875 resultados para NITRIFICATION RATES
Understanding factors driving the ecology of N cycling microbial communities is of central importance for sustainable land use. In this study we report changes of abundance of denitrifiers, nitrifiers and nitrogen-fixing microorganisms (based on qPCR data for selected functional genes) in response to different land use intensity levels and the consequences for potential turnover rates. We investigated selected grassland sites being comparable with respect to soil type and climatic conditions, which have been continuously treated for many years as intensely used meadows (IM), intensely used mown pastures (IP) and extensively used pastures (EP), respectively. The obtained data were linked to above ground biodiversity pattern as well as water extractable fractions of nitrogen and carbon in soil. Shifts in land use intensity changed plant community composition from systems dominated by s-strategists in extensive managed grasslands to c-strategist dominated communities in intensive managed grasslands. Along the different types of land use intensity, the availability of inorganic nitrogen regulated the abundance of bacterial and archaeal ammonia oxidizers. In contrast, the amount of dissolved organic nitrogen determined the abundance of denitrifiers (nirS and nirK). The high abundance of nifH carrying bacteria at intensive managed sites gave evidence that the amounts of substrates as energy source outcompete the high availability of inorganic nitrogen in these sites. Overall, we revealed that abundance and function of microorganisms involved in key processes of inorganic N cycling (nitrification, denitrification and N fixation) might be independently regulated by different abiotic and biotic factors in response to land use intensity.
Recent coccoliths from 74 surface sediment samples recovered from the southeastern Pacific off Chile were examined quantitatively to investigate modern regional gradients of sea surface productivity and temperature. All findings are based on coccolith accumulation rates. Therefore an approach was designed to estimate recent sedimentation rates based on 210Pb and bulk chemistry analyses of the same set of surface samples. Highest total coccolith accumulation rates were found off north-central Chile, where seasonal upwelling takes place. Based on a multiple linear regression between calculated coccolith accumulation rates and World Ocean Atlas derived sea surface temperatures, a calibration model to reconstruct annual average temperatures of the uppermost 75 m of the water column is provided. The model was cross-validated and the SST estimates were compared with SST observed and SST estimates based on diatoms and planktonic foraminifera, showing a good correlation.
Pastures containing alfalfa-grass or smooth bromegrass were stocked with .6, .8, or 1.0 cow-calf units per acre to compare cow and calf production in rotational grazing systems managed for optimum forage quality. To remove excess forage early in the grazing season, yearling heifers or steers grazed with the cows in each pasture at a stocking rate of .6 ccu per acre for the first 28, 37, and 40 days of grazing in years one, two, and three. Live forage density and days of grazing per paddock were estimated by sward height. Cows, calves, and yearlings were weighed and cows condition scored every 28 days. All cows grazed for 140 days unless forage became limiting. The cows on the smooth bromegrass pasture stocked at 1.0 cow-calf units per acre were removed after 119 days in 1994, 129 days in 1995, and 125 days in 1996. Cows on one of the alfalfagrass pastures stocked at 1.0 ccu per acre were removed after 136 days of grazing in 1996 because of lack of forage. Alfalfa-grass pastures tended to have a more consistent supply of forage over the grazing season than the bromegrass pastures. Cows grazing the alfalfa-grass pastures had greater seasonal weight gains and body condition score increases and lower yearling weight gains than the smooth bromegrass pastures. Daily and total calf weight gains and total animal production also tended to be greater in alfalfa-cool season grass pastures. Increasing stocking rates resulted in significantly lower cow body condition increases and yearling weight gains, and also increased the amounts of calf and total growing animal produced.
Pastures containing alfalfa-smooth bromegrass or smooth bromegrass were stocked with .6, .8, or 1.0 cow-calf units per acre to compare cow and calf production in rotational grazing systems managed for optimum forage quality. To remove excess forage early in the grazing season, yearling heifers grazed with the cows in each pasture at a stocking rate of .6 heifers per acre for the first 28 days of grazing. Live forage density and days of grazing per paddock were estimated by sward height. Cows, calves, and heifers were weighed and cows condition scored every 28 days. All cows grazed for 140 days except those grazing the smooth bromegrass pasture stocked at 1.0 cow-calf units per acre; these were removed after 119 days in 1994 and 129 days in 1995 because of lack of forage. Alfalfa-grass pastures tended to have a more consistent supply of forage over the grazing season than the bromegrass pastures. Cows grazing the alfalfa-cool season grass pastures had greater seasonal weight gains and body condition score increases and lower heifer weight gains than the smooth bromegrass pastures. Daily and total calf weight gains and total animal production also tended to be greater in alfalfa-cool season grass pastures. Increasing stocking rates resulted in significantly lower condition increases and heifer weight gains, while increasing the amounts of calf and total growing animal produced.
We derive closed expressions and useful expansions for the contributions of the tree-level W-boson propagator to the the muon and tau leptonic decay rates. Calling M and m the masses of the initial and final charged leptons, our results in the limit m=0 are valid to all orders in M^2/M_W^2. In the terms of O(m_j^2/M_W^2) (m_j=M,m), our leading corrections, of O(M^2/M_W^2), agree with the canonical value (3/5) M^2/M_W^2, while the coefficient of our subleading contributions, of O(m^2/M_W^2), differs from that reported in the recent literature. A possible explanation of the discrepancy is presented. The numerical effect of the O(m_j^2/M_W^2) corrections is briefly discussed. A general expression, valid for arbitrary values of M_W, M and m in the range M_W>M>m, is given in the Appendix. The paper also contains a review of the traditional definition and evaluation of the Fermi constant.