952 resultados para Mobile communication system


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Data caching can remarkably improve the efficiency of information access in a wireless ad hoc network by reducing the access latency and bandwidth usage. The cache placement problem minimizes total data access cost in ad hoc networks with multiple data items. The ad hoc networks are multi hop networks without a central base station and are resource constrained in terms of channel bandwidth and battery power. By data caching the communication cost can be reduced in terms of bandwidth as well as battery energy. As the network node has limited memory the problem of cache placement is a vital issue. This paper attempts to study the existing cooperative caching techniques and their suitability in mobile ad hoc networks.


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The modern telecommunication industry demands higher capacity networks with high data rate. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a promising technique for high data rate wireless communications at reasonable complexity in wireless channels. OFDM has been adopted for many types of wireless systems like wireless local area networks such as IEEE 802.11a, and digital audio/video broadcasting (DAB/DVB). The proposed research focuses on a concatenated coding scheme that improve the performance of OFDM based wireless communications. It uses a Redundant Residue Number System (RRNS) code as the outer code and a convolutional code as the inner code. The bit error rate (BER) performances of the proposed system under different channel conditions are investigated. These include the effect of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), multipath delay spread, peak power clipping and frame start synchronization error. The simulation results show that the proposed RRNS-Convolutional concatenated coding (RCCC) scheme provides significant improvement in the system performance by exploiting the inherent properties of RRNS.


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Any automatically measurable, robust and distinctive physical characteristic or personal trait that can be used to identify an individual or verify the claimed identity of an individual, referred to as biometrics, has gained significant interest in the wake of heightened concerns about security and rapid advancements in networking, communication and mobility. Multimodal biometrics is expected to be ultra-secure and reliable, due to the presence of multiple and independent—verification clues. In this study, a multimodal biometric system utilising audio and facial signatures has been implemented and error analysis has been carried out. A total of one thousand face images and 250 sound tracks of 50 users are used for training the proposed system. To account for the attempts of the unregistered signatures data of 25 new users are tested. The short term spectral features were extracted from the sound data and Vector Quantization was done using K-means algorithm. Face images are identified based on Eigen face approach using Principal Component Analysis. The success rate of multimodal system using speech and face is higher when compared to individual unimodal recognition systems


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Cache look up is an integral part of cooperative caching in ad hoc networks. In this paper, we discuss a cooperative caching architecture with a distributed cache look up protocol which relies on a virtual backbone for locating and accessing data within a cooperate cache. Our proposal consists of two phases: (i) formation of a virtual backbone and (ii) the cache look up phase. The nodes in a Connected Dominating Set (CDS) form the virtual backbone. The cache look up protocol makes use of the nodes in the virtual backbone for effective data dissemination and discovery. The idea in this scheme is to reduce the number of nodes involved in cache look up process, by constructing a CDS that contains a small number of nodes, still having full coverage of the network. We evaluated the effect of various parameter settings on the performance metrics such as message overhead, cache hit ratio and average query delay. Compared to the previous schemes the proposed scheme not only reduces message overhead, but also improves the cache hit ratio and reduces the average delay


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With the recent progress and rapid increase in the field of communication, the designs of antennas for small mobile terminals with enhanced radiation characteristics are acquiring great importance. Compactness, efficiency, high data rate capacity etc. are the major criteria for the new generation antennas. The challenging task of the microwave scientists and engineers is to design a compact printed radiating structure having broadband behavior along with good efficiency and enhanced gain. Printed antenna technology has received popularity among antenna scientists after the introduction of planar transmission lines in mid-seventies. When we view the antenna through a transmission line concept, the mechanism behind any electromagnetic radiator is quite simple and interesting. Any electromagnetic system with a discontinuity is radiating electromagnetic energy. The size, shape and orientation of the discontinuities control the radiation characteristics of the system such as radiation pattern, gain, polarization etc. It can be either resonant or non-resonant. This thesis deals with antennas that are developed from a class of transmission lines known as coplanar strip-CPS, a planar analogy of parallel pair transmission line. The specialty of CPS is its symmetric structure compared to other transmission lines, which makes the antenna structures developed from CPS quite simple for design and fabrication. The structural modifications on either metallic strip of CPS results in different antennas. The first part of the thesis discusses a single band and dual band design derived from open ended slot lines which are very much suitable for 2.4 and 5.2 GHz WLAN applications. The second section of the study is vectored into the development of enhanced gain dipoles. A single band dipole and a wide band enhanced gain dipole suitable for 5.2/5.8 GHZ band and imaging applications are developed and discussed. Last part of the thesis discusses the development of directional UWBs. Three different types of ultra-compact UWBs are developed and almost all the frequency domain and time domain analysis of the structures are discussed.


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Diagnosis of Hridroga (cardiac disorders) in Ayurveda requires the combination of many different types of data, including personal details, patient symptoms, patient histories, general examination results, Ashtavidha pareeksha results etc. Computer-assisted decision support systems must be able to combine these data types into a seamless system. Intelligent agents, an approach that has been used chiefly in business applications, is used in medical diagnosis in this case. This paper is about a multi-agent system named “Distributed Ayurvedic Diagnosis and Therapy System for Hridroga using Agents” (DADTSHUA). It describes the architecture of the DADTSHUA model .This system is using mobile agents and ontology for passing data through the network. Due to this, transport delay can be minimized. It is a system which will be very helpful for the beginning physicians to eliminate his ambiguity in diagnosis and therapy. The system is implemented using Java Agent DEvelopment framework (JADE), which is a java-complaint mobile agent platform from TILab.


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In this paper, we have evolved a generic software architecture for a domain specific distributed embedded system. The system under consideration belongs to the Command, Control and Communication systems domain. The systems in such domain have very long operational lifetime. The quality attributes of these systems are equally important as the functional requirements. The main guiding principle followed in this paper for evolving the software architecture has been functional independence of the modules. The quality attributes considered most important for the system are maintainability and modifiability. Architectural styles best suited for the functionally independent modules are proposed with focus on these quality attributes. The software architecture for the system is envisioned as a collection of architecture styles of the functionally independent modules identified


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Polystyrene beads, impregnated with mineral salts/glutamine medium as inert support, were used to produce L-glutaminase from Vibrio costicola by solid-state fermentation. Maximum enzyme yield, 88 U/g substrate, was after 36 h. Glucose at 10 g/kg enhanced the enzyme yield by 66%. The support system allowed glutaminase to be recovered with higher specific activity and lower viscosity than when a wheat-bran system was used


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Now a days, email has become the most widely communication way in daily life. The main reason for using email is probably because of the convenience and speed in which it can be transmitted irrespective of geographical distances. To improve security and efficiency of email system, most of the email system adopt PKI and IBE encryption schemes. However, both PKI and IBE encryption schemes have their own shortcomings and consequently bring security issues to email systems. This paper proposes a new secure email system based on IBE which combines finger print authentication and proxy service for encryption and decryption


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Distributed systems are one of the most vital components of the economy. The most prominent example is probably the internet, a constituent element of our knowledge society. During the recent years, the number of novel network types has steadily increased. Amongst others, sensor networks, distributed systems composed of tiny computational devices with scarce resources, have emerged. The further development and heterogeneous connection of such systems imposes new requirements on the software development process. Mobile and wireless networks, for instance, have to organize themselves autonomously and must be able to react to changes in the environment and to failing nodes alike. Researching new approaches for the design of distributed algorithms may lead to methods with which these requirements can be met efficiently. In this thesis, one such method is developed, tested, and discussed in respect of its practical utility. Our new design approach for distributed algorithms is based on Genetic Programming, a member of the family of evolutionary algorithms. Evolutionary algorithms are metaheuristic optimization methods which copy principles from natural evolution. They use a population of solution candidates which they try to refine step by step in order to attain optimal values for predefined objective functions. The synthesis of an algorithm with our approach starts with an analysis step in which the wanted global behavior of the distributed system is specified. From this specification, objective functions are derived which steer a Genetic Programming process where the solution candidates are distributed programs. The objective functions rate how close these programs approximate the goal behavior in multiple randomized network simulations. The evolutionary process step by step selects the most promising solution candidates and modifies and combines them with mutation and crossover operators. This way, a description of the global behavior of a distributed system is translated automatically to programs which, if executed locally on the nodes of the system, exhibit this behavior. In our work, we test six different ways for representing distributed programs, comprising adaptations and extensions of well-known Genetic Programming methods (SGP, eSGP, and LGP), one bio-inspired approach (Fraglets), and two new program representations called Rule-based Genetic Programming (RBGP, eRBGP) designed by us. We breed programs in these representations for three well-known example problems in distributed systems: election algorithms, the distributed mutual exclusion at a critical section, and the distributed computation of the greatest common divisor of a set of numbers. Synthesizing distributed programs the evolutionary way does not necessarily lead to the envisaged results. In a detailed analysis, we discuss the problematic features which make this form of Genetic Programming particularly hard. The two Rule-based Genetic Programming approaches have been developed especially in order to mitigate these difficulties. In our experiments, at least one of them (eRBGP) turned out to be a very efficient approach and in most cases, was superior to the other representations.


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A distributed method for mobile robot navigation, spatial learning, and path planning is presented. It is implemented on a sonar-based physical robot, Toto, consisting of three competence layers: 1) Low-level navigation: a collection of reflex-like rules resulting in emergent boundary-tracing. 2) Landmark detection: dynamically extracts landmarks from the robot's motion. 3) Map learning: constructs a distributed map of landmarks. The parallel implementation allows for localization in constant time. Spreading of activation computes both topological and physical shortest paths in linear time. The main issues addressed are: distributed, procedural, and qualitative representation and computation, emergent behaviors, dynamic landmarks, minimized communication.


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To use a world model, a mobile robot must be able to determine its own position in the world. To support truly autonomous navigation, I present MARVEL, a system that builds and maintains its own models of world locations and uses these models to recognize its world position from stereo vision input. MARVEL is designed to be robust with respect to input errors and to respond to a gradually changing world by updating its world location models. I present results from real-world tests of the system that demonstrate its reliability. MARVEL fits into a world modeling system under development.


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This paper describes the successful implementation of a prototype software application that independently and proactively detects whether a mobile phone is lost or misused. When the mobile phone is detected as being lost or misused, the application takes steps to mitigate the impact of loss and to gather evidence. The goal is to aid in the recovery of the mobile phone. The prototype works regardless of the cellular infrastructure the mobile phone is operating in and makes minimum demands on the owner of the mobile phone. The prototype was developed on Nokia 6600 mobile phones that run Symbian Operating System 7.0s. Development was done using Nokia’s Series 60 Developer’s Platform 2.0.


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When underwater vehicles navigate close to the ocean floor, computer vision techniques can be applied to obtain motion estimates. A complete system to create visual mosaics of the seabed is described in this paper. Unfortunately, the accuracy of the constructed mosaic is difficult to evaluate. The use of a laboratory setup to obtain an accurate error measurement is proposed. The system consists on a robot arm carrying a downward looking camera. A pattern formed by a white background and a matrix of black dots uniformly distributed along the surveyed scene is used to find the exact image registration parameters. When the robot executes a trajectory (simulating the motion of a submersible), an image sequence is acquired by the camera. The estimated motion computed from the encoders of the robot is refined by detecting, to subpixel accuracy, the black dots of the image sequence, and computing the 2D projective transform which relates two consecutive images. The pattern is then substituted by a poster of the sea floor and the trajectory is executed again, acquiring the image sequence used to test the accuracy of the mosaicking system


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This paper deals with the problem of navigation for an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) through image mosaicking. It represents a first step towards a real-time vision-based navigation system for a small-class low-cost UUV. We propose a navigation system composed by: (i) an image mosaicking module which provides velocity estimates; and (ii) an extended Kalman filter based on the hydrodynamic equation of motion, previously identified for this particular UUV. The obtained system is able to estimate the position and velocity of the robot. Moreover, it is able to deal with visual occlusions that usually appear when the sea bottom does not have enough visual features to solve the correspondence problem in a certain area of the trajectory