944 resultados para Osborn, Chase S. (Chase Salmon), b. 1860


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<p>Tryptophan and unnatural tryptophan derivatives are important building blocks for the total synthesis of natural products, as well as the development of new drugs, biological probes, and chiral small molecule catalysts. This thesis describes various catalytic methods for the preparation of tryptophan derivatives as well as their functionalization and use in natural product total synthesis.</p> <p>Herein, the tandem FriedelCrafts conjugate addition/asymmetric protonation reaction between 2-substituted indoles and methyl 2-acetamidoacrylate to provide enantioenriched trytophans is reported. This method inspired further work in the area of transition metal catalyzed arylation reactions. We report the development of the coppercatalyzed arylation of tryptamine and tryptophan derivatives. The utility of these transformations is highlighted in the five-step syntheses of the natural products (+)-naseseazine A and B. Further work on the development of a mild and general Larock indolization protocol to access unnatural tryptophans is also discussed.</p>


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<p>Diketopiperazine (DKP) motif is found in a wide range of biologically active natural products. This work details our efforts toward two classes of DKP-containing natural products.</p> <p>Class one features the pyrroloindoline structure, derived from tryptophans. Our group developed a highly enantioselective (3 + 2) formal cycloaddition between indoles and acrylates to provide pyrroloindoline products possessing three stereocenters. Utilizing this methodology, we accomplished asymmetric total synthesis of three natural products: ()-lansai B, (+)-nocardioazines A and B. Total synthesis of ()-lansai B was realized in six steps, and featured an amino acid dimerization strategy. The total synthesis of (+)-nocardioazine B was also successfully completed in ten steps. Challenges were met in approaching (+)-nocardioazine A, where a seemingly easy last-step epoxidization did not prove successful. After re-examining our synthetic strategy, an early-stage epoxidation strategy was pursued, which eventually yielded a nine-step total synthesis of (+)-nocardioazine A.</p> <p>Class two is the epidithiodiketopiperazine (ETP) natural products, which possesses an additional episulfide bridge in the DKP core. With the goal of accessing ETPs with different peripheral structures for structure-activity relationship studies, a highly divergent route was successfully developed, which was showcased in the formal synthesis of ()-emethallicin E and ()-haematocin, and the first asymmetric synthesis of ()-acetylapoaranotin.</p>


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En este TFG trato de ver la viabilidad econmico-financiera de un proyecto empresarial de nueva empresa basado en la innovacin, las tendencias actuales de compra y la tecnologa. Tras el anlisis de la evolucin de los supermercados y la apuesta por la tecnologa, de estos, en otros pases, he tratado de buscar la forma de adaptarla a nuestra sociedad, cultura y costumbres. Scanner Market es un nuevo modelo de supermercado supeditado a un gran almacn de distribucin, en este caso El Corte Ingls, pero puede ser aplicado para otros muchos. Basa su comercializacin en una tienda fsica en la que existe una gran variedad de productos en un espacio reducido. Se consigue comercializar tal variedad de productos gracias a la exposicin de uno solo, de forma que acte como muestra para los clientes. En la tienda no hay almacn, sino que se trata de optimizar el espacio para dar cabida a una amplia oferta de productos (en forma de muestras). Los clientes hacen la compra fsicamente escaneando el producto a travs de una app. para Smartphone o unas pistolas de compra con el mismo software y el pedido es enviado a su hogar por la distribucin de El corte Ingls.


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<p>The lowest T = 2 states have been identified and studied in the nuclei <sup>12</sup>C, <sup>12</sup>B, <sup>20</sup>F and and <sup>28</sup>Al. The first two of these were produced in the reactions <sup>14</sup>C(p,t)<sup>12</sup>C and <sup>14</sup>C (p,<sup>3</sup>He)<sup>12</sup>B, at 50.5 and 63.4 MeV incident proton energy respectively, at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The T = 2 states in <sup>20</sup>F and <sup>28</sup>Al were observed in (<sup>3</sup>He,p) reactions at 12-MeV incident energy, with the Caltech Tandem accelerator.</p> <p>The results for the four nuclei studied are summarized below:</p> <p>(1) <sup>12</sup>C: the lowest T = 2 state was located at an excitation energy of 27595 20 keV, and has a width less than 35 keV.</p> <p>(2) <sup>12</sup>B: the lowest T = 2 state was found at an excitation energy of 12710 20 keV. The width was determined to be less than 54 keV and the spin and parity were confirmed to be 0<sup>+</sup>. A second <sup>12</sup>B state (or doublet) was observed at an excitation energy of 14860 30 keV with a width (if the group corresponds to a single state) of 226 30 keV.</p> <p>(3) <sup>20</sup>F: the lowest T = 2 state was observed at an excitation of 6513 5 keV; the spin and parity were confirmed to be 0<sup>+</sup>. A second state, tentatively identified as T = 2 from the level spacing, was located at 8210 6 keV.</p> <p>(4) <sup>28</sup>Al: the lowest T = 2 state was identified at an excitation of 5997 6 keV; the spin and parity were confirmed to be 0<sup>+</sup>. A second state at an excitation energy of 7491 11 keV is tentatively identified as T = 2, with a corresponding (tentative) spin and parity assignment J<sup></sup> = 2<sup>+</sup>.</p> <p>The results of the present work and the other known masses of T = 2 states and nuclei for 8 &#8804; A &#8804; 28 are summarized, and massequation coefficients have been extracted for these multiplets. These coefficients were compared with those from T = 1 multiplets, and then used to predict the mass and stability of each of the unobserved members of the T = 2 multiplets.</p>


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Scholars recently derived simple models from published data for the prediction from water temperature of hatching times for the eggs of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). A similar model to predict eyeing time for salmon eggs was obtained and used in this study, largely by analogy, to develop equations which might be used to obtain very approximate estimates of eyeing and swim-up times for salmon and brown trout. As the models were based on data for constant temperatures and some of them also had a very inadequate data base, it was desirable that they should be tested, as far as possible, against field and hatchery observations. The present report is a brief summary based on such data as have been obtained to date. None of the data sets were ideal for the purpose and the various inadequacies are discussed later in this report.


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An article detailing some of the conclusions of the salmon investigation undertaken by the author, on the River Eden and its tributaries, for the previous few years. It is proposed that seasonal changes in young salmon growth are related to water temperature variation. A figure is included showing length of fish compared to the average temperature of water in the River Eden over a two year duration. The article describes comparative work undertaken to date between three streams within the Thurso watershed and the River Eden. A table is included showing the average size of fish in each of the watercourses compared. Laboratory experiments on the effects of temperature on young salmon are outlined, as well as investigative work undertaken into the realtionship between fish scales and fish length.


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A number of authors have described the manner in which young salmonids, soon after emergence from the gravel, set up and defend territories. This leads to mortality or downstream displacement of the individuals which are unable to acquire territories and is widely accepted as the main method of population regulation amongst young salmonids. In some field experiments the fish were constrained in screened reaches and the option of downstream dispersal for the surplus fry was thus excluded. In order to explore some aspects of downstream dispersal more closely under conditions which gave more control than is obtained in a natural stream, four experimental channels were set up at Grassholme reservoir in Teesdale. The report describes the results of investigations on the timing and rate of downstream movement of young brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) out of experimental channels, with special reference to the effect of water velocity on the rate of emigration.


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As hepatites crnicas por vrus so as mais frequentes, destacando-se os vrus das hepatites B (VHB) e C (VHC). O estudo anatomopatolgico da bipsia heptica considerado o padro ouro para avaliar com preciso a distoro arquitetural e o grau de fibrose do parnquima do fgado, importantes fatores prognsticos para os pacientes portadores de hepatites crnicas virais. Na avaliao histopatolgica atual, em adio aos relatos subjetivos das alteraes histolgicas, escores semiquantitativos que correlacionam achados morfolgicos com graus numricos so usados, tais como os reconhecidos escores de Ishak e METAVIR. Entretanto, em todos estes sistemas h a desvantagem da subjetividade do examinador e da incorporao de alteraes categricas, sem referncias s mudanas quantitativas do colgeno heptico. Tcnicas de anlise de imagens digitais (AID) que fornecem quantificao objetiva dos graus de fibrose em amostras histolgicas tm sido desenvolvidas. Todavia, o alto custo e dificuldade ao acesso das tecnologias descritas restringem seu uso a poucos centros especializados. Este estudo visa o desenvolvimento de uma tcnica de custo acessvel para a anlise de imagens digitais da fibrose heptica em hepatites crnicas virais. Foram estudadas 304 bipsias de pacientes com hepatite crnica por vrus B e C, obtidas atravs de agulhas Menghini. Todas as amostras tinham pelo menos 15 mm de comprimento ou cinco espaos-porta completos e foram coradas pelo mtodo Tricrmico de Masson. O estadiamento foi feito por um nico hepatopatologista experiente, sem o conhecimento dos dados clnicos dos pacientes. Os escores de Ishak e METAVIR foram aplicados. As imagens microscpicas foram digitalizadas. Os ndices de fibrose foram determinados de forma automatizada, em tcnica desenvolvida no programa Adobe Photoshop. Para o escore de Ishak, observamos os seguintes ndices de Fibrose (IF) mdios: 0,8% 0,0 (estgio 0), 2.4% 0,6 (estgio 1), 4,7% 1,6 (estgio 2), 7,4% 1,4 (estgio 3), 14,9% 3,7 (estgio 4), 23,4% 2,9 (estgio 5) e 34,5% 1,5 (estgio 6). Para a classificao METAVIR: 0,8% 0,1 (estgio F0), 3,8% 1,8 (estgio F1), 7,4% 1,4 (estgio F2), 20,4% 5,2 (estgio F3) e 34,5% 1,5 (estgio F4). Observamos uma excelente correlao entre os ndices de fibrose da AID e os escores de Ishak (r=0,94; p<0,001) e METAVIR (r=0,92; p<0,001). Em relao indicao de tratamento antiviral, foi observado IF mdio de 16,4%. Em relao ao diagnstico de cirrose, foi observado IF mdio de 26,9%, para o escore de Ishak, e 34,5% para a classificao METAVIR. A reprodutibilidade intra-observador foi excelente. Este novo mtodo de anlise de imagens digitais para a quantificao de fibrose heptica tem custo acessvel e foi desenvolvido com tecnologia que est disponvel em todo o mundo, permitindo identificar com preciso todos os estgios de fibrose, com excelente reprodutibilidade intra-observador.


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1 carta (mecanografiada) ; 190x250mm


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It has been estimated that in England and Wales fresh water covers some 340 square miles of which about one quarter is inhabited mainly by salmon and trout; in Scotland the lakes cover an area of 340 square miles. The principal object of this publication is to make available in handy form some of the methods, especially those involving the use of manures, by which crops of fish from water can be increased. The cultivation of water which this implies may be compared directly to the cultivation of farm land: the conditions for growth are made as favourable as possible, the seed is sown in the form of young fish, and after one or perhaps two growing seasons the crop is harvested. There are however many waters about the country where marketable fish are already available and can be removed without prejudice to, and indeed to the advantage of, sporting fisheries. In such cases it is necessary only to remove the fish and to rely on the natural processes of reproduction of those which are left to repopulate the water. Farming waters in the true sense is the concern of the greater part of this publication; the removal of crops of otherwise unwanted fish is considered in the last two sections on perch trapping and eel fisheries.


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Los enzimas son piezas fundamentales en el correcto funcionamiento de cualquier sistema biolgico. Gracias a su naturaleza proteica y a las estructuras tridimensionales complejas que son capaces de adoptar, estas molculas actan como catalizadores de reacciones qumicas. L a funcin de los enz imas es disminuir la energa de activacin de la reaccin, aumentando de este modo la velocidad de reaccin. L o s enzimas no alteran el balance e nergtico de las reacciones en que intervienen, ni modifican, por lo tanto, el equilibrio de la reaccin . Por este motivo, en las reacciones catalizadas por enzimas se observa una mayor rapidez a la hora de alcanzar el equilibrio. La ciencia que estudia l a velocidad de las reacciones qumicas que son catalizadas por enzimas es la cintica enzimtica , e n la cual , las molculas sobre las que actan los enzimas se denominan sustratos y las molculas resultantes de la conversin productos. El estudio de la cin tica de un enzima permite explicar los detalles de su mecanismo cataltico, su papel en el metabolismo o incluso cmo se controla su actividad en la clula. Las dos propiedades ms importantes a la hora de trabajar con enzimas son: el tiempo que tarda en saturarse con un sustrato en particular y la velocidad mxima de reaccin que puede alcanzar. Para el estudio de estas propiedades en el laboratorio se realizan los ensayos enzimticos. El procedimiento a seguir en estos casos es medir la aparicin de un producto o la desaparicin de un sustrato frente al tiempo.


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Este trabajo se centra en la inmovilizacin de la lipasa B de Candida antarctica en nanopartculas magnticas y la posterior caracterizacin cintica de su actividad sinttica en medios orgnicos para la pr oduccin de biodiesel. La historia del biodiesel comienza en 1893, cuando Rudolph Diesel, el padre del motor disel, puso en marcha el primer motor de este tipo. Ms tarde, en 1900, Diesel gan el Grand Prix en la Feria Mundial de Pars con su m otor impulsado por un biodiesel de aceite de cacahuete. En 1903, adems, comenz la produccin del Modelo T de Henry Ford, diseado para utilizar etanol como combustible. Diesel crea que la utilizacin de biodiesel era el futuro de la automocin: el uso de aceites vegetales como combustibles para motor puede parecer insignificante hoy en da, pero estos aceites puede n convertirse, con el transcurso del tiempo, en combustibles tan importantes como el petrleo y el carbn lo son hoy en da Sin embargo, a p artir de 1920, los fueles basados en petrleo comenzaron a ganar terreno, debido a su mayor eficiencia, menor precio y mejor disponibilidad. De esta forma, el mercado de los biofueles qued relegado hasta que las distintas crisis del petrleo (1973, 1979, 19 90) unidas a la creciente preocupacin por la polucin y la c onservacin del medio ambiente, adems de al aumento de la poblacin y por tanto de la demanda de combustibles , llevaron a devolve r la mirada a estos fueles . Fue en esta poca cuando comenz, p rincipalmente en EEUU y Brasil, la produccin a gran escala de biocombustibles de primera generacin, basados en la utilizacin de excedentes agrcolas como el maz y la caa de azcar para la produccin de bioetanol y aceites de maz y grasas animales par a la produccin de biodiesel .


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The effectiveness of a vaccine is determined not only by the immunogenicity of its components, but especially by how widely it covers the disease-causing strains circulating in a given region. Because vaccine coverage varies over time, this study aimed to detect possible changes that could affect vaccine protection during a specific period in a southern European region. The 4CMenB vaccine is licensed for use in Europe, Canada, and Australia and is mainly directed against Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B. This vaccine contains four main immunogenic components: three recombinant proteins, FHbp, Nhba and NadA, and an outer membrane vesicle [PorA P1.4]. The allelic distribution of FHbp, Nhba, NadA, and PorA antigens in 82 invasive isolates (B and non-B serogroups) isolated from January 2008 to December 2013 were analyzed. 4CMenB was likely protective against 61.8% and 50% of serogroup B and non-B meningococci, respectively, in the entire period, but between 2012 and 2013, the predicted protection fell below 45% (42.1% for serogroup B isolates). The observed decreasing trend in the predicted protection during the 6 years of the study (X-2 for trend = 4.68, p=0.03) coincided with a progressive decrease of several clonal complexes (e. g., cc11, cc32 and cc41/44), which had one or more antigens against which the vaccine would offer protection.


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Neisseria meningitidis uma das principais causas de meningite bacteriana e septicemia em todo o mundo, acometendo principalmente crianas menores de 4 anos. Atualmente, no existe uma vacina universal contra o meningococo B (MenB). A imunidade protetora contra o meningococo caracteriza-se pela presena e persistncia de anticorpos bactericidas, porm pouco se sabe sobre os mecanismos de desenvolvimento desta memria sorolgica. Avaliamos em modelo animal e em humanos, a gerao e manuteno das clulas secretoras de anticorpos (ASC) e dos linfcitos B de memria (LBm) aps vacinao contra MenB. Utilizamos como referncia a vacina diftrica (dT ou DTP), considerada ter tima eficcia em humanos. Para o estudo em modelo animal, grupos de 6 a 8 camundongos suos, fmeas, de 5 a 6 semanas, foram imunizados com 3 doses da vacina VA-MENGOC-BC ou DTP, via intramuscular, com intervalo de 2 semanas entre as doses. Aproximadamente 2, 4 ou 6 meses aps a ltima dose, os animais receberam a dose reforo. A vacina anti-MenB induziu uma resposta primria de ASC maior que a resposta dose reforo. Ao contrrio, a resposta de ASC vacina dT foi maior aps o booster. A resposta de LBm anti-MenB permaneceu constante (mdia de 1%) ao longo de todo o estudo, mas a resposta ao toxide diftrico (TD) foi maior aps o booster (mdia de 1,9%) que aps a imunizao primria. A concentrao de IgG, anticorpos bactericidas e opsonizantes contra MenB foi dose-dependente e foi reativada aps a administrao das doses reforos. Esses resultados sugerem que os LBm presentes no bao foram responsveis pela forte resposta de anticorpos observada aps a dose reforo. Para o TD, ambos ASC e LBm foram importantes na manuteno da memria sorolgica. Para o estudo em humanos, seis voluntrios foram imunizados com 3 doses da vacina VA-MENGOC-BC, via intramuscular, com intervalo de 6 a 7 semanas entre as doses. Seis meses aps a imunizao primria, os indivduos receberam uma dose reforo. Outro grupo de voluntrios (n = 5) foi imunizado com uma dose reforo da vacina dT. Somente aps a terceira dose da vacina anti-MenB foi possvel detectar a presena de LBm em todos os indivduos. Seis meses aps a imunizao primria, a frequncia de LBm voltou ao seu nvel basal e no foi reativada aps a dose booster. A vacina dT tambm induziu uma resposta de LBm heterognea, mas esta foi 5 vezes maior que a induzida por VA-MENGOC-BC. A resposta de anticorpos funcionais anti-MenB foi de curta durao com pequena reativao aps a dose reforo. As duas vacinas induziram diferentes frequncias de LT de memria central (TCM) e de memria efetora (TEM) aps a vacinao primria e aps o booster. A resposta dose booster foi caracterizada pelo aumento da populao de linfcitos TCM e diminuio de TEM. A populao de linfcitos TCM apresentou maior ativao (CD69+) que os linfcitos TEM, especialmente aps a vacinao contra MenB. Concluindo, os dados desta tese indicam que a administrao de 3 doses da vacina VA-MENGOC-BC teve uma eficincia limitada em humanos e sugerem que a baixa eficcia da vacina, quando utilizada na dcada de 90 em So Paulo e no Rio de Janeiro, pode estar relacionada deficincia na gerao e manuteno de LBm especficos.