932 resultados para New business enterprises -- Catalonia -- Girona (Province)


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Addresses Birch's hypothesis, made in 1979 and the subject of much debate since, that small businesses create the most new jobs, using the Office of National Statistics' new Business Structure Database and focusing on the 1998 cohort of new firms and their evolution up to 2008. Assesses: the size of the firms in the cohort; the distribution of jobs as firms moved between size bands; job creation trends in firms that survived with 20+ employees; and job creation by size band. Argues that the answer to the question of 'who creates the jobs?' depends on exactly how the question is framed.


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This paper compares the impact of institutions on men and women’s decisions to establish new business start-ups between 2001 and 2006. We use data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor survey (GEM) which cover at least 2,000 individuals per year in each of up to 55 countries and have merged it with country-level data, from the World Bank, Economist Intelligence Unit, Polity IV and the Heritage Foundation. We find that women are less likely to undertake entrepreneurial activity in countries where the state sector is larger, but the rule of law is not generally found to have gender-specific effects. However, more detailed institutional components of discrimination against women, in particular, restrictions on freedom of movement away from home, make it less likely for women to have high entrepreneurial aspirations in terms of employment growth, even if their entry into entrepreneurial activities, including self-employment, is not affected by this.


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This paper compares the impact of institutions on individual decisions to become entrepreneurs in the form of new business start ups by males and females across 44 developed and developing economies between 1998 and 2004. We test four hypotheses; that women are less likely to undertake entrepreneurial activity in countries where the rule of law is weaker; where the state sector is larger; where the informal financial sector is weaker and where the formal financial sector is weaker. We use data from the Global Enterprise Monitor survey (GEM) which covers at least 2,000 individuals annually in each of up to 44 countries, merged with country-level data, from the WB WDI and Heritage Foundation. We start with a spectrum of institutional variables and by utilizing factor analysis prior to regression estimation models, we are able to obtain results that are more robust and address multicollinearity between the institutional measures. We find that women are less likely to undertake entrepreneurial activity in countries where the state sector is larger, and demonstrate that this result applies to both high aspiration and low aspiration entrepreneurship. We also find that women benefit more from the larger informal financial sector.


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In this paper we use a comparative perspective to explore the ways in which institutions and networks have influenced entrepreneurial development in Russia. We utilize Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data to study the effects of the weak institutional environment in Russia on entrepreneurship, comparing it first with all available GEM country samples and second, in more detail, with Brazil and Poland. Our results suggest that Russia's institutional environment is important in explaining its relatively low levels of entrepreneurship development, where the latter is measured in terms of both number of start-ups and of existing business owners. In addition, Russia's business environment and its consequences for the role of business networks contribute to the relative advantage of entrepreneurial insiders (those already in business) to entrepreneurial outsiders (newcomers) in terms of new business start-ups.


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Risk and knowledge are two concepts and components of business management which have so far been studied almost independently. This is especially true where risk management is conceived mainly in financial terms, as, for example, in the banking sector. The banking sector has sophisticated methodologies for managing risk, such as mathematical risk modeling. However. the methodologies for analyzing risk do not explicitly include knowledge management for risk knowledge creation and risk knowledge transfer. Banks are affected by internal and external changes with the consequent accommodation to new business models new regulations and the competition of big players around the world. Thus, banks have different levels of risk appetite and policies in risk management. This paper takes into consideration that business models are changing and that management is looking across the organization to identify the influence of strategic planning, information systems theory, risk management and knowledge management. These disciplines can handle the risks affecting banking that arise from different areas, but only if they work together. This creates a need to view them in an integrated way. This article sees enterprise risk management as a specific application of knowledge in order to control deviation from strategic objectives, shareholders' values and stakeholders' relationships. Before and after a modeling process it necessary to find insights into how the application of knowledge management processes can improve the understanding of risk and the implementation of enterprise risk management. The article presents a propose methodology to contribute to providing a guide for developing risk modeling knowledge and a reduction of knowledge silos, in order to improve the quality and quantity of solutions related to risk inquiries across the organization.


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While openness is well applied to software development and exploitation (open sources), and successfully applied to new business models (open innovation), fundamental and applied research seems to lag behind. Even after decades of advocacy, in 2011 only 50% of the public-funded research was freely available and accessible (Archambault et al., 2013). The current research workflows, stemming from a pre-internet age, result in loss of opportunity not only for the researchers themselves (cf. extensive literature on topic at Open Access citation project, http://opcit.eprints.org/), but also slows down innovation and application of research results (Houghton & Swan, 2011). Recent studies continue to suggest that lack of awareness among researchers, rather than lack of e-infrastructure and methodology, is a key reason for this loss of opportunity (Graziotin 2014). The session will focus on why Open Science is ideally suited to achieving tenure-relevant researcher impact in a “Publish or Perish” reality. Open Science encapsulates tools and approaches for each step along the research cycle: from Open Notebook Science to Open Data, Open Access, all setting up researchers for capitalising on social media in order to promote and discuss, and establish unexpected collaborations. Incorporating these new approaches into a updated personal research workflow is of strategic beneficial for young researchers, and will prepare them for expected long term funder trends towards greater openness and demand for greater return on investment (ROI) for public funds.


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As an indicator of global change and shifting balances of power, every September in Dalian, China, the World Economic Forum meets. The subject in 2011 – Mastering Quality Growth. On the agenda is pursuing new frontiers of growth linked to embracing disruptive innovation. With growth coming from emerging markets, and European and North American economies treading water, many firms in the West are facing the reality of having to not just downsize but actually close manufacturing operations and re-open them elsewhere, where costs are lower, to remain competitive. There are thousands of books on “change management”. Yet very few of these devote much time to downsizing preferring to talk about re-engineering or restructuring. What lessons are available from the past to achieve a positive outcome from what will inevitably be something of a human, as well as an economic, tragedy. The authors reached three fundamental conclusions from their experience and research in facility closure management within Vauxhall, UK: put your people first, make sure you keep running the business and manage your legacy. They devlop the ideas into a new business model linked to the emotions of change.


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A tanulmány abból indul ki, hogy a beruházási projektek értékelése során egyidejűleg szükséges figyelembe venni a projektben lekötött tőkét és a lekötési időt mint jövedelemtermelési lehetőséget. Definiálja a projekt aggregált tőkeigényének fogalmát és megszerkeszti a vonatkozó mérőszámot. Az aggregált tőkeigény új vállalatgazdasági kategória, mely a beruházási projektek értékelésének egy új megközelítését teszi lehetővé. A projekt aggregált tőkeigénye azt a tőkeösszeget jelenti, mely a projekt működtetéséhez annak teljes élettartama alatt szükséges. A három meghatározó tényező: a kezdőtőke, a megtérülési idő (illetőleg az élettartam) és a megtérülés gyorsasága. A számszerűsítéshez minden évre vonatkozóan meg kell határozni az adott évben lekötött tőkét, ami az adott évig még meg nem térült tőkerészt jelenti, majd ezek összegzése révén adódik az aggregált tőkeigény. A mértékegység egységnyi tőke egyévi lekötése. A tanulmány az összefüggések modellszerű levezetése mellett gazdag példaanyagot is tartalmaz. Az elemzés bővíti a nettó jelenérték tartalmára vonatkozó ismereteket, rávilágít az aggregált tőkeigény ismeretének fontosságára mind a nettó jelenérték, mind a belső kamatláb esetében. _____ The starting point of this paper is that in the evaluation process of investment projects necessary to take into account simultaneously the tied-up capital and tiedup time as the income-generating potential. For this, it defines a special content of aggregate capital needs of investment projects, and elaborates an index. The aggregate capital needs is a new business economics category, which provides a new aspect to evaluate investment projects. This means the amount of capital needed for the operation of the project during its full duration. Three factors determine the aggregate capital needs for investments projects. These are the amount of initial investment, the payback period (or the duration) and the rapidity of capital payback. The solution is to sum up the yearly tied-up capital, that is, the notreturned parts of the capital for each year. The measurement unit is one unit tied-up capital for one year. The paper formulates the main relationships as models and by way of explanation presents some examples. The analysis highlights the importance of considering the aggregate capital needs furthermore widens knowledge regarding the net present value and internal rate of return.


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Az írás a globális értékláncok élén álló autóipari cégek világgazdasági válságra adott reakcióit foglalja össze. Megállapítja, hogy a válságnak messze nincs vége: az iparág globális átrendeződése folytatódik. A globális értékláncokba sikeresen betagozódott közép-európai autóipari klaszter ezeknek a folyamatoknak mindmáig nyertese volt. Számolni kell azonban azzal, hogy továbbra is sok a technológiai és a piaci bizonytalanság: az új szereplők belépése, új üzleti modellek elterjedése hosszabb távon felboríthatja a jelenlegi status quo-t, és veszélyeztetheti a hagyományos autóipari befektetőiket munkabér-alapú versenyképességgel megtartani próbáló közép- és kelet-európai országok pozícióit. Az autóipari működő tőkét fogadó közép-kelet-európai országok számára hosszabb távon veszélyt jelenthet az autóipari üzleti modellek átalakulása, a gyártás teljes kiszervezése komplex gyártási szolgáltatást vállaló cégekhez, mivel ez esetben az értéklánc vezető vállalatai bezárhatják a régióban működő gyártóbázisaikat. Az értékláncok élén álló globális cégek „menekülés a minőségbe” stratégiája helyi szinten is követhető, követendő, a működő tőkét fogadó országok versenyképessége kizárólag a helyi leányvállalatok állandó „feljebb lépésével” tartható fenn. ______ This paper summarizes lead firms’ reactions to crisis in global automotive value chains. The paper advances five theses. Author argues that crisis is not over yet, the global restructuring of the industry continues. Actors in the CEE automotive cluster have successfully become integrated into global value chains and have thereby been the winners of past restructuring processes. Nevertheless, technological and market uncertainties prevail: entry of new economic actors and the diffusion of new business models may, in the long run, disrupt the current status quo and jeopardise the world economic position of CEE countries that have been relying solely on their labour cost advantages to sustain direct investment inflows in their automotive industries. In the long run the automotive industries of Central and Eastern European (CEE) economies may become threatened by the transformation of the prevailing automotive business model, the outsourcing of manufacturing and related support activities to complex manufacturing services providers, which could lead to the closure of lead firms’ manufacturing facilities in CEE. Lead firms’ increased focus on high quality high value adding activities strategy can and should be followed by local subsidiaries through a continuous strive for upgrading.


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Many corporate officers and responsible employees may be exposing their personal assets to liability for unpaid corporate payroll taxes. The authors discuss where liability may arise and identify strategies to avoid personal liability.


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One strategy often overlooked by hospitality owners in developing cost-saving strategies is the use of like-kind exchanges to acquire property. The author reviews some alternative methods of like-kind exchanges, which may not only provide new business opportunities for the hospitality owner, but lucrative tax benefits as well.


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Charles Perry and Man standing in the lane of a new business or residential development. Charles Edward Perry (Chuck), 1937-1999, was the founding president of Florida International University in Miami. He grew up in Logan County, West Virginia and graduated from Bowling Green State University. He married Betty Laird in 1960. In 1969, at the age of 32, Perry was the youngest president of any university in the nation. The name of the university reflects Perry’s desire for a title that would not limit the scope of the institution and would support his vision of having close ties to Latin America. Perry and a founding corps opened FIU to 5,667 students in 1972 with only one large building housing six different schools. Perry left the office of President of FIU in 1976 when the student body had grown to 10,000 students and the university had six buildings, offered 134 different degrees and was fully accredited. Charles Perry died on August 30, 1999 at his home in Rockwall, Texas. He is buried on the FIU campus in front of the Graham Center entrance.


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Since the middle of 1970´s the world has been undergoing significant transformations, comes in a new era of global capital accumulation, and starts the called productive restructuring. This restructuring is materialized spatially through the reconfiguration of territory, redefining its uses and providing a new spatial structure. With regard to native of Rio Grande do Norte territory, there is, from the 1980s, the emergence of new economic activities, among which stand out tourism, which become stimulated from government policies. In this context, has stood the east coast of the state, because its beaches have recognized scenic appeal and environmental quality. Therewith business opportunity, international investors ended up investing in this portion of Rio Grande do Norte´s territory, especially over the last decade. The expansion of this process, to the north coast, resulted in the emergence of intense property dynamics in the municipalities of Maxaranguape and Rio do Fogo. The low value of the property and buildings, compared to the European market and the availability of real property, were the main factors that explain the attraction of such investors, who are now seen as new business opportunities with high rates of profitability, in tropical areas, hitherto remote geographical location of the economic system. Therefore, the objective of the research is to analyze to what extent the International Investment promoted the appreciation of property in the municipalities of Maxaranguape and Rio do Fogo. The time frame covers the period among 2000- 2013. The methodology consisted of the following proceedings: surveys and analysis of data collected in the property registry office of the Maxaranguape and Rio do Fogo municipalities; interviews with public and private officials that were important for the analysis of spatial transformations and the recovery of the property that occurred in the municipalities studied; collection of secondary data from official bodies, such as IBGE, MTUR, SETUR, BNB etc. Analyzing the information and data that have been cataloged, it was concluded that this investments are reinforcing old leisure and tourism practices existing in the past in those territories and, shifted (creating new territorial arrangements) a significant part of the eastern coast zone areas of the state. Another consequence connected to this recent phenomenon refers to property’s increase in value that has occurred in this part of the state, episode which is directly connected to that event. Therefore, it is realize that the expansion and the incorporation of the capital territories reveal, in part, the strategies of the capitalist mode of production, which are evident in the search for better conditions of accumulation, expanding the alternative of use of the properties which occurs in selective way and uneven in the geographic space form. It is observed that the mechanisms that capital makes use to impose their practices can happen through the property’s increase in value market, meaning, thereby, that the reproduction of imbalances happens, often, through the marked property speculation with the fast increase in value of properties.


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Video games have become one of the largest entertainment industries, and their power to capture the attention of players worldwide soon prompted the idea of using games to improve education. However, these educational games, commonly referred to as serious games, face different challenges when brought into the classroom, ranging from pragmatic issues (e.g. a high development cost) to deeper educational issues, including a lack of understanding of how the students interact with the games and how the learning process actually occurs. This chapter explores the potential of data-driven approaches to improve the practical applicability of serious games. Existing work done by the entertainment and learning industries helps to build a conceptual model of the tasks required to analyze player interactions in serious games (gaming learning analytics or GLA). The chapter also describes the main ongoing initiatives to create reference GLA infrastructures and their connection to new emerging specifications from the educational technology field. Finally, it explores how this data-driven GLA will help in the development of a new generation of more effective educational games and new business models that will support their expansion. This results in additional ethical implications, which are discussed at the end of the chapter.


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This article presents the response of the Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy (CREATe) to the consultation on reform of the EU copyright regime. Reviews the format of the consultation, notes the common problems in reporting data in such a format, and reproduces the consultation questions to which CREATe responded, together with a summary of its conclusions on topics including: (1) terms of copyright protection; (2) libraries and archives; (3) persons with disabilities; (4) remuneration of authors; (5) user-generated content; (6) respect for rights; and (7) data mining.