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While it has been reported that individuals with psychosis are at increased or decreased risk of various physical disorders such as cancer and rheumatoid arthritis, there has been less research on the co-segregation of physical disorders within the first-degree relatives of those with psychosis compared to relatives of well controls. The aim of this study was to examine these issues in an epidemiologically informed catchment-area based case-control study. Patients with psychosis were drawn from a prevalence study undertaken as part of the Australian National Mental Health Survey. In addition, we recruited well controls who resided in the same catchment area. For each subject, we drew pedigrees and used a structured checklist to assess the presence of selected psychiatric disorders, and selected disorders such as multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, spina bifida, thyroid disorders, diabetes, asthma and eczema. Data based on pedigrees from 293 individuals with psychosis and 292 well controls was available. As expected, the odds of havingschizophrenia and affective disorders were significantly increased in the families of cases versus controls. The odds of havingeczema were significantly reduced in the relatives of those with psychosis. All other disorders occurred with equal frequency in cases versus control pedigrees. Current theories of eczema suggest that an absence of early life exposure to antigens and infectious agents may fail to prime the na¨ıve immune system, and leave the person at increased risk of eczema. The results of this study suggest that genetic andror environmental factors that facilitate psychosis may protect against eczema. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.
We have previously found an association between variations in schizophrenia birth rates and varyinglevels of perinatal sunshine duration. This study examines whether such an association can also be found for Ža. affective psychosis, and Žb. broadly defined nonaffective psychoses. Data for individuals born between 1931 and 1970 in Australia with ICD9 Other PsychosisŽ295–299.were obtained from the Queensland Mental Health Statistical System. ‘Affective psychosis’ included affective psychosis, schizo-affective psychosis, and depressive and excitative non-organic psychoses. ‘Non-affective psychosis’ included chizophrenia, paranoid disorders and other non-organic psychoses. Those receiving both affective and non-affective psychotic diagnoses were excluded. Rates per 10,000 live monthly general population births were calculated. For each month, we assessed the agreementŽusing the kappa statistic. between trends in Ža. birth rates and Žb. long-term trends in seasonally adjusted perinatal sunshine duration. The analyses were performed separately for males and females. There were 6265 with non-affective psychosis ŽMs3964 rate 66r10,000; Fs2299 44r10,000. and 2858 with affective psychosisŽMs1392 24r10,000; Fs1466 28r10,000.. There were no significant associations between Ža. affective psychosis birth rates for either males or females and Žb. sunshine duration. There was a significant association between nonaffective psychosis birth rates for males only and Žb. sunshine duration Žkappas0.15 p-0.001.. This suggests that, as a risk factor, the effect of reduced perinatal sunshine is specifically associated with males who develop non-affective psychosis. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.
No association between the deficit syndrome in psychosis and summer birth in the Southern Hemisphere
Recent studies have shown that individuals with schizophrenia who are born in summer have an increased odds of have deficit syndrome versus nondeficit syndrome. This study extends this work to examiningthis issue in patients from the Southern Hemisphere. Data which included OPCRITrSCAN items and demographic information was obtained for Australian-born cases from the Australian National Mental Health Survey. Followingpreviously published methods, cases were assigned to the deficit group Žns153.or non-deficit groupŽns228.. A logistic regression analysis was used to ascertain whether beingborn in summer ŽDecember, January, February.in the Southern Hemisphere altered the odds of havingdeficit syndrome. There was no association between summer birth and odds of havingdeficit versus non-deficit schizophrenia ŽOdds Ratios0.75, 95% CI 0.49–1.16.. Based on our previous work showingthat the size of the winterrspringbirth excess in schizophrenia is reduced in the Southern Hemisphere, we speculate that factors that influence the association between summer birth and non-deficit syndrome may also vary across geography andror latitude. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.
Dermatoglyphic measures are of interest to schizophrenia research because they serve as persistent markers of deviant development in foetal life. Several studies have reported alterations in A–B ridge counts, total finger ridge counts and measures related to asymmetry in schizophrenia. The aim of this study was to assess these measures in an Australian catchment area, case-control study. Individuals with psychosisŽns246.were drawn from a catchment-area prevalence study, and well controlsŽns229. were recruited from the same area. Finger and palm prints were taken usingan inkless technique and all dermatoglyphic measures were assessed by a trained rater blind to case status. The dermatoglyphic measures Žfinger ridge count, A–B ridge count, and their derived asymmetry measures. were divided into quartiles based on the distribution of these variables in controls. The main analysis Žlogistic regression controlled for age and sex.examined all psychotic disorders, with planned subgroup analyses comparing controls with Ž1. nonaffective psychosis Žschizophrenia, delusional disorder, schizophreniform psychosis, atypical psychosis.andŽ2. affective psychosis Ždepression with psychosis, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective psychosis.. There were no statistically significant alterations in the odds of havinga psychotic disorder for any of the dermatoglyphic measures. The results did not change when we examined affective and nonaffective psychosis separately. The dermatoglyphic features that distinguish schizophreniar psychosis in other studies were not identified in this Australian study. Regional variations in these findings may provide clues to differential ethnicrgenetic and environmental factors that are associated with schizophrenia. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.
The offspringof older fathers have an increased risk of various disorders that may be due to the accumulation of DNA mutations during spermatogenesis. Previous studies have suggested increased paternal age may be a risk factor for schizophrenia. The aim of the current study was to examine paternal age as a risk factor for schizophrenia andror psychosis. We used data from three sources: a population-based cohort studyŽDenmark., and two case-control studiesŽSweden and Australia.. In the Danish and Australian studies, we examined both psychosis and schizophrenia. In the Swedish study we examined psychosis only. After controllingfor the effect of maternal age, increased paternal age was significantly associated with increased risk of both psychosis and schizophrenia in the Danish study and of psychosis in the Swedish study. The Australian study found no association between paternal age and risk of psychosis or schizophrenia. In all three studies the relationship between paternal age and risk of disorder in the offspring was AUB-shaped. In addition to an increased risk for the offspringof older father Ž)35 years., there was a non-significant increase for the offspringof fathers aged less than 20 years. The possible role of paternally derived DNA mutations andror other psychosocial factors associated with older paternal age warrants further research. The ‘U’-shaped relationship suggests that factors other than DNA mutations may warrant consideration in this research. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.
Scale insects (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Coccoidea) are a speciose and morphologically specialized group of plant-feeding bugs in which evolutionary relationships and thus higher classification are controversial. Sequences derived from nuclear small-subunit ribosomal DNA were used to generate a preliminary molecular phylogeny for the Coccoidea based on 39 species representing 14 putative families. Monophyly of the archaeococcoids (comprising Ortheziidae, Margarodidae sensu lato, and Phenacoleachia) was equivocal, whereas monophyly of the neococcoids was supported. Putoidae, represented by Puto yuccae, was found to be outside the remainder of the neococcoid clade. These data are consistent with a single origin (in the ancestor of the neococcoid clade) of a chromosome system involving paternal genome elimination in males. Pseudococcidae (mealybugs) appear to be sister to the rest of the neococcoids and there are indications that Coccidae (soft scales) and Kerriidae (lac scales) are sister taxa. The Eriococcidae (felt scales) was not recovered as a monophyletic group and the eriococcid genus Eriococcus sensu lato was polyphyletic. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Tarpon have high resting or routine hematocrits (Hct) (37.6+/-3.4%) and hemoglobin concentrations (120.6+/-7.3 g 1(-1)) that increased significantly following bouts of angling-induced exercise (51.9+/-3.7% and 142.8+/-13.5 g 1(-1), respectively). Strenuous exercise was accompanied by an approximately tenfold increase in blood lactate and a muscle metabolite profile indicative of a high energy demand teleost. Routine blood values were quickly restored only when this facultative air-breathing fish was given access to atmospheric air. In vitro studies of oxygen transport capacity, a function of carrying capacity and viscosity, revealed that the optimal Hct range corresponded to that observed in fish under routine behaviour. During strenuous exercise however, further increase in viscosity was largely offset by a pronounced reduction in the shear-dependence of blood which conformed closely to an ideal Newtonian fluid. The mechanism for this behaviour of the erythrocytes appears to involve the activation of surface adrenergic receptors because pre-treatment with propranolol abolished the response. High levels of activity in tarpon living in hypoxic habitats are therefore supported by an elevated Hct with adrenergically mediated viscosity reduction, and air-breathing behaviour that enables rapid metabolic recovery. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
There has been a debate on whether or not the incidence of schizophrenia varies across time and place. In order to optimise the evidence upon which this debate is based, we have undertaken a systematicsystematic review of the literature. In this paper we provide an overview of the methods of the review and a preliminary analysis of the studies identified to date. Electronic databases (Medline, Psychlnfo, Embase, LILAC) were systematically searched for articles published between January 1965 and December 2001. The search terms were: (schizo* OR psycho*)AND (incidence OR prevalence). References were also identified from review articles, reference list and by writing to authors. To date we have identified 137 papers drawn from 33 nations. 37 papers in language other than English await translation. The currently included papers have generated 1413 different items of rate information data. In order to analyze these data we have undertaken several sequential filters in order to identify (a) non-overlapping data, (b) birth cohort study versus noncohort studies, (c) overall and sex-specific rates, (d) diagnostic criteria, (e) age ranges, (f) epoch of study, and (g) data on migrant or other special interest groups. In addition, we will examine the impact of urbanicity of site, age and/or sex standardization, and quality score on the incidence rates. The various discrete incidence rates will be presented graphically and the impact of various filters on these rates will be inspected using meta-analytic techniques. The use of meta-analysis may help elucidate the epidemiological landscape with respect to the incidence of schizophrenia and aid in the generation of new hypothesis. Acknowledgements: The Stanley Medical Research Institute supported project
The phylogeny of the Australian legume genus Daviesia was estimated using sequences of the internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Partial congruence was found with previous analyses using morphology, including strong support for monophyly of the genus and for a sister group relationship between the clade D. pachyloma and the rest of the genus. A previously unplaced bird-pollinated species, anceps + D. D. epiphyllum, was well supported as sister to the only other bird-pollinated species in the genus, D. speciosa, indicating a single origin of bird pollination in their common ancestor. Other morphological groups within Daviesia were not supported and require reassessment. A strong and previously unreported sister clade of Daviesia consists of the two monotypic genera Erichsenia and Viminaria. These share phyllode-like leaves and indehiscent fruits. The evolutionary history of cord roots, which have anomalous secondary thickening, was explored using parsimony. Cord roots are limited to three separate clades but have a complex history involving a small number of gains (most likely 0-3) and losses (0-5). The anomalous structure of cord roots ( adventitious vascular strands embedded in a parenchymatous matrix) may facilitate nutrient storage, and the roots may be contractile. Both functions may be related to a postfire resprouting adaptation. Alternatively, cord roots may be an adaptation to the low-nutrient lateritic soils of Western Australia. However, tests for association between root type, soil type, and growth habit were equivocal, depending on whether the variables were treated as phylogenetically dependent (insignificant) or independent ( significant).
Home care is the preferred option for most people with a terminal illness. Providing home care relies on good community-based services, and a general practice workforce competent in palliative care practice and willing to accommodate patients' needs. Structured palliative care training of general practitioners is needed at undergraduate and postgraduate level, with attention to barriers to teamwork and communication. Good palliative care-can be delivered to patients at home by GPs (supported by specialist palliative care teams) and community nurses, with access to an inpatient facility when required. To optimise patient care, careful planning and good communication between all members of the healthcare team is crucial.
The circumscription of Oxylobium and related genera has been problematic for nearly 200 years. Traditional definitions of genera in the group have relied on morphological features of the leaves, flower, and fruit that overlap extensively between genera. Therefore sequences of cpDNA (trnL-F intron and spacer) and nrDNA (ITS) were used to estimate the phylogeny of the group in an attempt to redefine the genera as monophyletic groups. Oxylobium sens. str. was found to be a well supported clade in both data sets, with the inclusion of Mirbelia oxylobioides. No other genus in the group was supported by these data, except Gastrolobium sens. lat. Some species groups within Chorizema, Mirbelia, and Podolobium were supported but relationships among these, Oxylobium and Gastrolobium differed significantly between the chloroplast and nuclear data sets. No group supported by the molecular data had a morphological synapomorphy, not even Oxylobium or Gastrolobium. Therefore it may be necessary to adopt a much broader generic concept in this group than has been done previously. Incongruence between the two molecular data sets, and very short internal basal branches in both, suggest a rapid early radiation in this group, possibly combined with hybridization and lineage sorting.
Cytosolic sulfotransferases are believed to play a role in the neuromodulation of certain neurotransmitters and drugs. To date, four cytosolic sulfotransferases have been shown to be expressed in human brain. Recently, a novel human brain sulfotransferase has been identified and characterized, although its role and localization in the brain are unknown. Here we present the first immunohistochemical (IHC) localization of SULT4A1 in human brain using an affinity-purified polyclonal antibody raised against recombinant human SULT4A1. These results are supported and supplemented by the IHC localization of SULT4A1 in rat brain. In both human and rat brains, strong reactivity was found in several brain regions, including cerebral cortex, cerebellum, pituitary, and brainstem. Specific signal was entirely absent on sections for which preimmune serum from the corresponding animal, processed in the same way as the postimmune serum, was used in the primary screen. The findings from this study may assist in determining the physiological role of this SULT isoform.
Giardia duodenalis isolates recovered from humans and clogs living in the same locality in a remote tea-growing community of northeast India were characterized at 3 different loci; the SSU-rDNA, elongation factor 1-alpha (ef1-alpha) and triose phosphate isomerase (tpi) gene. Phylogenetic analysis of the SSU-rDNA and ef1-alpha genes provided poor genetic resolution of the isolates within various assemblages, stressing the importance of using multiple loci when inferring genotypes to Giardia. Analysis of the tpi gene provided better genetic resolution and placed canine Giardia isolates within the genetic groupings of human isolates (Assemblages A and B). Further evidence for zoonotic transmission was supported by epidemiological data showing a highly significant association between the prevalence of Giardia in humans and presence of it Giardia-positive dog in the same household (odds ratio 3.01, 95%) CI, 1.11, 8.39, P = 0.0000).
We describe administrative reform involving management innovation undertaken at the Superior Tribunal of Justice, Brazil`s highest appellate court for infra-constitutional cases. The innovation is the introduction of a new management model based on strategic planning and a process management approach to work processes. Introduction of the new model has been supported by the use of information technology and project management techniques. Qualitative methods were used for data collection and analysis. Findings reveal that the innovation is contributing to the development of a systemic overview of key processes, reducing the fragmenting effects of the division of work activities within the Tribunal. At least three new organizational routines or capabilities have been developed as a result of the innovation studied: Electronic Court Management, Project Management, and Process Management. The paper contributes to knowledge about court management, a field that has received little research attention in the public administration literature.
Aim: To determine acceptability of a health advocacy intervention, the Ask Diary and the comprehensive health assessment program (CHAP). Method: We performed a two by two designed randomised controlled trial of the Ask Diary and the CHAP tool in adults with intellectual disability. Results of interviews of self-advocates and caregiver advocates, both families and paid carers, will be presented. Results: The interviews found strong support for the Ask Diary and the CHAP tool among selfadvocates and family caregivers. There was clear indication that the Ask Diary improved advocacy, aided in the organisation of health matters and was easy to use. It was reported that the health assessment resulted in benefits for the person’s health and high acceptability by carers. There was less support for the interventions where the person was supported through government services. Conclusions: Self-advocates and family caregivers welcome and use a personalised health advocacy diary and also a health assessment. However paid carers used the diary less but were supportive of the health assessment.