955 resultados para Minkowski Sum of Sets


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Writing the hindered rotor (hr) partition function as the trace of (rho) over cap = e(-beta(H) over cap hr), we approximate it by the sum of contributions from a set of points in position space. The contribution of the density matrix from each point is approximated by performing a local harmonic expansion around it. The highlight of this method is that it can be easily extended to multidimensional systems. Local harmonic expansion leads to a breakdown of the method a low temperatures. In order to calculate the partition function at low temperatures, we suggest a matrix multiplication procedure. The results obtained using these methods closely agree with the exact partition function at all temperature ranges. Our method bypasses the evaluation of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions and evaluates the density matrix for internal rotation directly. We also suggest a procedure to account for the antisymmetry of the total wavefunction in the same. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We address the problem of high-resolution reconstruction in frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT). The traditional method employed uses the inverse discrete Fourier transform, which is limited in resolution due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. We propose a reconstruction technique based on zero-crossing (ZC) interval analysis. The motivation for our approach lies in the observation that, for a multilayered specimen, the backscattered signal may be expressed as a sum of sinusoids, and each sinusoid manifests as a peak in the FDOCT reconstruction. The successive ZC intervals of a sinusoid exhibit high consistency, with the intervals being inversely related to the frequency of the sinusoid. The statistics of the ZC intervals are used for detecting the frequencies present in the input signal. The noise robustness of the proposed technique is improved by using a cosine-modulated filter bank for separating the input into different frequency bands, and the ZC analysis is carried out on each band separately. The design of the filter bank requires the design of a prototype, which we accomplish using a Kaiser window approach. We show that the proposed method gives good results on synthesized and experimental data. The resolution is enhanced, and noise robustness is higher compared with the standard Fourier reconstruction. (c) 2012 Optical Society of America


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Bidirectional relaying, where a relay helps two user nodes to exchange equal length binary messages, has been an active area of recent research. A popular strategy involves a modified Gaussian MAC, where the relay decodes the XOR of the two messages using the naturally-occurring sum of symbols simultaneously transmitted by user nodes. In this work, we consider the Gaussian MAC in bidirectional relaying with an additional secrecy constraint for protection against a honest but curious relay. The constraint is that, while the relay should decode the XOR, it should be fully ignorant of the individual messages of the users. We exploit the symbol addition that occurs in a Gaussian MAC to design explicit strategies that achieve perfect independence between the received symbols and individual transmitted messages. Our results actually hold for a more general scenario where the messages at the two user nodes come from a finite Abelian group G, and the relay must decode the sum within G of the two messages. We provide a lattice coding strategy and study optimal rate versus average power trade-offs for asymptotically large dimensions.


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In pay-per-click sponsored search auctions which are currently extensively used by search engines, the auction for a keyword involves a certain number of advertisers (say k) competing for available slots (say m) to display their advertisements (ads for short). A sponsored search auction for a keyword is typically conducted for a number of rounds (say T). There are click probabilities mu(ij) associated with each agent slot pair (agent i and slot j). The search engine would like to maximize the social welfare of the advertisers, that is, the sum of values of the advertisers for the keyword. However, the search engine does not know the true values advertisers have for a click to their respective advertisements and also does not know the click probabilities. A key problem for the search engine therefore is to learn these click probabilities during the initial rounds of the auction and also to ensure that the auction mechanism is truthful. Mechanisms for addressing such learning and incentives issues have recently been introduced. These mechanisms, due to their connection to the multi-armed bandit problem, are aptly referred to as multi-armed bandit (MAB) mechanisms. When m = 1, exact characterizations for truthful MAB mechanisms are available in the literature. Recent work has focused on the more realistic but non-trivial general case when m > 1 and a few promising results have started appearing. In this article, we consider this general case when m > 1 and prove several interesting results. Our contributions include: (1) When, mu(ij)s are unconstrained, we prove that any truthful mechanism must satisfy strong pointwise monotonicity and show that the regret will be Theta T7) for such mechanisms. (2) When the clicks on the ads follow a certain click precedence property, we show that weak pointwise monotonicity is necessary for MAB mechanisms to be truthful. (3) If the search engine has a certain coarse pre-estimate of mu(ij) values and wishes to update them during the course of the T rounds, we show that weak pointwise monotonicity and type-I separatedness are necessary while weak pointwise monotonicity and type-II separatedness are sufficient conditions for the MAB mechanisms to be truthful. (4) If the click probabilities are separable into agent-specific and slot-specific terms, we provide a characterization of MAB mechanisms that are truthful in expectation.


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In this paper, we determine packet scheduling policies for efficient power management in Energy Harvesting Sensors (EHS) which have to transmit packets of high and low priorities over a fading channel. We assume that incoming packets are stored in a buffer and the quality of service for a particular type of message is determined by the expected waiting time of packets of that type of message. The sensors are constrained to work with the energy that they garner from the environment. We derive transmit policies which minimize the sum of expected waiting times of the two types of messages, weighted by penalties. First, we show that for schemes with a constant rate of transmission, under a decoupling approximation, a form of truncated channel inversion is optimal. Using this result, we derive optimal solutions that minimize the weighted sum of the waiting times in the different queues.


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Wilking has recently shown that one can associate a Ricci flow invariant cone of curvature operators , which are nonnegative in a suitable sense, to every invariant subset . In this article we show that if is an invariant subset of such that is closed and denotes the cone of curvature operators which are positive in the appropriate sense then one of the two possibilities holds: (a) The connected sum of any two Riemannian manifolds with curvature operators in also admits a metric with curvature operator in (b) The normalized Ricci flow on any compact Riemannian manifold with curvature operator in converges to a metric of constant positive sectional curvature. We also point out that if is an arbitrary subset, then is contained in the cone of curvature operators with nonnegative isotropic curvature.


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Hydrogen bonded complexes formed between the square pyramidal Fe(CO)(5) with HX (X = F, Cl, Br), showing X-H center dot center dot center dot Fe interactions, have been investigated theoretically using density functional theory (DFT) including dispersion correction. Geometry, interaction energy, and large red shift of about 400 cm(-1) in the FIX stretching frequency confirm X-H center dot center dot center dot Fe hydrogen bond formation. In the (CO)(5)Fe center dot center dot center dot HBr complex, following the significant red shift, the HBr stretching mode is coupled with the carbonyl stretching modes. This clearly affects the correlation between frequency shift and binding energy, which is a hallmark of hydrogen bonds. Atoms in Molecule (AIM) theoretical analyses show the presence of a bond critical point between the iron and the hydrogen of FIX and significant mutual penetration. These X-H center dot center dot center dot Fe hydrogen bonds follow most but not all of the eight criteria proposed by Koch and Popelier (J. Phys. Chem. 1995, 99, 9747) based on their investigations on C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds. Natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis indicates charge transfer from the organometallic system to the hydrogen bond donor. However, there is no correlation between the extent of charge transfer and interaction,energy, contrary to what is proposed in the recent IUPAC recommendation (Pure Appl.. Chem. 2011, 83, 1637). The ``hydrogen bond radius'' for iron has been determined to be 1.60 +/- 0.02 angstrom, and not surprisingly it is between the covalent (127 angstrom) and van der Waals (2.0) radii of Fe. DFT and AIM theoretical studies reveal that Fe in square pyramidal Fe(CO)(5) can also form halogen bond with CIF and ClH as ``halogen bond donor''. Both these complexes show mutual penetration as well, though the Fe center dot center dot center dot Cl distance is closer to the sum of van der Waals radii of Fe and Cl in (CO)5Fe center dot center dot center dot ClH, and it is about 1 angstrom less in (CO)(5)Fe center dot center dot center dot ClF.


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In this paper, we consider the problem of finding a spectrum hole of a specified bandwidth in a given wide band of interest. We propose a new, simple and easily implementable sub-Nyquist sampling scheme for signal acquisition and a spectrum hole search algorithm that exploits sparsity in the primary spectral occupancy in the frequency domain by testing a group of adjacent subbands in a single test. The sampling scheme deliberately introduces aliasing during signal acquisition, resulting in a signal that is the sum of signals from adjacent sub-bands. Energy-based hypothesis tests are used to provide an occupancy decision over the group of subbands, and this forms the basis of the proposed algorithm to find contiguous spectrum holes. We extend this framework to a multi-stage sensing algorithm that can be employed in a variety of spectrum sensing scenarios, including non-contiguous spectrum hole search. Further, we provide the analytical means to optimize the hypothesis tests with respect to the detection thresholds, number of samples and group size to minimize the detection delay under a given error rate constraint. Depending on the sparsity and SNR, the proposed algorithms can lead to significantly lower detection delays compared to a conventional bin-by-bin energy detection scheme; the latter is in fact a special case of the group test when the group size is set to 1. We validate our analytical results via Monte Carlo simulations.


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Our work is motivated by impromptu (or ``as-you-go'') deployment of wireless relay nodes along a path, a need that arises in many situations. In this paper, the path is modeled as starting at the origin (where there is the data sink, e.g., the control center), and evolving randomly over a lattice in the positive quadrant. A person walks along the path deploying relay nodes as he goes. At each step, the path can, randomly, either continue in the same direction or take a turn, or come to an end, at which point a data source (e.g., a sensor) has to be placed, that will send packets to the data sink. A decision has to be made at each step whether or not to place a wireless relay node. Assuming that the packet generation rate by the source is very low, and simple link-by-link scheduling, we consider the problem of sequential relay placement so as to minimize the expectation of an end-to-end cost metric (a linear combination of the sum of convex hop costs and the number of relays placed). This impromptu relay placement problem is formulated as a total cost Markov decision process. First, we derive the optimal policy in terms of an optimal placement set and show that this set is characterized by a boundary (with respect to the position of the last placed relay) beyond which it is optimal to place the next relay. Next, based on a simpler one-step-look-ahead characterization of the optimal policy, we propose an algorithm which is proved to converge to the optimal placement set in a finite number of steps and which is faster than value iteration. We show by simulations that the distance threshold based heuristic, usually assumed in the literature, is close to the optimal, provided that the threshold distance is carefully chosen. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In a double slit interference experiment, the wave function at the screen with both slits open is not exactly equal to the sum of the wave functions with the slits individually open one at a time. The three scenarios represent three different boundary conditions and as such, the superposition principle should not be applicable. However, most well-known text books in quantum mechanics implicitly and/or explicitly use this assumption that is only approximately true. In our present study, we have used the Feynman path integral formalism to quantify contributions from nonclassical paths in quantum interference experiments that provide a measurable deviation from a naive application of the superposition principle. A direct experimental demonstration for the existence of these nonclassical paths is difficult to present. We find that contributions from such paths can be significant and we propose simple three-slit interference experiments to directly confirm their existence.


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This paper investigates the use of adaptive group testing to find a spectrum hole of a specified bandwidth in a given wideband of interest. We propose a group testing-based spectrum hole search algorithm that exploits sparsity in the primary spectral occupancy by testing a group of adjacent subbands in a single test. This is enabled by a simple and easily implementable sub-Nyquist sampling scheme for signal acquisition by the cognitive radios (CRs). The sampling scheme deliberately introduces aliasing during signal acquisition, resulting in a signal that is the sum of signals from adjacent subbands. Energy-based hypothesis tests are used to provide an occupancy decision over the group of subbands, and this forms the basis of the proposed algorithm to find contiguous spectrum holes of a specified bandwidth. We extend this framework to a multistage sensing algorithm that can be employed in a variety of spectrum sensing scenarios, including noncontiguous spectrum hole search. Furthermore, we provide the analytical means to optimize the group tests with respect to the detection thresholds, number of samples, group size, and number of stages to minimize the detection delay under a given error probability constraint. Our analysis allows one to identify the sparsity and SNR regimes where group testing can lead to significantly lower detection delays compared with a conventional bin-by-bin energy detection scheme; the latter is, in fact, a special case of the group test when the group size is set to 1 bin. We validate our analytical results via Monte Carlo simulations.


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The fluctuations of a Markovian jump process with one or more unidirectional transitions, where R-ij > 0 but R-ji = 0, are studied. We find that such systems satisfy an integral fluctuation theorem. The fluctuating quantity satisfying the theorem is a sum of the entropy produced in the bidirectional transitions and a dynamical contribution, which depends on the residence times in the states connected by the unidirectional transitions. The convergence of the integral fluctuation theorem is studied numerically and found to show the same qualitative features as systems exhibiting microreversibility.


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We consider the basic bidirectional relaying problem, in which two users in a wireless network wish to exchange messages through an intermediate relay node. In the compute-and-forward strategy, the relay computes a function of the two messages using the naturally occurring sum of symbols simultaneously transmitted by user nodes in a Gaussian multiple-access channel (MAC), and the computed function value is forwarded to the user nodes in an ensuing broadcast phase. In this paper, we study the problem under an additional security constraint, which requires that each user's message be kept secure from the relay. We consider two types of security constraints: 1) perfect secrecy, in which the MAC channel output seen by the relay is independent of each user's message and 2) strong secrecy, which is a form of asymptotic independence. We propose a coding scheme based on nested lattices, the main feature of which is that given a pair of nested lattices that satisfy certain goodness properties, we can explicitly specify probability distributions for randomization at the encoders to achieve the desired security criteria. In particular, our coding scheme guarantees perfect or strong secrecy even in the absence of channel noise. The noise in the channel only affects reliability of computation at the relay, and for Gaussian noise, we derive achievable rates for reliable and secure computation. We also present an application of our methods to the multihop line network in which a source needs to transmit messages to a destination through a series of intermediate relays.


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We present an analysis of the rate of sign changes in the discrete Fourier spectrum of a sequence. The sign changes of either the real or imaginary parts of the spectrum are considered, and the rate of sign changes is termed as the spectral zero-crossing rate (SZCR). We show that SZCR carries information pertaining to the locations of transients within the temporal observation window. We show duality with temporal zero-crossing rate analysis by expressing the spectrum of a signal as a sum of sinusoids with random phases. This extension leads to spectral-domain iterative filtering approaches to stabilize the spectral zero-crossing rate and to improve upon the location estimates. The localization properties are compared with group-delay-based localization metrics in a stylized signal setting well-known in speech processing literature. We show applications to epoch estimation in voiced speech signals using the SZCR on the integrated linear prediction residue. The performance of the SZCR-based epoch localization technique is competitive with the state-of-the-art epoch estimation techniques that are based on average pitch period.


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The von Neumann entropy of a generic quantum state is not unique unless the state can be uniquely decomposed as a sum of extremal or pure states. Therefore one reaches the remarkable possibility that there may be many entropies for a given state. We show that this happens if the GNS representation (of the algebra of observables in some quantum state) is reducible, and some representations in the decomposition occur with non-trivial degeneracy. This ambiguity in entropy, which can occur at zero temperature, can often be traced to a gauge symmetry emergent from the non-trivial topological character of the configuration space of the underlying system. We also establish the analogue of an H-theorem for this entropy by showing that its evolution is Markovian, determined by a stochastic matrix. After demonstrating this entropy ambiguity for the simple example of the algebra of 2 x 2 matrices, we argue that the degeneracies in the GNS representation can be interpreted as an emergent broken gauge symmetry, and play an important role in the analysis of emergent entropy due to non-Abelian anomalies. We work out the simplest situation with such non-Abelian symmetry, that of an ethylene molecule.