913 resultados para Orthodox Eastern monasticism and religious orders.
Understanding levels of population differentiation and inbreeding are important issues in conservation biology, especially for social Hymenoptera with fragmented and small population sizes. Isolated populations are more vulnerable to genetic loss and extinction than those with extended continuous distributions. However, small populations are not always a consequence of a recent reduction of their habitat. Thus, determining the history of population isolation and current patterns of genetic variation of a species is crucial for its conservation. Rossomyrmex minuchae is a slave-making ant with patchy distribution in South Eastern Spain and is classified as vulnerable by the IUCN. In contrast, the other three known species of the genus are presumed to show more uniform distributions. Here we investigate the genetic diversity and population structure of R. minuchae and compare it with that found in two other species of the genus: R. anatolicus and R. quandratinodum. We conclude that although genetic diversity of R. minuchae is low, there is no evidence of a recent bottleneck, suggesting a gradual and natural fragmentation process. We also show extreme population differentiation at nuclear and mitochondrial markers, and isolation by distance at a local scale. Despite some evidence for inbreeding and low genetic variation within populations, we found almost no diploid males, a finding which contrasts with that expected in inbred Hymenoptera with single locus complementary sex determination. This could mean that sex is determined by another mechanism. We argue that continued low population size means that detrimental effects of inbreeding and low genetic variation are likely in the future. We suggest that a policy of artificial gene flow aimed at increasing within population variation is considered as a management option.
Little is known of the relations between psychosis, religion and suicide. One hundred and fifteen outpatients with schizophrenia or schizo-affective disorder and 30 inpatients without psychotic symptoms were studied using a semi-structured interview assessing religiousness/spirituality. Their past suicide attempts were examined. Additionally, they were asked about the role (protective or incentive) of religion in their decision to commit suicide. Forty-three percent of the patients with psychosis had previously attempted suicide. Religiousness was not associated with the rate of patients who attempted suicide. Twenty-five percent of all subjects acknowledged a protective role of religion, mostly through ethical condemnation of suicide and religious coping. One out of ten patients reported an incentive role of religion, not only due to negatively connotated issues but also to the hope for something better after death. There were no differences between groups (i.e. psychotic vs. non-psychotic patients). Religion may play a specific role in the decisions patients make about suicide, both in psychotic and non-psychotic patients. This role may be protective, a finding particularly important for patients with psychosis who are known to be at high risk of severe suicide attempts. Interventions aiming to lower the number of suicide attempts in patients with schizophrenia should take these data into account.
Se presenta un breve estado de la cuestión sobre la realidad arqueológica de los principales núcleos urbanos del este de la provincia Tarraconensis y a finales del Regnum Gothorum. Existe un nivel de conocimiento desigual para estas ciudades, fruto del contexto actual de la investigación, y también de una evolución histórica diferenciada, como consecuencia de unas características geopolíticas propias que, posiblemente, indujeron a una modificación de las jerarquías entre las ciudades. Planteamos la ciudad visigoda como el centro de gestión civil y religioso de una unidad territorial donde la arqueología identifica los vestigios de la arquitectura del poder, pero todavía no consigue definir con precisión los procesos domésticos inherentes a toda comunidad urbana. Conocemos globalmente los diferentes procesos de la desestructuración urbana de la Antigüedad tardía pero no los parámetros de la ocupación agrourbana de los recintos amurallados. Para este período histórico se supone que la redimensión demográfica del hecho urbano más una reducción de las relaciones económicas entre la ciudad y el territorio son factores determinantes de las nuevas ciudades visigodas, pero se reconoce una incertidumbre fruto de la dificultad arqueológica de estudiar las nuevas pautas constructivas y una cultura material más restringida.
The genetic landscape of the European flora and fauna was shaped by the ebb and flow of populations with the shifting ice during Quaternary climate cycles. While this has been well demonstrated for lowland species, less is known about high altitude taxa. Here we analyze the phylogeography of the leaf beetle Oreina elongata from 20 populations across the Alps and Apennines. Three mitochondrial and one nuclear region were sequenced in 64 individuals. Within an mtDNA phylogeny, three of seven subspecies are monophyletic. The species is chemically defended and aposematic, with green and blue forms showing geographic variation and unexpected within-population polymorphism. These warning colors show pronounced east-west geographical structure in distribution, but the phylogeography suggests repeated origin and loss. Basal clades come from the central Alps. Ancestors of other clades probably survived across northern Italy and the northern Adriatic, before separation of eastern, southern and western populations and rapid spread through the western Alps. After reviewing calibrated gene-specific substitution rates in the literature, we use partitioned Bayesian coalescent analysis to date our phylogeography. The major clades diverged long before the last glacial maximum, suggesting that O. elongata persisted many glacial cycles within or at the edges of the Alps and Apennines. When analyzing additional barcoding pairwise distances, we find strong evidence to consider O. elongata as a species complex rather than a single species.
There are two species of the genus Echinococcus, Echinococcus multilocularis (also called alveolar hydatid) and Echinococcus granulosus, characterized by distinct growth features in humans. The main endemic regions for human alveolar echinococcosis (AE) caused by E. multilocularis are Central Europe, Russia, Turkey, Japan, China, eastern France and North America. Human echinococcosis is usually caused by an intrahepatic growth of parasitic larvae. Cerebral occurrence of E. multilocularis disease is rare, accounting for only 1% of cases, and is generally considered to be fatal. This report presents two cases of intracerebral E. multilocularis disease which occurred in two infected patients with AE pulmonary metastases. The anatomical and clinical features are discussed. Our retrospective survey would indicate that surgical treatment should be envisaged whenever possible.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on kartoittaa suomalaisen sahakonevalmistaja Veisto Oy:n kannalta lähitulevaisuuden merkittävimmät markkina-alueet, joiden sahateollisuuteen tehdään lähivuosina eniten korkean teknologian investointeja. Markkina-alueiden valinnassa sovelletaan sekä numeerisiin tilastoihin että asiantuntijahaastatteluihin pohjautuvia ranking-menetelmiä. Työn ensimmäinen osa käsittelee kansainvälisten teollisten markkinoiden ominaispiirteitä ja niiden analysointia. Pääpaino on kuitenkin screening-menetelmillä, markkina-alueiden vertailumenetelmilläja päätöksenteon työkaluilla. Työn toisessa osassa keskitytään markkina-alueiden screeningiin, analysointiin ja maiden eri ominaisuuksien vertailuun. Päätöksentekomatriiseja hyödyntäen valitaan Veisto Oy:lle kolme tällä hetkellä houkuttelevinta markkina-aluetta, joita ovat Venäjä, USA:n kaakkoisosan Southern Yellow Pine -alue sekä Etelä-Amerikan suurimmat sahaajamaat (Brasilia, Argentiina ja Chile) yhtenä alueena. Valituilla alueilla on Veiston kannalta omat haasteensa: USA:ssa vahvat kotimaiset kilpailijat ja uusien referenssien saaminen, Venäjällä investointien epävarmuus ja markkina-alueen laajuuden tuoma monimuotoisuus sekä Etelä-Amerikassa vahvat ruotsalaiset kilpailijat sekä etenkin Brasilian osalta tuntuvat suojatullit.
We present the global phylogeography of the black sea urchin Arbacia lixula, an amphi-Atlantic echinoid with potential to strongly impact shallow rocky ecosystems. Sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase gene of 604 specimens from 24 localities were obtained, covering most of the distribution area of the species, including the Mediterranean and both shores of the Atlantic. Genetic diversity measures, phylogeographic patterns, demographic parameters and population differentiation were analysed. We found high haplotype diversity but relatively low nucleotide diversity, with 176 haplotypes grouped within three haplogroups: one is shared between Eastern Atlantic (including Mediterranean) and Brazilian populations, the second is found in Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean and the third is exclusively from Brazil. Significant genetic differentiation was found between Brazilian, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean regions, but no differentiation was found among Mediterranean sub-basins or among Eastern Atlantic sub-regions. The star-shaped topology of the haplotype network and the unimodal mismatch distributions of Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic samples suggest that these populations have suffered very recent demographic expansions. These expansions could be dated 94-205 kya in the Mediterranean, and 31-67 kya in the Eastern Atlantic. In contrast, Brazilian populations did not show any signature of population expansion. Our results indicate that all populations of A. lixula constitute a single species. The Brazilian populations probably diverged from an Eastern Atlantic stock. The present-day genetic structure of the species in Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean is shaped by very recent demographic processes. Our results support the view (backed by the lack of fossil record) that A. lixula is a recent thermophilous colonizer which spread throughout the Mediterranean during a warm period of the Pleistocene, probably during the last interglacial. Implications for the possible future impact of A. lixula on shallow Mediterranean ecosystems in the context of global warming trends must be considered.
The present article examines the meaning and function of olfactory remnants, often repugnant, linked to demons in the context of late medieval witchcraft and demonology. This reflection is developed within the framework of a «make believe» logic sustained by the doctrinal, theological, narrative and judiciary constructions of the witches' Sabbath. Incorporated within the order of sensory perception, references to the fetid smell of demons - who are by nature devoid of odour because they are pure spirits - constitute further proofs bearing witness to demonic presence, and thus testifying to the ignominy of the crime of witchcraft and to the guiltiness of the accused. According to those who attacked demon worshippers, the devil truly revealed himself physically; human beings were able to touch, hear, see and smell him. Sensory faculties were therefore perceived as being instrumental in corroborating the existence and reality of the Sabbath and the presence of the devil in bodily form. These considerations bring us to examine the olfactory fields associated with the devil's odour: odour of corpses, hell, sin, deviance, but also of defilement, impurity, corruption and excrements. These fetid odours are embedded in a logic of moral, spiritual and religious inversion of positive odours, such as the «sweet fragrance» of the saints, the «pure odour» of Christ or the «soft perfume» of virtue.
Tavaranvaihto Suomen itärajalla on aina ollut hyvin vilkasta. Neuvostoliiton romahtamisen jälkeen kauppaan tuli hetkellisesti erittäin syvä notkahdus, joka kääntyi voimakkaaksi nousuksi lähestyttäessä 1990-luvun puoliväliä. Pelkän vientikaupan oheen tuli välityskauppaa, sekä transitoliikennettä, jolla on ollut huomattavaa paikallista vaikutusta Kaakkois-Suomen työllisyyteen, sekä kuljetusalalle maanlaajuisestikin. Venäjän devalvaatio elokuussa 1998 romahdutti, sekä kaupan, että transitoliikenteen, mutta on sittemmin kääntynyt uuteen nousuun. Koko Venäjän tulevaisuus ja sitä kautta maamme itärajan liikennemäärät ovat varsin vaikeasti ennustettavissa, mutta todennäköisintä on Venäjän talouskasvun jatkuminen, jonka hyödyntämisessä ja tukemisessa myös Suomen tulisi olla. Liikennemäärien kasvu on aiheuttanut paikallisia ympäristöongelmia myös Suomen puolella rajaa. Ongelmat ovat kasaantuneet rajanylityspaikoille Nuijamaalle ja Vaalimaalle valtavien rekkajonojen myötä. Paikallisten asukkaiden elämän helpottamiseksi olisi valtiovallan pyrittävä kehittämään rajanylityspaikkoja, joista erityisesti Nuijamaa on käynyt jo kauan sitten liian pieneksi. Tekninen kehitys pienentää yksittäisen auton aiheuttamaa kuormitusta luonnolle, mutta liikennemäärien kasvu aiheuttaa kasaantuvia paikallisia ongelmia. Olemme toistaiseksi Suomessa EU:n itärajalla. Viron ja muiden Baltian maiden liittymiseen saakka, ja maantieteellisessä erityisasemassa koko unionin alueella. Samalla Suomen olisi muistettava, että meidän itärajalla on toistaiseksi maailman suurin elintasokuilu ja eurooppalainen vastakkain asettelu: EU vastaan Venäjä, länsi vastaan itä.
Kasvihuonekaasujen vähentäminen on lähitulevaisuudessa välttämätöntä ilmastonmuutoksen torjunnassa. Tämä tosiasia tulisi nähdä niin yrityksissä kuin kunnissakin mahdollisuutena, johon liittyvillä toimenpiteillä voitaisiin kehittää myös alueen liiketoimintaa ja elinkeinoelämää. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli löytää Kaakkois- Suomen kannalta tehokkaimmat keinot ja toimintamallit alueen liiketoiminnan edistämiseksi kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä hillitsevään suuntaan. Työssä on käsitelty erityisesti kunnan toimintaan liittyviä vaikutusmahdollisuuksia tavoitteiden saavuttamisessa. Tutkimus on toteutettu osana Suomen Kuntaliitto Ry:n koordinoimaa kuntienilmastonsuojelukampanjaa. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan kirjallisuuden pohjalta tehty esiselvitys. Työhön sisältyvien esimerkkitapausten osalta on tietoa hankittu myös haastattelemalla alueen yrityksiä. Tutkimuksen alkuvaiheessa on kartoitettu Kaakkois-Suomen alueellisia erityispiirteitä ja potentiaaleja. Työssä on arvioitu esimerkiksi uusiutuvien energialähteiden lisäämispotentiaalien käyttöönottamisella saavutettavat kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen vähenemät sekä työllisyysvaikutukset Kaakkois-Suomen alueella. Potentiaalien luoman pohjan perusteella on selvitetty mahdollisuuksia kehittää alueen elinkeinorakenteeseen soveltuvaa liiketoimintaa. Kasvihuonekaasuja vähentävän liiketoiminnan edistämiseksi on selvitetty keinoja sekä olemassa olevien yritysten kilpailukyvyn parantamiseen että uuden liiketoiminnan kehittämiseen liittyen. Näiden tavoitteiden saavuttamisessa nähtiin yritysten verkostoitumisen olevan eräs tärkeä keino, jolla voidaan parantaa mm. alueen lukuisten pienten yritysten mahdollisuuksia suurten kokonaistoimitusten tuottamisessa. Työssä on esitetty kunnan toimintaan soveltuva toimintamalli yritysten verkostoimiseksi. Jätteiden ja sivutuotteiden osalta työssä on esitetty materiaalivirtojen hyötykäyttöön ohjaamiseen erikoistunutta liiketoimintaa niin sanotun materiaalipörssin muodossa. Myös koulutuksen, tutkimuksen ja rahoituksen tarjontaa kasvihuonekaasuja vähentävän liiketoiminnan kehittämisen tueksi on selvitetty Kaakkois-Suomen alueella. Tutkimuksen sisällössä ovat esimerkkitapaukset keskeisessä asemassa. Niiden puitteissa on haastateltu paikallisen alueen yrityksiä ja viranomaisia. Esimerkkitapauksissa on selvitetty materiaalipörssin, lämpöyrittäjyyden sekä erään yrityksen verkostoimiseen liittyviä tekijöitä ja keinoja. Haastatteluista ja kirjallisuudesta saatuihin tietoihin perustuen on ehdotettu toimintavaihtoehtoja toiminnan kehittämiseksi. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella on lopuksi esitetty suunnitelma jatkotoimenpiteistä, joilla tuloksia lähdetään viemään käytännön tasolle.
Teacher's multicultural work The purpose of the present study is to explore teachers’ conceptions of their work as teachers of multicultural students. Teachers’ experiences of multicultural work and conceptions derived from them are part of the teacher’s multicultural competence which is seen as a key component of the teacher’s multicultural teachership. The teacher’s multicultural competence consists of the teacher’s cultural knowledge, pedagogical skills and experiences and attitudes related to multiculturalism. The teacher’s multicultural competence constitutes the basis on which the teacher implements multicultural education. The foundation for the teacher’s work is laid by laws and decrees, curricula, regulations issued by authorities in charge of the education of immigrant students, resources available and other demands and expectations set by the ambient society. The study was conducted in the city of Turku, Finland. The sample consisted of class teachers who taught both immigrant and majority students. Main objects of study in the theoretical part are the multicultural and pluralistic school and the multicultural teachership. The basic assumption is that the multicultural and pluralistic school forms the frame of activity in which the teacher implements multicultural teaching. The research strategy is based on methodological triangulation. The quantitative part of the study was carried out using a questionnaire typical of survey methods. The questionnaire was returned by 71 teachers. The qualitative part was conducted using theme-based interviews typical of phenomenological philosophical research. Of the total of teachers who returned the questionnaire, twelve (12) teachers were selected for interviews. According to the results, the participating teachers enjoyed their work regardless of the ample extra work caused by the students with immigrant backgrounds. The teachers experienced their work as teachers of multicultural student groups as strenuous, yet challenging. Students with immigrant backgrounds had caused many changes in the teacher’s work. The teachers regarded their multicultural skills as inadequate in relation to the demands of the work. They had not received education related to teaching students with immigrant backgrounds, but they were ready for in-service education. The teachers’ previous attitudes concerning immigrant students had been enforced. Teaching experiences strengthened the earlier, both positive and negative, attitudes. The central problems related to multiculturalism in the teacher’s work were caused by the deficient Finnish skills of the students with immigrant background. This was apparent in both teaching and learning as well as in contacts with parents. The teachers reported on relatively few inclusions of multicultural angles in their teaching. However, they believed that they could aid students with different cultural backgrounds in their integration process. At the same time they felt that their own chances to enhance the students’ cultural identities were slim. On the basis of the interviews conducted in connection with the teacher’s multicultural competence, the teachers were divided into three groups: assimilative, indeterminate and integrating multicultural teachers. The present study provides a strong indication that teachers tend to interpret multiculturalism in narrow terms. School activities, such as Finnish as a second language, first language and religious instruction, which were targeted exclusively at immigrant students were in most cases considered adequate. A holistic, cross-disciplinary, all-inclusive multicultural education that would permeate all school activities remains largely unimplemented.
Cette recherche porte sur les roms (vlach) qui séjournent périodiquement en Suisse italienne, en camping-cars ou en caravanes, pratiquant un semi- nomadisme lié à des motivations principalement économiques, mais également familiales et religieuses. Elle poursuit simultanément deux objectifs. Le premier est lié à un souci de médiation culturelle, qui rejoint les réflexions sur la façon de gérer au mieux les conflits entre les diverses composantes du vivre ensemble. Le second vise à approfondir la connaissance des populations roms concernées (lovara, éurara ou kalderasa, de nationalités italienne, française et espagnole). Les deux objectifs sont évidemment reliés, car comprendre les dynamiques conflictuelles exige la connaissance approfondie des acteurs en interaction. Les relations entre résidents tessinois et roms ont évolué dans le temps, avec des oscillations entre le pôle du refus et celui de l'attraction, entre rejet et reconnaissance, méfiance et confiance. Ces variations historiques renvoient à un fondement commun, à une dynamique des oppositions réciproques. L'analyse anthropologique a fait apparaître le rôle ambivalent du conflit dans la production et la reproduction de la relation d'altérité. L'exclusion des roms fournit à certaines tendances politiques locales l'occasion d'apparaître comme les protecteurs des résidents contre les étrangers ; inversement, l'opposition des roms aux gaiés leur permet de resserrer leur communauté et de prévenir l'assimilation. La médiation culturelle peut espérer gérer cette dynamique relationnelle, certainement pas la faire disparaître. Le modèle intégratif traditionnel de l'État- nation se révèle trop étroit pour accueillir la culture rom. Casser la résistance des roms envers le travail salarié et envers la scolarisation obligatoire, entraver leur semi-nomadisme (qui incite aussi leurs rencontres familiales et religieuses), refuser de reconnaître leur organe de justice interne et leur langue, tout cela ne ferait que concourir à leur disparition culturelle. Les roms sont conscients de ces possibilités, raison pour laquelle ils maintiennent une ambivalence relationnelle avec les ga£és, quitte à apparaître comme des « tsiganes indésirables ». Abstract : This research focuses on the Roma people (Vlach) who periodically stay in Italian Switzerland in caravans or camper vans, practising a semi-nomadic lifestyle - a choice based mainly on economic imperatives but also on familial and religious grounds. This study will address two objectives at the same time. The first involves cultural mediation, and considers the best way to manage the existing conflicts between the cultural components of the social environment. The second aims to increase knowledge of the Roma populations under examination - the Italian, French and Spanish Lovara, Éurara or Kalderasa. The two objectives are clearly linked, as a deeper understanding of the people involved is vital if we are to increase understanding of the dynamics of confrontation. The relationships between the residents of the Ticino area and the Roma people have evolved over time, oscillating in varying degrees between rejection and attraction, confrontation and recognition, suspicion and trust. These variations spring from a common base, a dynamic shaped by mutual opposition. The anthropological analysis highlights the ambivalent role of conflict in the production and reproduction of relations of otherness. Excluding the Roma has given some local politicians the opportunity to position themselves as protectors of residents against foreigners. Inversely, the Roma people's opposition to the Gazé strengthens links within their community and prevents assimilation. Cultural mediation may aspire to manage this relational dynamic, but not abolish it. The traditional integrative model of the nation-state has shown itself to be too restrictive to accommodate the Romani culture. Rejecting the Roma's resistance to salaried work and obligatory schooling, obstructing their semi-nomadic lifestyle (one that also involves family and religious assemblies) and refusing to recognise their traditional courts and mother tongue, all that can only contribute to the dilution of their cultural heritage. The Roma are fully aware of these possibilities, which is why they retain a relational ambivalence in their dealings with the Gazé, at the cost of appearing to be "undesirable gypsies".
The general aim of this paper is to explore and illustrate a theoretical model which postulates two mechanisms involved in the construction of collective identity: "action - transformation" and "symbolic identification". First, we define the concept of "collective identity" and we revise some works on this topic. After that, in order to justify the creation of Intercultural Universities, we described the linguistic and religious diversity from Chiapas. Some results concerning a quantitative and qualitative investigation with indigenous and mestizos students from the Intercultural University of Chiapas are also exposed. Finally, we point out some limitations of this study, and we suggest some possible future research directions
La mort sempre ha estat present en tot individu i societat, tot i els grans avenços de les tecnologies i és per la persona un tema de profunda reflexió, tant des de la perspectiva filosòfica com religiosa i la més actual, la científica. No obstant, en les societats industrials avançades cada vegada és més difícil acceptar la simple idea de mort. L’arribada de la vellesa posa a la persona davant de nombrosos canvis i pèrdues que repercuteixen la seva qualitat de vida, la seva estabilitat emocional i porta en sí mateix la consciència de saber que la mort es troba cada vegada més a prop, generant principalment temors i pors. És per això que cal destacar la importància del tema per la infermera que treballa amb gent granObjectiu: Conèixer la percepció sobre la mort que tenen les persones grans ingressades en una residència geriàtrica