954 resultados para NIR (Near Infrared)


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Current methods for quality control of sugar cane are performed in extracted juice using several methodologies, often requiring appreciable time and chemicals (eventually toxic), making the methods not green and expensive. The present study proposes the use of X-ray spectrometry together with chemometric methods as an innovative and alternative technique for determining sugar cane quality parameters, specifically sucrose concentration, POL, and fiber content. Measurements in stem, leaf, and juice were performed, and those applied directly in stem provided the best results. Prediction models for sugar cane stem determinations with a single 60 s irradiation using portable X-ray fluorescence equipment allows estimating the % sucrose, % fiber, and POL simultaneously. Average relative deviations in the prediction step of around 8% are acceptable if considering that field measurements were done. These results may indicate the best period to cut a particular crop as well as for evaluating the quality of sugar cane for the sugar and alcohol industries.


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Over the last few years, low-level light therapy (LLLT) has shown an incredible suitability for a wide range of applications for central nervous system (CNS) related diseases. In this therapeutic modality light dosimetry is extremely critical so the study of light propagation through the CNS organs is of great importance. To better understand how light intensity is delivered to the most relevant neural sites we evaluated optical transmission through slices of rat brain point by point. We experimented red (λ = 660 nm) and near infrared (λ = 808 nm) diode laser light analyzing the light penetration and distribution in the whole brain. A fresh Wistar rat (Rattus novergicus) brain was cut in sagittal slices and illuminated with a broad light beam. A high-resolution digital camera was employed to acquire data of transmitted light. Spatial profiles of the light transmitted through the sample were obtained from the images. Peaks and valleys in the profiles show sites where light was less or more attenuated. The peak intensities provide information about total attenuation and the peak widths are correlated to the scattering coefficient at that individual portion of the sample. The outcomes of this study provide remarkable information for LLLT dose-dependent studies involving CNS and highlight the importance of LLLT dosimetry in CNS organs for large range of applications in animal and human diseases.


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At present, solid thin films are recognized by their well established and mature processing technology that is able to produce components which, depending on their main characteristics, can perform either passive or active functions. Additionally, Si-based materials in the form of thin films perfectly match the concept of miniaturized and low-consumption devices-as required in various modern technological applications. Part of these aspects was considered in the present work that was concerned with the study of optical micro-cavities entirely based on silicon and silicon nitride thin films. The structures were prepared by the sputtering deposition method which, due to the adopted conditions (atmosphere and deposition rate) and arrangement of layers, provided cavities operating either in the visible (at ~ 670 nm) or in the near-infrared (at ~ 1560 nm) wavelength ranges. The main differential of the work relies on the construction of optical microcavities with a reduced number of periods whose main properties can be changed by thermal annealing treatments. The work also discusses the angle-dependent behavior of the optical transmission profiles as well as the use of the COMSOL software package to simulate the microcavities.


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Thanks to the Chandra and XMM–Newton surveys, the hard X-ray sky is now probed down to a flux limit where the bulk of the X-ray background is almost completely resolved into discrete sources, at least in the 2–8 keV band. Extensive programs of multiwavelength follow-up observations showed that the large majority of hard X–ray selected sources are identified with Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) spanning a broad range of redshifts, luminosities and optical properties. A sizable fraction of relatively luminous X-ray sources hosting an active, presumably obscured, nucleus would not have been easily recognized as such on the basis of optical observations because characterized by “peculiar” optical properties. In my PhD thesis, I will focus the attention on the nature of two classes of hard X-ray selected “elusive” sources: those characterized by high X-ray-to-optical flux ratios and red optical-to-near-infrared colors, a fraction of which associated with Type 2 quasars, and the X-ray bright optically normal galaxies, also known as XBONGs. In order to characterize the properties of these classes of elusive AGN, the datasets of several deep and large-area surveys have been fully exploited. The first class of “elusive” sources is characterized by X-ray-to-optical flux ratios (X/O) significantly higher than what is generally observed from unobscured quasars and Seyfert galaxies. The properties of well defined samples of high X/O sources detected at bright X–ray fluxes suggest that X/O selection is highly efficient in sampling high–redshift obscured quasars. At the limits of deep Chandra surveys (∼10−16 erg cm−2 s−1), high X/O sources are generally characterized by extremely faint optical magnitudes, hence their spectroscopic identification is hardly feasible even with the largest telescopes. In this framework, a detailed investigation of their X-ray properties may provide useful information on the nature of this important component of the X-ray source population. The X-ray data of the deepest X-ray observations ever performed, the Chandra deep fields, allows us to characterize the average X-ray properties of the high X/O population. The results of spectral analysis clearly indicate that the high X/O sources represent the most obscured component of the X–ray background. Their spectra are harder (G ∼ 1) than any other class of sources in the deep fields and also of the XRB spectrum (G ≈ 1.4). In order to better understand the AGN physics and evolution, a much better knowledge of the redshift, luminosity and spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of elusive AGN is of paramount importance. The recent COSMOS survey provides the necessary multiwavelength database to characterize the SEDs of a statistically robust sample of obscured sources. The combination of high X/O and red-colors offers a powerful tool to select obscured luminous objects at high redshift. A large sample of X-ray emitting extremely red objects (R−K >5) has been collected and their optical-infrared properties have been studied. In particular, using an appropriate SED fitting procedure, the nuclear and the host galaxy components have been deconvolved over a large range of wavelengths and ptical nuclear extinctions, black hole masses and Eddington ratios have been estimated. It is important to remark that the combination of hard X-ray selection and extreme red colors is highly efficient in picking up highly obscured, luminous sources at high redshift. Although the XBONGs do not present a new source population, the interest on the nature of these sources has gained a renewed attention after the discovery of several examples from recent Chandra and XMM–Newton surveys. Even though several possibilities were proposed in recent literature to explain why a relatively luminous (LX = 1042 − 1043erg s−1) hard X-ray source does not leave any significant signature of its presence in terms of optical emission lines, the very nature of XBONGs is still subject of debate. Good-quality photometric near-infrared data (ISAAC/VLT) of 4 low-redshift XBONGs from the HELLAS2XMMsurvey have been used to search for the presence of the putative nucleus, applying the surface-brightness decomposition technique. In two out of the four sources, the presence of a nuclear weak component hosted by a bright galaxy has been revealed. The results indicate that moderate amounts of gas and dust, covering a large solid angle (possibly 4p) at the nuclear source, may explain the lack of optical emission lines. A weak nucleus not able to produce suffcient UV photons may provide an alternative or additional explanation. On the basis of an admittedly small sample, we conclude that XBONGs constitute a mixed bag rather than a new source population. When the presence of a nucleus is revealed, it turns out to be mildly absorbed and hosted by a bright galaxy.


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This Ph.D. Thesis has been carried out in the framework of a long-term and large project devoted to describe the main photometric, chemical, evolutionary and integrated properties of a representative sample of Large and Small Magellanic Cloud (LMC and SMC respectively) clusters. The globular clusters system of these two Irregular galaxies provides a rich resource for investigating stellar and chemical evolution and to obtain a detailed view of the star formation history and chemical enrichment of the Clouds. The results discussed here are based on the analysis of high-resolution photometric and spectroscopic datasets obtained by using the last generation of imagers and spectrographs. The principal aims of this project are summarized as follows: • The study of the AGB and RGB sequences in a sample of MC clusters, through the analysis of a wide near-infrared photometric database, including 33 Magellanic globulars obtained in three observing runs with the near-infrared camera SOFI@NTT (ESO, La Silla). • The study of the chemical properties of a sample of MCs clusters, by using optical and near-infrared high-resolution spectra. 3 observing runs have been secured to our group to observe 9 LMC clusters (with ages between 100 Myr and 13 Gyr) with the optical high-resolution spectrograph FLAMES@VLT (ESO, Paranal) and 4 very young (<30 Myr) clusters (3 in the LMC and 1 in the SMC) with the near-infrared high-resolution spectrograph CRIRES@VLT. • The study of the photometric properties of the main evolutive sequences in optical Color- Magnitude Diagrams (CMD) obtained by using HST archive data, with the final aim of dating several clusters via the comparison between the observed CMDs and theoretical isochrones. The determination of the age of a stellar population requires an accurate measure of the Main Sequence (MS) Turn-Off (TO) luminosity and the knowledge of the distance modulus, reddening and overall metallicity. For this purpose, we limited the study of the age just to the clusters already observed with high-resolution spectroscopy, in order to date only clusters with accurate estimates of the overall metallicity.


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Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese und Untersuchung von stilbenyl- und styrylsubstituierten Squarainen.Als Squaraine bezeichnet man 1,3-disubstituierte Quadratsäurederivate. Symmetrische Squaraine werden durch Kondensation elektronenreicher Aromaten mit Quadratsäure erhalten. Die unsymmetrischen Squaraine erhält man durch Umsetzung von elektronenreichen Aromaten mit Semiquadratsäuren.Squaraine zeichnen sich durch ihre intensive Absorption im sichtbaren Bereich und im nahen IR aus. Durch Vergrößerung des mesomeren Systems läßt sich das Absorptionsmaximum bathochrom verschieben. Die Löslichkeit konnte durch die Einführung von Dendrimerseitenketten und verzweigten Alkylresten deutlich verbessert werden, so daß es gelingt, 13C-NMR-Spektren von styryl- und stilbenylsubstituierten Squarainen aufzunehmen.Durch die Einführung von elektronenreichen Substituenten, wie Anilin-, Aminothiazol- und Ferrocengruppen werden in Lösung Absorptionsmaxima bis zu 1060 nm gemessen. Im Festkörper reichen die Absoptionsbanden bis 1600 nm. Durch diese Ergebnisse konnten Theorien widerlegt werden, die besagen, daß der S0-S1-Übergang hauptsächlich auf den zentralen Vierring lokalisiert ist. Im Festkörper sind die Banden verglichen mit den Lösungen stark verbreitert, was auf Aggregation hindeutet. Eine weitere Eigenschaft der hier synthetisierten Squaraine ist die Solvatochromie. Hierzu wurden Absorptionsmessungen in verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln durchgeführt. Ein Vergleich der Meßgebnisse mit den p*- und ET (30)- Parametern zeigt, daß diese nicht zur Beschreibung der Solvatochromie der hier synthetisierten Verbindungen wenig geeignet sind.


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In recent years and thanks to innovative technological advances in supplemental lighting sources and photo-selective filters, light quality manipulation (i.e. spectral composition of sunlight) have demonstrated positive effects on plant performance in ornamentals and vegetable crops. However, this aspect has been much less studied in fruit trees due to the difficulty of conditioning the light environment of orchards. The aim of the present PhD research was to study the use of different colored nets with selective light transmission in the blue (400 – 500 nm), red (600 – 700 nm) and near infrared (700 – 1100 nm) wavelengths as a tool to the light quality management and its morphological and physiological effects in field-grown apple trees. Chapter I provides a review the current status on physiological and technological advances on light quality management in fruit trees. Chapter II shows the main effect of colored nets on morpho-anatomical (stomata density, mesophyll structure and leaf mass area index) characteristics in apple leaves. Chapter III provides an analysis about the effect of micro-environmental conditions under colored nets on leaf stomatal conductance and leaf photosynthetic capacity. Chapter IV describes a study approach to evaluate the impact of colored nets on fruit growth potential in apples. Summing up results obtained in the present PhD dissertation clearly demonstrate that light quality management through photo-selective colored nets presents an interesting potential for the manipulation of plant morphological and physiological traits in apple trees. Cover orchards with colored nets might be and alternative technology to address many of the most important challenges of modern fruit growing, such as: the need for the efficient use of natural resources (water, soil and nutrients) the reduction of environmental impacts and the mitigation of possible negative effects of global climate change.


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Background: Brain cooling (BC) represents the elective treatment in asphyxiated newborns. Amplitude Integrated Electroencephalography (aEEG) and Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) monitoring may help to evaluate changes in cerebral electrical activity and cerebral hemodynamics during hypothermia. Objectives: To evaluate the prognostic value of aEEG time course and NIRS data in asphyxiated cooled infants. Methods: 12 term neonates admitted to our NICU with moderate-severe Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) underwent selective BC. aEEG and NIRS monitoring were started as soon as possible and maintained during the whole hypothermic treatment. Follow-up was scheduled at regular intervals; adverse outcome was defined as death, cerebral palsy (CP) or global quotient < 88.7 at Griffiths’ Scale. Results: 2/12 infants died, 2 developed CP, 1 was normal at 6 months of age and then lost at follow-up and 7 showed a normal outcome at least at 1 year of age. The aEEG background pattern at 24 hours of life was abnormal in 10 newborns; only 4 of them developed an adverse outcome, whereas the 2 infants with a normal aEEG developed normally. In infants with adverse outcome NIRS showed a higher Tissue Oxygenation Index (TOI) than those with normal outcome (80.0±10.5% vs 66.9±7.0%, p=0.057; 79.7±9.4% vs 67.1±7.9%, p=0.034; 80.2±8.8% vs 71.6±5.9%, p=0.069 at 6, 12 and 24 hours of life, respectively). Conclusions: The aEEG background pattern at 24 hours of life loses its positive predictive value after BC implementation; TOI could be useful to predict early on infants that may benefit from other innovative therapies.


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The origin of Broad Absorption Line Quasars (BAL QSOs) is still an open issue. Accounting for ~20% of the QSO population, these objects present broad absorption lines in their optical spectra generated from outflows with velocities up to 0.2 c. Nowadays, the hypotheses about their nature are principally related to orientation or evolutionary scenarios. In the first one, absorption lines are produced by outflows originated by the accretion disk, basically present in all QSOs, but seen only when they intercept the line of sight. In the second hypothesis, BAL QSOs would be young or recently re-fueled QSOs, still ejecting their dust cocoon. In this case orientation would not play a role, since the absorption features would be produced by spherically ejected matter. In this work we present the results of a multi-frequency study of a Radio-Loud BAL QSO sample, and a comparison sample of Radio-Loud non-BAL QSOs. We performed observations from radio to Near-Infrared, aiming at collecting useful informations about the orientation, the age, and the morphologies of these objects. Various techniques have been applied, including local and continental radio interferometry, single dish observations and spectroscopy. The comparison with the non-BAL QSO sample allows us to conclude that no particular orientation is present in BAL QSOs. Moreover, various morphologies and ages can be found, analogously to "normal" QSOs. Thus, the solution to this astrophysical problem seems not to reside in a peculiarity of the BAL QSO subclass with respect to non-BAL QSOs, since both the studied models do not completely explain the observed characteristics. Further experiments with future instrumentation will allow us to underline useful differences and test the physical conditions in BAL QSOs.


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In this work, metal nanoparticles produced by nanosphere lithography were studied in terms of their optical properties (in connection to their plasmon resonances), their potential application in sensing platforms - for thin layer sensing and bio-recognition events -, and for a particular case (the nanocrescents), for enhanced spectroscopy studies. The general preparation procedures introduced early in 2005 by Shumaker-Parry et al. to produce metallic nanocrescents were extended to give rise to more complex (isolated) structures, and also, by combining colloidal monolayer fabrication and plasma etching techniques, to arrays of them. The fabrication methods presented in this work were extended not only to new shapes or arrangements of particles, but included also a targeted surface tailoring of the substrates and the structures, using different thiol and silane compounds as linkers for further attachment of, i.e. polyelectrolyte layers, which allow for a controlled tailoring of their nanoenvironment. The optical properties of the nanocrescents were studied with conventional transmission spectroscopy; a simple multipole model was adapted to explain their behaviour qualitatively. In terms of applications, the results on thin film sensing using these particles show that the crescents present an interesting mode-dependent sensitivity and spatial extension. Parallel to this, the penetrations depths were modeled with two simplified schemes, obtaining good agreement with theory. The multiple modes of the particles with their characteristic decay lengths and sensitivities represent a major improvement for particle-sensing platforms compared to previous single resonance systems. The nanocrescents were also used to alter the emission properties of fluorophores placed close to them. In this work, green emitting dyes were placed at controlled distances from the structures and excited using a pulsed laser emitting in the near infrared. The fluorescence signal obtained in this manner should be connected to a two-photon processes triggered by these structures; obtaining first insight into plasmon-mediated enhancement phenomena. An even simpler and faster approach to produce plasmonic structures than that for the crescents was tested. Metallic nanodiscs and nanoellipses were produced by means of nanosphere lithography, extending a procedure reported in the literature to new shapes and optical properties. The optical properties of these particles were characterized by extinction spectroscopy and compared to results from the literature. Their major advantage is that they present a polarization-dependent response, like the nanocrescents, but are much simpler to fabricate, and the resonances can be tailored in the visible with relative ease. The sensing capabilities of the metallic nanodiscs were explored in the same manner as for the nanocrescents, meaning their response to thin layers and to bio-recognition events on their surface. The sensitivity of these nanostructures to thin films proved to be lower than that of the crescents, though in the same order of magnitude. Experimental information about the near field extension for the Au nanodiscs of different sizes was also extracted from these measurements. Further resonance-tailoring approaches based on electrochemical deposition of metals on the nanodiscs were explored, as a means of modifying plasmon resonances by changing surface properties of the nanoparticles. First results on these experiments would indicate that the deposition of Ag on Au on a submonolayer coverage level can lead to important blue-shifts in the resonances, which would open a simple way to tailor resonances by changing material properties in a local manner.


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Vegetation-cycles are of general interest for many applications. Be it for harvest-predictions, global monitoring of climate-change or as input to atmospheric models.rnrnCommon Vegetation Indices use the fact that for vegetation the difference between Red and Near Infrared reflection is higher than in any other material on Earth’s surface. This gives a very high degree of confidence for vegetation-detection.rnrnThe spectrally resolving data from the GOME and SCIAMACHY satellite-instrumentsrnprovide the chance to analyse finer spectral features throughout the Red and Near Infrared spectrum using Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS). Although originally developed to retrieve information on atmospheric trace gases, we use it to gain information on vegetation. Another advantage is that this method automatically corrects for changes in the atmosphere. This renders the vegetation-information easily comparable over long time-spans.rnThe first results using previously available reference spectra were encouraging, but also indicated substantial limitations of the available reflectance spectra of vegetation. This was the motivation to create new and more suitable vegetation reference spectra within this thesis.rnThe set of reference spectra obtained is unique in its extent and also with respect to its spectral resolution and the quality of the spectral calibration. For the first time, this allowed a comprehensive investigation of the high-frequency spectral structures of vegetation reflectance and of their dependence on the viewing geometry.rnrnThe results indicate that high-frequency reflectance from vegetation is very complex and highly variable. While this is an interesting finding in itself, it also complicates the application of the obtained reference spectra to the spectral analysis of satellite observations.rnrnThe new set of vegetation reference spectra created in this thesis opens new perspectives for research. Besides refined satellite analyses, these spectra might also be used for applications on other platforms such as aircraft. First promising studies have been presented in this thesis, but the full potential for the remote sensing of vegetation from satellite (or aircraft) could bernfurther exploited in future studies.


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Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), which are defined as nanometer-wide strips of graphene, are attracting an increasing attention as one on the most promising materials for future nanoelectronics. Unlike zero-bandgap graphene that cannot be switched off in transistors, GNRs possess open bandgaps that critically depend on their width and edge structures. GNRs were predominantly prepared through “top-down” methods such as “cutting” of graphene and “unzipping” of carbon nanotubes, but these methods cannot precisely control the structure of the resulting GNRs. In contrast, “bottom-up” chemical synthetic approach enables fabrication of structurally defined and uniform GNRs from tailor-made polyphenylene precursors. Nevertheless, width and length of the GNRs obtainable by this method were considerably limited. In this study, lateral as well as longitudinal extensions of the GNRs were achieved while preserving the high structural definition, based on the bottom-up solution synthesis. Initially, wider (~2 nm) GNRs were synthesized by using laterally expanded monomers through AA-type Yamamoto polymerization, which proved more efficient than the conventional A2B2-type Suzuki polymerization. The wider GNRs showed broad absorption profile extending to the near-infrared region with a low optical bandgap of 1.12 eV, which indicated a potential of such GNRs for the application in photovoltaic cells. Next, high longitudinal extension of narrow (~1 nm) GNRs over 600 nm was accomplished based on AB-type Diels–Alder polymerization, which provided corresponding polyphenylene precursors with the weight-average molecular weight of larger than 600,000 g/mol. Bulky alkyl chains densely installed on the peripheral positions of these GNRs enhanced their liquid-phase processability, which allowed their formation of highly ordered self-assembled monolayers. Furthermore, non-contact time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy measurements demonstrated high charge-carrier mobility within individual GNRs. Remarkably, lateral extension of the AB-type monomer enabled the fabrication of wider (~2 nm) and long (>100 nm) GNRs through the Diels–Alder polymerization. Such longitudinally extended and structurally well-defined GNRs are expected to allow the fabrication of single-ribbon transistors for the fundamental studies on the electronic properties of the GNRs as well as contribute to the development of future electronic devices.


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Biosensors find wide application in clinical diagnostics, bioprocess control and environmental monitoring. They should not only show high specificity and reproducibility but also a high sensitivity and stability of the signal. Therefore, I introduce a novel sensor technology based on plasmonic nanoparticles which overcomes both of these limitations. Plasmonic nanoparticles exhibit strong absorption and scattering in the visible and near-infrared spectral range. The plasmon resonance, the collective coherent oscillation mode of the conduction band electrons against the positively charged ionic lattice, is sensitive to the local environment of the particle. I monitor these changes in the resonance wavelength by a new dark-field spectroscopy technique. Due to a strong light source and a highly sensitive detector a temporal resolution in the microsecond regime is possible in combination with a high spectral stability. This opens a window to investigate dynamics on the molecular level and to gain knowledge about fundamental biological processes.rnFirst, I investigate adsorption at the non-equilibrium as well as at the equilibrium state. I show the temporal evolution of single adsorption events of fibrinogen on the surface of the sensor on a millisecond timescale. Fibrinogen is a blood plasma protein with a unique shape that plays a central role in blood coagulation and is always involved in cell-biomaterial interactions. Further, I monitor equilibrium coverage fluctuations of sodium dodecyl sulfate and demonstrate a new approach to quantify the characteristic rate constants which is independent of mass transfer interference and long term drifts of the measured signal. This method has been investigated theoretically by Monte-Carlo simulations but so far there has been no sensor technology with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio.rnSecond, I apply plasmonic nanoparticles as sensors for the determination of diffusion coefficients. Thereby, the sensing volume of a single, immobilized nanorod is used as detection volume. When a diffusing particle enters the detection volume a shift in the resonance wavelength is introduced. As no labeling of the analyte is necessary the hydrodynamic radius and thus the diffusion properties are not altered and can be studied in their natural form. In comparison to the conventional Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy technique a volume reduction by a factor of 5000-10000 is reached.


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Structure characterization of nanocrystalline intermediates and metastable phases is of primary importance for a deep understanding of synthetic processes undergoing solid-to-solid state phase transitions. Understanding the evolution from the first nucleation stage to the final synthetic product supports not only the optimization of existing processes, but might assist in tailoring new synthetic paths. A systematic investigation of intermediates and metastable phases is hampered because it is impossible to produce large crystals and only in few cases a pure synthetic product can be obtained. Structure investigation by X-ray powder diffraction methods is still challenging on nanoscale, especially when the sample is polyphasic. Electron diffraction has the advantage to collect data from single nanoscopic crystals, but is limited by data incompleteness, dynamical effects and fast deterioration of the sample under the electron beam. Automated diffraction tomography (ADT), a recently developed technique, making possible to collect more complete three-dimensional electron diffraction data and to reduce at the same time dynamical scattering and beam damage, thus allowing to investigate even beam sensitive materials (f.e. hydrated phases and organics). At present, ADT is the only technique able to deliver complete three-dimensional structural information from single nanoscopic grains, independently from other surrounding phases. Thus, ADT is an ideal technique for the study of on-going processes where different phases exist at the same time and undergo several structural transitions. In this study ADT was used as the main technique for structural characterization for three different systems and combined subsequently with other techniques, among which high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), cryo-TEM imaging, X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and energy disperse X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).rnAs possible laser host materials, i.e. materials with a broad band emission in the near-infrared region, two unknown phases were investigated in the ternary oxide system M2O-Al2O3-WO3 (M = K, Na). Both phases exhibit low purity as well as non-homogeneous size distribution and particle morphology. The structures solved by ADT are also affected by pseudo-symmetry. rnSodium titanate nanotubes and nanowires are both intermediate products in the synthesis of TiO2 nanorods which are used as additives to colloidal TiO2 film for improving efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). The structural transition from nantubes to nanowires was investigated in a step by step time-resolved study. Nanowires were discovered to consist of a hitherto unknown phase of sodium titanate. This new phase, typically affected by pervasive defects like mutual layer shift, was structurally determined ab-initio on the basis of ADT data. rnThe third system is related with calcium carbonate nucleation and early crystallization. The first part of this study is dedicated to the extensive investigations of calcium carbonate formation in a step by step analysis, up to the appearance of crystalline individua. The second part is dedicated to the structure determination by ADT of the first-to-form anhydrated phase of CaCO3: vaterite. An exhaustive structure analysis of vaterite had previously been hampered by diffuse scattering, extra periodicities and fast deterioration of the material under electron irradiation. rn


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The main goals of this thesis were the design, synthesis, and characterization of novel organic semiconductors, together with their applications in electronics, such as OFETs, OPVs, and OLEDs. The results can be summarized as follows:rn1. In chapter II, two novel angular n-type molecules were presented. Their different alkyl chains play a pivotal role in the molecular orientation relative to surface. One molecule with longer branched chains is tilted with respect to the substrate, thereby resulting in poor device performance, while the other adopt an edge-on orientation with an OFET electron mobility of 0.01 cm2 V-1 s-1.rn2. In chapter III, fused bis-benzothiadiazoles with different molecular geometries, namely linear benzoquinone-fused bis(benzothiadiazole) and V-shaped sulfone-fused bis(benzothiadiazole), were shown. This work not only contributes to the diversity of electron acceptors based on bis-benzothiadiazole moieties, but also highlights the important role of molecular shape for the solid-state packing of organic conjugated materials. In chapter IV, we demonstrated the synthesis of layered acceptors via dimerization of thiadiazole end-capped acenes. Interestingly, they feature huge differences in their photophysical properties. One compound showed a new strong emission in the near-infrared region introduced by the aggregation effect. The planosymmetric compound featured intramolecular excimer (IEE) fluorescence in solution. rn3. In chapter V and VI, we have demonstrated the synthesis of novel spiro-bifluorene based asymmetric and symmetric cruciform electron acceptors with dicyanovinylene substitutions. The solar cells based on PTB7:asymmetric acceptor yields the highest PCE of 0.80%. Such results demonstrate for the first time that dicyanovinylene substituted acceptor could be an alternative to fullerene-based acceptors. rn4. In chapter VII, two novel blue-emitting compounds were shown, which consist of dihydroindenofluorenyl units and ladder-type poly-p-phenylene groups, respectively. The two novel cruciform rigid compounds present not only excellent thermal and electrochemical stability but also high PLQYs. Through analysis of their triplet energy levels, both molecules can be served as hosts for other normal fluorescent or phosphorescent materials.rn