982 resultados para New Particle Formation


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This paper presents a new methodology for solving the multi-vehicle formation control problem. It employs a unique extension-decomposition-aggregation scheme to transform the overall complex formation control problem into a group of subproblems, which work via boundary interactions or disturbances. Thus, it is proved that the overall formation system is exponentially stable in the sense of Lyapunov, if all the individual augmented subsystems (IASs) are stable. Linear matrix inequality-based H8 control methodology is employed to design the decentralized formation controllers to reject the impact of the formation changes being treated as boundary disturbances and guarantee the stability of all the IASs, consequently maintaining the stability of the overall formation system. Simulation studies are performed to verify the stability, performance, and effectiveness of the proposed strategy.


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We report on the temporally and spatially resolved detection of the precursory stages that lead to the formation of an unmagnetized, supercritical collisionless shock in a laser-driven laboratory experiment. The measured evolution of the electrostatic potential associated with the shock unveils the transition from a current free double layer into a symmetric shock structure, stabilized by ion reflection at the shock front. Supported by a matching particle-in-cell simulation and theoretical considerations, we suggest that this process is analogous to ion reflection at supercritical collisionless shocks in supernova remnants.


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This paper presents the ?rst systematic chronostratigraphic study of the river terraces of the Exe catchment in South West England and a new conceptual model for terrace formation in unglaciated basins with applicability to terrace staircase sequences elsewhere. The Exe catchment lay beyond the maximum extent of Pleistocene ice sheets and the drainage pattern evolved from the Tertiary to the Middle Pleistocene, by which time the major valley systems were in place and downcutting began to create a staircase of strath terraces. The higher terraces (8-6) typically exhibit altitudinal overlap or appear to be draped over the landscape, whilst the middle terraces show greater altitudinal separation and the lowest terraces are of a cut and ?ll form. The terrace deposits investigated in this study were deposited in cold phases of the glacial-interglacial Milankovitch climatic cycles with the lowest four being deposited in the Devensian Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 4-2. A new cascade process-response model is proposed of basin terrace evolution in the Exe valley, which emphasises the role of lateral erosion in the creation of strath terraces and the reworking of inherited resistant lithological components down through the staircase. The resultant emergent valley topography and the reworking of artefacts along with gravel clasts, have important implications for the dating of hominin presence and the local landscapes they inhabited. Whilst the terrace chronology suggested here is still not as detailed as that for the Thames or the Solent System it does indicate a Middle Palaeolithic hominin presence in the region, probably prior to the late Wolstonian Complex or MIS 6. This supports existing data from cave sites in South West England.


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Before a natural sound can be recognized, an auditory signature of its source must be learned through experience. Here we used random waveforms to probe the formation of new memories for arbitrary complex sounds. A behavioral measure was designed, based on the detection of repetitions embedded in noises up to 4 s long. Unbeknownst to listeners, some noise samples reoccurred randomly throughout an experimental block. Results showed that repeated exposure induced learning for otherwise totally unpredictable and meaningless sounds. The learning was unsupervised and resilient to interference from other task-relevant noises. When memories were formed, they emerged rapidly, performance became abruptly near-perfect, and multiple noises were remembered for several weeks. The acoustic transformations to which recall was tolerant suggest that the learned features were local in time. We propose that rapid sensory plasticity could explain how the auditory brain creates useful memories from the ever-changing, but sometimes repeating, acoustical world. © 2010 Elsevier Inc.


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Multi-vehicle cooperative formation control problem is an important and typical topic of research on multi-agent system. This paper presents a formation stability conjecture to conceive a new methodology for solving the decentralised multi-vehicle formation control problem. It employs the “extension-decomposition-aggregation” scheme to transform the complex multi-agent control problem into a group of sub-problems which is able to be solved conveniently. Based on this methodology, it is proved that if all the individual augmented subsystems can be stabilised by using any approach, the overall formation system is not only asymptotically but also exponentially stable in the sense of Lyapunov within a neighbourhood of the desired formation. Simulation study on 6-DOF aerial vehicles (Aerosonde UAVs) has been performed to verify the achieved formation stability result. The proposed multi-vehicle formation control strategy can be conveniently extended to other cooperative control problems of multi-agent systems.


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The formation of unmagnetized electrostatic shock-like structures with a high Mach number is examined with one- and two-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. The structures are generated through the collision of two identical plasma clouds, which consist of equally hot electrons and ions with a mass ratio of 250. The Mach number of the collision speed with respect to the initial ion acoustic speed of the plasma is set to 4.6. This high Mach number delays the formation of such structures by tens of inverse ion plasma frequencies. A pair of stable shock-like structures is observed after this time in the 1D simulation, which gradually evolve into electrostatic shocks. The ion acoustic instability, which can develop in the 2D simulation but not in the 1D one, competes with the nonlinear process that gives rise to these structures. The oblique ion acoustic waves fragment their electric field. The transition layer, across which the bulk of the ions change their speed, widens and their speed change is reduced. Double layer-shock hybrid structures develop.


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Recently it has been shown that levels of circulating oxidized LDL immune complexes (ox-LDL-IC) predict the development of diabetic retinopathy (DR). This study aimed to investigate whether ox-LDL-IC are actually present in the diabetic retina, and to define their effects on human retinal pericytes vs. ox-LDL. In retinal sections from people with type 2 diabetes, co-staining for ox-LDL and IgG was present, proportionate to DR severity, and detectable even in the absence of clinical DR. In contrast, no such staining was observed in retinas from non-diabetic subjects. In vitro, human retinal pericytes were treated with native (N-) LDL, ox-LDL, and ox-LDL-IC (0-200 mg protein/l), and measures of viability, receptor expression, apoptosis, ER and oxidative stresses, and cytokine secretion were evaluated. Ox-LDL-IC exhibited greater cytotoxicity than ox-LDL towards retinal pericytes. Acting through the scavenger (CD36) and IgG (CD64) receptors, low concentrations of ox-LDL-IC triggered apoptosis mediated by oxidative and ER stresses, and enhanced inflammatory cytokine secretion. The data suggest that IC formation in the diabetic retina enhances the injurious effects of ox-LDL. These findings offer new insights into pathogenic mechanisms of DR, and may lead to new preventive measures and treatments.


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Posterior parietal cortex (PPC) constitutes a critical cortical node in the sensorimotor system in which goal-directed actions are computed. This information then must be transferred into commands suitable for hand movements to the primary motor cortex (M1). Complexity arises because reach-to-grasp actions not only require directing the hand towards the object (transport component), but also preshaping the hand according to the features of the object (grip component). Yet, the functional influence that specific PPC regions exert over ipsilateral M1 during the planning of different hand movements remains unclear in humans. Here we manipulated transport and grip components of goal-directed hand movements and exploited paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (ppTMS) to probe the functional interactions between M1 and two different PPC regions, namely superior parieto-occipital cortex (SPOC) and the anterior region of the intraparietal sulcus (aIPS), in the left hemisphere. We show that when the extension of the arm is required to contact a target object, SPOC selectively facilitates motor evoked potentials, suggesting that SPOC-M1 interactions are functionally specific to arm transport. In contrast, a different pathway, linking the aIPS and ipsilateral M1, shows enhanced functional connections during the sensorimotor planning of grip. These results support recent human neuroimaging findings arguing for specialized human parietal regions for the planning of arm transport and hand grip during goal-directed actions. Importantly, they provide new insight into the causal influences these different parietal regions exert over ipsilateral motor cortex for specific types of planned hand movements


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Composites with a weak interface between the filler and matrix which are susceptible to interfacial crack formation are studied. A finite-element model is developed to predict the stres/strain behavior of particulate composites with an interfacial crack. This condition can be distinguished as a partially bonded inclusion. Another case arises when there is no bonding between the inclusion and the matrix. In this latter case the slip boundary condition is imposed on the section of the interface which remains closed. The states of stress and displacement fields are obtained for both cases. The location of any further deformation through crazing or shear band formation is identified as the crack tip. A completely unbonded inclusion with partial slip at a section of the interface reduces the concentration of the stress at the crack tip. Whereas this might lead to slightly higher strength, it decreases the load-transfer efficiency and stiffness of this type of composite. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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First principles calculations with molecular dynamics are
utilized to simulate a simplified electrical double layer formed in the
active electric potential region during the electrocatalytic oxidation of
ethanol on Pd electrodes running in an alkaline electrolyte. Our
simulations provide an atomic level insight into how ethanol oxidation
occurs in fuel cells: New mechanisms in the presence of the simplified
electrical double layer are found to be different from the traditional
ones; through concerted-like dehydrogenation paths, both acetaldehyde
and acetate are produced in such a way as to avoid a variety of
intermediates, which is consistent with the experimental data obtained
from in situ FTIR spectroscopy. Our work shows that adsorbed OH on
the Pd electrode rather than Pd atoms is the active center for the
reactions; the dissociation of the C−H bond is facilitated by the
adsorption of an OH− anion on the surface, resulting in the formation
of water. Our calculations demonstrate that water dissociation rather than H desorption is the main channel through which
electrical current is generated on the Pd electrode. The effects of the inner Helmholtz layer and the outer Helmholtz layer are
decoupled, with only the inner Helmholtz layer being found to have a significant impact on the mechanistics of the reaction. Our
results provide atomic level insight into the significance of the simplified electrical double layer in electrocatalysis, which may be
of general importance.


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Cooling and sinking of dense saline water in the Norwegian–Greenland Sea is essential for the formation of North Atlantic Deep Water. The convection in the Norwegian–Greenland Sea allows for a northward flow of warm surface water and southward transport of cold saline water. This circulation system is highly sensitive to climate change and has been shown to operate in different modes. In ice cores the last glacial period is characterized by millennial-scale Dansgaard–Oeschger (D–O) events of warm interstadials and cold stadials. Similar millennial-scale variability (linked to D–O events) is evident from oceanic cores, suggesting a strong coupling of the atmospheric and oceanic circulations system. Particularly long-lasting cold stadials correlate with North Atlantic Heinrich events, where icebergs released from the continents caused a spread of meltwater over the northern North Atlantic and Nordic seas. The meltwater layer is believed to have caused a stop or near-stop in the deep convection, leading to cold climate. The spreading of meltwater and changes in oceanic circulation have a large influence on the carbon exchange between atmosphere and the deep ocean and lead to profound changes in the 14C activity of the surface ocean. Here we demonstrate marine 14C reservoir ages (R) of up to c. 2000 years for Heinrich event H4. Our R estimates are based on a new method for age model construction using identified tephra layers and tie-points based on abrupt interstadial warmings.


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This paper examines an initiative promoting collaboration between schools located in a city setting in Northern Ireland, which is broadly divided along ethnic and political lines. The schools involved, like the vast majority of schools in Northern Ireland, educate Protestant and Catholic children separately. This presents particular challenges for school collaboration as it implies the establishment of new, connected relationships in an education system, which is historically and contemporaneously more characterised by division. Since 2007, the schools in this study have been involved in an education initiative which promotes cross-sectoral shared learning in core areas of the curriculum with a view to promoting school improvement; the additional, indirect goal is also about improving community relations. However, over this period, the relationship between the institutions has deepened, leading schools to examine how they can sustain partnership and evolve collaborative practice. This paper explores how the partnership has evolved and assesses its effectiveness as a collaborative enterprise. The paper concludes by demonstrating how effective collaboration between schools in Northern Ireland mitigates the potentially negative impacts of educating children separately, but also how effective models of school collaboration are capable of providing enhanced learning opportunities for pupils and are also capable of developing the communities in which they are located.


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The collision of two plasma clouds at a speed that exceeds the ion acoustic speed can result in the formation of shocks. This phenomenon is observed not only in astrophysical scenarios, such as the propagation of supernova remnant (SNR) blast shells into the interstellar medium, but also in laboratory-based laser-plasma experiments. These experiments and supporting simulations are thus seen as an attractive platform for small-scale reproduction and study of astrophysical shocks in the laboratory. We model two plasma clouds, which consist of electrons and ions, with a 2D particle-in-cell simulation. The ion temperatures of both clouds differ by a factor of ten. Both clouds collide at a speed that is realistic for laboratory studies and for SNR shocks in their late evolution phase, like that of RCW86. A magnetic field, which is orthogonal to the simulation plane, has a strength that is comparable to that of SNR shocks. A forward shock forms between the overlap layer of both plasma clouds and the cloud with cooler ions. A large-amplitude ion acoustic wave is observed between the overlap layer and the cloud with hotter ions. It does not steepen into a reverse shock because its speed is below the ion acoustic speed. A gradient of the magnetic field amplitude builds up close to the forward shock as it compresses the magnetic field. This gradient gives rise to an electron drift that is fast enough to trigger an instability. Electrostatic ion acoustic wave turbulence develops ahead of the shock, widens its transition layer, and thermalizes the ions, but the forward shock remains intact. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.


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Ran is a small ras-related GTPase that controls the nucleocytoplasmic exchange of macromolecules across the nuclear envelope. It binds to chromatin early during nuclear formation and has important roles during the eukaryotic cell cycle, where it regulates mitotic spindle assembly, nuclear envelope formation and cell cycle checkpoint control. Like other GTPases, Ran relies on the cycling between GTP-bound and GDP-bound conformations to interact with effector proteins and regulate these processes. In nucleocytoplasmic transport, Ran shuttles across the nuclear envelope through nuclear pores. It is concentrated in the nucleus by an active import mechanism where it generates a high concentration of RanGTP by nucleotide exchange. It controls the assembly and disassembly of a range of complexes that are formed between Ran-binding proteins and cellular cargo to maintain rapid nuclear transport. Ran also has been identified as an essential protein in nuclear envelope formation in eukaryotes. This mechanism is dependent on importin-β, which regulates the assembly of further complexes important in this process, such as Nup107–Nup160. A strong body of evidence is emerging implicating Ran as a key protein in the metastatic progression of cancer. Ran is overexpressed in a range of tumors, such as breast and renal, and these perturbed levels are associated with local invasion, metastasis and reduced patient survival. Furthermore, tumors with oncogenic KRAS or PIK3CA mutations are addicted to Ran expression, which yields exciting future therapeutic opportunities


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The absolute yield of hydroxyl radicals per unit of deposited X-ray energy is determined for the first time for irradiated aqueous solutions containing metal nanoparticles based on a “reference” protocol. Measurements are made as a function of dose rate and nanoparticle concentration. Possible mechanisms for hydroxyl radical production are considered in turn: energy deposition in the nanoparticles followed by its transport into the surrounding environment is unable to account for observed yield whereas energy deposition in the water followed by a catalytic-like reaction at the water-nanoparticle interface can account for the total yield and its dependence on dose rate and nanoparticle concentration. This finding is important because current models used to account for nanoparticle enhancement to radiobiological damage only consider the primary interaction with the nanoparticle, not with the surrounding media. Nothing about the new mechanism appears to be specific to gold, the main requirements being the formation of a structured water layer in the vicinity of the nanoparticle possibly through the interaction of its charge and the water dipoles. The massive hydroxyl radical production is relevant to a number of application fields, particularly nanomedicine since the hydroxyl radical is responsible for the majority of radiation-induced DNA damage.