995 resultados para NEO-PI-R


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Projecte d'implantació del sistema SAP R/3 que inclou les fases d'anàlisi i de disseny funcional.


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L'objectiu d'aquest TFC és la realització d'un estudi del projecte sobre la implantació d'un sistema de gestió integrat ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) a una empresa fictícia del sector cerveser CePe (Cerveses Penedès) d'acord amb els objectius estratègics de l'empresa.


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Projecte d'implantació d'un sistema de gestió ERP SAP R/3.


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Background: The variety of DNA microarray formats and datasets presently available offers an unprecedented opportunity to perform insightful comparisons of heterogeneous data. Cross-species studies, in particular, have the power of identifying conserved, functionally important molecular processes. Validation of discoveries can now often be performed in readily available public data which frequently requires cross-platform studies.Cross-platform and cross-species analyses require matching probes on different microarray formats. This can be achieved using the information in microarray annotations and additional molecular biology databases, such as orthology databases. Although annotations and other biological information are stored using modern database models ( e. g. relational), they are very often distributed and shared as tables in text files, i.e. flat file databases. This common flat database format thus provides a simple and robust solution to flexibly integrate various sources of information and a basis for the combined analysis of heterogeneous gene expression profiles.Results: We provide annotationTools, a Bioconductor-compliant R package to annotate microarray experiments and integrate heterogeneous gene expression profiles using annotation and other molecular biology information available as flat file databases. First, annotationTools contains a specialized set of functions for mining this widely used database format in a systematic manner. It thus offers a straightforward solution for annotating microarray experiments. Second, building on these basic functions and relying on the combination of information from several databases, it provides tools to easily perform cross-species analyses of gene expression data.Here, we present two example applications of annotationTools that are of direct relevance for the analysis of heterogeneous gene expression profiles, namely a cross-platform mapping of probes and a cross-species mapping of orthologous probes using different orthology databases. We also show how to perform an explorative comparison of disease-related transcriptional changes in human patients and in a genetic mouse model.Conclusion: The R package annotationTools provides a simple solution to handle microarray annotation and orthology tables, as well as other flat molecular biology databases. Thereby, it allows easy integration and analysis of heterogeneous microarray experiments across different technological platforms or species.


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BACKGROUND: Control of blood pressure (BP) remains a major challenge in primary care. Innovative interventions to improve BP control are therefore needed. By updating and combining data from 2 previous systematic reviews, we assess the effect of pharmacist interventions on BP and identify potential determinants of heterogeneity. METHODS AND RESULTS: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) assessing the effect of pharmacist interventions on BP among outpatients with or without diabetes were identified from MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, and CENTRAL databases. Weighted mean differences in BP were estimated using random effect models. Prediction intervals (PI) were computed to better express uncertainties in the effect estimates. Thirty-nine RCTs were included with 14 224 patients. Pharmacist interventions mainly included patient education, feedback to physician, and medication management. Compared with usual care, pharmacist interventions showed greater reduction in systolic BP (-7.6 mm Hg, 95% CI: -9.0 to -6.3; I(2)=67%) and diastolic BP (-3.9 mm Hg, 95% CI: -5.1 to -2.8; I(2)=83%). The 95% PI ranged from -13.9 to -1.4 mm Hg for systolic BP and from -9.9 to +2.0 mm Hg for diastolic BP. The effect tended to be larger if the intervention was led by the pharmacist and was done at least monthly. CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacist interventions - alone or in collaboration with other healthcare professionals - improved BP management. Nevertheless, pharmacist interventions had differential effects on BP, from very large to modest or no effect; and determinants of heterogeneity could not be identified. Determining the most efficient, cost-effective, and least time-consuming intervention should be addressed with further research.


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We report experimental and numerical results showing how certain N-dimensional dynamical systems are able to exhibit complex time evolutions based on the nonlinear combination of N-1 oscillation modes. The experiments have been done with a family of thermo-optical systems of effective dynamical dimension varying from 1 to 6. The corresponding mathematical model is an N-dimensional vector field based on a scalar-valued nonlinear function of a single variable that is a linear combination of all the dynamic variables. We show how the complex evolutions appear associated with the occurrence of successive Hopf bifurcations in a saddle-node pair of fixed points up to exhaust their instability capabilities in N dimensions. For this reason the observed phenomenon is denoted as the full instability behavior of the dynamical system. The process through which the attractor responsible for the observed time evolution is formed may be rather complex and difficult to characterize. Nevertheless, the well-organized structure of the time signals suggests some generic mechanism of nonlinear mode mixing that we associate with the cluster of invariant sets emerging from the pair of fixed points and with the influence of the neighboring saddle sets on the flow nearby the attractor. The generation of invariant tori is likely during the full instability development and the global process may be considered as a generalized Landau scenario for the emergence of irregular and complex behavior through the nonlinear superposition of oscillatory motions


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L’actual document és el resultat final d’un treball engegat l’any 2009 per la comunitat de pràctica dels Psicòlegs dels equips d’assessorament tècnic penal arran de la implementació progressiva del programa Compartim, de gestió del coneixement al Departament de Justícia. És en aquest marc de treball col·laboratiu que els psicòlegs dels equips d’assessorament tècnic penal vam decidir que el contingut del producte de coneixement a elaborar havia de centrar-se en una tasca en què tots i totes ens hi sentíssim vinculats i motivats perquè respongués a una necessitat tècnica important: l’anàlisi de la credibilitat dels testimonis en violència de gènere atesa l’increment demanda per part dels òrgans judicials sobre el testimoni en violència de gènere, des de la creació l’any 2004 del Jutjat de Violència vers la Dona. Així és en aquest camp en què decidim, l’any 2009, fer un pas endavant i analitzar en profunditat les tècniques que hi ha actualment sobre l’anàlisi de la credibilitat del testimoni adult en violència de gènere per tal de valorar la seva possible eficàcia i la seva posterior administració mitjançant la revisió de la Guia d’avaluació del testimoni en violència de gènere, instrument de Juárez, J.R., Mateu, A. i Sala, E. el 2007 (publicat pel CEJFE, Departament de Justícia, 2007). Ja el novembre de 2010 publicàvem un primer estudi on es presentaven unes primeres conclusions fetes arran de la revisió de la Guia d’avaluació del testimoni en violència de gènere esmentada. Després d’aquests 3 anys, a hores d’ara ja estem en disposició de poder presentar els resultats d’un treball que, independentment dels seus resultats, de la seva futura aplicació i de la seves possibles repercussions en l’àmbit de la justícia, volem remarcar que és fruit d’un treball conjunt, col·laboratiu i cooperatiu, fruit del debat, de l’intercanvi de coneixements, de la reflexió i de l’optimització tècnica de professionals especialitzats en l’àmbit com són el conjunt dels psicòlegs dels equips d’assessorament tècnic penal de Catalunya. Així en aquest espai s’ha aconseguit el que ja s’havia iniciat a l’anterior estudi: convertir el coneixement implícit en explícit, l’informal en formal, de privat a públic, en definitiva socialitzar i compartir el coneixement dels membres individuals de la comunitat per tal de poder dotar la nostra organització d’un patrimoni intel·lectual col·lectiu de més qualitat i, finalment, poder donar un millor servei públic des de la globalitat del territori. D’aquesta manera, i en la mateixa línia de treball, des de la publicació de l’anterior estudi (novembre 2010) i fins ara, es va continuar amb l’ampliació de la mostra incrementat aquesta de 31 a 83 casos cosa que ja ens permet amb més seguretat dibuixar un perfil sociodemogràfic, psicològic i del testimoni en casos de violència de gènere sobre els quals els òrgans judicials demanen pericials psicològiques de la denunciant.


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BACKGROUND: Surgeons' personalities have been described as different from those of the general population, but this was based on small descriptive studies limited by the choice of evaluation instrument. Furthermore, although the importance of the human factor in team performance has been recognized, the effect of personality traits on technical performance is unknown. This study aimed to compare surgical residents' personality traits with those of the general population and to evaluate whether an association exists between their personality traits and technical performance using a virtual reality (VR) laparoscopy simulator. METHODS: In this study, 95 participants (54 residents with basic, 29 with intermediate laparoscopic experience, and 12 students) underwent personality assessment using the NEO-Five Factor Inventory and performed five VR tasks of the Lap Mentor? basic tasks module. The residents' personality traits were compared with those of the general population, and the association between VR performance and personality traits was investigated. RESULTS: Surgical residents showed personality traits different from those of the general population, demonstrating lower neuroticism, higher extraversion and conscientiousness, and male residents showed greater openness. In the multivariable analysis, adjusted for gender and surgical experience, none of the personality traits was found to be an independent predictor of technical performance. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical residents present distinct personality traits that differ from those of the general population. These traits were not found to be associated with technical performance in a virtual environment. The traits may, however, play an important role in team performance, which in turn is highly relevant for optimal surgical performance.