899 resultados para Minimizing Sequence
In this paper the m-powers with m ≥ 2 included in the Lucas sequences when the index satisfies some conditions are found
Fastener holes in aeronautical structures are typical sources of fatigue cracks due to their induced local stress concentration. A very efficient solution to this problem is to establish compressive residual stresses around the fastener holes that retard the fatigue crack nucleation and its subsequent local propagation. Previous work done on the subject of the application of LSP treatment on thin, open-hole specimens [1] has proven that the LSP effect on fatigue life of treated specimens can be detrimental, if the process is not properly optimized. In fact, it was shown that the capability of the LSP to introduce compressive residual stresses around fastener holes in thin-walled structures representative of typical aircraft constructions was not superior to the performance of conventional techniques, such as cold-working.
Aegilops biuncialis y Aegilops geniculata son dos especies silvestres alotetraploides, con genomios UM, que constituyen un importante reservorio de genes de interés para la mejora del trigo. En este estudio se ha analizado la distribución cromosómica de diferentes secuencias de tipo microsatélites (?single sequence repeat?, SSR) y su relación con las translocaciones intergenómicas U/M, frecuentes en accesiones de ambas especies. En la mayoría de los cromosomas U y en algunos M, se ha localizado una única señal pericéntromérica de la secuencia (ACG)n, mientras que la secuencia (GAA)n aparece como grandes ?clusters? de localización pericentromérica y, en ocasiones, intersticial. En las 5 accesiones portadoras de translocaciones U/M analizadas, se ha comprobado una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el punto de rotura-reunión de la reordenación y regiones cromosómicas ricas en secuencias SSR.
Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) sequences in Pressurized Water Reactors are known to be one of the most demanding transients for the operating crew. SGTR are a special kind of transient as they could lead to radiological releases without core damage or containment failure, as they can constitute a direct path from the reactor coolant system to the environment. The first methodology used to perform the Deterministic Safety Analysis (DSA) of a SGTR did not credit the operator action for the first 30 min of the transient, assuming that the operating crew was able to stop the primary to secondary leakage within that period of time. However, the different real SGTR accident cases happened in the USA and over the world demonstrated that the operators usually take more than 30 min to stop the leakage in actual sequences. Some methodologies were raised to overcome that fact, considering operator actions from the beginning of the transient, as it is done in Probabilistic Safety Analysis. This paper presents the results of comparing different assumptions regarding the single failure criteria and the operator action taken from the most common methodologies included in the different Deterministic Safety Analysis. One single failure criteria that has not been analysed previously in the literature is proposed and analysed in this paper too. The comparison is done with a PWR Westinghouse three loop model in TRACE code (Almaraz NPP) with best estimate assumptions but including deterministic hypothesis such as single failure criteria or loss of offsite power. The behaviour of the reactor is quite diverse depending on the different assumptions made regarding the operator actions. On the other hand, although there are high conservatisms included in the hypothesis, as the single failure criteria, all the results are quite far from the regulatory limits. In addition, some improvements to the Emergency Operating Procedures to minimize the offsite release from the damaged SG in case of a SGTR are outlined taking into account the offsite dose sensitivity results.
The Fuentillejo maar is located in the Central Spanish Volcanic Field of Campo de Calatrava (Ciudad Real). Fuentillejo maar-Iake is a c10sed system covering over 142 m depth oflacustrine sediments; it is one ofthe best examples oflong and continuous cores at terrestrial site from the Iberian Peninsula. PalynoIogical, mineralogical and sedimentary facies analysis were performed to characterize the sedimentary record during the Last Interglacial. In core FUENT-l this period (dated in 133 ka-120 ka) is detected between 45,90-56,90 m depth. Sedimentology point of view is characterized by develop of lacustrine facies, fineIy laminated black-brown doIomicrite mud and sapropeIIayers (Sedimentary Units 16,6-17-18). The vegetation is characterised by high polIen taxa diversity (around 50 polIen taxa of terrestriaI types, 5 polIen taxa of aquatic types, spores and 9 types of non palynological microfossils-NPM) together with a high content in the Mediterranean and mesic forest components (Quercus evergreen, Oleaceae, Quercus decidous and CoryIus), tipical ofwarm and humid conditions, and a few content on Artemisia, Pinus and Juniperus taxa (typicaI of coId or warm arid phases). The scarce forest development can be interpreted from the polIen record of mesophilus and thermophilous vegetation of the FUENT-1 sequence, in which only 40-50% of total polIen come from arboreaI associations. These vaIues for arboreal pollen content are low compared with other European polIen sequences.
Tradicionalmente, el uso de técnicas de análisis de datos ha sido una de las principales vías para el descubrimiento de conocimiento oculto en grandes cantidades de datos, recopilados por expertos en diferentes dominios. Por otra parte, las técnicas de visualización también se han usado para mejorar y facilitar este proceso. Sin embargo, existen limitaciones serias en la obtención de conocimiento, ya que suele ser un proceso lento, tedioso y en muchas ocasiones infructífero, debido a la dificultad de las personas para comprender conjuntos de datos de grandes dimensiones. Otro gran inconveniente, pocas veces tenido en cuenta por los expertos que analizan grandes conjuntos de datos, es la degradación involuntaria a la que someten a los datos durante las tareas de análisis, previas a la obtención final de conclusiones. Por degradación quiere decirse que los datos pueden perder sus propiedades originales, y suele producirse por una reducción inapropiada de los datos, alterando así su naturaleza original y llevando en muchos casos a interpretaciones y conclusiones erróneas que podrían tener serias implicaciones. Además, este hecho adquiere una importancia trascendental cuando los datos pertenecen al dominio médico o biológico, y la vida de diferentes personas depende de esta toma final de decisiones, en algunas ocasiones llevada a cabo de forma inapropiada. Ésta es la motivación de la presente tesis, la cual propone un nuevo framework visual, llamado MedVir, que combina la potencia de técnicas avanzadas de visualización y minería de datos para tratar de dar solución a estos grandes inconvenientes existentes en el proceso de descubrimiento de información válida. El objetivo principal es hacer más fácil, comprensible, intuitivo y rápido el proceso de adquisición de conocimiento al que se enfrentan los expertos cuando trabajan con grandes conjuntos de datos en diferentes dominios. Para ello, en primer lugar, se lleva a cabo una fuerte disminución en el tamaño de los datos con el objetivo de facilitar al experto su manejo, y a la vez preservando intactas, en la medida de lo posible, sus propiedades originales. Después, se hace uso de efectivas técnicas de visualización para representar los datos obtenidos, permitiendo al experto interactuar de forma sencilla e intuitiva con los datos, llevar a cabo diferentes tareas de análisis de datos y así estimular visualmente su capacidad de comprensión. De este modo, el objetivo subyacente se basa en abstraer al experto, en la medida de lo posible, de la complejidad de sus datos originales para presentarle una versión más comprensible, que facilite y acelere la tarea final de descubrimiento de conocimiento. MedVir se ha aplicado satisfactoriamente, entre otros, al campo de la magnetoencefalografía (MEG), que consiste en la predicción en la rehabilitación de lesiones cerebrales traumáticas (Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) rehabilitation prediction). Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la efectividad del framework a la hora de acelerar y facilitar el proceso de descubrimiento de conocimiento sobre conjuntos de datos reales. ABSTRACT Traditionally, the use of data analysis techniques has been one of the main ways of discovering knowledge hidden in large amounts of data, collected by experts in different domains. Moreover, visualization techniques have also been used to enhance and facilitate this process. However, there are serious limitations in the process of knowledge acquisition, as it is often a slow, tedious and many times fruitless process, due to the difficulty for human beings to understand large datasets. Another major drawback, rarely considered by experts that analyze large datasets, is the involuntary degradation to which they subject the data during analysis tasks, prior to obtaining the final conclusions. Degradation means that data can lose part of their original properties, and it is usually caused by improper data reduction, thereby altering their original nature and often leading to erroneous interpretations and conclusions that could have serious implications. Furthermore, this fact gains a trascendental importance when the data belong to medical or biological domain, and the lives of people depends on the final decision-making, which is sometimes conducted improperly. This is the motivation of this thesis, which proposes a new visual framework, called MedVir, which combines the power of advanced visualization techniques and data mining to try to solve these major problems existing in the process of discovery of valid information. Thus, the main objective is to facilitate and to make more understandable, intuitive and fast the process of knowledge acquisition that experts face when working with large datasets in different domains. To achieve this, first, a strong reduction in the size of the data is carried out in order to make the management of the data easier to the expert, while preserving intact, as far as possible, the original properties of the data. Then, effective visualization techniques are used to represent the obtained data, allowing the expert to interact easily and intuitively with the data, to carry out different data analysis tasks, and so visually stimulating their comprehension capacity. Therefore, the underlying objective is based on abstracting the expert, as far as possible, from the complexity of the original data to present him a more understandable version, thus facilitating and accelerating the task of knowledge discovery. MedVir has been succesfully applied to, among others, the field of magnetoencephalography (MEG), which consists in predicting the rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The results obtained successfully demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework to accelerate and facilitate the process of knowledge discovery on real world datasets.
Dada la importancia de conocer la humedad del suelo de forma precisa y en tiempo real, se ha realizado este trabajo de investigación cuyo objetivo principal ha sido seleccionar un Balance Hídrico del Suelo (BHS) diario y validar sus estimaciones de humedad del suelo frente a medidas obtenidas “in situ”, aplicándolo a tres emplazamientos seleccionados en la zona centro con características edáficas y climáticas diferentes, y de este modo estimar con cierta precisión la humedad del suelo como Agua Disponible (AD) para las plantas y a su vez permitir la realización de estudios climáticos. Los observatorios meteorológicos seleccionados fueron: Guadalajara/El Serranillo en la zona aluvial del río Henares; Colmenar Viejo/Base Famet en la rampa sur del Guadarrama sobre rocas metamórficas; y Radiosondeo/Madrid(Barajas) en arenas arcósicas de grano grueso. Se realizó una caracterización morfológica y un estudio de las propiedades físicas, químicas e hidrofísicas de los suelos en cada emplazamiento. El suelo de Guadalajara, Xerorthent Típico presenta una secuencia genética de horizontes (Ap-AC-C1-C2) siendo su clase textural entre franco-arenosa a franca, con menos del 2% de elementos gruesos, presencia de caliza a lo largo de todo el perfil, destacando la homogeneidad en vertical y horizontal de sus propiedades. El suelo de Colmenar, Xerorthent Dystrico, presenta una secuencia genética de horizontes (A-C-C/R) apareciendo el horizonte C/R entre 20-30 cm; y la roca aproximadamente a unos 30 cm; destacando en este perfil su acidez y el alto contenido de elementos gruesos. El suelo de Radiosondeo, Haploxeralf Típico, presenta la secuencia normal de horizontes de los alfisoles (A-Bt1-Bt2-C/Bt); destacando su heterogeneidad principalmente en el plano horizontal, con presencia del Bt a diferentes profundidades en un corto espacio longitudinal. En una primera fase de experimentación (2007-2008) se seleccionaron BHS diarios que sólo utilizaban como datos de entrada la información de variables meteorológicas y el valor del Agua Disponible Total (ADT) para cada tipo de suelo y profundidad. Se probaron BHS diarios con agotamiento exponencial y directo de la reserva, utilizando la evapotranspiración de referencia de Penman-Monteith recomendada por FAO. Al mismo tiempo que se disponía de los datos estimados de humedad de suelo mediante diferentes BHS diarios en los tres emplazamientos, también se realizó una monitorización de la humedad del suelo “in situ” mediante el método gravimétrico, con adaptación de dicha metodología a la problemática de cada suelo, para determinar en cada fecha tanto la humedad del suelo como su contenido de AD para una profundidad de 0 a 30 cm. Se tomaron en cada fecha de muestreo 5 muestras para la profundidad 0- 10 cm, otras cinco para 10-20 cm y otras cinco para 20-30 cm, realizándose el correspondiente tratamiento estadístico de los datos. El ADT se calculó a partir de los datos de capacidad de campo y punto de marchitez obtenidos en laboratorio con membrana de Richards. Los resultados de esta primera fase permitieron conocer que el BHS exponencial diario era el que mejor estimaba el AD en Guadalajara considerando la capacidad de campo a una presión de 33 kPa, mientras que en Colmenar se debían considerar para un mejor ajuste, 10 kPa en lugar de 33 kPa. En el observatorio de Radiosondeo debido a que en cada fecha de muestreo la profundidad en la que aparecía el horizonte Bt era diferente, no se pudo demostrar si el BHS exponencial diario tenía un buen comportamiento. En una segunda fase de experimentación (2009-2012) y con el objeto de aminorar los problemas encontrados en Radiosondeo para la medida de humedad del suelo por el método gravimétrico, se procedió a la instalación y utilización de diferentes sensores de medida de humedad de suelo en el mismo observatorio: TDR (time domain reflectometry - TRIME T3 de IMKO); FDR capacitivo (frecuency domain reflectometry - ECH2O EC-20 de DECAGON) y otros. Esta segunda fase de experimentación tuvo una duración de 4 años y se compararon las medidas de humedad de suelo obtenidas a partir de los sensores con las estimadas del BHS exponencial hasta una profundidad de 0 a 85 cm. En laboratorio se realizaron calibraciones específicas de los sensores TDR y FDR para cada uno de los horizontes más diferenciados del Haploxeralf Típico, utilizando diferentes tipos de regresión. Los valores de humedad de suelo con el equipo TDR, corregidos mediante la calibración específica de laboratorio, fueron los que más se ajustaron a las medidas realizadas por método gravimétrico “in situ”, por lo que se utilizó el TDR para las comparaciones con los valores obtenidos del BHS exponencial diario durante los cuatro años de esta segunda fase experimental. Se realizaron diferentes estimaciones del ADT, partiendo de datos de laboratorio y/o de datos procedentes de humedad de los sensores en campo. Los resultados mostraron de nuevo la conveniencia de utilizar el BHS exponencial diario, pero en este caso, con la estimación del ADT realizada a partir de las gráficas de los sensores. Mediante la utilización de los datos de humedad del BHS exponencial diario se han realizado comparaciones con el mismo tipo de balance pero utilizando un periodo semanal o mensual en lugar de diario, para conocer las diferencias. Los valores obtenidos con periodicidad mensual han dado valores de AD inferiores a los balances calculados semanalmente o diariamente. Por último se ha comprobado que los resultados de un BHS exponencial diario pueden complementar la información que se obtiene del Índice de Precipitación Estandarizado (SPI) y pueden mejorar el estudio de la sequía agrícola. ABSTRACT Due to the importance of a better knowledge of soil water at real time and in a more precisely way, this research work has being carried out with the main objective of selecting a daily Soil Water Balance (SWB) to estimate soil water content, and validate it in comparison to “in situ” measurements. Three locations, differing in soil and climate characteristics, were selected in central Spain in order to estimate with certain acuity soil water as plant-Available Water (AW) and to serve as a tool for the climatic studies. The selected places near meteorology stations were: Guadalajara/El Serranillo an alluvium of the Henares watershed; Colmenar Viejo/Base Famet, in the south raised area of the Guadarrama river basin, over metamorphic rocks; and Radiosondeo/Madrid (Barajas) in coarse arkosic sandstone. Morphology characterization, physical, chemical and hydrologic soil properties were studied in each area. In Guadalajara the soil is a Typic Xerorthent with a (Ap-AC-C1- C2) genetic horizon sequence, loam-sandy to loam textural class, less than 2% of rock fragments, presence of equivalent CaCO3 through the whole profile, outstanding the vertical and horizontal homogeneity of the properties. In Colmenar the soil is represented by a Dystric Xerorthent with a (A-C-C/R) genetic horizon sequence, the C/R is 20-30 cm deep where rock outcrops are approximately at 30 cm; a characteristic feature of this profile is its high acidity and high rock fragments content. In Radiosondeo the soil is represented by a Typic Haploxeralf, with the usual alfisol genetic horizon sequence (A-Bt1-Bt2-C/Bt); outstanding its horizontal heterogeneity, “the variability of the Bt (clay enriched horizon) depth in short distances”. In a first experimental stage (2007-2008), the daily SWB chosen was that which only uses as input data the information from the meteorology variables and plant-Total Available Water (TAW) for each soil type and depth. Different daily SWB (with exponential or direct plant-Available Water depletion) were applied, using the Penman- Monteith reference evapotranspiration (ETo) recommended by FAO. At the same time as soil water content was estimated from the different daily SWB at the three locations, also soil water content was being monitored by “in situ” gravimetric methodology, adapting it to each soil characteristic, to determine every time soil water content and AW to a depth of 0 to 30 cm. In each sampling date, 5 samples for each depth were taken: 0-10 cm; 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm and the data were submitted to the corresponding statistical analysis. The TAW was calculated based on field capacity (FC) and permanent wilting point (PWP) data obtained from laboratory by the Richards pressure plate. Results from this first experimental stage show that the daily exponential SWB was the one which better estimated the AW in Guadalajara considering field capacity at -33 kPa, though in Colmenar, field capacity at -10 kPa must be considered instead of -33 kPa for a better estimation. In Radiosondeo due to the fact that the Bt horizon depth varied in different sampling dates, it could not be established if the daily exponential SWB had a good performance. In a second experimental stage (20019-2012) and with the objective of minimizing the problems encountered in Radiosondeo for measuring “in situ” soil water content by the gravimetric method, the installation of different sensors for measuring soil water content were established and used in the same field location: TDR (time domain reflectometry - TRIME T3 from IMKO), capacitance FDR (frecuency domain reflectometry - ECH2O EC-20 from DECAGON) and others. This second experimental stage lasted 4 years in order to compare the soil water measures from the sensors with the estimations by the exponential SWB form 0 to 85 cm soil depths. At laboratory, specific calibrations for TDR and FDR sensors of the Typic Haploxeralf more differentiated horizons were done using different types of regressions. The results showed that soil water data obtained by the TDR equipment, corrected by the specific laboratory calibration, best fitted to “in situ” gravimetric soil water measures. In this way TDR was used for comparing to the daily exponential SWB during the four years of this second experimentation stage. Various estimations for obtaining TAW were tested; based on laboratory data – and/or on the data obtained of the soil water content field sensors. Results confirmed again, the convenience of using the daily exponential SWB, though in this case, with the TAW obtained from the field sensors graphics. Soil water estimated by exponential SWB on daily basis was compared to weekly and monthly periods, in order to know their reliability. The results obtained for a monthly period gave less AW than the ones obtained in a weekly or daily period. Finally it has been proved that the results obtained from the exponential SWB in a daily bases can be used as a useful tool in order to give complementary information to the SPI (Precipitation Standardized Index) and to help in agricultural drought studies.
The well-known eponym El Sidrón has a very special history. It started with the development of a karstic system between two types of rock (sandstone and Neogene conglomerates) as a result of the flow of a small stream. It continued with the use of the cave as a refuge and a hiding place during the Spanish Civil War and the aftermath and with the presence of some endemic species of bats and cave insects
The backdrop of actual problematic about the implementation of Information Technology (IT) services management in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) will be described. It will be exposed the reasons why reaching a maturity/capability level through well-known standards or the implementation of good software engineering practices by means of IT infrastructure Library are really difficult to achieve by SMEs. Also, the solutions to the exposed problems will be explained. Also master thesis goals are presented in terms of: purpose, research questions, research goals, objectives and scope. Finally, thesis structure is described.
Dissecting aortic aneurysm is the hallmark of Marfan syndrome (MFS) and the result of mutations in fibrillin-1, the major constituent of elastin-associated extracellular microfibrils. It is yet to be established whether dysfunction of fibrillin-1 perturbs the ability of the elastic vessel wall to sustain hemodynamic stress by disrupting microfibrillar assembly, by impairing the homeostasis of established elastic fibers, or by a combination of both mechanisms. The pathogenic sequence responsible for the mechanical collapse of the elastic lamellae in the aortic wall is also unknown. Targeted mutation of the mouse fibrillin-1 gene has recently suggested that deficiency of fibrillin-1 reduces tissue homeostasis rather than elastic fiber formation. Here we describe another gene-targeting mutation, mgR, which shows that underexpression of fibrillin-1 similarly leads to MFS-like manifestations. Histopathological analysis of mgR/mgR specimens implicates medial calcification, the inflammatory–fibroproliferative response, and inflammation-mediated elastolysis in the natural history of dissecting aneurysm. More generally, the phenotypic severity associated with various combinations of normal and mutant fibrillin-1 alleles suggests a threshold phenomenon for the functional collapse of the vessel wall that is based on the level and the integrity of microfibrils.