994 resultados para Pagamento por desempenho


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The lava Platform is increasing1y being adopted in the development of distributed sys¬tems with higb user demando This kind of application is more complex because it needs beyond attending the functional requirements, to fulfil1 the pre-established performance parameters. This work makes a study on the Java Vutual Machine (JVM), approaching its intemal aspects and exploring the garbage collection strategies existing in the literature and used by the NM. It also presents a set of tools that helps in the job of optimizing applications and others that help in the monitoring of applications in the production envi¬ronment. Doe to the great amount of technologies that aim to solve problems which are common to the application layer, it becomes difficult to choose the one with best time response and less memory usage. This work presents a brief introduction to each one of tbe possible technologies and realize comparative tests through a statistical analysis of the response time and garbage collection activity random variables. The obtained results supply engineers and managers with a subside to decide which technologies to use in large applications through the knowledge of how they behave in their environments and the amount of resources that they consume. The relation between the productivity of the technology and its performance is also considered ao important factor in this choice


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This paper presents the performanee analysis of traffie retransmission algorithms pro¬posed to the HCCA medium aeeess meehanism of IEEE 802.11 e standard applied to industrial environmen1. Due to the nature of this kind of environment, whieh has eleetro¬magnetic interferenee, and the wireless medium of IEEE 802.11 standard, suseeptible to such interferenee, plus the lack of retransmission meehanisms, refers to an impraetieable situation to ensure quality of service for real-time traffic, to whieh the IEEE 802.11 e stan¬dard is proposed and this environment requires. Thus, to solve this problem, this paper proposes a new approach that involves the ereation and evaluation of retransmission al-gorithms in order to ensure a levei of robustness, reliability and quality of serviee to the wireless communication in such environments. Thus, according to this approaeh, if there is a transmission error, the traffie scheduler is able to manage retransmissions to reeo¬ver data 10s1. The evaluation of the proposed approaeh is performed through simulations, where the retransmission algorithms are applied to different seenarios, whieh are abstrae¬tions of an industrial environment, and the results are obtained by using an own-developed network simulator and compared with eaeh other to assess whieh of the algorithms has better performanee in a pre-defined applieation


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RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) identifies object by using the radio frequency which is a non-contact automatic identification technique. This technology has shown its powerful practical value and potential in the field of manufacturing, retailing, logistics and hospital automation. Unfortunately, the key problem that impacts the application of RFID system is the security of the information. Recently, researchers have demonstrated solutions to security threats in RFID technology. Among these solutions are several key management protocols. This master dissertations presents a performance evaluation of Neural Cryptography and Diffie-Hellman protocols in RFID systems. For this, we measure the processing time inherent in these protocols. The tests was developed on FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) platform with Nios IIr embedded processor. The research methodology is based on the aggregation of knowledge to development of new RFID systems through a comparative analysis between these two protocols. The main contributions of this work are: performance evaluation of protocols (Diffie-Hellman encryption and Neural) on embedded platform and a survey on RFID security threats. According to the results the Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol is more suitable for RFID systems


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Forage sorghum can be grown in areas presenting dry and hot environmental situations where the yield of other grasses can often be uneconomical. The objective of this study was to analyze the operating performance of agricultural machines in the deployment of sorghum forage in four tillage systems, as follows: no-tillage system, disk harrow + seeding, disk harrow + two light disking + seeding, minimum tillage + seeding and four seeding different speeds, as follows: 3, 5, 6 and 9 km h(-1). The study was performed under field conditions in FCA/UNESP, Botucatu County, SP, Brazil. The data were subjected to variance analysis in a simple factorial 4 x 4, and a random block design with split plots. Operational performance of the agricultural machinery, physical characteristics the soil, its water content and the yield of dry matter and green sorghum were determined. The operational performance of agricultural machines in the deployment of sorghum forage is influenced by the sowing speed and the soil tillage system used. Chisel plow was the equipment that required the highest mean traction force, mean traction and slip, as well as the lowest mean speed for the studied tillage system. Forage sorghum showed higher yields in no-tillage systems at a seeding speed of 5 km h(-1).


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Com o propósito de avaliar a colhedora Penha CLM-350, visando fornecer subsídios aos projetos e usuários, realizou-se o presente trabalho, onde foi estudada a eficácia do sistema espigador, determinando-se a porcentagem de milho colhido para os diversos tratamentos estudados. Definiu-se um parâmetro adimensional U, que é a relação entre a velocidade periférica dos roletes e a velocidade de deslocamento da colhedora. Procurou-se relacionar as diversos tratamentos U, com os valores percentuais de grãos de milho colhidos e perdidos no solo. Os resultados foram estudados através da análise de variância, empregando-se o teste F, aos níveis de 1% e 5% de probabilidade e o teste Tukey para a comparação estatística entre as médias.


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The incorporate of industrial automation in the medical are requires mechanisms to safety and efficient establishment of communication between biomedical devices. One solution to this problem is the MP-HA (Multicycles Protocol to Hospital Automation) that down a segmented network by beds coordinated by an element called Service Provider. The goal of this work is to model this Service Provider and to do performance analysis of the activities executed by in establishment and maintenance of hospital networks


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Activities that use Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are countless and the most used one is the Global Positioning System (GPS) developed by the United States. In precision agriculture there are demands for static and cinematic positioning with distinct levels of accuracy for different applications; nevertheless cinematic performance data are not available as manufacturers of GPS receivers present only static performance information. For this reason it was developed an instrumented vehicle to test a methodology of performance evaluation of GPS receivers in kinematic conditions, which is representative to agricultural operations. A set of instrumentation was composed and used for collecting data under variable speed and rotation direction. Tests were conducted showing that the methodology allows to measure accuracy and precision, but improvements have to be implemented on the instrumentation equipment for long term tests.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate tractor performance in soil with three different surfaces: firm soil without covering, mobilized soil, and firm soil with vegetal residue of corn and braquiaria, for four forward speeds. The experiment was accomplished in three plots determined by the soil conditions. In each plot four treatments were composed by the forward speed obtained by the changes of the tractor gear. Six repetitions were used in each plot, totaling 72 experimental units, combination of the traction, slip of the rear and front wheels, forward speed and fuel consumption. The values of the tractor performance obtained led to the conclusion that in the firm soil without vegetable covering the tractor performance was better, followed by the soil with the firm surface and covered with corn straw and braquiaria and finally the mobilized soil. The best tractor performance was obtained in the C1 gear that supplied the forward speed of 6 km h(-1).


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Avaliou-se o desempenho operacional de campo de uma semeadora-adubadora de precisão, equipada com seis linhas espaçadas de 550 mm, em um solo muito argiloso, classificado como Nitossolo Vermelho Distrófico Latossólico, na semeadura do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Os tratamentos consistiram de três métodos de preparo do solo: a) convencional (uma aração com arado de discos e duas gradagens niveladoras); b) escarificação (uma passagem de escarificador conjugado com rolo destorroador), e c) semeadura direta. Esses procedimentos foram combinados com quatro condições de cobertura do solo no inverno (consórcio aveia-preta + nabo forrageiro manejados com rolo-faca, triturador de palhas, herbicida e solo em pousio). Os métodos de preparo do solo e os manejos da cobertura foram repetidos por três anos consecutivos. Os valores de força e pico de força de tração na barra, patinagem dos rodados motrizes e consumo de combustível foram maiores no preparo com escarificador em relação aos obtidos no preparo convencional e na semeadura direta. A capacidade de campo efetiva foi maior na semeadura direta em relação aos outros tratamentos. Os manejos efetuados nas coberturas vegetais e o solo mantido em pousio não influenciaram em nenhuma das variáveis.


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This dissertation describes the implementation of a WirelessHART networks simulation module for the Network Simulator 3, aiming for the acceptance of both on the present context of networks research and industry. For validating the module were imeplemented tests for attenuation, packet error rate, information transfer success rate and battery duration per station


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It s notorious the advance of computer networks in recent decades, whether in relation to transmission rates, the number of interconnected devices or the existing applications. In parallel, it s also visible this progress in various sectors of the automation, such as: industrial, commercial and residential. In one of its branches, we find the hospital networks, which can make the use of a range of services, ranging from the simple registration of patients to a surgery by a robot under the supervision of a physician. In the context of both worlds, appear the applications in Telemedicine and Telehealth, which work with the transfer in real time of high resolution images, sound, video and patient data. Then comes a problem, since the computer networks, originally developed for the transfer of less complex data, is now being used by a service that involves high transfer rates and needs requirements for quality of service (QoS) offered by the network . Thus, this work aims to do the analysis and comparison of performance of a network when subjected to this type of application, for two different situations: the first without the use of QoS policies, and the second with the application of such policies, using as scenario for testing, the Metropolitan Health Network of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)


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O presente trabalho foi realizado na Fazenda Experimental Lageado, da Universidade Estadual Paulista em Botucatu, SP, e objetivou-se analisar o desempenho de um silo secador alambrado com ar à temperatura ambiente, de projeto simples, com possibilidades de atender às necessidades de pequenos cafeicultores. Para a avaliação do desempenho da secagem, foram realizadas medições do teor de água do café, temperaturas da massa de grãos, do ar de exaustão, do ar de secagem e do ar ambiente, umidade relativa ambiente, velocidade do ar de secagem e o tempo total de secagem. Para avaliar a qualidade do produto seco, foi feito o teste de bebida. Paralelamente, realizou-se a secagem em terreiro para se formar a testemunha. Os resultados observados permitiram concluir que o silo secador alambrado apresentou uma boa eficiência energética, proporcionando um produto seco com o mesmo padrão de qualidade do café seco em terreiro.


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The evolution of automation in recent years made possible the continuous monitoring of the processes of industrial plants. With this advance, the amount of information that automation systems are subjected to increased significantly. The alarms generated by the monitoring equipment are a major contributor to this increase, and the equipments are usually deployed in industrial plants without a formal methodology, which entails an increase in the number of alarms generated, thus overloading the alarm system and therefore the operators of such plants. In this context, the works of alarm management comes up with the objective of defining a formal methodology for installation of new equipment and detect problems in existing settings. This thesis aims to propose a set of metrics for the evaluation of alarm systems already deployed, so that you can identify the health of this system by analyzing the proposed indices and comparing them with parameters defined in the technical norms of alarm management. In addition, the metrics will track the work of alarm management, verifying if it is improving the quality of the alarm system. To validate the proposed metrics, data from actual process plants of the petrochemical industry were used


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The work aimed at presenting analyses and comparisons of the thermal performance of a laying hens housing in the region of Bastos, in the state of São Paulo, adapted from natural alternatives of acclimatization, having a not adapted housing as reference, that is, of a more common typology in the area, and another one, artificially acclimatized. The index evaluated was the temperature and humidity (THI), the black globe temperature and humidity index (GTHI) and the thermal radiation charge (TRC). It was calculated from the measurement of the temperature of dry bulb, temperature of wet bulb, temperature of black globe and air speed. The measurements were made both in the intern and the extern environment, at four times (5 a.m, 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. o'clock) and in two seasons (late spring and early summer), for ten days in a row. The results allow to conclude that the house naturally acclimatized (NA) has presented intermediate performance as compared with the others, making it to possible to control environment at adequate levels only during spring.


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Avaliou-se a capacidade produtiva, partenocarpia e expressão sexual de linhagens de pepino caipira sob cultivo em ambiente protegido. A capacidade produtiva foi avaliada em experimento em blocos ao acaso com 18 tratamentos (16 linhagens e dois híbridos do tipo caipira, Safira e Guarani), quatro repetições e cinco plantas por parcela, em estufa agrícola com as laterais abertas possibilitando a entrada de insetos polinizadores. A expressão sexual e a partenocarpia foram avaliadas em delineamento semelhante, utilizando 16 linhagens da população SHS (F2RC1 do cruzamento entre os híbridos Safira e Hatem (tipo holandês)) e 19 da população GH (F2 do cruzamento entre os híbridos Guarani e Hatem), porém este experimento foi conduzido em estufa agrícola fechada, com tela anti-afídeo, evitando- se a entrada de insetos polinizadores. A partenocarpia foi avaliada verificando o pegamento de frutos em cada linhagem. Várias linhagens foram estatisticamente similares aos híbridos em termos de produção, mas nenhuma foi superior. Os híbridos Safira e Guarani produziram respectivamente 23,1 e 19,1 frutos planta-1, sendo, respectivamente, 21,9 e 17,5 frutos comerciais. As massas total e comercial de frutos por planta foram respectivamente 3,8 e 3,6 kg para o híbrido Safira e 2,9 e 2,7 kg para o híbrido Guarani. A linhagem SHS-2 destacou-se pela boa produção, similar aos dois híbridos, apresentando frutos do tipo caipira claro, além de ser partenocárpica e possuir plantas ginóicas. Todas as linhagens da população SHS apresentaram frutos do tipo caipira, mas apenas cinco foram partenocárpicas. Na população GH, nove linhagens foram partenocárpicas e dez apresentaram frutos do tipo caipira. Duas linhagens da população SHS apresentaram apenas plantas monóicas, com as demais segregando para plantas ginóicas e monóicas. Na população GH, todas as plantas foram ginóicas. A população SHS é mais interessante para a obtenção de linhagens principalmente devido ao tipo de fruto caipira mais próximo dos frutos comerciais.