882 resultados para Non-linear optical fibers
We propose and experimentally demonstrate a new method to extend the range of Brillouin optical time domain analysis (BOTDA) systems. It exploits the virtual transparency created by second-order Raman pumping in optical fibers. The idea is theoretically analyzed and experimentally demonstrated in a 50 km fiber. By working close to transparency, we also show that the measurement length of the BOTDA can be increased up to 100 km with 2 meter resolution. We envisage extensions of this technique to measurement lengths well beyond this value, as long as the issue of relative intensity noise (RIN) of the primary Raman pump can be avoided. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
This study offers an analytical approach in order to provide a determination of the temperature field developed during the DC TIG welding of a thin plate of aluminum. The non-linear characteristics of the phenomenon, such as the dependence of the thermophysical and mechanical properties with temperature were considered in this study. In addition to the conductive heat exchange process, were taken into account the exchange by natural convection and radiation. A transient analysis is performed in order to obtain the temperature field as a function of time. It is also discussed a three-dimensional modeling of the heat source. The results obtained from the analytical model were be compared with the experimental ones and those available in the literature. The analytical results show a good correlation with the experimental ones available in the literature, thus proving the feasibility and efficiency of the analytical method for the simulation of the heat cycle for this welding process.
Different generation modes of all-positive-dispersion all-fibre Yb laser mode-locked due to effect of non-linear polarization evolution are investigated. For the first time we realized in the same laser both generation of single picoseconds pulse train and a newly observed lasing regime where generated are picosecond wave-packets, each being a train of femtosecond sub-pulses. Using both experimental results and numerical modeling we discuss in detail the mechanisms of laser mode-locking and switching of generation regimes and show a strong dependence of output laser characteristics on configuration of polarization controllers. A good qualitative agreement between experimental results and numerical modeling is demonstrated. © 2010 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.
As a device, the laser is an elegant conglomerate of elementary physical theories and state-of-the-art techniques ranging from quantum mechanics, thermal and statistical physics, material growth and non-linear mathematics. The laser has been a commercial success in medicine and telecommunication while driving the development of highly optimised devices specifically designed for a plethora of uses. Due to their low-cost and large-scale predictability many aspects of modern life would not function without the lasers. However, the laser is also a window into a system that is strongly emulated by non-linear mathematical systems and are an exceptional apparatus in the development of non-linear dynamics and is often used in the teaching of non-trivial mathematics. While single-mode semiconductor lasers have been well studied, a unified comparison of single and two-mode lasers is still needed to extend the knowledge of semiconductor lasers, as well as testing the limits of current model. Secondly, this work aims to utilise the optically injected semiconductor laser as a tool so study non-linear phenomena in other fields of study, namely ’Rogue waves’ that have been previously witnessed in oceanography and are suspected as having non-linear origins. The first half of this thesis includes a reliable and fast technique to categorise the dynamical state of optically injected two mode and single mode lasers. Analysis of the experimentally obtained time-traces revealed regions of various dynamics and allowed the automatic identification of their respective stability. The impact of this method is also extended to the detection regions containing bi-stabilities. The second half of the thesis presents an investigation into the origins of Rogue Waves in single mode lasers. After confirming their existence in single mode lasers, their distribution in time and sudden appearance in the time-series is studied to justify their name. An examination is also performed into the existence of paths that make Rogue Waves possible and the impact of noise on their distribution is also studied.
Nonlinear optics is a broad field of research and technology that encompasses subject matter in the field of Physics, Chemistry, and Engineering. It is the branch of Optics that describes the behavior of light in nonlinear media, that is, media in which the dielectric polarization P responds nonlinearly to the electric field E of the light. This nonlinearity is typically only observed at very high light intensities. This area has applications in all optical and electro optical devices used for communication, optical storage and optical computing. Many nonlinear optical effects have proved to be versatile probes for understanding basic and applied problems. Nonlinear optical devices use nonlinear dependence of refractive index or absorption coefficient on the applied field. These nonlinear optical devices are passive devices and are referred to as intelligent or smart materials owing to the fact that the sensing, processing and activating functions required for optical processes are inherent to them which are otherwise separate in dynamic devices.The large interest in nonlinear optical crystalline materials has been motivated by their potential use in the fabrication of all-optical photonic devices. Transparent crystalline materials can exhibit different kinds of optical nonlinearities which are associated with a nonlinear polarization. The choice of the most suitable crystal material for a given application is often far from trivial; it should involve the consideration of many aspects. A high nonlinearity for frequency conversion of ultra-short pulses does not help if the interaction length is strongly limited by a large group velocity mismatch and the low damage threshold limits the applicable optical intensities. Also, it can be highly desirable to use a crystal material which can be critically phasematched at room temperature. Among the different types of nonlinear crystals, metal halides and tartrates have attracted due to their importance in photonics. Metal halides like lead halides have drawn attention because they exhibit interesting features from the stand point of the electron-lattice interaction .These materials are important for their luminescent properties. Tartrate single crystals show many interesting physical properties such as ferroelectric, piezoelectric, dielectric and optical characteristics. They are used for nonlinear optical devices based on their optical transmission characteristics. Among the several tartrate compounds, Strontium tartrate, Calcium tartrate and Cadmium tartrate have received greater attention on account of their ferroelectric, nonlinear optical and spectral characteristics. The present thesis reports the linear and nonlinear aspects of these crystals and their potential applications in the field of photonics.
In order to cope up with the ever increasing demand for larger transmission bandwidth, Radio over Fiber technology is a very beneficial solution. These systems are expected to play a major role within future fifth generation wireless networks due to their inherent capillary distribution properties. Nonlinear compensation techniques are becoming increasingly important to improve the performance of telecommunication channels by compensating for channel nonlinearities. Indeed, significant bounds on the technology usability and performance degradation occur due to nonlinear characteristics of optical transmitter, nonlinear generation of spurious frequencies, which, in the case of RoF links exploiting Directly Modulated Lasers , has the combined effect of laser chirp and optical fiber dispersion among its prevailing causes. The purpose of the research is to analyze some of the main causes of harmonic and intermodulation distortion present in Radio over Fiber (RoF) links, and to suggest a solution to reduce their effects, through a digital predistortion technique. Predistortion is an effective and interesting solution to linearize and this allows to demonstrate that the laser’s chirp and the optical fiber’s dispersion are the main causes which generate harmonic distortion. The improvements illustrated are only theoretical, based on a feasibility point of view. The simulations performed lead to significant improvements for short and long distances of radio over fiber link lengths. The algorithm utilized for simulation has been implemented on MATLAB. The effects of chirp and fiber nonlinearity in a directly modulated fiber transmission system are investigated by simulation, and a cost effective and rather simple technique for compensating these effects is discussed. A detailed description of its functional model is given, and its attractive features both in terms of quality improvement of the received signal, and cost effectiveness of the system are illustrated.
Les sources laser à large bande possédant les caractéristiques requises pour émettre sur la plage spectrale correspondant à la seconde fenêtre de transmission atmosphérique (3 à 5 μm) exercent un attrait considérable pour divers domaines tels que la télédétection de polluants atmosphériques et les contremesures infrarouges. Les supercontinua générés à l’intérieur de fibres optiques représentent une option intéressante pour réaliser ce type de sources laser. En effet, ils possèdent une intensité élevée, un large contenu spectral, une excellente directionnalité de faisceau, ainsi qu’un bon potentiel pour constituer des sources lumineuses compactes et robustes. Toutefois, la génération d’un tel supercontinuum implique certains défis à relever sur le plan de la conception des fibres optiques employées. En fait, ces fibres optiques doivent présenter de faibles pertes de propagation sur la plage spectrale de 3 à 5 μm, posséder un paramètre de non-linéarité élevé et permettre le pompage en régime anomal de dispersion à des longueurs d’onde pour lesquelles des sources laser compactes sont offertes commercialement. En matière de robustesse, ces fibres doivent également démontrer de bonnes propriétés mécaniques ainsi qu’une stabilité chimique appropriée vis-à-vis de la corrosion causée par l’humidité. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, un nouveau type de fibres composites à saut d’indice fortement contrasté a été développé pour atteindre ces objectifs de génération de supercontinuum. Ce type de fibres combine respectivement un verre de tellurite et un verre de germanate pour son coeur et sa gaine permettant ainsi d’atteindre une différence d’indice de réfraction d’environ 0.3 entre ces deux dernières structures. Grâce à cet important saut d’indice, ces fibres peuvent fortement confiner les modes optiques à l’intérieur de leur coeur, ce qui leur donne la possibilité d’atteindre un niveau élevé de non-linéarité et d’optimiser leurs caractéristiques de dispersion chromatique pour la génération du supercontinuum. D’autre part, leur section transversale toute solide leur confère aussi une meilleure stabilité environnementale comparativement à celle démontrée par les fibres optiques microstructurées à base de verres d’oxydes de métaux lourds, de verres de chalcogénure et de verres fluorés. Toutefois, leur fabrication nécessite l’appariement de verres dont les propriétés thermomécaniques concordent suffisamment ensemble pour permettre leur fibrage. Les travaux effectués ici démontrent la production de fibres optiques composites et leur potentiel pour la génération du supercontinuum dans l’infrarouge moyen.
L’augmentation exponentielle de la demande de bande passante pour les communications laisse présager une saturation prochaine de la capacité des réseaux de télécommunications qui devrait se matérialiser au cours de la prochaine décennie. En effet, la théorie de l’information prédit que les effets non linéaires dans les fibres monomodes limite la capacité de transmission de celles-ci et peu de gain à ce niveau peut être espéré des techniques traditionnelles de multiplexage développées et utilisées jusqu’à présent dans les systèmes à haut débit. La dimension spatiale du canal optique est proposée comme un nouveau degré de liberté qui peut être utilisé pour augmenter le nombre de canaux de transmission et, par conséquent, résoudre cette menace de «crise de capacité». Ainsi, inspirée par les techniques micro-ondes, la technique émergente appelée multiplexage spatial (SDM) est une technologie prometteuse pour la création de réseaux optiques de prochaine génération. Pour réaliser le SDM dans les liens de fibres optiques, il faut réexaminer tous les dispositifs intégrés, les équipements et les sous-systèmes. Parmi ces éléments, l’amplificateur optique SDM est critique, en particulier pour les systèmes de transmission pour les longues distances. En raison des excellentes caractéristiques de l’amplificateur à fibre dopée à l’erbium (EDFA) utilisé dans les systèmes actuels de pointe, l’EDFA est à nouveau un candidat de choix pour la mise en œuvre des amplificateurs SDM pratiques. Toutefois, étant donné que le SDM introduit une variation spatiale du champ dans le plan transversal de la fibre, les amplificateurs à fibre dopée à l’erbium spatialement intégrés (SIEDFA) nécessitent une conception soignée. Dans cette thèse, nous examinons tout d’abord les progrès récents du SDM, en particulier les amplificateurs optiques SDM. Ensuite, nous identifions et discutons les principaux enjeux des SIEDFA qui exigent un examen scientifique. Suite à cela, la théorie des EDFA est brièvement présentée et une modélisation numérique pouvant être utilisée pour simuler les SIEDFA est proposée. Sur la base d’un outil de simulation fait maison, nous proposons une nouvelle conception des profils de dopage annulaire des fibres à quelques-modes dopées à l’erbium (ED-FMF) et nous évaluons numériquement la performance d’un amplificateur à un étage, avec fibre à dopage annulaire, à ainsi qu’un amplificateur à double étage pour les communications sur des fibres ne comportant que quelques modes. Par la suite, nous concevons des fibres dopées à l’erbium avec une gaine annulaire et multi-cœurs (ED-MCF). Nous avons évalué numériquement le recouvrement de la pompe avec les multiples cœurs de ces amplificateurs. En plus de la conception, nous fabriquons et caractérisons une fibre multi-cœurs à quelques modes dopées à l’erbium. Nous réalisons la première démonstration des amplificateurs à fibre optique spatialement intégrés incorporant de telles fibres dopées. Enfin, nous présentons les conclusions ainsi que les perspectives de cette recherche. La recherche et le développement des SIEDFA offriront d’énormes avantages non seulement pour les systèmes de transmission future SDM, mais aussi pour les systèmes de transmission monomode sur des fibres standards à un cœur car ils permettent de remplacer plusieurs amplificateurs par un amplificateur intégré.
Our work focuses on experimental and theoretical studies aimed at establishing a fundamental understanding of the principal electrical and optical processes governing the operation of quantum dot solar cells (QDSC) and their feasibility for the realization of intermediate band solar cell (IBSC). Uniform performance QD solar cells with high conversion efficiency have been fabricated using carefully calibrated process recipes as the basis of all reliable experimental characterization. The origin for the enhancement of the short circuit current density (Jsc) in QD solar cells was carefully investigated. External quantum efficiency (EQE) measurements were performed as a measure of the below bandgap distribution of transition states. In this work, we found that the incorporation of self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) interrupts the lattice periodicity and introduce a greatly broadened tailing density of states extending from the bandedge towards mid-gap. A below-bandgap density of states (DOS) model with an extended Urbach tail has been developed. In particular, the below-bandgap photocurrent generation has been attributed to transitions via confined energy states and background continuum tailing states. Photoluminescence measurement is used to measure the energy level of the lowest available state and the coupling effect between QD states and background tailing states because it results from a non-equilibrium process. A basic I-V measurement reveals a degradation of the open circuit voltage (Voc) of QD solar cells, which is related to a one sub-bandgap photon absorption process followed by a direct collection of the generated carriers by the external circuit. We have proposed a modified Shockley-Queisser (SQ) model that predicts the degradation of Voc compared with a reference bulk device. Whenever an energy state within the forbidden gap can facilitate additional absorption, it can facilitate recombination as well. If the recombination is non-radiative, it is detrimental to solar cell performance. We have also investigated the QD trapping effects as deep level energy states. Without an efficient carrier extraction pathway, the QDs can indeed function as mobile carriers traps. Since hole energy levels are mostly connected with hole collection under room temperature, the trapping effect is more severe for electrons. We have tried to electron-dope the QDs to exert a repulsive Coulomb force to help improve the carrier collection efficiency. We have experimentally observed a 30% improvement of Jsc for 4e/dot devices compared with 0e/dot devices. Electron-doping helps with better carrier collection efficiency, however, we have also measured a smaller transition probability from valance band to QD states as a direct manifestation of the Pauli Exclusion Principle. The non-linear performance is of particular interest. With the availability of laser with on-resonance and off-resonance excitation energy, we have explored the photocurrent enhancement by a sequential two-photon absorption (2PA) process via the intermediate states. For the first time, we are able to distinguish the nonlinearity effect by 1PA and 2PA process. The observed 2PA current under off-resonant and on-resonant excitation comes from a two-step transition via the tailing states instead of the QD states. However, given the existence of an extended Urbach tail and the small number of photons available for the intermediate states to conduction band transition, the experimental results suggest that with the current material system, the intensity requirement for an observable enhancement of photocurrent via a 2PA process is much higher than what is available from concentrated sun light. In order to realize the IBSC model, a matching transition strength needs to be achieved between valance band to QD states and QD states to conduction band. However, we have experimentally shown that only a negligible amount of signal can be observed at cryogenic temperature via the transition from QD states to conduction band under a broadband IR source excitation. Based on the understanding we have achieved, we found that the existence of the extended tailing density of states together with the large mismatch of the transition strength from VB to QD and from QD to CB, has systematically put into question the feasibility of the IBSC model with QDs.
The transistor laser is a unique three-port device that operates simultaneously as a transistor and a laser. With quantum wells incorporated in the base regions of heterojunction bipolar transistors, the transistor laser possesses advantageous characteristics of fast base spontaneous carrier lifetime, high differential optical gain, and electrical-optical characteristics for direct “read-out” of its optical properties. These devices have demonstrated many useful features such as high-speed optical transmission without the limitations of resonance, non-linear mixing, frequency multiplication, negative resistance, and photon-assisted switching. To date, all of these devices operate as multi-mode lasers without any type of wavelength selection or stabilizing mechanisms. Stable single-mode distributed feedback diode laser sources are important in many applications including spectroscopy, as pump sources for amplifiers and solid-state lasers, for use in coherent communication systems, and now as TLs potentially for integrated optoelectronics. The subject of this work is to expand the future applications of the transistor laser by demonstrating the theoretical background, process development and device design necessary to achieve singlelongitudinal- mode operation in a three-port transistor laser. A third-order distributed feedback surface grating is fabricated in the top emitter AlGaAs confining layers using soft photocurable nanoimprint lithography. The device produces continuous wave laser operation with a peak wavelength of 959.75 nm and threshold current of 13 mA operating at -70 °C. For devices with cleaved ends a side-mode suppression ratio greater than 25 dB has been achieved.
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This thesis aims to investigate the interaction of acoustic waves and fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) in standard and suspended-core fibers (SCFs), to evaluate the influence of the fiber, grating and modulator design on the increase of the modulation efficiency, bandwidth and frequency. Initially, the frequency response and the resonant acoustic modes of a low frequency acousto-optic modulator (f < 1.2 MHz) are numerically investigated by using the finite element method. Later, the interaction of longitudinal acoustic waves and FBGs in SCFs is also numerically investigated. The fiber geometric parameters are varied and the strain and grating properties are simulated by means of the finite element method and the transfer matrix method. The study indicates that the air holes composing the SCF cause a significant reduction of the amount of silica in the fiber cross section increasing acousto-optic interaction in the core. Experimental modulation of the reflectivity of FBGs inscribed in two distinct SCFs indicates evidences of this increased interaction. Besides, a method to acoustically induce a dynamic phase-shift in a chirped FBG employing an optimized design of modulator is shown. Afterwards, a combination of this modulator and a FBG inscribed in a three air holes SCF is applied to mode-lock an ytterbium doped fiber laser. To improve the modulator design for future applications, two other distinct devices are investigated to increase the acousto-optic interaction, bandwidth and frequency (f > 10 MHz). A high reflectivity modulation has been achieved for a modulator based on a tapered fiber. Moreover, an increased modulated bandwidth (320 pm) has been obtained for a modulator based on interaction of a radial long period grating (RLPG) and a FBG inscribed in a standard fiber. In summary, the results show a considerable reduction of the grating/fiber length and the modulator size, indicating possibilities for compact and faster acousto-optic fiber devices. Additionally, the increased interaction efficiency, modulated bandwidth and frequency can be useful to shorten the pulse width of future all-fiber mode-locked fiber lasers, as well, to other photonic devices which require the control of the light in optical fibers by electrically tunable acoustic waves.