914 resultados para New materials
This paper reports on the accuracy of new test methods developed to measure the air and water permeability of high-performance concretes (HPCs). Five representative HPC and one normal concrete (NC) mixtures were tested to estimate both repeatability and reliability of the proposed methods. Repeatability acceptance was adjudged using values of signal-noise ratio (SNR) and discrimination ratio (DR), and reliability was investigated by comparing against standard laboratory-based test methods (i.e., the RILEM gas permeability test and BS EN water penetration test). With SNR and DR values satisfying recommended criteria, it was concluded that test repeatability error has no significant influence on results. In addition, the research confirmed strong positive relationships between the proposed test methods and existing standard permeability assessment techniques. Based on these findings, the proposed test methods show strong potential to become recognized as international methods for determining the permeability of HPCs.
Laser transmission joining (LTJ) is growing in importance, and has the potential to become a niche technique for the fabrication of hybrid plastic-metal joints for medical device applications. The possibility of directly joining plastics to metals by LTJ has been demonstrated by a number of recent studies. However, a reliable and quantitative method for defining the contact area between the plastic and metal, facilitating calculation of the mechanical shear stress of the hybrid joints, is still lacking. A new method, based on image analysis using ImageJ, is proposed here to quantify the contact area at the joint interface. The effect of discolouration on the mechanical performance of the hybrid joints is also reported for the first time. Biocompatible polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and commercially pure titanium (Ti) were selected as materials for laser joining using a 200 W CW fibre laser system. The effect of laser power, scanning speed and stand-off distance between the nozzle tip and top surface of the plastic were studied and analysed by Taguchi L9 orthogonal array and ANOVA respectively. The surface morphology, structure and elemental composition on the PET and Ti surfaces after shearing/peeling apart were characterized by SEM, EDX, XRD and XPS.
Development of a sheep vertebroplasty model for bioceramic materials assessment Sheep has been widely used as an animal orthopaedic model. Although several studies report anatomic and biomechanical similarities as well as distinctions of ovine lumbar vertebrae when compared to human’s, only a few studies describe its actual use as a vertebroplasty model. Due to distinct anatomic features, sheep lumbar vertebrae pose a challenge when developing a minimally invasive procedure for vertebroplasty material testing, under conditions meant to be the most similar to clinical procedure. The present work describes the development of an appropriate surgical percutaneous vertebroplasty model in the lumbar spine of sheep, applicable in vivo, that minimizes the risk of post-surgical complications. This model was mechanically evaluated ex-vivo regarding its safety, and used to evaluate the injectability and radiopacity of two new bioceramic materials when compared to a commercial bioceramic bone substitute (Cerament™ SpineSupport). Microtomography techniques helped in the development of the model and results assessment. Under fluoroscopic guidance, a defect was created through a bilateral modified parapedicular access in the cranial hemivertebrae of 30 sheep lumbar vertebrae (L4, L5 and L6). The manually drilled defect had an average volume of 1209 ±226 mm3 and allowed the novel materials injection through a standardized injection cannula placed in one of the entrance points. Adequate defect filling was observed with all tested materials. No mechanical failure was observed under loads higher than the physiological.
A futura e inevitável escassez dos recursos fósseis, juntamente com o aumento imprevisível dos seus preços, levou, nas últimas décadas, a um aumento impressionante de iniciativas dedicadas não só à procura de fontes alternativas de fornecedores de energia, mas também de produtos químicos e polímeros a partir de fontes renováveis, em particular da biomassa vegetal. Entre estes, os polímeros derivados de monómeros furânicos constituem uma classe única de materiais cujas estruturas podem, em princípio, simular virtualmente os seus homólogos actualmente derivados de recursos fósseis. O anel furânico é uma estrutura heterocíclica com um carácter diénico pronunciado, o que torna-o um dieno particularmente apropriado para a reacção de Diels-Alder (DA) com dienófilos como a maleimida. Um dos aspectos mais relevantes da reacção de DA é a sua reversibilidade em função da temperatura, a qual permite que os aductos sejam facilmente revertidos nos seus precursores por aumento da temperatura (reacção de retro-DA). No caso específico da combinação furano-maleimida, a formação do aducto predomina até cerca de 60ºC, enquanto a reacção inversa é dominante acima de 100ºC. A combinação desta característica da reacção de DA com a química de compostos furânicos pode abrir um novo caminho para a preparação de materiais macromoleculares funcionais com base em fontes renováveis e com aplicações promissoras como auto-reparação e reciclabilidade. O principal objectivo desta Tese, é a síntese e caracterização de novos materiais poliméricos termo-reversíveis, aplicando a reacção de DA a monómeros complementares com estruturas dos tipos furânico (o dieno, designado por A) e de maleimida (o dienófilo, designado por B). A primeira etapa neste trabalho envolveu a síntese, purificação e caracterização de novos monómeros furânicos e de maleimida do tipo AA, A3, BB, B3, AB, AB2, cada um com diferentes grupos separadores das funções reactivas. Posteriormente, estes monómeros foram polimerizados e despolimerizados por ciclos de DA/retro-DA utilizando diferentes combinações. A formação e dissociação de todos os aductos de DA foram seguidas por ambas espectroscopias de UV e RMN de 1H. O primeiro sistema de DA estudado foi uma combinação modelo entre reagentes mono-funcionais (-A+-B), nomeadamente o acetato furfurílico (FA) e a N-metilmaleimida (MM), ambos comercialmente disponíveis. O objectivo desta abordagem foi estudar a cinética e o equilíbrio da formação/dissociação dos aductos de DA e obter indicações sobre as condições mais adequadas a serem usadas na preparação dos correspondentes novos materiais macromoleculares. Além disso, pretendia-se verificar a presença ou ausência de reacções secundárias que poderiam intervir em ambas as vias directa e inversa das reacções, mesmo após vários ciclos. A espectroscopia de UV forneceu informação quantitativa sobre a cinética de formação do aducto através da diminuição progressiva da absorvência máxima a 293 nm correspondente ao grupo maleimida, a diferentes temperaturas (35, 50, 65 ºC) Reciprocamente, a correspondente reacção de retro-DA foi seguida a 90 ºC através do aumento do mesmo pico. A reversibilidade destes sistemas foi verificada com sucesso após uma sequência de ciclos de DA/retro-DA. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que os espectros originaram um ponto isosbéstico, provando que estes sistemas não envolvem quaisquer reacções secundárias. Uma vez que foi usado um excesso de FA, as reacções de DA modelo apresentaram um comportamento cinético de pseudo-primeira ordem, com a constante de velocidade k mais alta (2.1x10-5 dm3mol-1s-1) para T=65 ºC. A correspondente energia de activação foi de 39.0 kJ.mol-1. A reacção de retro-DA seguiu um comportamento de primeira ordem, com constante de velocidade de 1.6x10-6 s-1. A evolução deste sistema por RMN de 1H a 65ºC deu-nos informações mais detalhadas sobre a sua evolução estrutural, ou seja, à medida que a intensidade dos picos atribuídos à formação do aducto aumentaram progressivamente ao longo do tempo, os pertencentes aos reagentes iniciais diminuiram proporcionalmente. O “rendimento final”, calculado após 20 dias à temperatura ambiente, foi de aproximadamente 70%. A reacção de retro-DA foi depois seguida a 90ºC, observando-se tal como na espectroscopia de UV, o deslocamento da reacção no sentido da regeneração dos reagentes de partida. A viabilidade de múltiplos ciclos de DA/retro-DA estabelecidos pela espectroscopia de UV foi igualmente confirmada por RMN de 1H. O passo seguinte envolveu o estudo de um sistema de policondensação linear baseado no crescimento gradual por reacção de DA entre um monómero bisfurânico A-A e um do tipo bismaleimida B-B, seguindo a mesma abordagem que no sistema modelo. O poliaducto linear foi obtido a partir de soluções equimolares dos monómeros, por reacção de DA a 65ºC. O progresso desta polimerização foi seguido por espectroscopia de UV e RMN de 1H e, mais qualitativamente, pelo aumento da viscosidade do meio. A reacção seguiu um comportamento de segunda ordem, com uma constante de velocidade de 9.4x10-6 dm3mol-1s-1, e observou-se novamente um ponto isosbéstico nos dados de UV. Os espectros de RMN apresentaram o padrão esperado, nomeadamente o aumento progressivo dos sinais associados ao aducto e a correspondente diminuição dos grupos furano e maleimida livres. A despolimerização do poliaducto através da reacção de retro-DA foi seguida a 110ºC usando as mesmas técnicas. Os dados de UV mostraram o retorno progressivo da absorção dos grupos de maleimida, seguindo um comportamento cinético de primeira ordem, com constante de velocidade de 2.5x10-6 s-1, até à completa regeneração de ambos os monómeros. Os espectros de RMN providenciaram mais uma vez informação estrutural sobre o progresso da despolimerização, a qual foi acompanhada por uma diminuição progressiva da viscosidade. Adicionalmente, para seguir a retro- DA, adicionou-se um excesso de composto furânico monofuncional, nomeadamente o 2,5-dimetilfurano (DMFu), ao sistema de modo a bloquear as funções maleimida complementares, evitando assim a repolimerização após arrefecimento. Os productos isolados foram então o monómero bisfurânico AA, DMFu que não reagiu e o bisaducto não-polimerizável de BB com DMFu. Este resultado indicou claramente que o polímero foi de facto revertido nos seus monómeros durante a reacção de retro-DA. O terceiro sistema estudado foi outra polimerização linear, seguindo as mesmas condições experimentais que os anteriores, mas com uma estratégia diferente de modo a contornar o problema clássico de assegurar a estequiometria exacta dos monómeros. As estruturas dos monómeros utilizados incorporam ambos os grupos reactivos, i.e, moléculas do tipo A-B. A polimerização prematura destes monómeros intrinsecamente reactivos foi evitada com a protecção do grupo maleimida na forma de um aducto de DA com furano, até a incorporação do substituinte furânico na outra extremidade. Portanto, a policondensação destes monómeros foi iniciada após a desprotecção in situ deste composto mediante aquecimento, seguido de arrefecimento até à temperatura adequada para polimerizar. Os resultados obtidos por UV e RMN sugerem que de facto o uso de monómeros do tipo A-B oferece um melhor sistema linear. Em seguida, foram estudados sistemas de policondensação não-linear por reacção de DA, entre monómeros (um ou ambos) com funcionalidade superior a dois, nomeadamente sistemas do tipo A3+B-B ou A-A+B3, seguindo mais uma vez as mesmas condições experimentais. Uma vez que utilizam monómeros complementares contendo, em média, mais de duas funcionalidades, estes sistemas conduzem a materiais reticulados. Nestes estudos, foram usadas três razões molares de [maleimida]/[furano], nomeadamente 1.0, 0.75 e 0.5, de modo a estudar ambas as situações de não-gelificação e reticulação. Ambos sistemas apresentaram um comportamento regular e boa reciclabilidade quer para gerar situações que possam conduzir à formação de redes a diferentes graus de conversão, ou que possam parar antes da sua obtenção, conforme previsto pela equação de Flory-Stockmayer. Como esperado, a utilização de grupos complementares em quantidades estequiométricas produziu o espessamento mais rápido e a reticulação quase completa; à medida que a quantidade relativa de monómero trifuncional decresceu, as reacções pararam antes da reticulação, ou seja, originaram meios altamente viscosos contendo polímeros solúveis altamente ramificados. As reacções de retro-DA a 110 ºC conduziram à gradual dissolução das partículas de gel (quando presentes), tendo sido comprovado pelos espectros de UV e de RMN de 1H, evidenciado a regeneração dos monómeros. Tal como no sistema do tipo A-A+B-B, a reacção de retro-DA foi seguida adicionando um excesso de DMFu ao sistema reaccional. Como esperado, os produtos finais foram os monómeros furânicos, o DMFu em excesso e o trisaducto ou o bisaducto maleimida-DMFu, o que confirma a eficiência da despolimerização com regeneração dos monómeros iniciais. O último sistema de policondensação por reacção de DA envolveu um monómero assimetricamente substituído do tipo AB2, capaz de originar estruturas macromoleculares hiper-ramificadas que não reticulam. Este estudo preliminar deste sistema foi seguido nas mesmas condições experimentais que os anteriores, apresentando um comportamento com as características esperadas.
The present PhD work aims the research and development of materials that exhibit multiferroic properties, in particular having a significant interaction between ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity; either directly within an intrinsic single phase or by combining extrinsic materials, achieving the coupling of properties through mechanic phenomena of the respective magnetostriction and piezoelectricity. These hybrid properties will allow the cross modification of magnetic and electric polarization states by the application of cross external magnetic and/or electric fields, giving way to a vast area for scientific investigation and potential technological applications in a new generation of electronic devices, such as computer memories, signal processing, transducers, sensors, etc. Initial experimental work consisted in chemical synthesis of nano powders oxides by urea pyrolysis method: A series of ceramic bulk composites with potential multiferroic properties comprised: of LuMnO3 with La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 and BaTiO3 with La0.7Ba0.3MnO3; and a series based on the intrinsic multiferroic LuMn1-zO3 phase modified with of Manganese vacancies. The acquisition of a new magnetron RF sputtering deposition system, in the Physics Department of Aveiro University, contributed to the proposal of an analogous experimental study in multiferroic thin films and multilayer samples. Besides the operational debut of this equipment several technical upgrades were completed like: the design and construction of the heater electrical contacts; specific shutters and supports for the magnetrons and for the substrate holder and; the addition of mass flow controllers, which allowed the introduction of N2 or O2 active atmosphere in the chamber; and the addition of a second RF generator, enabling co-deposition of different targets. Base study of the deposition conditions and resulting thin films characteristics in different substrates was made from an extensive list of targets. Particular attention was given to thin film deposition of magnetic phases La1-xSrxMnO3, La1-xBaxMnO3 and Ni2+x-yMn1-xGa1+y alloy, from the respective targets: La0.7Sr0.3MnO3, La0.7Ba0.3MnO3; and NiGa with NiMn. Main structural characterization of samples was performed by conventional and high resolution X-Ray Diffraction (XRD); chemical composition was determined by Electron Dispersion Spectroscopy (EDS); magnetization measurements recur to a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) prototype; and surface probing (SPM) using Magnetic-Force (MFM) and Piezo-Response (PFM) Microscopy. Results clearly show that the composite bulk samples (LuM+LSM and BTO+LBM) feat the intended quality objectives in terms of phase composition and purity, having spurious contents below 0.5 %. SEM images confirm compact grain packaging and size distribution around the 50 nm scale. Electric conductivity, magnetization intensity and magneto impedance spreading response are coherent with the relative amount of magnetic phase in the sample. The existence of coupling between the functional phases is confirmed by the Magnetoelectric effect measurements of the sample “78%LuM+22%LSM” reaching 300% of electric response for 1 T at 100 kHz; while in the “78%BTO+22%LBM” sample the structural transitions of the magnetic phase at ~350 K result in a inversion of ME coefficient the behavior. A functional Magneto-Resistance measurement system was assembled from the concept stage until the, development and operational status; it enabled to test samples from 77 to 350 K, under an applied magnetic field up to 1 Tesla with 360º horizontal rotation; this system was also designed to measure Hall effect and has the potential to be further upgraded. Under collaboration protocols established with national and international institutions, complementary courses and sample characterization studies were performed using Magneto-Resistance (MR), Magneto-Impedance (MZ) and Magneto-Electric (ME) measurements; Raman and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS); SQUID and VSM magnetization; Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Rutherford Back Scattering (RBS); Scan Probe Microscopy (SPM) with Band Excitation Probe Spectroscopy (BEPS); Neutron Powder Diffraction (NPD) and Perturbed Angular Correlations (PAC). Additional collaboration in research projects outside the scope of multiferroic materials provided further experience in sample preparation and characterization techniques, namely VSM and XPS measurements were performed in cubane molecular complex compounds and enable to identify the oxidation state of the integrating cluster of Ru ions; also, XRD and EDS/SEM analysis of the acquired targets and substrates implied the devolution of some items not in conformity with the specifications. Direct cooperation with parallel research projects regarding multiferroic materials, enable the assess to supplementary samples, namely a preliminary series of nanopowder Y1-x-yCaxØyMn1O3 and of Eu0.8Y0.2MnO3, a series of micropowder composites of LuMnO3 with La0.625Sr0.375MnO3 and of BaTiO3 with hexagonal ferrites; mono and polycrystalline samples of Pr1-xCaxMnO3, La1-xSrxMnO3 and La1-xCaxMnO3.
Os materiais microporosos e mesoporosos são potenciais catalisadores heterogéneos. Os zeólitos e outros materiais microporosos do tipo zeolítico tradicionais, têm átomos tetracoordenados no esqueleto. Nos últimos anos, um vasto número de titanossilicatos contendo Ti(IV) hexacoordenado e Si(IV) tetracoordenado, com estruturas tridimensionais, têm sido alvo de grande interesse. Um dos objectivos desta tese foi preparar silicatos microporosos, contendo átomos metálicos com número de coordenação superior a quatro, e possuindo quer novas estruturas quer propriedades físicas e químicas interessantes. Neste contexto, foi preparado um novo ítriossilicato de sódio, AV-1, análogo do raro mineral montregianite, Na4K2Y2Si16O38·10H2O. Este material é o primeiro sólido microporoso que contem quantidades estequiométricas de sódio (e ítrio) no esqueleto. Foi, também, sintetizado um silicato de cério, AV-5, análogo estrutural do mineral montregianite com potencial aplicação em optoelectrónica. Nesta tese é, ainda, descrita a síntese e caracterização estrutural de um silicato de cálcio hidratado, AV-2, análogo do raro mineral rhodesite (K2Ca4Na2Si16O38.12H2O). Na continuação do trabalho desenvolvido em Aveiro na síntese de novos titanossilicatos surgiu o interesse de preparar novos zirconossilicatos microporosos por síntese hidrotérmica. Foram preparados dois novos materiais análogos dos minerais petarasite Na5Zr2Si3O18(Cl,OH)·2H2O (AV-3) e kostylevite, K2Si3O9·H2O (AV-8). Foram, também, obtidos análogos sintéticos dos minerais parakeldyshite e wadeite, por calcinação a alta temperatura de AV-3 e de umbite sintética. A heterogeneização de complexos organometálicos na superfície de materiais mesoporosos do tipo M41S permite associar a grande actividade catalítica e a presença de sítios activos localizados típicos dos complexos organometálicos, com a robustez e fácil separação, características dos materiais mesoporosos siliciosos. Nesta dissertação relata-se a derivatização dos materiais MCM-41 e MCM-48 através da reacção de [SiMe2{(h5-C5H4)2}]Fe e [SiMe2{(h5-C5H4)2}]TiCl2 com os grupos silanol das superfícies mesoporosas. Os materiais MCMs derivatizados com ansa-titanoceno foram testados na epoxidação de cicloocteno a 323 K na presença de hidrogenoperóxido de t-butilo. Estudou-se a heterogeneização dos sais de complexos com ligação metal-metal [Mo2(MeCN)10][BF4]4, [Mo2(m-O2CMe)2(MeCN)6][BF4]2 e [Mo2(m- O2CMe)2(dppa)2(MeCN)2][BF4]2 via imobilização nos canais do MCM-41. A imobilização dos catalisadores homogéneos na superfície do MCM-41 envolve a saída dos ligandos nitrilo lábeis, preferencialmente em posição axial, através da reacção com os grupos Si-OH da sílica. Verificou-se que a ligação Mo-Mo se mantém intacta nos produtos finais. É provável que estes materiais sejam eficientes catalisadores heterogéneos em reacções de polimerização. As técnicas de caracterização utilizadas nesta tese foram a difracção de raios-X de pós, a microscopia electrónica de varrimento, a espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear do estado sólido (núcleos 13C, 23Na e 29Si), as espectroscopias de Raman e infravermelho com transformadas de Fourier, as análises termogravimétricas e as análises de adsorção de água e azoto.
This thesis presents the results of perturbed angular correlation (PAC) experiments , an experimental technique which measures the hyperfine interaction at probes (radioactive ions implanted in the materials to study), from which one infers local information on an atomic scale. Furthermore, abinitio calculations using density functional theory electronic obtain results that directly complement the experiments, and are also used for theoretical research. These methods were applied in two families of materials. The manganites, with the possible existence of magnetic, charge, orbital and ferroelectric orders, are of fundamental and technological interest. The experimental results are obtained in the alkaline-earth manganites (Ca, Ba, Sr), with special interest due to the structural variety of possible polymorphs. With probes of Cd and In the stability of the probe and its location in a wide temperature range is established and a comparison with calculations allows the physical interpretation of the results. Calculations of hyperfine properties in rare-earth manganites are also presented. The second type of materials in which hyperfine properties were studied are the Manganese pnictides: MnAs, MnSb, and MnBi, compounds in which magnetism is fundamental. The experimental results obtained mainly consider the MnAs compound, whose magneto-structural transition is of great interest. The transition is analyzed in detail with the local resolution characteristic of the technique, obtaining information of the character of the transition also with complementary, more conventional techniques. The last work in this thesis uses only the first principles calculations, continuing the theme of the hyperfine interactions, but this time with respect to ferroelectrics. Several transition metal oxides with perovskite or distorted structures are considered. The electric field gradient which exists due to the quadrupole interaction in nuclei is related to the spontaneous electric polarization, the main quantity measured in ferroelectrics. This study provides a fundamental theoretical basis for previous empirical studies, suggesting new directions for research in ferroelectrics and multiferroics using techniques which measure the electric field gradient.
Bacterial infections are an increasing problem for human health. In fact, an increasing number of infections are caused by bacteria that are resistant to most antibiotics and their combinations. Therefore, the scientific community is currently searching for new solutions to fight bacteria and infectious diseases, without promoting antimicrobial resistance. One of the most promising strategies is the disruption or attenuation of bacterial Quorum Sensing (QS), a refined system that bacteria use to communicate. In a QS event, bacteria produce and release specific small chemicals, signal molecules - autoinducers (AIs) - into the environment. At the same time that bacterial population grows, the concentration of AIs in the bacterial environment increases. When a threshold concentration of AIs is reached, bacterial cells respond to it by altering their gene expression profile. AIs regulate gene expression as a function of cell population density. Phenotypes mediated by QS (QSphenotypes) include virulence factors, toxin production, antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation. In this work, two polymeric materials (linear polymers and molecularly imprinted nanoparticles) were developed and their ability to attenuate QS was evaluated. Both types of polymers should to be able to adsorb bacterial signal molecules, limiting their availability in the extracellular environment, with expected disruption of QS. Linear polymers were composed by one of two monomers (itaconic acid and methacrylic acid), which are known to possess strong interactions with the bacterial signal molecules. Molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles (MIP NPs) are particles with recognition capabilities for the analyte of interest. This ability is attained by including the target analyte at the synthesis stage. Vibrio fischeri and Aeromonas hydrophila were used as model species for the study. Both the linear polymers and MIP NPs, tested free in solutions and coated to surfaces, showed ability to disrupt QS by decreasing bioluminescence of V. fischeri and biofilm formation of A. hydrophila. No significant effect on bacterial growth was detected. The cytotoxicity of the two types of polymers to a fibroblast-like cell line (Vero cells) was also tested in order to evaluate their safety. The results showed that both the linear polymers and MIP NPs were not cytotoxic in the testing conditions. In conclusion, the results reported in this thesis, show that the polymers developed are a promising strategy to disrupt QS and reduce bacterial infection and resistance. In addition, due to their low toxicity, solubility and easy integration by surface coating, the polymers have potential for applications in scenarios where bacterial infection is a problem: medicine, pharmaceutical, food industry and in agriculture or aquaculture.
This is a research project by practice, which firstly develops a new material invention derived from natural fibres extracted from waste pineapple leaves; secondly it articulates the contemporary designer’s role in facilitating sustainable solutions through: Insights from my own material invention, PiñatexTM, which integrates the materiality of design with the immateriality of concepts and values Developing a visual model of mapping I began with these questions: ‘What are the challenges in seeking to make a new and sustainable material from the waste products of pineapple agriculture in the Philippines?’ and ‘How can a design practice link elements of materiality (artifacts) with immaterial elements (value systems) in order to improve sustainable social and economic development?’ Significant influences have been the work of Papanek1 (2003), Hawken2 (1999) and Abouleish3 (2008) and in particular the ethical business model initiated by McDonough and Braungart in Cradle to Cradle®4 (2002). My own research project is inspired by the Cradle to Cradle® model. It proposes the development of a new material, PiñatexTM which is derived from natural fibres extracted from waste pineapple leaves and could be used in a wide variety of products that are currently fabricated in leather or petroleum-based materials. The methods have comprised: Contextual reviews; case studies (SEKEM, Cradle to Cradle® and Gawad Kalinga); practical experiments in the field of natural fibres, chemistry, product development, manufacturing and prototyping, leading to an invention and a theoretical model of mapping. In addition, collaboration has taken place across scientific, technological, social, ecological, academic and business fields. The outcome is a new material based on the synchronicity between the pineapple fibres, polymers, resins and coatings specially formulated. The invention of the new material that I developed as a central part of this research by practice has a patent in the national phase (PCT/GB 2011/000802) and is in the first stages of manufacturing, commercial testing and further design input (Summer 2014). The contribution to knowledge is firstly the material, PiñatexTM, which exhibits certain key qualities, namely environmentally non-toxic, biodegradable, income-generating potential and marketability. This is alongside its intrinsic qualities as a textile product: aesthetic potential, durability and stability, which will make it suitable for the accessories, interiors and furnishing markets. The theoretical mapping system Upstream and Downstream forms a secondary contribution.
Ordered mesoporous silicas with a channel structure of well-defined geometries and dimensions at nanometer scale are excellent candidates to host intercalation reactions. In recent years, our research group has shown that mesoporous silicas of the M41S class combined with metallocene complexes give rise to excellent supported catalysts for ethylene polymerisation. Due to the support characteristics, the reaction is allowed to occur in the channels and in this way hybrid organic-inorganic materials can be prepared within a large range of nanofiller concentration. These HDPE/MCM-41 nanocomposites exhibit an improved mechanical performance and an easier degradability due to the additional role of MCM-41 as a promoter for PE degradation.
Visual literacy is essential for 21st century learners. Across the higher education curriculum, students are being asked to use and produce images and visual media in their academic work, and they must be prepared to do so. The Association of College and Research Libraries has published the Visual Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, which for the first time, outline specific visual literacy learning outcomes. These Standards present new opportunities for libraries to expand their role in student learning through standards-based teaching and assessment, and to contribute to campus-wide collaborative efforts to develop students’ skills and critical thinking with regard to visual materials.
Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP) have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remolded, and complex composition of the composite itself. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, efforts were made in order to recycle grinded GFRP waste, proceeding from pultrusion production scrap, into new and sustainable composite materials. For this purpose, GFRP waste recyclates, were incorporated into polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements at different load contents and particle size distributions. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified polymer mortars. Results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars present improved flexural and compressive behaviour over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of the waste reuse in polymer mortars and concrete. © 2011, Advanced Engineering Solutions.
In this study the potential eco-efficiency performance of a pultrusion manufacturing company was assessed. Indicators values and eco-efficiency ratios were estimated taking into account the implementation of new proceedings and procedures in the production process of glass fibre reinforced polymers (GFRP) pultrusion profiles. Two different approaches were foreseen: 1)Adoption of a new heating system for pultrusion die in the manufacturing process, more effective and with minor heat losses; and 2) Recycling approach, with partial waste reuse of scrap material derived from manufacturing, cutting and assembly processes of GFRP profiles. These features lead to significant improvements on the sequent assessed eco-efficiency ratios of the present case study, yielding to a more sustainable product and manufacturing process of pultruded GFRP profiles.
The development and applications of thermoset polymeric composites, namely fibre reinforced plastics (FRP), have shifted in the last decades more and more into the mass market [1]. Despite of all advantages associated to FRP based products, the increasing production and consume also lead to an increasing amount of FRP wastes, either end-of-lifecycle products, or scrap and by-products generated by the manufacturing process itself. Whereas thermoplastic FRPs can be easily recycled, by remelting and remoulding, recyclability of thermosetting FRPs constitutes a more difficult task due to cross-linked nature of resin matrix. To date, most of the thermoset based FRP waste is being incinerated or landfilled, leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs to FRP producers and suppliers. This actual framework is putting increasing pressure on the industry to address the options available for FRP waste management, being an important driver for applied research undertaken cost efficient recycling methods. [1-2]. In spite of this, research on recycling solutions for thermoset composites is still at an elementary stage. Thermal and/or chemical recycling processes, with partial fibre recovering, have been investigated mostly for carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) due to inherent value of carbon fibre reinforcement; whereas for glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP), mechanical recycling, by means of milling and grinding processes, has been considered a more viable recycling method [1-2]. Though, at the moment, few solutions in the reuse of mechanically-recycled GFRP composites into valueadded products are being explored. Aiming filling this gap, in this study, a new waste management solution for thermoset GFRP based products was assessed. The mechanical recycling approach, with reduction of GFRP waste to powdered and fibrous materials was applied, and the potential added value of obtained recyclates was experimentally investigated as raw material for polyester based mortars. The use of a cementless concrete as host material for GFRP recyclates, instead of a conventional Portland cement based concrete, presents an important asset in avoiding the eventual incompatibility problems arisen from alkalis silica reaction between glass fibres and cementious binder matrix. Additionally, due to hermetic nature of resin binder, polymer based concretes present greater ability for incorporating recycled waste products [3]. Under this scope, different GFRP waste admixed polymer mortar (PM) formulations were analyzed varying the size grading and content of GFRP powder and fibre mix waste. Added value of potential recycling solution was assessed by means of flexural and compressive loading capacities of modified mortars with regard to waste-free polymer mortars.
To date, glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) waste recycling is very limited and restricted by thermoset nature of binder matrix and lack of economically viable enduse applications for the recyclates. In this study, efforts were made in order to recycle grinded GFRP waste proceeding from pultrusion production scrap, into new and sustainable composite materials. For this purpose, GFRP waste recyclates, a mix of powdered and fibrous materials, were incorporated into polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements, at different load contents (between 4% up to 12% of total mass) and particle size distributions. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified polymer mortars. Test results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars present improved flexural and compressive behaviour over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of GFRP waste reuse in concrete-polymer composites.