Consta de dos partes.
La intención del presente trabajo es abordar cómo el consumidor postmoderno afronta la construcción de la identidada través del consumo simbólico y constatar las diversas estrategias que adoptapara progresar en la arquitectura de su identidad. El objeto de estudio de esta investigación se centra en la figura del individuo como CONSUMIDOR postmoderno y cómo utiliza el consumo simbólico para aportar significados coherentes y útiles para reflejar su sentido de identidad
La subsidiarietat és el principi filosòfic que es nodreix de diferents fonts teòriques. Una de les definicions més comunes és la que sosté que la presa de decisions s'ha de fer el més a prop possible dels ciutadans de manera que els nivells superiors de govern s'ocupin només del que els nivells inferiors no estiguin en condicions de dur a terme eficaçment per si sols. Partint d'aquesta premissa, aquest treball es divideix en tres apartats. El primer repassa l'evolució del principi de subsidiarietat a la UE des del Tractat de Maastricht. El segon analitza el debat que va tenir lloc a la Convenció Europea voltant d'aquest principi i la proposta final recollida en el projecte de Tractat Constitucional. El tercer i últim estudia les implicacions institucionals que podrien derivar d'aquesta per les regions amb competències legislatives i, en particular, per les Comunitats Autònomes
The aim of this work is to make known the multicentric project AMCAC, whose objective is to describe the geographical distribution of mortality from all causes in census groups of the provincial capitals of Andalusia and Catalonia during 1992-2002 and 1994-2000 respectively, and to study the relationship between the sociodemographic characteristics of the census groups and mortality. This is an ecological study in which the analytical unit is the census group. The data correspond to 298,731 individuals (152,913 men and 145,818 women) who died during the study periods in the towns of Almeria, Barcelona, Cadiz, Cordoba, Girona, Granada, Huelva, Jaen, Lleida, Malaga, Seville and Tarragona during the study periods. The dependent variable is the number of deaths observed per census group. The independent variables are the percentage of unemployment, illiteracy and manual workers. Estimation of the moderated relative risk and the study of the associations among the sociodemographic characteristics of the census groups and the mortality will be done for each town and each sex using the Besag-York-Mollie model. Dissemination of the results will help to improve and broaden knowledge about the population's health, and will provide an important starting point to establish the influence of contextual variables on the health of urban populations.
In recent years, a growing number of studies suggests that increases in air pollution levels may have short-term impact on human health, even at pollution levels similar to or lower than those which have been considered to be safe to date. The different methodological approaches and the varying analysis techniques employed have made it difficult to make a direct comparison among all of the findings, preventing any clear conclusions from being drawn. This has led to multicenter projects such as the APHEA (Short-Term Impact of Air Pollution on Health. A European Approach) within a European Scope. The EMECAM Project falls within the context of the aforesaid multicenter studies and has a wide-ranging projection nationwide within Spain. Fourteen (14) cities throughout Spain were included in this Project (Barcelona, Metropolitan Area of Bilbao, Cartagena, Castellón, Gijón, Huelva, Madrid, Pamplona, Seville, Oviedo, Valencia, Vigo, Vitoria and Saragossa) representing different sociodemographic, climate and environmental situations, adding up to a total of nearly nine million inhabitants. The objective of the EMECAM project is that to asses the short-term impact of air pollution throughout all of the participating cities on the mortality for all causes, on the population and on individuals over age 70, for respiratory and cardiovascular design causes. For this purpose, with an ecological, the time series data analyzed taking the daily deaths, pollutants, temperature data and other factors taken from records kept by public institutions. The period of time throughout which this study was conducted, although not exactly the same for all of the cities involved, runs in all cases from 1990 to 1996. The degree of relationship measured by means of an autoregressive Poisson regression. In the future, the results of each city will be combined by means of a meta-analysis.
In 2006 the Library of the Andalusian Public Health System (BVSSPA) is constituted as a Virtual Library which provides Resources and Services that are accessed through inter-hospital local area network (corporate intranet) and Internet. On the other hand, the Hospital de la Axarquia still did not have any institutional or self-presence on the Internet and the librarian ask the need to create a space for communication with the "digital users" of the Library of the area through a website. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The reasons why we opted for a blog were: -It was necessary to make no financial outlay for its establishment. It allowed for great versatility, both in its administration and in its management by users. -The ability to compile on the same platform different Web 2.0 communication tools. Between different options available we chose Blogger Google Inc. The blog allowed entry to the 2.0 services or Social Web in the library. The benefits offered were many, especially the visibility of the service and communication with the user. 2.0 tools that have been incorporated into the library are: content syndication (RSS) which allowed users to stay informed about updates to the blog. Share documents and other multimedia as presentations through SlideShare, images through Flickr or Picasa, or videos (YouTube). And the presence on social network like Facebook and Twitter. RESULTS. The analysis of the activity we has been traking by Google Analytics tool, helping to determine the number of blog visits. Since its stablishment, on November 17th 2006, until November 29th 2010 the blog has received 15,787 visitors, 38,422 page views were consulted, at each visit on average 2.4 pages were consulted and each visit has an average stay at the site of 4'31''. DISCUSSION. The blog has served as a communication and information tool with the user. Since the creation of the blog we have incorporated technologies and tools to interact with the user. With all the tools used we have applied the concept of "open source" and the contents were generated from the activities organized in the Knowledge Management Unit from the anatomo-clinical sessions, the training activities, dissemination events, etc. The result has been the customization of library services, contextualized in the Knowledge Management Unit - Axarquia. In social networks we have shared information and files with the professionals and the community. CONCLUSIONS. The blog has allowed us to explore technologies that allow us to communicate with the user and the community, disseminate information and documents with the participation of users and become the "Interactive Library" we aspire to be.
Presentado en la mesa redonda "Innovar en gestión de información: plataformas tecnológicas para creación de contenidos compartidos" de las XIII Jornadas Bibliotecarias de Andalucía (Granada, 5 y 6 Noviembre 2015).
La etnografía de la comunidad mixe de Salto de la Tuxpana y del grave conflicto que se produjo entre 2005 y 2007 es el punto de partida del presente artículo. La investigación realizada arrojó como resultado más destacado el descubrimiento de un violento cacicazgo, legitimado ideológicamente en la autonomía comunitaria, la identidad étnica y el reclamo de una jurisdicción propia, y asentado firmemente sobre tres mecanismos de control social: protección a través de la Policía Comunitaria Armada, acceso a la tierra y acceso a los programas de «desarrollo». El caciquismo se define como el régimen político personalista, basado en estructuras clientelares, que monopoliza y controla recursos y votos. También se propone la hipótesis de que la mayor parte de la violencia desplegada por los caciques es el resultado del proceso de reproducción social del mismo sistema político, cuando se genera una faccionalización simétrica de la comunidad, después de un periodo de estabilidad complementaria.
In this paper the initiatives carried out by the Biblioteca Virtual UOC in relation to the information skills, in the UOC curricula as well as in the context of new European higher education area, are presented. Looking forward the catalogue of generic skills to be defined by the UOC, in relation to which the Virtual Library has submitted a proposal to introduce a course on information skills to be offered during the first semester, the Library has chosen to develop and carry out two complementary initiatives. On the one hand, to offer a course of information skills for teachers within the program of training courses for teachers organized by the Teaching Action Management Area. On the other, the Library participates in the presential meetings organized by the University by means of workshops to guide students in finding information.
Mediante el presente Proyecto Final de Carrera se pretende dar una solución a la climatización de un edificio destinado a la investigación con elementos bacteriológicos sobre animales vivos. Se entenderá por instalación de climatización, la instalación encargada de asegurar las condiciones de temperatura, humedad y calidad del aire requeridas por el uso del edificio. La instalación objeto del presente proyecto corresponde a un laboratorio con clasificación de Contención Biológica de nivel III: agente patógeno que pueda causar una enfermedad grave en el hombre y presente serio peligro para los trabajadores; existe el riesgo de que se propague a la colectividad pero existen generalmente profilaxis o tratamientos eficaces. La instalación de control formará parte de otro proyecto que deberá ser complementario a éste