989 resultados para Nuclear activation analysis.


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Varicella-zoster virus open reading frame 10 (ORF10) protein, the homolog of the herpes simplex virus protein VP16, can transactivate immediate-early promoters from both viruses. A protein sequence comparison procedure termed hydrophobic cluster analysis was used to identify a motif centered at Phe-28, near the amino terminus of ORF10, that strongly resembles the sequence of the activating domain surrounding Phe-442 of VP16. With a series of GAL4-ORF10 fusion proteins, we mapped the ORF10 transcriptional-activation domain to the amino-terminal region (aa 5-79). Extensive mutagenesis of Phe-28 in GAL4-ORF10 fusion proteins demonstrated the importance of an aromatic or bulky hydrophobic amino acid at this position, as shown previously for Phe-442 of VP16. Transactivation by the native ORF10 protein was abolished when Phe-28 was replaced by Ala. Similar amino-terminal domains were identified in the VP16 homologs of other alphaherpesviruses. Hydrophobic cluster analysis correctly predicted activation domains of ORF10 and VP16 that share critical characteristics of a distinctive subclass of acidic activation domains.


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Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors are ligand-gated channels that release intracellular Ca2+ stores in response to the second messenger, IP3. We investigated the potential role of IP3 receptors during nuclear envelope assembly in vitro, using Xenopus egg extracts. Previous work suggested that Ca2+ mobilization is required for nuclear vesicle fusion and implicated IP3 receptor activity. To test the involvement of IP3 receptors using selective reagents, we obtained three distinct polyclonal antibodies to the type 1 IP3 receptor. Pretreatment of membranes with two of the antibodies inhibited IP3-stimulated CA2+ release in vitro and also inhibited nuclear vesicle fusion. One inhibitory serum was directed against 420 residues within the "coupling" domain, which includes several potential regulatory sites. The other inhibitory serum was directed against 95 residues near the C terminus and identifies an inhibitory epitope(s) in this region. The antibodies had no effect on receptor affinity for IP3. Because nuclear vesicle fusion was inhibited by antibodies that block Ca2+ flux, but not by control and preimmune antibodies, we concluded that the activation of IP3 receptors is required for fusion. The signal that activates the channel during fusion is unknown.


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A hierarchy of enzyme-catalyzed positive feedback loops is examined by mathematical and numerical analysis. Four systems are described, from the simplest, in which an enzyme catalyzes its own formation from an inactive precursor, to the most complex, in which two sequential feedback loops act in a cascade. In the latter we also examine the function of a long-range feedback, in which the final enzyme produced in the second loop activates the initial step in the first loop. When the enzymes generated are subject to inhibition or inactivation, all four systems exhibit threshold properties akin to excitable systems like neuron firing. For those that are amenable to mathematical analysis, expressions are derived that relate the excitation threshold to the kinetics of enzyme generation and inhibition and the initial conditions. For the most complex system, it was expedient to employ numerical simulation to demonstrate threshold behavior, and in this case long-range feedback was seen to have two distinct effects. At sufficiently high catalytic rates, this feedback is capable of exciting an otherwise subthreshold system. At lower catalytic rates, where the long-range feedback does not significantly affect the threshold, it nonetheless has a major effect in potentiating the response above the threshold. In particular, oscillatory behavior observed in simulations of sequential feedback loops is abolished when a long-range feedback is present.


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The cytokines interleukin (IL) 4 and IL-13 induce many of the same biological responses, including class switching to IgE and induction of major histocompatibility complex class II antigens and CD23 on human B cells. It has recently been shown that IL-4 induces the tyrosine phosphorylation of a 170-kDa protein, a substrate called 4PS, and of the Janus kinase (JAK) family members JAK1 and JAK3. Because IL-13 has many functional effects similar to those of IL-4, we compared the ability of IL-4 and IL-13 to activate these signaling molecules in the human multifactor-dependent cell line TF-1. In this report we demonstrate that both IL-4 and IL-13 induced the tyrosine phosphorylation of 4PS and JAK1. Interestingly, although IL-4 induced the tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK3, we did not detect JAK3 phosphorylation in response to IL-13. These data suggest that IL-4 and IL-13 signal in similar ways via the activation of JAK1 and 4PS. However, our data further indicate that there are significant differences because IL-13 does not activate JAK3.


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The transcription of genes encoding gluconeogenic enzymes is tightly regulated during the perinatal period. These genes are induced by glucagon (cAMP) and glucocorticoids and repressed by insulin. To address the role of cAMP and glucocorticoids in the physiological activation of genes encoding gluconeogenic enzymes in the perinatal period, transgenic mice have been generated with chimeric constructs containing the reporter gene lacZ under the control of hormone response elements. The activity of the transgene is restricted to the liver by the presence of the enhancers from the alpha-fetoprotein gene and its transcription is driven by a promoter that contains a TATA box linked to either cAMP response elements (CREs) or glucocorticoid response elements (GREs). We demonstrate cAMP and glucocorticoid regulation, liver-specific expression, and perinatal activation of the reporter gene. These data indicate that the CRE and GRE are, independently, necessary and sufficient to mediate perinatal gene activation. Perinatal activation was not impaired when a CRE reporter transgene was assayed in mice that contain a targeted mutation of the CRE-binding protein (CREB) gene, providing further evidence for functional redundancy among the members of the CREB/ATF gene family.


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North Korea's regime has one goal, to guarantee its survival. To accomplish that goal it desired the U.S. to maintain a strong presence on the Korean Peninsula to act as an international deterrent against possible foreign occupation of its nation. The DPRK encouraged the U.S. by signing the 1994 Agreed Framework, a formal commitment between the two countries that froze North Korea's nuclear programs in exchange for U.S. energy aid. In 2002 the Bush Administration did not honour its commitment and blamed North Korea for the Agreed Framework's collapse. North Korea retaliated by choosing to become a nuclear nation, an action guaranteed to insure a constant U.S. presence on the Korean Peninsula.


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"Physics and Math. TID-4500 (15th Ed.)"--Title page.


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"NRC FIN no. B5688."


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The NR4A1-3 (Nur77, NURR1 and NOR-1) subfamily of nuclear hormone receptors (NRs) has been implicated in Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, manic depression, atherogenesis, Alzheimer's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and apoptosis. This has driven investigations into the mechanism of action, and the identification of small molecule regulators, that may provide the platform for pharmaceutical and therapeutic exploitation. Recently, we found that the purine antimetabolite 6-Mercaptopurine (6-MP), which is widely used as an anti-neoplastic and anti-inflammatory drug, modulated the NR4A1-3 subfamily. Interestingly, the agonist-mediated activation did not involve modulation of primary coactivators' (e.g. p300 and SRC-2/GRIP-1) activity and/or recruitment. However, the role of the subsequently recruited coactivators, for example CARM-1 and TRAP220, in 6-MP-mediated activation of the NR4A1-3 subfamily remains obscure. In this study we demonstrate that 6-MP modulates the activity of the coactivator TRAP220 in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, we demonstrate that TRAP220 potentiates NOR-1-mediated transactivation, and interacts with the NR4A1-3 subgroup in an AF-1-dependent manner in a cellular context. The region of TRAP220 that mediated 6-MP activation and NR4A interaction was delimited to amino acids 1-800, and operates independently of the critical PKC and PKA phosphorylation sites. Interestingly, TRAP220 expression does not increase the relative induction by 6-MP, however the absolute level of NOR-1-mediated trans-activation is increased. This study demonstrates that 6-MP modulates the activity of the NR4A subgroup, and the coactivator TRAP220.


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Although the key components of the cellular nuclear transport machinery have largely been characterized through extensive efforts in recent years, in vivo measurements of the kinetics of nuclear protein import/export are patently few. The present study applies the approach of FRAP (fluorescence recovery after photobleaching) to examine the nucleocytoplasmic flux of a novel human VDRB1 (vitamin D receptor B I) isoform in living cells. Through an N-terminal extension containing a consensus nuclear targeting sequence, VDRB1 is capable of localizing in nuclear speckles adjacent to SC-35 (35 kDa splicing component)containing speckles as well as in the nucleoplasm, dependent on ligand. Investigation of VDRB1 nucleocytoplasmic transport using FRAP indicates for the first time that the VDRB1 has a serum-modulated, active nuclear-import mechanism. There is no evidence of an efficient, active export mechanism for VDRB1, probably as a result of nuclear retention. VDRB1 nuclear import in the absence of serum occurred more rapidly and to a greater extent to nuclear speckles compared with import to other nuclear sites. This preferential transport from the cytoplasm to and accumulation within nuclear speckles is consistent with the idea that the latter represent dynamic centres of VDRB1 interaction with other nuclear proteins. The results are consistent with the existence of specialized pathways to target proteins to nuclear subdomains.