974 resultados para Oil Spill


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The aim of this study was to determine the acute and chronic effects of low doses of long chain (LC) n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (<100 mg per day) on plasma LC n-3 PUFA levels using a novel delivery form; bread containing microencapsulated tuna oil (MTO). Six omnivores (three men and three women) participated in the acute study, which involved ingesting a prototype MTO bread containing approximately 80 mg of LC n-3 PUFA/four slices. Plasma triacylglycerol fatty acid compositions were measured after an overnight fast and postprandially at 2 and 4 h. In the chronic study, 10 vegetarian subjects (nine men and one woman) consumed MTO bread at six to eight slices/day (comprising 60 mg of LC n-3 PUFA) as the only dietary source of these PUFA for three weeks. Fasting plasma total and phospholipid fatty acid compositions were measured at baseline and endpoint. In the acute study, the proportions of 22:6 n-3 and total n-3 PUFA in plasma triacylglycerol were significantly increased (P < 0.05). In the chronic study, the proportions of 20:5 n-3, 22:5 n‐3, 22:6 n-3, total n-3 PUFA in plasma, and 22:6 n-3 and total n-3 PUFA in plasma phospholipid fractions were significantly increased (P < 0.05) at the endpoint compared with the baseline. This study showed that a low dose of LC n-3 PUFA, consumed as MTO-enriched bread, was bioavailable, as measured by an increase in LC n-3 PUFA levels in the plasma of human subjects.


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The current system of controlling oil spills involves a complex relationship of international, federal and state law, which has not proven to be very effective. The multiple layers of regulation often leave shipowners unsure of the laws facing them. Furthemore, nations have had difficulty enforcing these legal requirements. This thesis deals with the role marine insurance can play within the existing system of legislation to provide a strong preventative influence that is simple and cost-effective to enforce. In principle, insurance has two ways of enforcing higher safety standards and limiting the risk of an accident occurring. The first is through the use of insurance premiums that are based on the level of care taken by the insured. This means that a person engaging in riskier behavior faces a higher insurance premium, because their actions increase the probability of an accident occurring. The second method, available to the insurer, is collectively known as cancellation provisions or underwriting clauses. These are clauses written into an insurance contract that invalidates the agreement when certain conditions are not met by the insured The problem has been that obtaining information about the behavior of an insured party requires monitoring and that incurs a cost to the insurer. The application of these principles proves to be a more complicated matter. The modern marine insurance industry is a complicated system of multiple contracts, through different insurers, that covers the many facets of oil transportation. Their business practices have resulted in policy packages that cross the neat bounds of individual, specific insurance coverage. This paper shows that insurance can improve safety standards in three general areas -crew training, hull and equipment construction and maintenance, and routing schemes and exclusionary zones. With crew, hull and equipment, underwriting clauses can be used to ensure that minimum standards are met by the insured. Premiums can then be structured to reflect the additional care taken by the insured above and beyond these minimum standards. Routing schemes are traffic flow systems applied to congested waterways, such as the entrance to New York harbor. Using natural obstacles or manmade dividers, ships are separated into two lanes of opposing traffic, similar to a road. Exclusionary zones are marine areas designated off limits to tanker traffic either because of a sensitive ecosystem or because local knowledge is required of the region to ensure safe navigation. Underwriting clauses can be used to nullify an insurance contract when a tanker is not in compliance with established exclusionary zones or routing schemes.


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This paper examines the unit root properties of crude oil production for 60 countries employing a range of panel data unit root tests for the period 1971 to 2003. The study first employs a number of panel data tests that do not accommodate structural breaks and then proceeds to apply the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) panel unit root test with one structural break. The results of the panel data tests without a structural break are inconclusive with at best mixed support for joint stationarity. The findings from the LM panel unit root test with a structural break, however, are conclusive, suggesting that for a world panel and smaller regional-based panels, crude oil and NGL production are jointly stationary.


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In this paper, we examine the relationship between oil price and the Fiji–US exchange rate using daily data for the period 2000–2006. We use the generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) and exponential GARCH (EGARCH) models to estimate the impact of oil price on the nominal exchange rate. We find that a rise in oil prices leads to an appreciation of the Fijian dollar vis-à-vis the US dollar.


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This paper compares two organizational modes for extracting oil from a common pool: unitization and competitive extraction. The analysis suggests that the general presumption that unitization is surplus enhancing relative to competitive extraction may not always be valid due to contractual incompleteness associated with unitization contracts. While competitive extraction suffers from the tragedy of the commons, unitization can be subject to the dual tragedy of the anticommons. This provides an explanation for the puzzle confronting the oil industry that firms are often reluctant to voluntarily enter unitization agreements.


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This study evaluated the production of fatty acid ethyl esters from fish oil using ultrasonic energy and alkaline catalysts dissolved in ethanol. The feasibility of fatty acid ethyl ester production was determined using an ultrasonic bath and probe, and between 0.5 and 1% KOH (added to the fish oil). Furthermore, factors such as ultrasonic device (bath and probe), catalyst (KOH and C2H5ONa), temperature (20 and 60 °C), and duration of exposure (10–90 min) were assessed. Sodium ethoxide was found to be a more efficient catalyst than KOH when transesterifying fish oil. Ultrasonic energy applied for greater than 30 min at 60 °C using 0.8% of C2H5ONa as a catalyst transesterified over 98% fish oil triglycerides to fatty acid ethyl esters. It is reasonable to conclude that the yield of fatty acid ethyl esters produced by applying ultrasonic energy to fish oil is related to the sonication time. Due to increases in the surface area contact between the reactants and the catalyst, ultrasonic energy has the potential to reduce the production time required by a conventional large-scale commercial transesterification method that uses agitation as a way of mixing.


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Omega-3 oil from fish can be stabilised against oxidation using a variety of microencapsulation technologies. Complex coacervation has been used and found to be commercially useful for fortifying foods and beverages with long-chain omega-3 containing oils. Here we report a comparative human bioavailability study of microencapsulated omega-3 fish oil and standard fish-oil soft-gel capsules. Phospholipid levels of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids increased equivalently in both subjects groups. Also, triacylglycerol levels were reduced similarly in both groups. These results indicate that omega-3 fatty acids have equivalent bioavailability when delivered as microencapsulated complex coacervates or as soft-gel capsules.


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Unsustainable fishing practices have placed a heavy emphasis on aquaculture to meet the global shortfalls in the supply of fish and seafood, which are commonly accepted as the primary source of health-promoting essential omega-3 (n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids). However, dietary fish oil is required for the production of omega-3-rich farmed fish and this commodity, in a vicious circle, is at present derived solely from wild fisheries. Decreasing global availability coupled with the highly variable price of this resource has forced the aquaculture industry to investigate the possibilities of alternative dietary lipid sources. This review attempts to compile all principal information available regarding the effects of fish oil replacement for the diets of farmed finfish, analysing the findings using a comparative approach among different cultured fish species. The review initially focuses on the present situation with regard to the production, availability and main nutritional characteristics of fish oil and the principal alternative lipid sources (such as vegetable oils and animal fats). Following this, the effects of fish oil replacement in finfish nutrition on feed quality, fish performance, feed efficiency, fish lipid metabolism, final eating quality and related economic aspects are presented and discussed.


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Fish oil (FO)- and canola oil (CO)-based diets were regularly alternated in a daily cycle (amCO: alternation of CO in the morning and FO in the afternoon, and pmCO: alternation of FO in the morning and CO in the afternoon) or in a series of weekly cycles (2W: alternation of 2 weeks on CO and 2 weeks on FO, 4W: alternation of 4 weeks on CO and 4 weeks on FO), over a 16-week period in juvenile Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii). No significant differences were observed between any of the treatments in relation to the final weight. However, fish subjected to the 2W schedule were larger (P>0.05) than all other treatments (37.2 ± 0.30 vs. 34.3 ± 0.58 in the control treatment). Fish receiving the 2W treatment had a significantly lower total net disappearance of eicosapentaenoic acid 20:5n-3 (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid 22:6n-3 (62.1% and 24.0% respectively) compared with the control treatment (fish continuously fed a blend of 50% FO and 50% CO). Likewise, Murray cod receiving the amCO daily schedule had a significantly lower total net disappearance of EPA in comparison with the CD and pmCO treatments. These data point towards the existence of cyclical mechanisms relative to fatty acid utilization/retention.


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In consideration of economical and environmental concerns, fish oil (FO) substitution in aquaculture is the focus of many fish nutritionists. The most stringent drawback of FO replacement in aquafeeds is the consequential modification to the final fatty acid (FA) make-up of the fish fillet.However, it is envisaged that a solution may be achieved through a better understanding of fish FA metabolism. Therefore, the present study investigated the fate of individual dietary FA in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed a FO-based diet (rich in 20 : 5n-3) or a linseed oil-based diet (LO; rich in 18 : 3n-3). The study demonstrated that much of the 18 : 3n-3 content from the LO diet was oxidised and, despite the significantly increased accretion of D-6 and D-5 desaturated FA, a 2- and 3-fold reduction in the fish body content of 20 : 5n-3 and 22 : 6n-3, respectively, compared with the FO-fed fish, was recorded. The accretion of longer-chain FA was unaffected by the dietary treatments, while there was a greater net disappearance of FA provided in dietary surplus. SFA and MUFA recorded a net accretion of FA produced ex novo. In the fish fed the FO diet, the majority of dietary 20 : 5n-3 was accumulated (53·8 %), some was oxidised (14·7 %) and a large proportion (31·6 %) was elongated and desaturated up to 22 : 6n-3. In the fish fed the LO diet, the majority of dietary 18 : 3n-3 was accumulated (58·1 %), a large proportion was oxidised (29·5 %) and a limited amount (12·4 %) was bio-converted to longer and more unsaturated homologues.


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The olive oil phenolic oleocanthal is a natural nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory compound that irritates the oral pharynx in a dose-dependent manner. It has been proposed that the biological activity of oleocanthal is partially responsible for the beneficial health effects of the Mediterranean diet. Virgin
olive oil containing oleocanthal is often added as an ingredient in a number of cooked dishes, and therefore it is of great importance to understand how best to preserve the putative health-promoting benefits of this compound, as olive oil phenolics are subject to degradation upon heating in general. One extra virgin olive oil containing 53.9 mg/kg oleocanthal was heated at various temperatures (100, 170, and 240 °C) for set time periods (0, 1, 5, 20, 60, and 90 min). Oleocanthal concentrations were quantified using HPLC, and its biological activity was determined with a taste bioassay measuring the intensity of throat irritation. Results demonstrated that oleocanthal was heat stable compared with other olive oil phenolics, with a maximum loss of 16% as determined by HPLC analysis. However, there was a significant decrease of up to 31% (p < 0.05) in the biological activity of oleocanthal as determined by the taste bioassay. Although there was minimal degradation of leocanthal concentration, there was a significant decrease in the biological activity of oleocanthal upon extended heating time, indicating a possible loss of the putative health -benefiting properties of oleocanthal. Alternatively, the difference in the concentration and biological activity of oleocanthal after heat treatment could be a result of an oleocanthal antagonist forming, decreasing or masking the biological activity of oleocanthal.


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Two groups of fish (Maccullochella peelii peelii) were fed for a 90-day conditioning period on a canola oil diet (CO) or a fish oil diet (FO). Canola oil diet fed fish were then shifted to the FO diet for a 90-day finishing period. A variable period of  starvation (0, 5, 10 and 15 days) was introduced to reduce the initial lipid level of CO fed fish at the beginning of the finishing period and therefore accelerate the rate of recovery of FO-like fatty acids. During starvation, fish did not show  significant reduction in total lipid content, either in the fillet or whole body. At the end of the conditioning period, fatty acid composition of the diet was mirrored in fish tissues. These differences came close to levelling out following re-feeding, with the exception of n - 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). However, no  effects of the starvation periods on the final fatty acid make-up of fish were recorded. The results of this trial show that Murray cod, when subjected to a starvation period of up to 15 days, does not lose an appreciable quantity of lipid and, therefore, the tested starvation approach to reduce the initial level of lipid has to be considered unsuccessful. 


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Avian vision is highly developed, with bird retinas containing rod and double-cone photoreceptors, plus four classes of single cones subserving tetrachromatic colour vision. Cones contain an oil droplet, rich in carotenoid pigments (except VS/ultraviolet-sensitive cones), that acts as a filter, substantially modifying light detected by the photoreceptor. Using dietary manipulations, we tested the effects of carotenoid availability on oil droplet absorbance properties in two species: Platycercus elegans and Taeniopygia guttata. Using microspectrophotometry, we determined whether manipulations affected oil droplet carotenoid concentration and whether changes would alter colour discrimination ability. In both species, increases in carotenoid concentration were found in carotenoid-supplemented birds, but only in the double cones. Magnitudes of effects of manipulations were often dependent on retinal location. The study provides, to our knowledge, the first experimental evidence of dietary intake over a short time period affecting carotenoid concentration of retinal oil droplets. Moreover, the allocation of carotenoids to the retina by both species is such that the change potentially preserves the spectral tuning of colour vision. Our study generates new insights into retinal regulation of carotenoid concentration of oil droplets, an area about which very little is known, with implications for our understanding of trade-offs in carotenoid allocation in birds.


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A microspectrophotometric study was conducted on the retinal photoreceptors of four species of bird: cut-throat finches (Amadina fasciata), gouldian finches (Erythrura gouldiae), white-headed munias (Lonchura maja) and plum-headed finches (Neochmia modesta). Spectral characteristics of the photoreceptors in all four species were very similar. Rods contained a medium-wavelength-sensitive visual pigment with a wavelength of maximum absorbance at 502-504 nm. Four spectrally distinct types of single cone contained a visual pigment with wavelength of maximum absorbance at either 370-373 nm (ultraviolet-sensitive), 440-447 nm (short-wavelength-sensitive); 500 nm (medium-wavelength-sensitive) or 562-565 nm (long-wavelength-sensitive). Oil droplets in the ultraviolet-sensitive single cones showed no detectable absorption between 330 nm and 800 nm. Oil droplets in the short-, medium-, and long-wavelength-sensitive single cones had cut-off wavelengths at 415-423 nm, 510-520 nm and 567-575 nm, respectively. Double cones contained the visual pigment with wavelength of maximum absorbance at 562-565 nm observed in long-wavelength-sensitive single cones. Only the principal member of the double cone pair contained an oil droplet (P-type, cut-off wavelength at 414-489 nm depending on species and retinal location). Spectral transmittance of the intact ocular media of each species was measured along the optic axis. Wavelengths of 0.5 transmittance for all species were very similar (316-318 nm).