995 resultados para Modelagem comparativa


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A maior parte das espécies de anuros adultos terrestres está constantemente exposta a altas taxas de perda de água por evaporação através da pele. A manutenção do balanço hídrico nestes animais envolve a absorção de água através da mancha pélvica, uma região da pele ventral altamente permeável à água, além da reabsorção de água a partir do fluido filtrado nos glomérulos ao longo do sistema tubular dos néfrons, bem como a partir da urina formada e estocada na bexiga urinária, em resposta à arginina vasotocina (AVT). O movimento de água através da membrana plasmática ocorre através de poros formados por proteínas integrais de membrana, conhecidas como aquaporinas (AQPs), e a regulação osmótica exercida pelo AVT envolve translocação de vesículas contendo AQPs do citoplasma para a membrana apical e, provavelmente, alteração na expressão de alguns tipos de AQPs. Resultados previamente obtidos no laboratório demonstraram a existência de variação interespecífica nas taxas de reidratação de três espécies de Rhinella, sendo que R. ornata apresentou taxas de reidratação significativamente menores que aquelas apresentadas por R. schneideri e R. icterica. Uma possível explicação para esta variação em taxas de reidratação poderia envolver diferenças na expressão de aquaporinas na mancha pélvica. Desta forma, o objetivo do projeto foi identificar e quantificar a expressão do RNAm de aquaporinas do tipo 1 (AQP-1) e de aquaporinas AVT dependentes pertencentes ao tipo 2a (AQP-t2 e AQP-t3) - quanto à classificação das AQPs entenda-se AQP -t aquelas que apresentam sequência gênica referentes a Rinella marina AQP -h a Hyla japonica.- nos seguintes tecidos: pele dorsal e pele ventral (mancha pélvica) de espécimes de R. schneideri e R. ornata totalmente hidratados e após submissão à desidratação correspondente a 70% da massa corpórea padrão. As hipótese ...


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Este trabalho propõe a inclusão de informação extraída a partir da modelagem de processos para auxiliar pequena empresas do setor madeireiro no controle de fluxo de materiais e estoques. Para isto são apresentados conceitos de modelagem de processos e sistema MRP I (Material Requirement Planning). Desta forma foi realizado um estudo detalhado sobre o sistema citado e posteriormente sobre as possibilidades de aplicações de uma modelagem de processos. Em seguida, chegou-se a proposta de modelagem para o tipo de empresa em questão. A modelagem é constituída por cinco etapas, onde é sugerida a inclusão de tendência de demanda para maior controle de necessidades de materiais. O resultado obtido, a modelagem, pode ter grande utilidade no controle de fluxo de materiais em pequenas empresas, acarretando menores problemas no atendimento de demanda e acumulo de estoques e assim aumentando sua competitividade.


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This paper presents the development of a Web application called CityFreedom based on 3D modeling. The developed system demonstrates the use of most revolutionary and innovative techniques to create Web portals with the integrated 3D navigation scenarios to their own pages, without requiring any kind of plug-ins or external software. Everything works on the basis of compatible browsers. The CtyFreedom aims to give the user the feeling of immersion in virtual reality so get to interact with a three-dimensional city in order to see new places, traveling in an area of town that has always thought of knowing or even analyze establishments long before attend-them. It's the freedom to know and traveling around the city in a simple and trivial way. It is a new trend, the future of Web systems development


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The cylinder head contains the combustion chamber for the air-fuel mixture and the intake and exhaust valves, the valve guide and the valve seat. The cylinder head also is a support for the camshaft and valve rocker. The holes where the spark plugs are connected are designed to fit the better place in the combustion chamber. The cylinder heads often are manufactured using materials such as aluminum and cast iron. The cooling fins located in the outside of the cylinder head are designed for a good heat transfer and therefore their dimensions and positioning are important. This work aims the calculation for a cylinder head to be installed in a 400 cc displacement, gasoline powered, four stroke, single cylinder engine. According to the displacement it will be analyzed the combustion chamber, the intake and exhaust valves, as well as the camshaft and rocker arms. This also a work to help to accomplish the design of a single cylinder engine, where the alternatives parts, cylinder block and crankcase are all already machined and assembled in this campus


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Pipelines are linear construction that intersect several environments, requiring integration of environmental and technical aspects in its various elaboration steps. Environmental impact assessment if made to integrate the environmental information to enable environmental characterization, possibility identify previously fragilities of environment what contributes to the safety forecast of the significant impacts. These studies shall consider superimpose of the elements and the worsening of critical situations that already exists. In this way, meet and analyse informations about the environmental impact assessment, constructive aspects related to pipelines transport and get environmental impact studies of the case studies, providing the student a critical vision for the discussion of the apropiate balance between description and analysis, methodological rigour and the interface between construction and the environmente with inserts. Performing the critical analysis of methodologies and applied criteria for the environmental diagnosis and impact identification, search improve the methodologies for elaboration of environmental impact studies for linear construction, particulary pipelines, minin conflicts and giving security for the license process. Await provide subsidy to direction data collection, for choosing environmental indicator and for the prognosis and indentification of impacts.


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The term refrigeration solar refers to any air conditioning system that uses solar energy as a primary energy source. The use of solar radiation for cooling purposes is divided according to their technological possibilities which are distinguished from one another as the way that energy is involved in the cycle, work or heat. The first case is related to vapor compression cycles, in which the work input is provided by the photovoltaic conversion of solar energy into electrical energy. In the second case, an absorption refrigeration cycle is used and the thermal energy collected from the solar radiation is provided at the generator of this cycle.. In this work a system with an absorption cycle using the pair BrLi-water, using solar energy as input is modeled. It is considered a simple refrigeration cycle whose the equations of mass and energy conservation in each component are developed in order to obtain an algebraic equation set and a simulation routine using the EES software. Although the simulation operates under certain specified thermal load it is possible to estimate the necessary areas of heat exchangers and solar collectors


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O estresse psicológico é um importante fator que ocasiona uma queda no desempenho de atletas, independente do esporte. No Brasil o de maior visibilidade e mais assistido e comentado pela mídia é o futebol. Tendo em vista isso a pratica dessa modalidade em alto nível pode gerar certo estresse, no entanto a situações específicas durante o jogo que podem aumenta-lo ainda mais, dentre elas temos o pênalti considerado a melhor oportunidade de marcar o gol e a mais fácil, exatamente por isso essa situação não admite falhas. Apesar de já ser uma situação que causa alto nível de ansiedade, existem alguns fatores que podem influenciar mais ainda negativamente o cobrador, portando o presente estudo tem como objetivo primeiramente de encontrar o fator que causa maior influencia negativa nos atletas e posteriormente comparar com as cobranças de pênalti do Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol de 2010 (CBF) nessa situação com as demais. Os dados obtidos a partir da aplicação de um inventário demostraram que o fator que mais influencia negativamente jogadores de futebol durante cobranças de pênalti são situações de final de jogo, assim o objetivo do presente estudo é de comparar as cobranças de pênaltis do Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol de 2010, em situações de final de jogo com as demais. Os resultados obtidos mostraram uma queda de 4% nos escores em situações de final de jogo comparados com as demais


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This project brings the development of an Android application which will allow users to access 3D models on web. The application developed allows Android devices to access web pages which have code that should use OPENGL to renderize. To demonstrate this functionality, an example web application was build, using technologies such as X3DOM and HTML5, which uses WebGL to get renderized. This web application gives to the user an environment of a virtual city, where he could surf by and interact with the objects. The Android application brings this immersion to the mobile world, also. The access and storage of data was developed a Webserver, which bring to the web application a simple API to give access to the database


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A importância que é atribuída ao ato da leitura serviu como princípio para nortear este estudo, que se utiliza do conto da Cinderela para aprofundar a reflexão a respeito da relação entre o tipo de leitores que estamos formando e aquele que desejamos formar. Sistematizando, por meio da teoria de Vladimir Propp, nossa análise das versões de Charles Perrault e dos Irmãos Grimm do conto de Cinderela, obtemos importantes conclusões a respeito de como o conto se contextualiza de acordo com as sociedades vigentes. Desse modo, este estudo permitiu o aprofundamento necessário para que nós, como profissionais responsáveis pela formação do sujeito e do leitor, nos atentemos a aspectos e valores contidos em cada versão do conto e que nos esforcemos em trabalhá-los junto aos nossos educandos. Retomamos ainda algumas produções contemporâneas a respeito do enredo da Gata Borralheira, para situar a concepção que fazemos deste conto e desta personagem ainda hoje. As reflexões finais ficaram responsáveis por apresentar algumas possibilidades de trabalho que o educador pode pensar para levar para a sala de aula


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This presente monograph propose the analysis and discussion of the production of urban space and the processes of their structuring intraurbana from the dynamics of the real estate market into three Medium-sized Cities, Campina Grande - PB, Mossoró - RN and Passo Fundo - RS, whereas the various agents producing this space, in a comparative perspective. From this urban dynamic search to analyze the processes and relations present in these spaces, which are important for its production. From the compilation of real estate advertisements in local newspapers, are analyzed offerings of urban land, houses and apartments in each one of these cities by highlighting their locations and differentiated prices. Thus, working with data from real estate ads from the period 1995 - 2010 and a comparative perspective of the characteristics of real estate markets of three medium-sized cities, it tried to apprehend processes that are common between them and other individuals, to each one. Therefore the comparative analysis developed in this monograph sought to verify whether there are similarities between the cities in relation to the trends of concentration/spatial dispersion of bids and movements throughout time, in addition to a further intensification of the activities of real estate agents in face of such trends and offerings. In addition, we sought to remove a set of problematization that allow them to understand with more acute, in this set of medium cities of Brazilian urban network, processes of change that is already being discussed in the recent period by ReCiMe.


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This work aims to analyze data from a Natural Electric Potential landfill type ditch located in Cordeirópolis (SP). The procedure measures initially involved the assembly and installation of an apparatus cables, sensors and drain geophysical measurements and flow rate of biogas in a ditch later filled by solid waste. Biogas is a product of degradation of organic matter in waste by the action of microorganisms in an anaerobic environment. Its features high methane content in the gas potentially usable as fuel in energy generation systems or steam. The study area is characterized by clayey soil composition change from the diabase sill correlated to the event Serra Geral Formation siltstones overlapping Tatuí with groundwater level site around 50m. The cables were installed vertically in parallel with drain gas manifold, which allowed the collection of data by the technique geophysical logging every 15 days over a period of eight months. For data analysis we used four parameters in the study, the closing time of the ditch, natural electric potential, the flow velocity of biogas and rain. With the tabulated data plots were constructed for each collection day showing values in the range of the cable is in contact with waste (200 cm - 400 cm) and range of the cable in contact with the soil (600 cm - 800 cm). Subsequently graphs were generated with the period of eight months to analyze the data tabulated. A statistical correlation data, which show the influence of rainfall on the production of biogas. The results were satisfactory and demonstrated the feasibility of the research method in studies for the feasibility analysis for the capture of biogas energy


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Currently the world is under an energy revolution, every day more technologies are developed in order to better use the energy for having better energy efficiency of equipment and processes with minimal environmental degradation. Taking into account that thousands of people live in built environments in the context of cities and that the energy flow to this location is significant, it is important to study the built environment as a potential source of savings, energy recovery and regeneration, because cities are the major bottlenecks energetic. Therefore, this study aimed to examine and to list the most important and promising technologies to be used in the built environment to collect or save energy that would be wasted, such as clothes that generate energy through movement or solar incidence, facades of buildings that generate energy due to solar radiation, fitness centers that produce electricity due to the rotation used in fitness equipment for athletes, elevators that take advantage of the potential energy or use it more rationally, generators that take advantage of energy vibrational, and finally more sustainable vehicles with higher performance and less degrading the environment. The information and results obtained from this study show that the technologies used to harness energy before lost are increasingly evident and also is increased the progress relative to the energy use in a urban context. In the closure, a comparison of energy expenditure between a city that uses some of these sustainable technologies and another of the same size with conventional habits is presented


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The genus Brachycephalus is endemic to the Atlantic rainforest and is distributed mainly in the southeastern and southern Brazil. Currently, it has 17 recognized species, most of them, associated with mountainous habitats along the Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira ridges. Here we use an ecological niche modelling approach based on climatic variables, to assess the potential niche of the mountainous species of this genus. The model generated was then projected to future scenarios considering the last IPCC report, in order to estimate the impacts of climate changes on these species distribution. Results show a decrease in the total suitable area for the mountainous Brachycephalus species, as well as tendencies already observed for other organisms, such as, pole and upward migrations. A southern area on Planalto de Paranapiacaba increases in suitability for these species. We suggest special efforts on new surveys and conservation on the northern part of their distribution, once this seems to be the region more affected by climate changes on the projected scenarios