994 resultados para NIOBIUM HYDRIDE


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The proposed origins for the Enriched Mantle I component are many and various and some require an arbitrary addition of an exotic component, be it pure sediment or an enriched melt from the subcontinental lithosphere. With Pitcairn, Walvis Ridge is the 'type-locality' for the Enriched Mantle I (EMI) component. We analyzed basalts from DSDP Site 525A, Site 527 and Site 528 on the Walvis Ridge with the aim to constrain the history of its source. The isotopic compositions we measured for the three sites overlap with the values obtained by Richardson et al. (1982a) and extend towards less radiogenic Sr and more radiogenic Pb and Nd isotopic compositions. We used our new trace element and radiogenic isotope (Hf, Nd, Pb and Sr) characterization in combination with the literature data to produce the simplest possible model that satisfies the trace element and isotopic constraints. Although the elevated 207Pb/204Pb with respect to 206Pb/204Pb predicts an ancient origin for EMI, none of the proposed origins had modeled it as such. The data is consistent with the EMI composition being formed by the addition of a melt to a mantle with bulk Earth-like composition followed by melt extraction of a low degree melt. The timing of these two events is such that the metasomatism has to have taken place prior to 4 Ga and the subsequent melt removal before 3.5 Ga. This confirms the expectation of an ancient character for the EMI component. The Walvis Ridge data shows two distinct two component mixing trends: one formed by the less enriched Site 527 and Site 528 basalts and one formed by the Site 525A basalts. The two trends have the EMI endmember in common. The less depleted end of the Site 527-Site 528 basalts is FOZO-like and can be explained by the addition of a recycled component (basaltic oceanic crust plus sediment). This recycled component was altered during subduction. The sense and magnitude of the chemical fractionation resulting from the subduction alteration are in agreement with dehydration experiments on basalts and sediment. Compared to other EMI like basalts the Walvis Ridge basalts have flatter REE patterns and show less fractionation between large ion lithophile and heavy REE elements. Using the isotopic compositions as constrains for the parent-daughter ratios we were able to model the trace element patterns of the basalts as melting between 5 and 10% for Site 525A and between 10 and 15% for the depleted end of the Site 528-Site 527 array. In all cases a significant portion of melting takes place in the garnet stability field.


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During the GEISHA expedition (Geologische Expedition in die Shackleton Range 1987/88), the Pioneers Escarpment was visited and sampled extensively for the first time. Most of the rock types encountered represent amphibolite facies metamorphics, but evidence for granulite facies conditions was found in cores of garnet. These conditions must have been at least partly reached during the peak of metamorphism. For the Pioneers Escarpment a varicolored succession of sedimentary and bimodal volcanic origin is typical. It comprises: quartzites muscovite quartzite, sericite quartzite, fuchsite quartzite, garnet-quartz schists etc.; pelites: mica schists and plagioclase or plagioclase-microcline gneisses, aluminous schists; marls and carbonates: grey meta-limestones, carbonaceous quartzites, but also pure white, often fine-grained, saccharoidal marble, or a variety of tremolite marble, olivine (forsterite) marble, diopside-clinopyroxene-tremolite marble, etc.; basic volcanic rocks: amphibole fels, amphibolite schist, garnet amphibolite, and acidic to intermediate volcanic rocks: garnet-biotite schist, epidote-biotite-plagioclase gneiss, microcline gneiss. These rocks are considered to be a supracrustal unit, called the Pioneers Group. In the easternmost parts of the Pioneers Escarpment, e.g. at Vindberget, nonmetamorphic shales, sandstones and greywackes crop out, which are cover rocks of possibly Jurassic age. These metasediments, which represent a quartz-pelite-carbonate (QPC) association, indicate that deposition took place on a stable shelf, i.e. on the submerged rim of a craton. Marine shallow-water sedimentation including marls and aluminous clays form the protoliths. The volcanics may be part of a bimodal volcanics-arkose-conglomerate (BVAC) association. Geochemical analyses support the assumption of volcanic protoliths. This is demonstrated especially by the elevated amounts of the immobile, incompatible high-field-strength elements (HFSE) Nb, Ta, Ti, Y, and Zr encountered in some of the gneisses. Microscopic investigation suggests the existence of ortho-amphibolites. This is confirmed by the geochemistry. A bimodal volcanic association is evident. The amphibolites plot in both the tholeiite and calc-alkaline fields. The acidic volcanics are mainly rhyolitic. The sediments and volcanics were subjected to conditions of 10-11 kbar and 600°C during the peak of metamorphism, i.e. granulite facies metamorphism, which can be deduced from the Fe mole ratios of 0.71-0.73 in the garnet cores. Due to the relatively low temperatures, no anatectic melting took placc. The rims of the garnets show a Fe mole ratio of 0.84-0.86, and the coexisting mineral association garnet-biotite-staurolite-kyanite indicate amphibolite facies. The thermobarometry shows P-T conditions of 5-6 kbar and 570-580°C for this stage. The metamorphic history indicates deep burial at depths down to 35 km (subduction?) i.e. high pressure metamorphism, followed by pressure release due to uplift associated with retrograde metamorphism. This may have happened during a pre-Ross metamorphic event or orogeny. The Ross Orogeny at about 500 Ma probably just led to the weak greenschist facies overprint that is evident in the rocks of the Pioneers Group. Finally, sedimentation resumed in the area of the present Shackleton Range, or at least in the eastern part of the Pioneers Escarpment, probably when detritus from erosion of the basement (Read Group and Pioneers Group) was deposited, forming sandstones and greywackes of possibly Jurassic age. There is no indication that these sediments belong to the former Turnpike Bluff Group.


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The development of laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry has revolutionized the analysis of tephras by providing (1) an efficient and precise method for determining abundances of a wide variety of trace elements at low concentrations in individual glass shards and (2) assessment of geochemical heterogeneities within individual ash horizons. This development is important for petrogenetic studies of intraoceanic arc systems, where tephras provide the most complete temporal record of magmatism. Results from the Izu-Bonin and Mariana arc systems indicate that despite close geographical proximity and similar tectonic evolution, they contrast strongly in terms of geochemical evolution since 35 Ma. Whereas the Mariana tephras have exceptional compositional diversity, ranging from low-K (Oligocene), to high-K (Miocene), and subsequently medium-K compositions (Pliocene-Quaternary), the Izu-Bonin arc has been dominated by low-K compositions throughout. The Mariana increases in K are paralleled by increases in abundances of incompatible trace elements and by increased values of diagnostic ratios (e.g., Nb/yb and Th/yb) regarded as monitors of potential mantle-source fertility. The relative uniformity of Nb/yb and Nb/Zr ratios in Izu-Bonin tephras indicates that cyclic processes of backarc basin development and mantle depletion do not necessarily induce large-scale temporal geochemical variations in the associated arc. Temporal variability within the Mariana arc, and its divergence from the Izu-Bonin arc ca. 13 Ma, can be traced to a major injection of subducted sediment in the Mariana system at this time.


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Legs 127 and 128 of the Ocean Drilling Program cored basement samples from two sites in the Yamato Basin (Sites 794 and 797) and one site in the Japan Basin (Site 795) of the Japan Sea. These samples represent sills and lava flows erupted or shallowly intruded in a marine environment during backarc extension and spreading in the middle Miocene. In this paper, we describe the geochemical characteristics of these igneous units using 52 new instrumental neutron activation analyses (INAA), 8 new X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyses, and previous shipboard XRF analyses. The sills intruded into soft sediment at Sites 794 and 797 were subject to extensive hydrothermal activity, estimated at <230° C under subgreenschist facies conditions, which heavily to totally altered the fine-grained unit margins and moderately to heavily altered the coarse-grained unit interiors. Diagenesis further altered the composition of these igneous bodies and lava flows at Sites 794, 795, and 797, most intensely at unit margins. Our study of two well-sampled units shows that Mg, Ca, Sr, and the large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) mobilized during alteration, and that the concentrations of Y, Yb, and Lu decreased and Ce increased in the most severely altered samples. Nevertheless, our study shows that the rare-earth elements (REE) were relatively immobile in the majority of the samples, even where secondary mixed-layer clays comprised the great majority of the rock. Fresher Yamato Basin samples are compositionally heterogenous tholeiitic basalts and dolerites. At Site 794 in the north-central portion of the basin, Units 1 to 5 (upper basement) comprise mildly light rare-earth element (LREE) enriched basalts and dolerites (chondrite-normalized La/Sm of 1.4-1.8), while the stratigraphically lower Units 6 to 9 are less enriched dolerites with (La/Sm)N of 0.7-1.3. All Site 794 samples lack Nb and Ta depletions and LILE enrichments, lacking a strong subduction-related incompatible element geochemical signature. At Site 797 in the western margin of the basin, two stratigraphically-definable unit groups also occur. The upper nine units are incompatible-element depleted tholeiitic sills and flows with strong depletions of Nb and Ta relative to normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB). The lower twelve sills represent LREE-enriched tholeiites (normalized La/Sm ranges from 1.1 to 1.8), with distinctly higher LILE and high field-strength element (HFSE) contents. At Site 795 at the northern margin of the Japan Sea, three eruptive units consist of basaltic andesite to calc-alkaline basalt (normalized La/Sm of 1.1 to 1.5) containing moderate depletions of the HFSE relative to N-MORB. The LILE-depleted nature of these samples precludes their origin in a continental arc, indicating that they more likely erupted within a rifting oceanic arc system. The heterogenous nature of the Japan Sea rocks indicate that they were derived at each site from multiple parental magmas generated from a compositionally heterogenous mantle source. Their chemistry is intermediate in character between arc basalts, MORB, and intraplate basalts, and implies little involvement of continental crust at any point in their genesis. Their flat chondrite-normalized, medium-to-heavy rare earth patterns indicate that the primary magmas which produced them last equilibrated with and segregated from spinel lherzolite at shallow depths (<30 kbar). In strong contrast to their isotopic compositional arrays, subduction-related geochemical signatures are usually poorly defined. No basin-wide temporal or geographic systematics of rock chemistry may be confidently detailed; instead, the data show both intimate (site-specific) and widespread backarc mantle heterogeneity over a narrow (2 Ma or so) range in time, with mantle heterogeneity most closely resembling a "plum-pudding" model.


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Two samples of pumice, obtained by trawling from depths of 3100 and 4300 m on the eastern slope of the Great Meteor Seamount in the Atlantic Ocean, have been examined. Their petrochemical composition has been studied. The pumice is probably a product of youthful explosive volcanism on the Azores, displaced southward by surface currents.


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New geological and geophysical data on the Amirante Arc, which locates to the south of the Seychelles Islands, are presented. These data were obtained by Pacific Oceanological Institute during the 33-rd cruise of R/V Professor Bogorov in 1990. The Amirante Arc represents a seamount chain, which has submeridional strike and total length about 400 km. To the west of the Amirante Arc there are a deep sea trench and a back-arc basin, i.e. this area is characterized by structural elements associated with the subduction zone of Western Pacific type. According to our data the Amirante Arc is composed by tholeiites of ocean plateau type. This facts are evidences that the Amirante Arc differs from typical Pacific island arcs. This gives an opportunity to distinguish a special type of oceanic structures, i.e. non-volcanic (amagmatic) ridges. The Amirante Ridge has been probably formed as a result of oceanic crust heaping due to horizontal displacements of its blocks in the process of spreding ridge formation in the Indian Ocean during Cretaceous-Paleogene.


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The Astoria submarine fan, located off the coast of Washington and Oregon, has grown throughout the Pleistocene from continental input delivered by the Columbia River drainage system. Enormous floods from the sudden release of glacial lake water occurred periodically during the Pleistocene, carrying vast amounts of sediment to the Pacific Ocean. DSDP site 174, located on the southern distal edge of the Astoria Fan, is composed of 879 m of terrigenous sediments. The section is divided into two major units separated by a distinct seismic discontinuity: an upper, turbidite fan unit (Unit I), and an underlying finer-grained unit (Unit II). Both units have overlapping ranges of Nd and Hf isotope compositions, with the majority of samples having e-Nd values of -7.1 to -15.2 and eHf values -6.2 to -20.0; the most notable exception is the uppermost sample in the section, which is identical to modern Columbia River sediment. Nd depleted mantle model ages for the site range from 2.0 to 1.2 Ga and are consistent with derivation from cratonic Proterozoic source regions, rather than Cenozoic and Mesozoic terranes proximal to the Washington-Oregon coast. The Astoria Fan sediments have significantly less radiogenic Nd (and Hf) isotopic compositions than present day Columbia River sediment (e-Nd=-3 to -4; [Goldstein, S.J., Jacobsen, S.B., 1987. Nd and Sr isotopic systematics of river water suspended material: implications for crustal evolution. Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. 87, 249-265; doi:10.1016/0012-821X(88)90013-1]), and suggest that outburst flooding, tapping Proterozoic source regions, was the dominant sediment transport mechanism in the genesis and construction of the Astoria Fan. Pb isotopes form a highly linear 207Pb/204Pb - 206Pb/204Pb array, and indicate the sediments are a binary mixture of two disparate sources with isotopic compositions similar to Proterozoic Belt Supergroup metasediments and Columbia River Basalts. The combined major, trace and isotopic data argue that outburst flooding was responsible for depositing the majority (top 630 m) of the sediment in the Astoria Fan.


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The book presents results of comprehensive geological and geophysical studies, carried out in the Cape Verde fault zone in the 3-rd cruise of R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov (1986). Detailed characterization of bottom relief, thickness and structure of the sedimentary cover, magnetic field, crust structure, lithology and stratigraphy of sediments, petrography and geochemistry of magmatic rocks. Conclusions about tectonic layering of the crust and upper mantle in the fault zone, and about a concurrent structural section of large mantle inhomogeneities have been done. The book is the first monographic description of a major fault structure of the ocean floor.


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This paper reports results of petrographic and geochemical studies of Miocene-Pleistocene volcanic rocks that accompanied formation of deep-water basins of the Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk. Geochemical types of these rocks, their geodynamic settings, and their derivation from different magmatic sources were determined. Marginal-sea basaltoids from the Sea of Japan are derivatives of fluid-enriched mantle (EMI), while volcanics from the Kuril basin were generated from mantle enriched in continental crust matter (EMU). In spite of different conditions of their genesis, they have some common geochemical features, in particular, their calc-alkaline signatures. These traces of influence of the sialic crust on magma generation confirm development of the basins of both these seas on the continental basement.


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Biological productivity in the modern equatorial Pacific Ocean, a region with high nutrients and low chlorophyll, is currently limited by the micronutrient Fe. In order to test whether Fe was limiting in the past and to identify potential pathways of Fe delivery that could drive Fe fertilization (i.e., dust delivery from eolian inputs vs. Fe supplied by the Equatorial Undercurrent), we chemically isolated the terrigenous material from sediment along a cross-equatorial transect in the central equatorial Pacific at 140°W and at Ocean Drilling Program Site 850 in the eastern equatorial Pacific. We quantified the contribution from each potential Fe-bearing terrigenous source using a suite of chemical- and isotopic discrimination strategies as well as multivariate statistical techniques. We find that the distribution of the terrigenous sources (i.e., Asian loess, South American ash, Papua New Guinea, and ocean island basalt) varies through time, latitude, and climate. Regardless of which method is used to determine accumulation rate, there also is no relationship between flux of any particular Fe source and climate. Moreover, there is no connection between a particular Fe source or pathway (eolian vs. Undercurrent) to total productivity during the Last Glacial Maximum, Pleistocene glacial episodes, and the Miocene "Biogenic Bloom". This would suggest an alternative process, such as an interoceanic reorganization of nutrient inventories, may be responsible for past changes in total export in the open ocean, rather than simply Fe supply from dust and/or Equatorial Undercurrent processes. Additionally, perhaps a change in Fe source or flux is related to a change in a particular component of the total productivity (e.g., the production of organic matter, calcium carbonate, or biogenic opal).