1000 resultados para P-Acyclicity


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Hyperfine quenching rates of the 3s3p P-3(0) level in Mg-like ions were calculated using the GRASP2K package based on the multi-configuration Dirac-Hartree-Fock method. Valence and core-valence correlation effects were accounted for in a systematic way. Breit interactions and QED effects were included in the subsequent relativistic CI calculations. Calculated rates were compared with other theoretical values and with experiment, and a good agreement with the latest experimental value for the Al-27(+) ion (Rosenband et al 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 220801) was found. Furthermore, we showed in detail the contributions from Breit interaction and QED effects to concerned physical properties. Finally, electronic data were presented in terms of a general scaling law in Z that, given isotopic nuclear spin and magnetic moment, allows hyperfine-induced decay rates to be estimated for any isotope along the isoelectronic sequence.


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The multi-configuration Dirac Fock (MCDF) method is implemented to study doubly excited 2s2p P-1,3(1) resonances of the helium atom and the interference between photoionization and photo excitation autoionization processes. In order to reproduce the total photoionization sprectra, the excited energies from the ground 1s(2) S-1(0) state to the doubly excited 2s2p P-1,3(1) states and the relevant Auger decay rates and widths are calculated in detail. Further more, the interference profile determined by the so-called Fano parameters q and rho(2) is also reproduced. Good agreement is found between the present results and other available theoretical and experimental results. This indeed shows a promising way to investigate the Fano resonances in photoionization of atoms within the MCDF scheme, although there are some discrepancies in the present calculations of the 2s2p P-3(1) state.


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We have investigated the isospin dependence of the neutron and proton (PF2)-P-3 superfluidity in isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter within the framework of the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach and the BCS theory. We show that the (PF2)-P-3 neutron and proton pairing gaps depend sensitively on isospin asymmetry of asymmetric nuclear matter. As the isospin asymmetry increases, the neutron (PF2)-P-3 superfluidity becomes stronger and the peak value of the neutron (PF2)-P-3 pairing gap increases rapidly. The isospin dependence of the proton (PF2)-P-3 superfluidity is shown to be opposite to the neutron one. The proton (PF2)-P-3 superfluidity becomes weaker at a higher asymmetry and it even vanishes at high enough asymmetries. At high asymmetries, the neutron (PF2)-P-3 superfluidity turns out to be much stronger than the proton one, implying that the neutron (PF2)-P-3 superfluidity is dominated in the highly asymmetric dense interior of neutron stars.


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Within the hadronic transport model IBUU04, we investigate the effect of density-dependent symmetry energy on double neutron/proton (n/p) ratio of free nucleons in heavy ion collisions by taking four isotopic Sn+Sn reaction systems. Especially the entrance-channel asymmetry and impact-parameter dependence of the effect of symmetry energy are discussed. It is found that in both central and semi-central collisions the sensitivity of the double n/p ratio to the density-dependent symmetry energy is more pronounced in neutron-richer systems. Our results also indicate clearly that the effect of symmetry energy is stronger in central collisions than that in semi-central collisions.


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We investigate the effect of microscopic three-body forces on the P-3 F-2 neutron superfluidity in neutron matter, beta-stable neutron star matter, and neutron stars by using the BCS theory and the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach. We adopt the Argonne V18 potential supplemented with a microscopic three-body force as the realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction. We have concentrated on studying the three-body force effect on the P-3 F-2 neutron pairing gap. It is found that the three-body force effect considerably enhances the P-3 F-2 neutron superfluidity in neutron star matter and neutron stars.


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We investigate the (PF2)-P-3 neutron superfluidity in beta-stable neutron star matter and neutron stars by using the BCS theory and the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach. We adopt the Argonne V-18 potential supplemented with a microscopic three-body force as the realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction. We have concentrated on studying the three-body force effect on the (PF2)-P-3 neutron pairing gap. It is found that the three-body force effect is to enhance remarkably the (PF2)-P-3 neutron superfluidity in neutron star matter and neutron stars.


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The neutron (PF2)-P-3 pairing gap in pure neutron matter has been studied by using the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock( BHF) approach and the BCS theory. We have concentrated our attention on investigating the three-body force effect on the neutron superfluidity in the (PF2)-P-3 channel. The calculated results indicate that the three-body force enhances remarkably the (PF2)-P-3 superfluidity in neutron matter. When adopting the BHF single-particle spectrum, the three-body force turns out to increase the maximum value of the pairing gap from about 0.22 MeV to about 0.5 MeV.


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Based on a transport model IBUU04, the double n/p ratio is studied. It is found that the double n/p ratio has almost the same sensitivity to the density dependence of nuclear symmetry energy as the single n/p ratio does. Because the double n/p ratio of nucleon emissions taken from two reaction systems can reduce systemic errors effectively, it is thus more useful for constraining the density-dependent symmetry energy further.


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The contribution of B meson decays to nonphotonic electrons, which are mainly produced by the semileptonic decays of heavy-flavor mesons, in p + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV has been measured using azimuthal correlations between nonphotonic electrons and hadrons. The extracted B decay contribution is approximately 50% at a transverse momentum of p(T) >= 5 GeV/c. These measurements constrain the nuclear modification factor for electrons from B and D meson decays. The result indicates that B meson production in heavy ion collisions is also suppressed at high p(T).


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The analysis of the mass spectrum and the calculation of the strong decay of P-wave charmonium states strongly purport to explain the newly observed X(3915) and X(4350) as new members in the P-wave charmonium family, i.e., chi'(c0) for X(3915) and chi ''(c2) for X(4350). Under the P-wave charmonium assignment to X(3915) and X(4350), the J(PC) quantum numbers of X(3915) and X(4350) must be 0(++) and 2(++) respectively, which provide important criteria to test the P-wave charmonium explanation for X(3915) and X(4350) proposed by this Letter. The decay behavior of the remaining two P-wave charmonium states with the second radial excitation is predicted, and an experimental search for them is suggested.


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We report on a measurement of the gamma(1S + 2S + 3S) -> e(+)e(-) cross section at midrapidity in p + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV. We find the cross section to be 114 +/- 38(stat + fit)(-24)(+23)(syst) pb. Perturbative QCD calculations at next-to-leading order in the color evaporation model are in agreement with our measurement, while calculations in the color singlet model underestimate it by 2 sigma. Our result is consistent with the trend seen in world data as a function of the center-of-mass energy of the collision and extends the availability of gamma data to RHIC energies. The dielectron continuum in the invariant-mass range near the gamma is also studied to obtain a combined yield of e(+)e(-) pairs from the sum of the Drell-Yan process and b-(b) over bar production.


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Single-neutron-transfer measurements using (p,d) reactions have been performed at 33 MeV per nucleon with proton-rich Ar-34 and neutron-rich Ar-46 beams in inverse kinematics. The extracted spectroscopic factors are compared to the large-basis shell-model calculations. Relatively weak quenching of the spectroscopic factors is observed between Ar-34 and Ar-46. The experimental results suggest that neutron correlations have a weak dependence on the asymmetry of the nucleus over this isotopic region. The present results are consistent with the systematics established from extensive studies of spectroscopic factors and dispersive optical-model analyses of Ca40-49 isotopes. They are, however, inconsistent with the trends obtained in knockout-reaction measurements.


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Balance functions have been measured for charged-particle pairs, identified charged-pion pairs, and identified charged-kaon pairs in Au + Au, d + Au, and p + p collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider using the STAR detector. These balance functions are presented in terms of relative pseudorapidity, Delta eta, relative rapidity, Delta y, relative azimuthal angle, Delta phi, and invariant relative momentum, q(inv). For charged-particle pairs, the width of the balance function in terms of Delta eta scales smoothly with the number of participating nucleons, while HIJING and UrQMD model calculations show no dependence on centrality or system size. For charged-particle and charged-pion pairs, the balance functions widths in terms of Delta eta and Delta y are narrower in central Au + Au collisions than in peripheral collisions. The width for central collisions is consistent with thermal blast-wave models where the balancing charges are highly correlated in coordinate space at breakup. This strong correlation might be explained by either delayed hadronization or limited diffusion during the reaction. Furthermore, the narrowing trend is consistent with the lower kinetic temperatures inherent to more central collisions. In contrast, the width of the balance function for charged-kaon pairs in terms of Delta y shows little centrality dependence, which may signal a different production mechanism for kaons. The widths of the balance functions for charged pions and kaons in terms of q(inv) narrow in central collisions compared to peripheral collisions, which may be driven by the change in the kinetic temperature.


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We report a measurement of high-p(T) inclusive pi(0), eta, and direct photon production in p + p and d + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV at midrapidity (0 < eta < 1). Photons from the decay pi(0) -> gamma gamma were detected in the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter of the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The eta -> gamma gamma decay was also observed and constituted the first eta measurement by STAR. The first direct photon cross-section measurement by STAR is also presented; the signal was extracted statistically by subtracting the pi(0), eta, and omega(782) decay background from the inclusive photon distribution observed in the calorimeter. The analysis is described in detail, and the results are found to be in good agreement with earlier measurements and with next-to-leading-order perturbative QCD calculations.


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We report new results on identified (anti) proton and charged pion spectra at large transverse momenta (3 < p(T) < 10 GeV/c) from Cu + Cu collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV using the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). This study explores the system size dependence of two novel features observed at RHIC with heavy ions: the hadron suppression at high-p(T) and the anomalous baryon to meson enhancement at intermediate transverse momenta. Both phenomena could be attributed to the creation of a new form of QCD matter. The results presented here bridge the system size gap between the available pp and Au + Au data, and allow for a detailed exploration of the onset of the novel features. Comparative analysis of all available 200 GeV data indicates that the system size is a major factor determining both the magnitude of the hadron spectra suppression at large transverse momenta and the relative baryon to meson enhancement.