983 resultados para Native forest seeds
This project explored the possibility of harvesting marketable foliage stems in addition to producing timber from plantations of Larix leptolepis, Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest’ and Tsuga heterophylla. Data recorded from trial sites included both growth parameters, in the form of height and diameter increments, and production parameters in the form of foliage stem yields. Results varied with species and site type. In many cases, results achieved appear to have been influenced more by the biology of the trees than by the treatments alone. Trials were also established to investigate methods of managing old or over grown Abies procera Christmas tree plantations for forest foliage production. Shelf life testing and market research into the domestic trade of forest foliage were also conducted over the course of the project. Recommendations for managing forest plantations for foliage production as well as a general discussion on the industry are presented in this report.
This research, deals with the effects of exogenous growth regulators on infection by microorganisms on soybean (Glycine max cv. Davis) seeds. To study the influence of the chemicals, soybean plants were sprayed with gibberellic acid (GA) 100 ppm, (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (CCC) 2,000 ppm, succinic acid-2,2-dimethy1hydrazide (SADH) 4,000 ppm, indolylacetic acid (IAA) 100 ppm, 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) 20 ppm (three applications), and Agrostemin (1g/10 ml/ 3 1). Application of growth regulators did not affect infect ion by microorganisms on soybean seeds. The prominent fungus isolated was Phomopsis sojae. Alternaria and Fusarium spp. were isolated from seeds. The presence of a bacterium on the seeds was observed. The delay in harvest and high humidity increased the number of seeds from which Phomopsis was recovered.
The sterile castes of Ibitermes inflatus sp. nov. from Rio Tinto, State of Paraíba, Brazil are described and illustrated. This is the first record of a species of Ibitermes from the Brazilian northeast and from the Atlantic Forest biome. The absence of ridges in the molar plate of the left mandible and the presence of granules of sand and silt mixed with organic matter in advanced stage of decomposition in the digestive tube of workers suggest that the species is a typical humus feeding termite.
Species composition, relative abundance, seasonal changes in the species abundance and scent association of male Euglossini collected in a semi-deciduous forest fragment in the north of the State of Paraná, southern Brazil, were recorded. Euglossine males were collected twice a month, for twelve months, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. The scents eucalyptol, eugenol, vanillin, methyl salicylate and benzyl acetate were used as baits. A total of 434 males distributed among 3 genera and 9 species were attracted to the chemical baits. Eufriesea violacea (Blanchard, 1840) (49.8%), Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier, 1841 (23.0%) and Euglossa pleosticta Dressler, 1982 (13.8%) were dominant in number of individuals. Among the non-dominant species, Euglossa fimbriata Rebêlo & Moure, 1995 was more common (9.0%), followed by E. cordata (L., 1758) (1.8%), E. truncata Rebêlo & Moure, 1995 (1.4%), E. melanotricha Moure, 1967 (0.7%), E. townsendi Cockerell, 1904 (0.23%) and Eufriesea auriceps Friese, 1899 (0.23%). In general, bees were more abundant in warm-wet season (September-March). Eufriesea violacea was the most seasonal species, showing activity through the warm-wet season, from October to February. Eucalyptol was the most attractive fragrance, which was responsible for 92.6% of all visits by euglossine bees.
Bromeliad-associated mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Atlantic Forest in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, were studied, examining plants of Vriesea philippocoburgi Wawra and Aechmea lindenii (E. Morren) Baker var. lindenii at secondary Atlantic rain forest, and A. lindenii and Vriesea friburgensis Mez var. paludosa (L. B. Smith) at "restinga" per month, during 12 months. No immature forms of mosquitoes were collected from A. lindenii in the secondary forest. Collections obtained 368 immature mosquitoes, none of them from A. lindenii from rain forest. Culex (Microculex) spp. constituted 79.8% of the total, Wyeomyia (Phoniomyia) spp. 17.93%, and Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii (Dyar & Knab, 1908) only 1.36%. The study shows the great predominance of species of medical importance not yet proved, and the small number of immature stages of anopheline mosquitoes. The rainfall, but not the mean temperatures, significantly influenced the quantity of mosquitoes from V. philippocoburgi. Significant differences between the quantities of immature forms of all the bromeliad species were found, and the shape of the plants could be important to the abundance of mosquitoes. All six species of Cx. (Microculex) found are recorded for the first time in the State of Santa Catarina, and all six species of Wyeomyia (Phoniomyia) are recorded for the first time in bromeliads in this state.
n.s. no.24(1985)
The objective of this study was to analyze the diet of fish species that use the mangrove vegetation for shelter and feeding in a river southeastern Brazil. The fieldwork, including collecting and underwater observations, was carried out in the dry (July and August 2004) and in the rainy season (February and March 2005) in order to assess the existence of seasonal variation in the diets. Seven kinds of food items were consumed, two of plant origin and five of animal origin. Crustaceans predominated in the diet of most species, either in the form of unidentified fragments or discriminated in eight groups. The predominance of species using mainly a single food source (crustaceans, principally Ostracoda and Tanaidacea) and the existence of seasonal variation in the diets of some species became very evident in the analysis food niche breadth, with a predominance of dietary specialists. In the Rio da Fazenda mangrove, the submersed marginal vegetation was used by the ichthyofauna as a locale for foraging, and principally as cover by bottom-feeding species. These species may be using the vegetation for protection from aerial and aquatic predators, or even from the pull of the current during the turn of the tide. In the study area, the great diversity of crustaceans constitutes an important food source for most fish species which adjusted their diet according to seasonal changes in food availability and to interactions with other species.
Alpaida guto n. sp. is described based on males and females from State of Pará, Brazil. This species appears to be the most abundant Alpaida O. P.-Cambridge, 1889 species in Caxiuanã National Forest, eastern Amazonia. The males seem to be close to A. antonio Levi, 1988 but can be easily distinguished by the terminal apophysis with rounded distal lobe and long, slender basal prong; females differ from those of A. yotoco Levi, 1988 by the median lobe with a basal constriction and by the bilobed median plate.