981 resultados para Natural Gas Midstream services
This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.
This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.
This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.
This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.
This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.
This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.
This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.
This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.
This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.
Iowas first annual Energy Independence Plan kicks off a new era of state leadership in energy transformation. Supported by Governor Chet Culver, Lieutenant Governor Patty Judge, and the General Assembly, the Office of Energy Independence was established in 2007 to coordinate state activities for energy independence. The commitment of the state to lead by example creates opportunities for state government to move boldly to achieve its goals, track its progress, measure the results, and report the findings. In moving to energy independence, the active engagement of every Iowan will be sought as the state works in partnership with others in achieving the goals. While leading ongoing efforts within the state, Iowa can also show the nation how to effectively address the critical, complex challenges of shifting to a secure energy future of affordable energy, cost-effective efficiency, reliance on sustainable energy, and enhanced natural resources and environment. In accordance with House File 918, the plan shall provide cost effective options and strategies for reducing the states consumption of energy, dependence on foreign sources of energy, use of fossil fuels, and greenhouse gas emissions. The options and strategies developed in the plan shall provide for achieving energy independence from foreign sources of energy by the year 2025. Energy independence is a term which means different things to different people. We use the term to mean that we are charting our own course in the emerging energy economy. Iowa can chart its own course by taking advantage of its resources: a well-educated population and an abundance of natural resources, including rich soil, abundant surface and underground water, and consistent wind patterns. Charting our own course also includes further developing our in-state industry, capturing renewable energy, and working toward improved energy efficiency. Charting our own course will allow Iowa to manage its economic destiny while protecting our environment, while creating new, green collar industries in every corner of Iowa. Today Iowa is in a remarkable position to capitalize on the current situation globally and at home. Energy drives the economy and has impacts on the environment, undeniable links that are integral for energy security and independence. With the resources available within the state, the combination of significant global changes in energy and research leading to new technologies that continue to drive down the costs of sustainable energy, Iowa can take bold strides toward the goal of energy independence by 2025. The Office of Energy Independence, with able assistance from hundreds of individuals, organizations, agencies, and advisors, presents its plan for Iowas Energy Independence.
Este artculo, presenta una propuesta de ecoetiqueta que evala la calidad de los espacios de inters natural. Debido a la inexistencia de una ecoetiqueta de servicios de estas caractersticas, se han estudiado antecedentes de certificados ecolgicos de servicios y sistemas de evaluacin de espacios naturales y urbanos. A partir de este estudio, se han evaluado 110 indicadores preexistentes, de los cuales se han adaptado 59 indicadores, 29 de cumplimiento obligatorio y 30 recomendables, divididos en tres flujos: Flujo Humano, Flujo Natural y Flujo de Gestin, y 17 vectores; con los cuales se ha elaborado un sistema de evaluacin adaptado a esta ecoetiqueta. Con la determinacin del reglamento y las condiciones generales para la concesin de la propuesta de ecoetiqueta, se ha realizado una Prueba Piloto en la Vall dAliny (Provincia de Lrida) centrada en el Flujo Humano, verificando de forma positiva la aplicacin de la certificacin en este espacio. Los resultados indican una adecuacin de ms del 90% de los indicadores seleccionados, mientras que se ha observado, principalmente, deficiencias en los sistemas hdricos y energticos de la Vall dAliny. Por ello, se han elaborado una serie de propuestas de mejora.
The major task of policy makers and practitioners when confronted with a resource management problem is to decide on the potential solution(s) to adopt from a range of available options. However, this process is unlikely to be successful and cost effective without access to an independently verified and comprehensive available list of options. There is currently burgeoning interest in ecosystem services and quantitative assessments of their importance and value. Recognition of the value of ecosystem services to human well-being represents an increasingly important argument for protecting and restoring the natural environment, alongside the moral and ethical justifications for conservation. As well as understanding the benefits of ecosystem services, it is also important to synthesize the practical interventions that are capable of maintaining and/or enhancing these services. Apart from pest regulation, pollination, and global climate regulation, this type of exercise has attracted relatively little attention. Through a systematic consultation exercise, we identify a candidate list of 296 possible interventions across the main regulating services of air quality regulation, climate regulation, water flow regulation, erosion regulation, water purification and waste treatment, disease regulation, pest regulation, pollination and natural hazard regulation. The range of interventions differs greatly between habitats and services depending upon the ease of manipulation and the level of research intensity. Some interventions have the potential to deliver benefits across a range of regulating services, especially those that reduce soil loss and maintain forest cover. Synthesis and applications: Solution scanning is important for questioning existing knowledge and identifying the range of options available to researchers and practitioners, as well as serving as the necessary basis for assessing cost effectiveness and guiding implementation strategies. We recommend that it become a routine part of decision making in all environmental policy areas.
La diffusion internationale des paiements pour services environnementaux (PSE) a t interprte en 2010 par le gouvernement bolivien d'Evo Morales comme une rponse strictement nolibrale la ncessit d'assurer une gestion durable des ressources naturelles. Suppose amener terme l'viction de toute rgulation autre que marchande - qu'elle s'applique la nature ou aux rapports entre personnes -, la mise en place de PSE n'a pas t encourage par les autorits nationales boliviennes. Des projets de PSE ont toutefois t lancs, dont les Acuerdos Reciprocos por el Agua (ARA), issus d'un partenariat public-priv dans le dpartement de Santa Cruz. En analysant leur conception et leur fonctionnement au prisme du rfrentiel polanyien, nous montrons que, contrairement aux craintes gouvernementales, ces PSE ne font pas abstraction des logiques organisationnelles rciprocitaires et redistributives, ajustant au contexte local un objet global. The international dissemination of payments for ecosystem services (PES) has been interpreted in 2010 by the Bolivian government of Evo Morales as a strictly neo-liberal response to the need to ensure a sustainable management of natural resources. Supposed to contribute to the crowding-out of any other regulation than market - applied to the nature or the relationship between people - the implementation of PES was not encouraged by the Bolivian national authorities. However some PES projects stemming from a public-private partnership have been initiated at local level, as the Acuerdos Reciprocos por el Agua (ARA), in the department of Santa Cruz. Analysing their design and operating through the Polanyian framework, we show that, contrary to the government fears, these PES do not ignore the reciprocal and redistributive organisational logics, adjusting a global object to the local context.
The close relationship between the chlorophyll-meters readings and the total chlorophyll and nitrogen contents in leaves, has allowed their evaluation both in annual and perennial species. Besides, some physiological events such as the CO2 assimilation have also been estimated by chlorophyll meters. This work was carried out aiming to evaluate the gas exchanges of peach palms as a function of the chlorophyll SPAD-Meter readings. Three year-old peach palms from Yurimaguas, Peru were studied in Ubatuba, SP, Brazil, spaced 2 x 1 m in area under a natural gradient of organic matter which allowed four plots to be considered, according to the peach palms leaves colors, from light yellow to dark green. The SPAD readings and the stomatal frequency of leaflets were evaluated. The photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD, μmol m-2 s-1), the leaf temperature (Tleaf, C), the CO2 assimilation (A, μmol m-2 s-1), the stomatal conductance (g s, mol m-2 s-1), the transpiration (E, mmol m-2 s-1) and the intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci, μmol mol-1) were evaluated with a portable infrared gas analyzer (LCA-4, ADC BioScientific Ltd., Great Amwell, U.K.). A linear increase in the CO2 assimilation as a function of the SPAD readings (y = -0.34 + 0.19x, R = 0.99), indicates that they can be a rapid and cheap complementary method to evaluate in peach palms some important physiological events, such as CO2 assimilation.
Oheinen opinnytety on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus kuluttajavastarinnasta mobiilin kaupankynnin palveluja kohtaan. Tutkimus kohdistuu lntisiin kulttuureihin, joissa kyseisen innovatiivisen palveluryhmn levimist tukevat monet aikaisemmat innovaatiot kuten matkapuhelin, Internet, digitaaliset pankkipalvelut. Tutkimus esittelee innovaatioiden vastarintatekijit ihmisen luonnollisena reaktiona tmn vakiintuneita elmntapoja mullistavia keksintj kohtaan nimenomaan lntisiss kulttuureissa, joissa kuluttajat ovat perinteisesti hyvin teknologiamynteisi. Toisaalta tutkimusalueella on havaittavissa sosiaalisten ryhmien pirstoutuminen yh pienemmiksi alaryhmiksi, mik voi hidastaa sosiaalista oppimista. Tutkimus vastaa todelliseen tutkimusaukkoon. Aihe on samalla sek ajankohtainen ett relevantti vastatessaan nykyisin kytvn utopistiseen keskusteluun digitaalisen informaatioyhteiskunnan kehittymisest ja merkityksest modernille ihmiskunnalle. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen eksploratiivinen viitekehys rakentuu valikoiduista uusien tuotteiden ja palvelujen kehittmisen, palvelumarkkinoinnin ja sosiaalisen oppimisen teorioista sek innovaatio- kommunikaatioteorioista. Empiirisen osan muodostavat kansainvlisten markkinatutkimuslaitosten ja haastateltujen asiantuntijoiden nkemykset alan kehityksest. Tutkimus osoittaa, ett kuluttajat eivt ole valmiita vastaanottamaan kehittyvien teknologioiden mahdollistamia mobiilin kaupankynnin palveluita ennen kuin ne vastaavat kuluttajien perustarpeisiin ja rakenteelliset vastarintatekijt (alhainen kytettvyys, matala lisarvo, koetut riskit, perinnevastarinta, palveluryhmn huono mielikuva) on poistettu. Tutkimus esitt, ett mobiilin kaupankynnin alalla toimivien yritysten tulisi tyskennell yhteistyss keskenn ja kuluttajien kanssa luodakseen kuluttajien tarpeita ja toiveita vastaavia turvallisiksi koettuja mobiilin kaupankynnin palveluita. Tutkimus ehdottaa, ett kyselytutkimusten ohella kytettisiin havaintomenetelmi, jotta teknologiat voitaisiin valjastaa kuluttajien tarpeita ja kulutustottumuksia vastaaviksi.