876 resultados para Multicultural teams
The Spanish Society of Nursing Emergency (SEEUE) has several lines documentaries that can be consulted on its web page and that have been spread through various publications: Statutes, scientific recommendations, professional recommendations, statements and allegations, grounds for nursing emergency, guarantees and rules, documents of interest and legislation. Set this that composed the regulatory environment, legal and recommendations which society poses to the collective nurse from the area of the emergency, as well as the rest of actors associated with urgent assistance (institutional and administratively) and through what has been the work of conceptualization and definition in our area the past few years. Part of this documentation offer possibilities for scientific endorsement and professional and invites to continue building knowledge and evidence. It is in this sense in which this work can and should be defined from a literature review approach and under the scheme of "review article". The working Group in Primary Care (PC) of the SEEUE, decided to build a Professional Recommendation (PR) in one of the areas of "uncertainty/variability" in the employment context and historical demand of nurses and other emergency care team on security issues: "The uniform and personal protective equipment for professional teams on prehospital emergency areas”.
The gradual incorporation of the nurses to the extrahospital emergency teams give them a holistic aspect in the field of care. And this is not possible without addressing the possibility of continuity of care and communication with other levels of care. All efforts in this regard and made speeches themselves as nursing, "Refer" (Nic 8100) and "Exchange of information on health care" (Nic 7960), is the conceptual framework of this work, which objetives are to quantify and exposing the proceedings in this line taken by the nurses of emergency team.
En esta investigación se explora el fenómeno de la agresividad originada en entornos cerrados como lo son los centros educativos de justicia juvenil de Cataluña. Una correcta valoración estructurada en combinación con el análisis de las redes sociales establecidas entre los individuos de los centros permite obtener información precisa sobre los comportamientos agresivos producidos en estos entornos cerrados. Esta información puede ser utilizada por los equipos profesionales para detectar, registrar y prevenir futuros incidentes.
Prototipo aplicación web para trabajo colaborativo que sirve para la gestión de incidencias en un departamento de informática, con gestión de usuarios, grupos de usuarios, incidencias y base de datos de conocimiento.
Crònica amb valoració personal d'un fet que va generar un fort dèbat social entorn al cas de tres nenes magrebines que varen deixar d'anar a escola
Reflexió sobre la visió que tenen dels gironins, els estrangers que viuen a les comarques gironines