and +14) until mice were sacrified (day +14), with the operator blind to treatment. In order to overcome variability in absolute elasticity measurement when assessing changes over time, values were expressed in arbitrary units as relative stiffness of the tumor tissue in comparison to the stiffness of a standard reference stand-off pad lying on the skin over the tumor. Results: Sor-treated mice showed a smaller tumor size increase at day +14 in comparison to vehicle-treated (tumor volume increase +192.76% vs +747.56%, p=0.06). Among Sor-treated tumors, 6 mice showed a better response to treatment than the other 4 (increase in volume +177% vs +553%, p=0.011). At day +2, median tumor elasticity increased in Sor-treated group (+6.69%, range –30.17-+58.51%), while decreased in the vehicle group (-3.19%, range –53.32-+37.94%) leading to a significant difference in absolute values (p=0.034). From this time point onward, elasticity decreased in both groups, with similar speed over time, not being statistically different anymore. In Sor-treated mice all 6 best responders at day 14 showed an increase in elasticity at day +2 (ranging from +3.30% to +58.51%) in comparison to baseline, whereas 3 of the 4 poorer responders showed a decrease. Interestingly, these 3 tumours showed elasticity values higher than responder tumours at day 0. Conclusions: Elastosonography appears a promising non-invasive new technique for the early prediction of HCC tumor response to sorafenib. Indeed, we proved that responder tumours are characterized by an early increase in elasticity. The possibility to distinguish a priori between responders and non responders based on the higher elasticity of the latter needs to be validated in ad-hoc experiments as well as a confirmation of our results in humans is warranted.
Die Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit war die Synthese und Markierung, sowie die in vitro- und in vivo-Evaluierung zweier markierter Aminosäure. Es wurden die PET-Tumor-Tracer C1-(2-[18F]Fluoreth- ylamino)-asparagin und S-2-Amino-4-[18F]fluor-butansäure synthetisiert. Die Markierung zum C1-(2-[18F]Fluorethylamino)-asparagin wurde mit 2-[18F]Fluorethylamin als Precursor durchgeführt. Ausgehend von N,N-Dibenzyl-(2-bromethyl)-amin wurde zunächst N,N-Dibenzyl-(2-[18F]fluorethyl)-amin in einer nukleophilen Substiution mit [18F]Fluorid in Acetonitril bei 80 °C mit einer Reaktionsdauer von 5 min dargestellt. Zur Abtrennung überschüssigen [18F]Fluorids wurde das Roh-Produkt auf einer Sep-Pak Plus Kartusche (C18) fixiert und mit Acetonitril eluiert. Die Abspaltung der Benzyl-Schutzgruppen erfolgte durch die Zugabe von Pd/C zu dem eluierten N,N-Dibenzyl-(2-[18F]fluorethyl)-amin und Behandelung der Lösung im leichten Wasserstoffstrom. Im finalen Aufreinigungsschritt wird der Katalysator Pd/C mittels eines Membranfilters abgetrennt. Das 2-[18F]Fluorethylamin wird im Sauren in das Amino-Salz überführt und im Vakuum vom Lösungsmittel befreit. Die Markierung zum C1-(2-[18F]Fluorethylamino)-asparagin wurde in DMF durchgeführt. Die höchsten Ausbeuten werden nach 4 min bei 60 °C erhalten. Die Abspaltung der Schutzgruppe erfolgt durch Trifluoressigsäure bei Raumtemperatur in 8 min. Die Aufreinigung des C1-(2-[18F]Fluorethylamino)-asparagin mittels HPLC und Festphasenextraktion liegt das Produkt in einer isotonischne isotonischen Kochsalzlösung vor. Die in vitro-Versuche wurden mit C1-(2-[18F]Fluorethylamino)-asparagin an 5 verschiedenen Zelllinen durchgeführt, 3 Plattenepitele und 2 Melanome. Hierbei konnte eine erhöhte Akkumulation von C1 -(2-[18F]Fluorethylamino)-asparagin beobachtet werden, die innerhalb von 20 min einen konstanten Wert erreicht. Ein Blockade-Experiment zeigte, dass sich die Aufnahme von C1 -(2-[18F]Fluorethylamino)-asparagin durch gesättinge Asparagin-Lösung bei den Plattenepitelen gar nicht und bei den Melanomen nur leicht vermindern ließ. Da die Aufnahme von C1-(2-[18F]Fluorethylamino)-asparagin in die Zellen höher war als bei FDG bei dem gleichen Versuchsaufbau, wurden in vivo-Versuche angesetzt. Die in vivo-Versuche an Sprague Dawley Ratten mit C1-(2-[18 F]Fluorethylamino)-asparagin zeigten keine messbare Anreicherung von C1-(2-[18F]Fluorethylamino)-asparagin in Tumoren. Fast die komplette Aktivität wurde in der Niere und Blase wiedergefunden. Die Synthese von S-2-Amino-4-[18F]fluor-butansäure wurde über stereodirigierende Auxilliare realisiert. Dazu wurden die geeignetsten Auxillare ausgewählt und auf ihre Eignung verglichen. Der Vergleich der stereodirigierenden Auxilare zeigte, dass das (1R,2R,5R)-2-Hydroxy-2,6,6-trimethyl- bicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-ylidenamino)-essigsäure tert.-butylester (Laue-Auxillar) am geeignetesten ist. Die 18F-Markierung von S-2-Amino-4-[18F]fluor-butansäure wurde so optimiert, dass eine möglichst hohe stereochemische Reinheit des Produktes erzielt wird. Die optische Reinheit von S-2-Amino-4-[18 F]fluor-butansäure wurde mit > 93 % ee berechnet. Die Synthese des Markierungsvorläufers wurde ausgehend vom Laue-Auxilliar aufgebaut. Als Abgangsgruppe hat sich die Tosylgruppe besonders bewährt. Sie lässt sich unter besonders schonenden Bedingungen in den säurelabilen (1R,2R,5R)-4-Hydroxy-2-(2-hydroxy-2,6,6-trimethyl-bi- cyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-ylidenamino) butansäure tert.-butylester einführen. Bei der 18F-Markierung von S-2-Amino-4-[18F]fluor-butansäure mittels n.c.a. [18F]Fluorid hat sich die Wahl des Basensystems als besonders wichtig erwiesen. Die maximale Ausbeuten von 55% wurde mit Oxalat als Basensystem in Acetonitril bei 80 °C und einer Reaktionszeit von 15 min erzielen. Die Abspaltung der Schutzgruppen und die Abtrennung des Produktes wird in mehreren Schritten durchgeführt einschließlich einer HPLC-Abtrennung. Es wird nach 150 min Synthesedauer das gereinigte S-2-Amino-4-[18F]fluor-butansäure in isotonischer Kochsalzlösung mit einer Ausbeute von > 10 % RCA erhalten. Bei in vivo-Versuchen an Sprague Dawley Ratten reicherte sich der Hauptteil der Aktivität in der Niere an und nur weniger als ein halbes Prozent der applizierten Aktivität fand sich in den Tumoren wieder. Nach 10 min wurde ein maximaler Wert erreicht, der sich bis zum Ende der Messung nicht verändert. Das Verhältnis von Tumoraktivität zu unspezifisch-gebundener Aktivität betrug 2,2. Damit liegt das Verhältnis im Bereich der meisten klinisch eingesetzten PET-Tumor-Tracer wie dem des O-(2-[18F]Fluorethyl)-L-tyrosin mit 1,5.
Tumore des Kopf-Hals Bereiches sprechen aufgrund schneller Resistenzbildung häufig schlecht auf die derzeit praktizierten Bestrahlungstherapien an. Der Erfolg dieser Behandlung wird dabei maßgeblich durch die Strahlenresistenz des malignen Gewebes limitiert. Das Verständnis der zugrunde liegenden zellulären und molekularen Mechanismen ist diesbezüglich unvollständig. Die Resistenzzunahme während der klinischen Behandlung könnte durch die Selektion strahlenresistenter Einzelzellen verursacht werden oder durch die Aktivierung von Resistenzmechanismen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die bestrahlungsvermittelte Freisetzung möglicherweise protektiv wirkender Faktoren durch Tumorzelllinien des Kopf-Hals Bereiches untersucht. Durch Bestrahlung erfolgte eine Induktion von VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) und FGF-2 (fibroblast growth factor 2), IL-8 (Interleukin-8) und PGE2 (Prostaglandin E2). Die Untersuchung von VEGF und FGF-2 zeigte weiterhin ein zytoprotektives Potential dieser Faktoren, d.h. die T
The present thesis introduces a novel sensitive technique based on TSM resonators that provides quantitative information about the dynamic properties of biological cells and artificial lipid systems. In order to support and complement results obtained by this method supplementary measurements based on ECIS technique were carried out. The first part (chapters 3 and 4) deals with artificial lipid systems. In chapter 3 ECIS measurements were used to monitor the adsorption of giant unilamellar vesicles as well as their thermal fluctuations. From dynamic Monte Carlo Simulations the rate constant of vesicle adsorption was determined. Furthermore, analysis of fluctuation measurements reveals Brownian motion reflecting membrane undulations of the adherent liposomes. In chapter 4 QCM-based fluctuation measurements were applied to quantify nanoscopically small deformations of giant unilamellar vesicles with an external electrical field applied simultaneously. The response of liposomes to an external voltage with shape changes was monitored as a function of cholesterol content and adhesion force. In the second part (chapters 5 - 8) attention was given to cell motility. It was shown for the first time, that QCM can be applied to monitor the dynamics of living adherent cells in real time. QCM turned out to be a highly sensitive tool to detect the vertical motility of adherent cells with a time resolution in the millisecond regime. The response of cells to environmental changes such as temperature or osmotic stress could be quantified. Furthermore, the impact of cytochalasin D (inhibits actin polymerization) and taxol (facilitate polymerization of microtubules) as well as nocodazole (depolymerizes microtubules) on the dynamic properties of cells was scrutinized. Each drug provoked a significant reduction of the monitored cell shape fluctuations as expected from their biochemical potential. However, not only the abolition of fluctuations was observed but also an increase of motility due to integrin-induced transmembrane signals. These signals were activated by peptides containing the RGD sequence, which is known to be an integrin recognition motif. Ultimately, two pancreatic carcinoma cell lines, derived from the same original tumor, but known to possess different metastatic potential were studied. Different dynamic behavior of the two cell lines was observed which was attributed to cell-cell as well as cell-substrate interactions rather than motility. Thus one may envision that it might be possible to characterize the motility of different cell types as a function of many variables by this new highly sensitive technique based on TSM resonators. Finally the origin of the broad cell resonance was investigated. Improvement of the time resolution reveals the "real" frequency of cell shape fluctuations. Several broad resonances around 3-5 Hz, 15-17 Hz and 25-29 Hz were observed and that could unequivocally be assigned to biological activity of living cells. However, the kind of biological process that provokes this synchronized collective and periodic behavior of the cells remains to be elucidated.
Tumor is a lesion that may be formed by an abnormal growth of neoplastic cells. Many factors increase the risk of cancer and different targets are involved in tumor progression. Within this thesis, we have addressed two different biological targets, independently connected with tumor formation, e.g. Hsp90 and androgen receptor. The ATP-dependent chaperone Hsp90 is responsible for the conformational maturation and the renaturation of proteins. “Client” proteins are associated with the cancer hallmarks, as cell proliferation and tumor progression. Consequently, Hsp90 has evolved into promising anticancer target. Over the past decade, radicicol has been identified as potential anticancer agent targeting Hsp90, but it is not active in vivo. With that aim of obtaining radicicol-related derivatives, we developed the design and synthesis of new chalcones analogs. Chalcones, which are abundant in edible plants, own a diverse array of pharmacological activities and are considered a versatile scaffold for drug design. Antiproliferative assays and western blot analysis on the new compounds showed that some of those display an interesting cytotoxic effect and the ability to modulate Hsp90 client proteins expression. Androgen Receptor (AR) hypersensitivity plays crucial role in prostate cancer, which progression is stimulated by androgens. The therapy consists in a combination of surgical or chemical castration, along with antiandrogens treatment. Casodex® (bicalutamide), is the most widespread antiandrogen used in clinic. However, hormonal therapy is time-limited since many patients develop resistance. Commercially available antiandrogens show a common scaffold, e.g. two substituted aromatic rings linked by a linear or a cyclic spacer. With the aim of obtaining novel pure AR antagonists, we developed a new synthetic methodology, which allowed us to introduce, as linker between two suitably chosen aromatic rings, a triazole moiety. Preliminary data suggest that the herein reported new molecules generally decrease PSA expression, thus confirming their potential AR antagonistic activity.
Cancer is a multi-step process in which both the activation of oncogenes and the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes alter the normal cellular programs to a state of proliferation and growth. The regulation of a number of tumor suppressor genes and the mechanism underlying the tumor suppression have been intensively studied. Hugl-1 and Hugl-2, the human homologues of Drosophila lgl are shown to be down-regulated in a variety of cancers including breast, colon, lung and melanoma, but the mechanism responsible for loss of expression is not yet known. The regulation of gene expression is influenced by factors inducing or repressing transcription. The present study was focused on the identification and characterization of the active promoters of Hugl-1 and Hugl-2. Further, the regulation of the promoter and functional consequences of this regulation by specific transcription factors was analyzed. Experiments to delineate the function of the mouse homologue of Hugl-2, mgl2 using transgenic mice model were performed. This study shows that the active promoter for both Hugl-1 and Hugl-2 is located 1000bp upstream of transcription start sites. The study also provides first insight into the regulation of Hugl-2 by an important EMT transcriptional regulator, Snail. Direct binding of Snail to four E-boxes present in Hugl-2 promoter region results in repression of Hugl-2 expression. Hugl-1 and Hugl-2 plays pivotal role in establishment and maintenance of cell polarity in a diversity of cell types and organisms. Loss of epithelial cell polarity is a prerequisite for cancer progression and metastasis and is an important step in inducing EMT in cells. Regulation of Hugl-2 by Snail suggests one of the initial events towards loss of epithelial cell polarity during Snail-mediated EMT. Another important finding of this study is the induction of Hugl-2 expression can reverse the Snail-driven EMT. Inducing Hugl-2 in Snail expressing cells results in the re-expression of epithelial markers E-cadherin and Cytokeratin-18. Further, Hugl-2 also reduces the rate of tumor growth, cell migration and induces the epithelial phenotype in 3D culture model in cells expressing Snail. Studies to gain insight into the signaling pathways involved in reversing Snail-mediated EMT revealed that induction of Hugl-2 expression interferes with the activation of extracellular receptor kinase, Erk. Functional aspects of mammalian lgl in vivo was investigated by establishing mgl2 conditional knockout mice. Though disruption of mgl2 gene in hepatic tissues did not alter the growth and development, ubiquitous disruption of mgl2 gene causes embryonic lethality which is evident by the fact that no mgl2-/- mice were born.
Until now, therapeutic vaccination of cancer patients has mainly relied on rather few T cell epitopes processed from structurally normal shared tumor antigens and presented by frequent HLA alleles. So far the design of these studies has not addressed the individuality of tumor-host interactions, which are not only determined by the antigenic tumor phenotype or the natural HLA polymorphism, but also by the individual T cell repertoire. The procedure described herein was developed to identify the preferential targets of the individual repertoire from a panel of known shared tumor-associated antigens. Lymphocytes were isolated from the peripheral blood of cancer patients or healthy donors and stimulated twice with autologous mRNA-transfected FastDC (Dauer et al., J Immunol. 170:4069, 2003). FastDC were generated from blood monocytes and separately transfected via lipofection with in vitro transcribed mRNAs encoding the panel antigens. Responder lymphocytes were tested on day 12 in a 20-hour IFN-g ELISPOT assay for recognition of 293T cells co-transfected pairwise with plasmids encoding the stimulation antigens and the respective individual’s HLA class I alleles. In a first step, stimulation parameters were optimized for the detection of anti-HCMV pp65 responses. A maximum amplification of pp65-specific CD8+ T cell responses was obtained at a rather low IL-2 concentration (25 IU/ml) and at a minimum APC-to-effector ratio of 1:10. Addition of IL-4, IL-7 or IL-15 did not substantially improve the stimulatory potential. The test was applied to the human melanoma models D05 and MZ2, in both of which multiple T cell-defined antigens had previously been identified by expression screening. Blood lymphocytes were stimulated in parallel with autologous tumor cells and with mRNA-transfected FastDC. In D05, T cell reactivities against three out of eleven epitopes induced by stimulation with tumor cells were also found after stimulation with mRNA-transfected FastDC. Two further T cell target epitopes were identified with mRNA but not with tumor cell stimulation. In MZ2, T cell responses against five distinct epitopes were detected on day 12 after stimulation with mRNA transfectants. The same responses were detectable after stimulation with tumor cells only on day 32. mRNA stimulations against 21 tumor-associated antigens in addition to HCMV pp65 were performed in four healthy individuals. In all cases, CD8+ T cells against HCMV pp65 could be expanded. Among tumor-associated antigens, only reactivity against Melan-A/MART-1 in association with HLA-A*0201 was detectable in one of the donors. The vaccination of patients with targets a priori known to be recognized by their T cell repertoire may help to improve the outcome of therapeutic vaccination.
This study deals with the discovery and characterization of EXN6 and EXN11 as novel tumor-associated proteins. EXN6 is mainly present in breast and ovary cancers (40 and 35%) while EXN11 is mainly detected in primary and metastatic colon cancer (40%). A characterization of the two proteins confirmed that they could be novel targets for cancer therapy.
Synthese von tumor-assoziierten MUC1-Mucin-Glycopeptid-Vakzinen und deren immunologische Evaluierung
Eine alternative Methode zur Therapie von Tumorerkrankungen bestünde in einer Immuntherapie ausgelöst durch synthetische Antitumor-Vakzine. Ein vielversprechendes Zielmolekül für eine solche Aktivimmunisierung ist das Glycoprotein MUC1, das auf nahezu allen Epithelgeweben exprimiert und auf Tumorgeweben stark überexprimiert wird. Seine extrazelluläre Domäne enthält eine Vielzahl von Tandem-Repeat-Sequenzen der Art: HGVTSAPDTRPAPGSTAPPA mit fünf potentiellen O-Glycosylierungs-Positionen. Da die Form der Glycosylierung des MUC1 in Tumorzellen stark von der auf normalen Zellen abweicht, liegen auf Tumorzellen eine Reihe tumor-assoziierter Saccharidantigene und Peptidepitope vor.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurden tumor-assoziierte Glycopeptidantigene aus der MUC1-Tandem-Repeat-Region hergestellt. Die synthetisierten MUC1-Glycopeptide tragen in verschiedenen Positionen eine Glycosylierung mit den tumor-assoziierten Tn- und STn-Saccharid-Antigenen. Zur Gewinnung von Vakzinen wurden diese Glycopeptid-Antigene über einen Spacer mit immunstimulierenden Komponenten verknüpft. Als Immunstimulanzien wurden ein T-Zell-Epitop aus dem Ovalbumin (OVA323-339) sowie die Carrier-Proteine Rinderserumalbumin (BSA) und Tetanus-Toxoid (TTox) verwendet. rnDie synthetischen MUC1-Glycopeptide wurden durch Immunisierung von Mäusen einer immunologischen Evaluierung unterzogen. Insbesondere die synthetischen MUC1-Glycopeptid-TTox-Vakzine lösen sehr starke Immunantworten aus. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die induzierten Antikörper stark an Tumorzellen und auch an Mammakarzinom-Gewebe binden, was für die Entwicklung von Antitumor-Vakzinen als vielversprechend einzustufen ist.
Aberrant expression of ETS transcription factors, including FLI1 and ERG, due to chromosomal translocations has been described as a driver event in initiation and progression of different tumors. In this study, the impact of prostate cancer (PCa) fusion gene TMPRSS2-ERG was evaluated on components of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system and the CD99 molecule, two well documented targets of EWS-FLI1, the hallmark of Ewing sarcoma (ES). The aim of this study was to identify common or distinctive ETS-related mechanisms which could be exploited at biological and clinical level. The results demonstrate that IGF-1R represents a common target of ETS rearrangements as ERG and FLI1 bind IGF-1R gene promoter and their modulation causes alteration in IGF-1R protein levels. At clinical level, this mechanism provides basis for a more rationale use of anti-IGF-1R inhibitors as PCa cells expressing the fusion gene better respond to anti-IGF-1R agents. EWS-FLI1/IGF-1R axis provides rationale for combination of anti-IGF-1R agents with trabectedin, an alkylator agent causing enhanced EWS-FLI1 occupancy on the IGF-1R promoter. TMPRSS2-ERG also influences prognosis relevance of IGF system as high IGF-1R correlates with a better biochemical progression free survival (BPFS) in PCa patients negative for the fusion gene while marginal or no association was found in the total cases or TMPRSS2-ERG-positive cases, respectively. This study indicates CD99 is differentially regulated between ETS-related tumors as CD99 is not a target of ERG. In PCa, CD99 did not show differential expression between TMPRSS2-ERG-positive and –negative cells. A direct correlation was anyway found between ERG and CD99 proteins both in vitro and in patients putatively suggesting that ERG target genes comprehend regulators of CD99. Despite a little trend suggesting a correlation between CD99 expression and a better BPFS, no clinical relevance for CD99 was found in the field of prognostic biomarkers.