993 resultados para PIG-LIVER


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The aim of this study was to test the application and value of electrocorticography (ECG) in the early diagnosis and characterization of electrocorticograms changes on experimental fulminant hepatic failure (FHF). Our material was composed of two groups of guinea pigs: a) ethanolamine group--42 animals with FHF induced by intrabiliary injection of 2.5 ml of monoethanolamine oleate; b) control group--10 animals submitted to intrabiliary injection of 2.5 ml of saline. Electrocorticograms recordings were taken in both groups with the electrodes implanted on the parieto-occipital regions of the skull. The hepatic failure was characterized by clinical manifestations, serum biochemical tests and histopathological findings. In the early hepatic coma the electrocorticograms could not be unequivocally distinguished from normal pattern, and alpha rhythm was recognizable in most animals. With further deterioration of the clinical condition the tracing showed progressive slowness of the normal rhythm, increased voltage and triphasic waves followed by suppression of electrical activity preceding the animal death. The electrocorticography was not suitable for the early diagnosis of hepatic coma, since the ECG alterations became evident only in overt coma. However the method could be useful for the characterization of cerebral disorders and the study of the pathogenesis of fulminant hepatic failure.


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The effect of a lyophilized mistletoe infusion (LMI) was studied on isolated guinea-pig vas deferens. LMI caused a contraction which was partially blocked by phentolamine but not by atropine. LMI caused a shift to the left of the norepinephrine concentration-effect curve (CEC), an effect which appeared to be blocked by atropine and was absent in animals previously treated with reserpine and α-methyl-para-tyrosine. The increase of the norepinephrine maximal response induced by LMI was not blocked by atropine or pharmacological denervation. LMI caused a shift to the right of the acetylcholine CEC and had no effect on the acetylcholine maximal response. These results suggest that the effects seem to be due mainly to the presence of potassium ion in the LMI; however, the participation of muscarinic agonist(s) of reduced intrinsic activity or some tyramine-like substance could not be ruled out.


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Norepinephrine (NE) and clonidine produce a phasic, dose-dependent contraction of the isolated guinea-pig terminal ileum. The effect of NE was blocked by prazosin which produced a parallel rightward shift of the concentration-effect curve to NE, with a significant depression of maximum effects. Yohimbine and indomethacin noncompetitively blocked, whereas practolol potentiated, the contractile effect of NE. The contractile effect of clonidine was not antagonized by indomethacin or atropine. These results suggest that the isolated guinea-pig terminal ileum has excitatory receptors sensitive to clonidine stimulation and excitatory alpha receptors sensitive to blockade by prazosin, and that the activation of the latter may be related to the activation of endogenous prostaglandin synthesis.


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The individual effects of protein deficiency and energy restriction on liver response to low-hexachlorobenzene (HCB) exposure were investigated in adult male Wistar rats. In rats fed either the low-protein or control diet, the only effect caused by HCB was a decrease in paralysis time following an ip injection of zoxazolamine. This decrease was similar for both groups. In the animals subjected to energy restriction, HCB induced a greater decrease in paralysis time, an increase in the size of centrilobular hepatocytes, a lower liver DNA content and an increased concentration of HCB in the adipose tissue, compared with the control and protein-deficient groups. Our data suggest that energy restriction increases liver response to HCB, while protein deficiency does not impair the hepatic reaction to small doses of HCB exposure.


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The role of air pollution as a health risk factor is of special interest. Numerous toxic pollutants, such as nickel, are being released to the environment as a result of combustion of fossil fuels, crude oil, and coal. Nickel in the atmosphere can be combined with other environmental pollutants, producing various nickel compounds, which have varying animal toxicity. A rat biossay validated for the identification of toxic effects of nickel revealed increased serum activities of total lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and alanine transaminase (ALT) in rats that received intratracheal injection of Ni2+ in .09% saline solution of NiCl2. The total LDH activity was also increased in the heart, and the isoenzyme pattern showed the LDH1/LDH2 ratio elevated to greater than 1. We conclude that intratracheal administration of nickel induced cardiac and hepatic damage. The development of cardiac and hepatic damage and of increased enzymes' activities was only demonstrated when nickel had accumulated in these tissues, indicating that nickel depot is essential to its toxicity. Intratracheal administration of NiCl2 induced changes in LDH and ALT activities.


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Anchietia salutaris tea is traditionally used in Brazil to treat allergies, suggesting it contains compounds with antagonistic activity on the allergic mediators. We have evaluated extracts and semi-purified fractions of Anchietia salutaris as a source of compounds having this type of antagonism on the contraction induced in guinea-pig lung parenchymal strips and on platelet aggregation and shape change. After 10 min pre-incubation dichloromethane extracts containing 30 or 100 μg mL-1 inhibited the contraction induced by prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) in guinea-pig lung parenchymal strips with dose ratios (DR) of 0.76 ± 0.14 and 0.93 ± 0.19, respectively; the amount of inhibition depended both on the concentration and on the time of preincubation (DR after 30 min pre-incubation was 1.21 ± 0.51). The dichloromethane extract and its semi-purified fractions also inhibited the contractions induced by U46619, a more potent, stable, synthetic agonist of thromboxane A2 (TxA2) prostanoid (TP) receptors, the receptors acted upon by PGD2 to produce lung contractions. The dichloromethane extract did not inhibit the lung parenchymal contractions induced by histamine, leukotriene D4 (LTD4) or platelet-activating factor (PAF). Platelet aggregation induced by U46619, adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP) or PAF was not inhibited by the dichloromethane extract. Indeed, the extract potentiated platelet aggregation induced by low concentrations of these agonists and also potentiated the shape change induced by U46619. These results imply that the dichloromethane extract of Anchietia salutaris and its semipurified fractions contain an active principle that competitively inhibits TxA2 TP receptors, the stimulation of which causes lung parenchymal contraction. The inhibition seems to be selective for this receptor subtype, because the extract fails to inhibit platelet aggregation or shape change. This provides additional support of earlier reports suggesting the occurrence of TP receptor subtypes.


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Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) observations of the structure of the rete testis (RT) of guinea pigs preceded by and complemented with stereomicroscopy and light-microscopic studies showed that the RT of this species is predominantly cavitary. An axial and labyrinth-like morphological pattern was also observed in the RT complex, with partially interconnected chambers and epithelium-lined channels accompanying a connective axis observed in the middle portion of the cranial end of the testis. Characteristics of the chordae retis and bullae retis were also visualized in the guinea pig RT and the results are discussed in terms of the morphological patterns observed in the RT of other mammals and of man.


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The vascular segment of the caudal vena cava of the dog at the level of the caudate lobe was shown to be intimately related to hepatic tissue through the hepatic capsule and parenchyma. The tunica adventitia of the caudal vena cava was formed mainly by smooth muscle cells with collagen and elastic fibers arranged in bundles. The thin tunica media of the vein was also formed by smooth muscle cells, collagen and elastic fibers arranged in bundles. The tunica intima presented an elastic sub-endothelial network. The hepatic segment of the caudal vena cava showed a myoconnective architecture and propulsive characteristics in terms of its hemodynamic pattern.


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The chambers of the rete testis (RT) of guinea pig are lined by a simple epithelium, whose cells are squamous, cubical and columnar in shape. The epithelial cells with distinct shapes were counted and the quantitative analysis of the number of these cells showed relative predominance of cubical cells. The ultrastructural observations showed predominance of membrane interdigitations among the epithelial cells. These cells present common cytoplasmic organelles. The Golgi complex polarity is typical with observation of electronlucent vesicles on the Golgi cis face closely related to rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lamellae, mitochondria and large number of polysomes on the Golgi trans face. These related structures present in Golgi area of RT cells suggest secretory activity which maybe occurs in the RT epithelium. Endocytotic process also occurs in the RT and this function probably concerns the uptake of substances and resorption of seminiferous fluid. Apical cilia present in RT epithelium cells are related with fluid transport and perhaps with chemoreception. Presence of spermatozoa portions enclosed into the cytoplasm of some epithelium cells has been refferred to as spermatophagy. The RT complex is mainly supported by loose connective tissue, with collagen fibres and some Leydig cells. Leydig cells are adjacent to the network channels of the septal part of the RT and apparently are able to secrete inside the RT lumen.


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Liver and lymph nodes injuries characterized by clusters of foamy macrophages, some of them containing birefringent crystals, were observed in cattle fed on Brachiaria brizantha hay. The cattle were from an experimental group poisoned with Senecio brasiliensis known to cause hepatic fibrosis and hepatocyte megalocytosis. One of the animals developed photosensitivity but the exact cause wasn't determined since both plants were fed. The foamy macrophages were present from the 30th d of feeding. Early appearance of these lesions may be particular to the animal specie used or due to the presence of both toxic plants.


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The effects of crude extracts of the mushroom Agaricus blazei Murrill (Agaricaceae) on both DNA damage and placental form glutathione S-transferase (GST-P)-positive liver foci induced by diethylnitrosamine (DEN) were investigated. Six groups of adult male Wistar rats were used. For two weeks, animals of groups 3 to 6 were treated with three aqueous solutions of A. blazei (mean dry weight of solids being 1.2, 5.6, 11.5 and 11.5 mg/ml, respectively). After this period, groups 2 to 5 were given a single ip injection 200 mg/kg DEN and groups 1 and 6 were treated with 0.9% NaCl. All animals were subjected to 70% partial hepatectomy at week five and sacrificed 4, 24 and 48 h or 8 weeks after DEN or 0.9% NaCl treatments (10th week after the beginning of the experiment). The alkaline comet assay and GST-P-positive liver foci development were used to evaluate the influence of the mushroom extracts on liver cell DNA damage and on the initiation of liver carcinogenesis, respectively. Previous treatment with the highest concentration of A. blazei (11.5 mg/ml) significantly reduced DNA damage, indicating a protective effect against DEN-induced liver cytotoxicity/genotoxicity. However, the same dose of mushroom extract significantly increased the number of GST-P-positive liver foci.


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The prostate is an accessory gland of the mammal reproductive system with great volume and high functional importance. Many works infer that, in addition to the androgenic ones, the estrogen can be associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatic cancer, but no conclusive evidence exists on the role of estrogen in normal prostatic and neoplastic tissue. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of chronic administration of estradiol benzoate on the lateral prostate of guinea pigs in the pre-pubescent, pubescent, post-pubescent and adult phases, with emphasis on the modifications provoked by this hormone on the glandular epithelium. The analyses of the estradiol-treated and control groups were investigated using histological procedures and transmission electron microscopy. The histopathological analysis of the lateral prostate in the treated group revealed areas where epithelial dysplasia was observed, assuming at some places a pattern of epithelial stratification characteristic of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. After ultrastructural analysis, the following were observed: enlargement of the internal membranes, heterogeneity in the cellular types, hypertrophy of the basal cells and apparent decrease of cytoplasmic organelles in some cells of the prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. Still, a loss of cellular polarity was observed, along with nuclei of various forms, sizes and heights - as well as irregular chromatin distribution patterns. Such alterations were found mainly in pubescent, post-pubescent and adult animals subject to the chronic administration of estradiol. These findings reinforce the already existent data in understanding the role of estrogen in the etiology of prostatic diseases.


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Background/Aims. Chronic hepatitis by HCV is progressive towards cirrhosis, with variable rate. We evaluated the rate of fibrosis progression (RFP), risk factors associated with advanced fibrosis (F3 and F4), and estimated the evolution time to cirrhosis. Methods. We transversely selected 142 blood donors infected only with HCV, with a known route of infection, submitted to liver biopsy at admission. RFP= ratio between stage of fibrosis (METAVIR)/estimated duration of infection in years. Non-parametric tests and logistic regression analysis, with significance level of 5% were used. Results. Median RFP was 0.086 U/year (0.05 - 0.142). Ten patients had F4 and 25 had F3. Median RFP values were significantly different (p=0.001) from one age group at contamination to the others and ALT and AST levels. There were no differences in the expected evolution to cirrhosis between intermediate fibrosers (F2) and the rapid fibrosers (F3 and F4). The independent variables associated with advanced fibrosis were ALT (OR 7.2) and GGT (OR 6.4) and age at inclusion (OR 1.12). Conclusion. This study suggests that RFP is extremely variable, it is exponential with age, and mainly influenced by host characteristics, especially age at contamination and possibly ethnical group. These asymptomatic patients had high percentage of fibrosis F2, F3 and F4.


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Moderate amounts of alcohol intake have been reported to have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system and this may involve enhanced insulin sensitivity. We established an animal model of increased insulin sensitivity by low ethanol consumption and here we investigated metabolic parameters and molecular mechanisms potentially involved in this phenomenon. For that, Wistar rats have received drinking water either without (control) or with 3% ethanol for four weeks. The effect of ethanol intake on insulin sensitivity was analyzed by insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR), intravenous insulin tolerance test (IVITT) and lipid profile. The role of liver was investigated by the analysis of insulin signaling pathway, GLUT2 gene expression and tissue glycogen content. Rats consuming 3% ethanol showed lower values of HOMA-IR and plasma free fatty acids (FFA) levels and higher hepatic glycogen content and glucose disappearance constant during the IVITT. Neither the phosphorylation of insulin receptor (IR) and insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1), nor its association with phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3-kinase), was affected by ethanol. However, ethanol consumption enhanced liver IRS-2 and protein kinase B (Akt) phosphorylation (3 times, P < 0.05), which can be involved in the 2-fold increased (P < 0.05) hepatic glycogen content. The GLUT2 protein content was unchanged. Our findings point out that liver plays a role in enhanced insulin sensitivity induced by low ethanol consumption. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.