964 resultados para Non-load Bearing Walls


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The impact of effluent wastewaters from four different hospitals: a university (1456 beds), a general (350 beds), a pediatric (110 beds) and a maternity hospital (96 beds), which are conveyed to the same wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), was evaluated in the receiving urban wastewaters. The occurrence of 78 pharmaceuticals belonging to several therapeutic classes was assessed in hospital effluents and WWTP wastewaters (influent and effluent) as well as the contribution of each hospital in WWTP influent in terms of pharmaceutical load. Results indicate that pharmaceuticals are widespread pollutants in both hospital and urban wastewaters. The contribution of hospitals to the input of pharmaceuticals in urban wastewaters widely varies, according to their dimension. The estimated total mass loadings were 306 g d− 1 for the university hospital, 155 g d− 1 for the general one, 14 g d− 1 for the pediatric hospital and 1.5 g d− 1 for the maternity hospital, showing that the biggest hospitals have a greater contribution to the total mass load of pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, analysis of individual contributions of each therapeutic group showed that NSAIDs, analgesics and antibiotics are among the groups with the highest inputs. Removal efficiency can go from over 90% for pharmaceuticals like acetaminophen and ibuprofen to not removal for β-blockers and salbutamol. Total mass load of pharmaceuticals into receiving surface waters was estimated between 5 and 14 g/d/1000 inhabitants. Finally, the environmental risk posed by pharmaceuticals detected in hospital and WWTP effluents was assessed by means of hazard quotients toward different trophic levels (algae, daphnids and fish). Several pharmaceuticals present in the different matrices were identified as potentially hazardous to aquatic organisms, showing that especial attention should be paid to antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole, azithromycin and clarithromycin, since their hazard quotients in WWTP effluent revealed that they could pose an ecotoxicological risk to algae.


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Ancillary services represent a good business opportunity that must be considered by market players. This paper presents a new methodology for ancillary services market dispatch. The method considers the bids submitted to the market and includes a market clearing mechanism based on deterministic optimization. An Artificial Neural Network is used for day-ahead prediction of Regulation Down, regulation-up, Spin Reserve and Non-Spin Reserve requirements. Two test cases based on California Independent System Operator data concerning dispatch of Regulation Down, Regulation Up, Spin Reserve and Non-Spin Reserve services are included in this paper to illustrate the application of the proposed method: (1) dispatch considering simple bids; (2) dispatch considering complex bids.


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O projeto “Avaliação da Exposição a Fungos e Partículas em Explorações Avícolas e Suinícolas” contemplou um elevado número de colheitas ambientais e biológicas e respectivo processamento laboratorial, sendo apenas possível a sua concretização graças ao financiamento disponibilizado pela Autoridade para as Condições de Trabalho. Foi realizado um estudo transversal para avaliar a contaminação causada por fungos e partículas em 7 explorações avícolas e 7 explorações suinícolas. No que concerne à monitorização biológica, foram medidos os parâmetros espirométricos, utilizando o espirómetro MK8 Microlab, avaliada a existência de sintomas clínicos associados com a asma e outras doenças alérgicas, através de questionário adaptado European Community Respiratory Health Survey e, ainda, avaliada a sensibilização aos agentes fúngicos (IgE). Foram ainda adicionados dois objetivos ao estudo, designadamente: aferir a existência de três espécies/estirpes potencialmente patogénicas/toxinogénicas com recurso à biologia molecular e avaliar a exposição dos trabalhadores à micotoxina aflatoxina B1 por recurso a indicador biológico de exposição. Foram colhidas 27 amostras de ar de 25 litros nas explorações avícolas e 56 de 50 litros nas explorações suinícolas através do método de impacto. As colheitas de ar e a medição da concentração das partículas foram realizadas no interior e no exterior dos pavilhões, sendo este último considerado como local de referência. Simultaneamente, a temperatura e a humidade relativa também foram registadas. As colheitas das superfícies foram realizadas através da técnica de zaragatoa, tendo sido utilizado um quadrado de metal inoxidável de 10 cm de lado, de acordo com a International Standard ISO 18593 – 2004. As zaragatoas obtidas (20 das explorações avícolas e 48 das explorações suinícolas) foram inoculadas em malte de extract agar (2%) com cloranfenicol (0,05 g/L). Além das colheitas de ar e de superfícies, foram também obtidas colheitas da cama das explorações avícolas (7 novas e 14 usadas) e da cobertura do pavimento das explorações suinícolas (3 novas e 4 usadas) e embaladas em sacos esterilizados. Cada amostra foi diluída e inoculada em placas contendo malte extract agar. Todas as amostras foram incubadas a 27,5ºC durante 5 a 7 dias e obtidos resultados quantitativos (UFC/m3; UFC/m2; UFC/g) e qualitativos com a identificação das espécies fúngicas. Para a aplicação dos métodos de biologia molecular foram realizadas colheitas de ar de 300 litros utilizando o método de impinger com a velocidade de recolha de 300 L/min. A identificação molecular de três espécies potencialmente patogénicas e/ou toxinogénicas (Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus e Stachybotrys chartarum) foram obtidas por PCR em tempo real (PCR TR) utilizando o Rotor-Gene 6000 qPCR Detection System. As medições de partículas foram realizadas por recurso a equipamento de leitura direta (modelo Lighthouse, 2016 IAQ). Este recurso permitiu medir a concentração (mg/m3) de partículas em 5 dimensões distintas (PM 0.5; PM 1.0; PM 2.5; PM 5.0; PM10). Nas explorações avícolas, 28 espécies/géneros de fungos foram isolados no ar, tendo Aspergillus versicolor sido a espécie mais frequente (20.9%), seguida por Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (17.0%) e Penicillium sp. (14.1%). Entre o género Aspergillus, Aspergillus flavus apresentou o maior número de esporos (>2000 UFC/m3). Em relação às superfícies, A. versicolor foi detetada em maior número (>3 × 10−2 UFC/m2). Na cama nova, Penicillium foi o género mais frequente (59,9%), seguido por Alternaria (17,8%), Cladosporium (7,1%) e Aspergillus (5,7%). Na cama usada, Penicillium sp. foi o mais frequente (42,3%), seguido por Scopulariopsis sp. (38,3%), Trichosporon sp. (8,8%) e Aspergillus sp. (5,5%). Em relação à contaminação por partículas, as partículas com maior dimensão foram detectadas em maiores concentrações, designadamente as PM5.0 (partículas com a dimensão de 5.0 bm ou menos) e PM10 (partículas com a dimensão de 10 bm ou menos). Neste setting a prevalência da alteração ventilatória obstrutiva foi superior nos indivíduos com maior tempo de exposição (31,7%) independentemente de serem fumadores (17,1%) ou não fumadores (14,6%). Relativamente à avaliação do IgE específico, foi apenas realizado em trabalhadores das explorações avícolas (14 mulheres e 33 homens), não tendo sido encontrada associação positiva (p<0.05%) entre a contaminação fúngica e a sensibilização a antigénios fúngicos. No caso das explorações suinícolas, Aspergillus versicolor foi a espécie mais frequente (20,9%), seguida por Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (17,0%) e Penicillium sp. (14,1%). No género Aspergillus, A. versicolor apresentou o maior isolamento no ar (>2000 UFC/m3) e a maior prevalência (41,9%), seguida por A. flavus e A. fumigatus (8,1%). Em relação às superfícies analisadas, A. versicolor foi detetada em maior número (>3 ×10−2 UFC/m2). No caso da cobertura do pavimento das explorações suinícolas, o género Thicoderma foi o mais frequente na cobertura nova (28,0%) seguida por A. versicolor e Acremonium sp. (14,0%). O género Mucor foi o mais frequente na cobertura usada (25,1%), seguido por Trichoderma sp. (18,3%) e Acremonium sp. (11,2%). Relativamente às partículas, foram evidenciados também valores mais elevados na dimensão PM5 e, predominantes nas PM10. Neste contexto, apenas 4 participantes (22,2%) apresentaram uma alteração ventilatória obstrutiva. Destes, as obstruções mais graves encontraram-se nos que também apresentavam maior tempo de exposição. A prevalência de asma na amostra de trabalhadores em estudo, pertencentes aos 2 contextos em estudo, foi de 8,75%, tendo-se verificado também uma prevalência elevada de sintomatologia respiratória em profissionais não asmáticos. Em relação à utilização complementar dos métodos convencionais e moleculares, é recomendável que a avaliação da contaminação fúngica nestes settings, e, consequentemente, a exposição profissional a fungos, seja suportada pelas duas metodologias e, ainda, que ocorre exposição ocupacional à micotoxina aflatoxina B1 em ambos os contextos profissionais. Face aos resultados obtidos, é importante salientar que os settings alvo de estudo carecem de uma intervenção integrada em Saúde Ocupacional no âmbito da vigilância ambiental e da vigilância da saúde, com o objetivo de diminuir a exposição aos dois factores de risco estudados (fungos e partículas).


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This study aimed to carry out experimental work to determine, for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, the friction factor (fc) with simultaneous heat transfer, at constant wall temperature as boundary condition, in fully developed laminar flow inside a vertical helical coil. The Newtonian fluids studied were aqueous solutions of glycerol, 25%, 36%, 43%, 59% and 78% (w/w). The non-Newtonian fluids were aqueous solutions of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), a polymer, with concentrations of 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% and 0.6% (w/w) and aqueous solutions of xanthan gum (XG), another polymer, with concentrations of 0.1% and 0.2% (w/w). According to the rheological study done, the polymer solutions had shear-thinning behavior and different values of viscoelasticity. The helical coil used has an internal diameter, curvature ratio, length and pitch, respectively: 0.00483 m, 0.0263, 5.0 m and 11.34 mm. It was concluded that the friction factors, with simultaneous heat transfer, for Newtonian fluids can be calculated using expressions from literature for isothermal flows. The friction factors for CMC and XG solutions are similar to those for Newtonian fluids when the Dean number, based in a generalized Reynolds number, is less than 80. For Dean numbers higher than 80, the friction factors of the CMC solutions are lower those of the XG solutions and of the Newtonian fluids. In this range the friction factors decrease with the increase of the viscometric component of the solution and increase for increasing elastic component. The change of behavior at Dean number 80, for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, is in accordance with the study of Ali [4]. There is a change of behavior at Dean number 80, for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, which is in according to previous studies. The data also showed that the use of the bulk temperature or of the film temperature to calculate the physical properties of the fluid has a residual effect in the friction factor values.


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This study aimed to carry out experimental work to obtain, for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, heat transfer coefficients, at constant wall temperature as boundary condition, in fully developed laminar flow inside a helical coil. The Newtonian fluids studied were aqueous solutions of glycerol, 25%, 36%, 43%, 59% and 78% (w/w) and the non-Newtonian fluids aqueous solutions of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), a polymer, with concentrations 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% and 0.6% (w/w) and aqueous solutions of xanthan gum (XG), another polymer, with concentrations 0.1% and 0.2% (w/w). According to the rheological study performed, the polymer solutions had shear thinning behavior and different values of elasticity. The helical coil used has internal diameter, curvature ratio, length and pitch, respectively: 0.004575 m, 0.0263, 5.0 m and 11.34 mm. The Nusselt numbers for the CMC solutions are, on average, slightly higher than those for Newtonian fluids, for identical Prandtl and generalized Dean numbers. As outcome, the viscous component of the shear thinning polymer tends to potentiate the mixing effect of the Dean cells. The Nusselt numbers of the XG solutions are significant lower than those of the Newtonian solutions, for identical Prandtl and generalized Dean numbers. Therefore, the elastic component of the polymer tends to diminish the mixing effect of the Dean cells. A global correlation, for Nusselt number as a function of Péclet, generalized Dean and Weissenberg numbers for all Newtonian and non-Newtonian solutions studied, is presented.


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The consumption of natural products has become a public health problem, since these medicinal teas are prepared using natural plants without an effective hygienic and sanitary control. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of gamma radiation, on the microbial burden of two medicinal plants: Melissa officinalis and Lippia citriodora. Dried samples of the two plants were irradiated at a Co-60 experimental equipment. The applied gamma radiation doses were 1, 3, and 5 kGy at a dose rate of 1.34 kGy/h. Non-irradiated samples followed all the experiments. Bacterial and fungal counts were assessed before and after irradiation by membrane filtration method. Challenging tests with Escherichia coli were performed in order to evaluate the disinfection efficiency of gamma radiation treatment. Characterization of M. officinalis and L. citriadora microbiota indicated an average bioburden value of 102CFU/g. The inactivation studies of the bacterial mesophilic population of both dried plants pointed out to a one log reduction of microbial load after irradiation at 5 kGy. Regarding the fungal population, the initial load of 30 CFU/g was only reduced by 0.5 log by an irradiation dose of 5 kGy. The dynamics with radiation doses of plants microbial population’s phenotypes indicated the prevalence of gram-positive rods for M. officinalis before and after irradiation, and the increase of the frequency of gram-negative rods with irradiation for L. citriadora. Among fungal population of both plants, Mucor, Neoscytalidium, Aspergillus and Alternaria were the most isolated genera. The results obtained in the challenging tests with E. coli on plants pointed out to an inactivation efficiency of 99.5% and 99.9% to a dose of 2 kGy, for M.officinalis and L. citriadora, respectively. The gamma radiation treatment can be a significant tool for the microbial control in medicinal plants.


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Background: Current therapeutic strategies for advanced prostate cancer (PCa) are largely ineffective. Because aberrant DNA methylation associated with inappropriate gene-silencing is a common feature of PCa, DNA methylation inhibitors might constitute an alternative therapy. In this study we aimed to evaluate the anti-cancer properties of RG108, a novel non-nucleoside inhibitor of DNA methyltransferases (DNMT), in PCa cell lines. Methods: The anti-tumoral impact of RG108 in LNCaP, 22Rv1, DU145 and PC-3 cell lines was assessed through standard cell viability, apoptosis and cell cycle assays. Likewise, DNMT activity, DNMT1 expression and global levels of DNA methylation were evaluated in the same cell lines. The effectiveness of DNA demethylation was further assessed through the determination of promoter methylation and transcript levels of GSTP1, APC and RAR-β2, by quantitative methylation-specific PCR and RT-PCR, respectively. Results: RG108 led to a significant dose and time dependent growth inhibition and apoptosis induction in LNCaP, 22Rv1 and DU145. LNCaP and 22Rv1 also displayed decreased DNMT activity, DNMT1 expression and global DNA methylation. Interestingly, chronic treatment with RG108 significantly decreased GSTP1, APC and RAR-β2 promoter hypermethylation levels, although mRNA re-expression was only attained GSTP1 and APC. Conclusions: RG108 is an effective tumor growth suppressor in most PCa cell lines tested. This effect is likely mediated by reversion of aberrant DNA methylation affecting cancer related-genes epigenetically silenced in PCa. However, additional mechanism might underlie the anti-tumor effects of RG108. In vivo studies are now mandatory to confirm these promising results and evaluate the potential of this compound for PCa therapy.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Fieldbus communication networks aim to interconnect sensors, actuators and controllers within distributed computer-controlled systems. Therefore, they constitute the foundation upon which real-time applications are to be implemented. A specific class of fieldbus communication networks is based on a simplified version of token-passing protocols, where each station may transfer, at most, a single message per token visit (SMTV). In this paper, we establish an analogy between non-preemptive task scheduling in single processors and the scheduling of messages on SMTV token-passing networks. Moreover, we clearly show that concepts such as blocking and interference in non-preemptive task scheduling have their counterparts in the scheduling of messages on SMTV token-passing networks. Based on this task/message scheduling analogy, we provide pre-run-time schedulability conditions for supporting real-time messages with SMTV token-passing networks. We provide both utilisation-based and response time tests to perform the pre-run-time schedulability analysis of real-time messages on SMTV token-passing networks, considering RM/DM (rate monotonic/deadline monotonic) and EDF (earliest deadline first) priority assignment schemes


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Many-core platforms based on Network-on-Chip (NoC [Benini and De Micheli 2002]) present an emerging technology in the real-time embedded domain. Although the idea to group the applications previously executed on separated single-core devices, and accommodate them on an individual many-core chip offers various options for power savings, cost reductions and contributes to the overall system flexibility, its implementation is a non-trivial task. In this paper we address the issue of application mapping onto a NoCbased many-core platform when considering fundamentals and trends of current many-core operating systems, specifically, we elaborate on a limited migrative application model encompassing a message-passing paradigm as a communication primitive. As the main contribution, we formulate the problem of real-time application mapping, and propose a three-stage process to efficiently solve it. Through analysis it is assured that derived solutions guarantee the fulfilment of posed time constraints regarding worst-case communication latencies, and at the same time provide an environment to perform load balancing for e.g. thermal, energy, fault tolerance or performance reasons.We also propose several constraints regarding the topological structure of the application mapping, as well as the inter- and intra-application communication patterns, which efficiently solve the issues of pessimism and/or intractability when performing the analysis.


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Estuaries are perhaps the most threatened environments in the coastal fringe; the coincidence of high natural value and attractiveness for human use has led to conflicts between conservation and development. These conflicts occur in the Sado Estuary since its location is near the industrialised zone of Peninsula of Setúbal and at the same time, a great part of the Estuary is classified as a Natural Reserve due to its high biodiversity. These facts led us to the need of implementing a model of environmental management and quality assessment, based on methodologies that enable the assessment of the Sado Estuary quality and evaluation of the human pressures in the estuary. These methodologies are based on indicators that can better depict the state of the environment and not necessarily all that could be measured or analysed. Sediments have always been considered as an important temporary source of some compounds or a sink for other type of materials or an interface where a great diversity of biogeochemical transformations occur. For all this they are of great importance in the formulation of coastal management system. Many authors have been using sediments to monitor aquatic contamination, showing great advantages when compared to the sampling of the traditional water column. The main objective of this thesis was to develop an estuary environmental management framework applied to Sado Estuary using the DPSIR Model (EMMSado), including data collection, data processing and data analysis. The support infrastructure of EMMSado were a set of spatially contiguous and homogeneous regions of sediment structure (management units). The environmental quality of the estuary was assessed through the sediment quality assessment and integrated in a preliminary stage with the human pressure for development. Besides the earlier explained advantages, studying the quality of the estuary mainly based on the indicators and indexes of the sediment compartment also turns this methodology easier, faster and human and financial resource saving. These are essential factors to an efficient environmental management of coastal areas. Data management, visualization, processing and analysis was obtained through the combined use of indicators and indices, sampling optimization techniques, Geographical Information Systems, remote sensing, statistics for spatial data, Global Positioning Systems and best expert judgments. As a global conclusion, from the nineteen management units delineated and analyzed three showed no ecological risk (18.5 % of the study area). The areas of more concern (5.6 % of the study area) are located in the North Channel and are under strong human pressure mainly due to industrial activities. These areas have also low hydrodynamics and are, thus associated with high levels of deposition. In particular the areas near Lisnave and Eurominas industries can also accumulate the contamination coming from Águas de Moura Channel, since particles coming from that channel can settle down in that area due to residual flow. In these areas the contaminants of concern, from those analyzed, are the heavy metals and metalloids (Cd, Cu, Zn and As exceeded the PEL guidelines) and the pesticides BHC isomers, heptachlor, isodrin, DDT and metabolits, endosulfan and endrin. In the remain management units (76 % of the study area) there is a moderate impact potential of occurrence of adverse ecological effects and in some of these areas no stress agents could be identified. This emphasizes the need for further research, since unmeasured chemicals may be causing or contributing to these adverse effects. Special attention must be taken to the units with moderate impact potential of occurrence of adverse ecological effects, located inside the natural reserve. Non-point source pollution coming from agriculture and aquaculture activities also seem to contribute with important pollution load into the estuary entering from Águas de Moura Channel. This pressure is expressed in a moderate impact potential for ecological risk existent in the areas near the entrance of this Channel. Pressures may also came from Alcácer Channel although they were not quantified in this study. The management framework presented here, including all the methodological tools may be applied and tested in other estuarine ecosystems, which will also allow a comparison between estuarine ecosystems in other parts of the globe.


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In real-time systems, there are two distinct trends for scheduling task sets on unicore systems: non-preemptive and preemptive scheduling. Non-preemptive scheduling is obviously not subject to any preemption delay but its schedulability may be quite poor, whereas fully preemptive scheduling is subject to preemption delay, but benefits from a higher flexibility in the scheduling decisions. The time-delay involved by task preemptions is a major source of pessimism in the analysis of the task Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) in real-time systems. Preemptive scheduling policies including non-preemptive regions are a hybrid solution between non-preemptive and fully preemptive scheduling paradigms, which enables to conjugate both world's benefits. In this paper, we exploit the connection between the progression of a task in its operations, and the knowledge of the preemption delays as a function of its progression. The pessimism in the preemption delay estimation is then reduced in comparison to state of the art methods, due to the increase in information available in the analysis.


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This paper presents a distributed predictive control methodology for indoor thermal comfort that optimizes the consumption of a limited shared energy resource using an integrated demand-side management approach that involves a power price auction and an appliance loads allocation scheme. The control objective for each subsystem (house or building) aims to minimize the energy cost while maintaining the indoor temperature inside comfort limits. In a distributed coordinated multi-agent ecosystem, each house or building control agent achieves its objectives while sharing, among them, the available energy through the introduction of particular coupling constraints in their underlying optimization problem. Coordination is maintained by a daily green energy auction bring in a demand-side management approach. Also the implemented distributed MPC algorithm is described and validated with simulation studies.


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In embedded systems, the timing behaviour of the control mechanisms are sometimes of critical importance for the operational safety. These high criticality systems require strict compliance with the offline predicted task execution time. The execution of a task when subject to preemption may vary significantly in comparison to its non-preemptive execution. Hence, when preemptive scheduling is required to operate the workload, preemption delay estimation is of paramount importance. In this paper a preemption delay estimation method for floating non-preemptive scheduling policies is presented. This work builds on [1], extending the model and optimising it considerably. The preemption delay function is subject to a major tightness improvement, considering the WCET analysis context. Moreover more information is provided as well in the form of an extrinsic cache misses function, which enables the method to provide a solution in situations where the non-preemptive regions sizes are small. Finally experimental results from the implementation of the proposed solutions in Heptane are provided for real benchmarks which validate the significance of this work.


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Electricity short-term load forecast is very important for the operation of power systems. In this work a classical exponential smoothing model, the Holt-Winters with double seasonality was used to test for accurate predictions applied to the Portuguese demand time series. Some metaheuristic algorithms for the optimal selection of the smoothing parameters of the Holt-Winters forecast function were used and the results after testing in the time series showed little differences among methods, so the use of the simple local search algorithms is recommended as they are easier to implement.