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This study conducted in 1999/2000 was designed to evaluate the efficacy of praziquantel against Schistosoma japonicum in an area with repeated chemotherapy (Area A) compared with a newly identified endemic focus (Area B) in Hunan Province, China. The population size was 2015 and 2180 in Areas A and B, respectively, of which 1129 and 1298 subjects received stool examination. A total of 230 subjects were identified by the Kato-Katz technique (4 smears per person) as being infected with S. japonicum, 124 in Area A (prevalence 11 %) and 106 in Area B (prevalence 8.2%). They were treated with a single oral dose of praziquantel (40 mg/kg) in the non-transmission season. A follow-up stool examination was made 50 days after treatment. Among the 220 cases followed, 22 were found stool-egg-positive, with an overall cure rate of 90 %, and 99 % reduction of infection intensity (eggs per gram stool). No significant difference was found in cure rates between the 2 areas (89.7% vs 90.3%). The efficacy of the drug in the area with repeated chemotherapy was not significantly different from that in the newly identified endemic focus. This study, therefore, suggests that the efficacy of praziquantel against S. japonicum has not changed in the Dongting Lake region after more than 14 years of mass chemotherapy, and there is no evidence of tolerance or resistance of S. japonicum against praziquantel.
The structure of middle management remuneration packages: An application to Australian mine managers
This paper investigates the composition of remuneration packages for middle managers and relates the structure of remuneration contracts to firm-specific attributes. A statutorily defined position in a single industry is studied as an example of middle management. This allows us to control for differences in task complexity across managers and industry-induced factors that could determine differences in remuneration contracts. Higher-risk firms are expected to pay their mine managers a greater proportion of variable salaries and market and/or accounting-based compensation than low-risk firms. Results indicate that high-risk firms pay a higher proportion of variable salaries and more compensation based on market and/or accounting performance.
P>Aim To investigate the internal and external anatomy of extracted human mandibular canines with two roots and two distinct canals using micro-computed tomography (mu CT). Methodology Fourteen two-rooted human mandibular canines were scanned using a high-resolution mu CT system (SkyScan 1174v2; SkyScan N.V., Kontich, Belgium). The images were processed to evaluate the size of the roots, the furcation regions, the presence of accessory canals, the mean distances between several anatomical landmarks, the position of the apical foramina, the direction of root curvatures, the cross-sectional appearances (SMI index), the volume and surface areas of the root canals. Results Root bifurcation was located in both apical (44%, n = 6) and middle (58%, n = 8) thirds of the root. The size of the buccal and lingual roots was similar in 29% of the sample. From a buccal view, no curvature towards the lingual or buccal direction occurred in either roots. From a proximal view, no straight lingual root occurred. In both views, S-shaped roots were found in 21% of the specimens. Location of the apical foramen varied considerably, tending to the mesio-buccal aspect of both roots. Lateral and furcation canals were observed mostly in the cervical third in 29% and 65% of the sample, respectively. The structure model index (SMI) index ranged from 1.87 to 3.86, with a mean value of 2.93 +/- 0.46. Mean volume and area of the root canals were 11.52 +/- 3.44 mm3 and 71.16 +/- 11.83 mm2, respectively. Conclusions The evaluation of two-rooted mandibular canines revealed that bifurcations occurred in the apical and middle third. S-shaped roots were found in 21% of the specimens. Mean volume, surface area and SMI index of the root canals were 11.52 mm3, 71.16 mm2 and 2.93, respectively.
Objective: The aim of this study was to verify the influence of endodontic sealers on the bond strength of an adhesive system and a resin cement used for carbon posts cementation. Methods: Thirty extracted human premolars were instrumented and randomly divided into three groups according to the tested sealer: EndoFill, Sealapex, or EndoREZ. Specimens were stored at 37 degrees C. After 48 h, half of specimens were prepared to receive the post and the others after 7 days. The posts were cemented with Adper Single Bond/Rely X ARC and stored in distilled water at 37 degrees C for 7 days. After this period, the specimens were sectioned in three slices (coronal, middle, and apical). The push-out test was performed in a universal machine and the debonded area was examined in a stereomicroscope. Results: Data were submitted ANOVA and Tukey test (alpha = 0.05). The EndoFill showed lower bond strength than other sealers (p < 0.01). The EndoREZ sealer was statistically greater than other groups for coronal and middle portions and similar for apical portion (P > 0.05). Coronal and middle portions showed the best results for all groups, mainly when the canal preparation was performed after 48 h (p < 0.01). Mixed failure occurs with more frequency (55.6%) followed by failure in adhesive-dentin interface (34.4%) and adhesive-post interface (10.0%). Conclusion: The use of EndoREZ sealer promoted higher bond strength in root coronal and middle portions when carbon post was fixed with a resin cement. (C) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Thirty-two pouch-young tammar wallabies were used to discover the generators of the auditory brainstem response (ABR) during development by the use of simultaneous ABR and focal brainstem recordings. A click response from the auditory nerve root (ANR) in the wallaby was recorded from postnatal day (PND) 101, when no central auditory station was functional, and coincided with the ABR, a simple positive wave. The response of the cochlear nucleus (CN) was detected from PND 110, when the ABR had developed 1 positive and 1 negative peak. The dominant component of the focal ANR response, the N-1 wave, coincided with the first half of the ABR P wave, and that of the focal CN response, the N-1 wave, coincided with the later two thirds. In older animals, the ANR response coincided with the ABR's N-1, wave, while the CN response coincided with the ABR's P-2, N-2 and P-3 waves, with its contribution to the ABR P-2 dominant. The protracted development of the marsupial auditory system which facilitated these correlations makes the tammar wallaby a particularly suitable model. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.
The reasons for the intra- and interindividual variability in the clearance of valproic acid (VPA) have not been completely characterized. The aim of this study was to examine day-night changes in the clearance of 3-oxo-valproate (3-oxo-VPA), 4-hydroxy-valproate (4-OH-VPA), and valproic acid glucuronides under steady state. Six diurnally active healthy male volunteers ingested 200 mg sodium valproate 12 hourly, at 0800 and 2000, for 28 days. On the last study day, two sequential 12-h urine samples were collected commencing at 2000 the evening before. Plasma samples were obtained at the end of each collection. Following alkaline hydrolysis, urine was analyzed for concentrations of VPA, 3-oxo-VPA, and 4-OH-VPA. A separate aliquot was assayed for creatinine (CR). The plasma concentrations of VPA, 3-oxo-VPA, 2-en-VPA, and CR were determined. The analysis of VPA and its metabolites was performed by CC-MS. There was an increase in plasma 3-oxo-VPA concentration at 0800, sampling as compared to 2000 sampling (p < .05). The urinary excretion of 3-oxo-VPA and VPA glucuronides were decreased between 2000 and 0800, compared to between 0800, and 2000, by 30% and 50% respectively (p < .05). These results indicate a nocturnal decrease in renal clearance of 3-oxo-VPA rather than a decrease in the beta -oxidation of VPA at night. These differences were not explained by differences between the sampling periods in CR excretion. These results indicate the importance of collecting samples of 24-h duration when studying metabolic profiles of VPA.
Recent investigations have demonstrated the presence of an unidentified source of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) in the coastal zone of Queensland (Australia). The present study provides new information on the possible PCDD sources and their temporal input to this environment. Two estuarine sediment cores were collected in northern Queensland for which radiochemical chronologies were established. Core sections from different depositional ages, up to three centuries, have been analyzed for 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDs and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs). Variations of PCDD concentrations in the sediment cores over several centuries of depositional history were relatively small, and elevated PCDD levels were still present in sediment slices from the early 17th century. PCDD/F isomer patterns and congener profiles in sediments deposited during the last 350 years were almost identical and correlated well to the characteristic profiles observed in surface sediments and soils from the entire Queensland coastline. Profiles were dominated by higher chlorinated PCDDs, in particular octachlorodibenzodioxin (OCDD), whereas PCDF concentrations were below or near the limit of detection. These results indicate the presence of a PCDD source prior to industrialization and production of commercial organochlorine products. Further, the present study demonstrates that PCDD input patterns have been similar along an extensive but localized area over at least several centuries, contributing relatively high concentrations of PCDDs to the coastal system of Queensland.
The influence of temporal association on the representation and recognition of objects was investigated. Observers were shown sequences of novel faces in which the identity of the face changed as the head rotated. As a result, observers showed a tendency to treat the views as if they were of the same person. Additional experiments revealed that this was only true if the training sequences depicted head rotations rather than jumbled views: in other words, the sequence had to be spatially as well as temporally smooth. Results suggest that we are continuously associating views of objects to support later recognition, and that we do so not only on the basis of the physical similarity, but also the correlated appearance in time of the objects.
The cost and risk associated with mineral exploration in Australia increases significantly as companies move into deeper regolith-covered terrain. The ability to map the bedrock and the depth of weathering within an area has the potential to decrease this risk and increase the effectiveness of exploration programs. This paper is the second in a trilogy concerning the Grant's Patch area of the Eastern Goldfields. The recent development of the VPmg potential field inversion program in conjunction with the acquisition of high-resolution gravity data over an area with extensive drilling provided an opportunity to evaluate three-dimensional gravity inversion as a bedrock and regolith mapping tool. An apparent density model of the study area was constructed, with the ground represented as adjoining 200 m by 200 m vertical rectangular prisms. During inversion VPmg incrementally adjusted the density of each prism until the free-air gravity response of the model replicated the observed data. For the Grant's Patch study area, this image of the apparent density values proved easier to interpret than the Bouguer gravity image. A regolith layer was introduced into the model and realistic fresh-rock densities assigned to each basement prism according to its interpreted lithology. With the basement and regolith densities fixed, the VPmg inversion algorithm adjusted the depth to fresh basement until the misfit between the calculated and observed gravity response was minimised. The resulting geometry of the bedrock/regolith contact largely replicated the base of weathering indicated by drilling with predicted depth of weathering values from gravity inversion typically within 15% of those logged during RAB and RC drilling.
Single-unit electrophysiology was used to record the nerve impulses from the carbon dioxide receptors of female Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni. The receptors responded to stimulation in a phasic-tonic manner and also had a period of inhibition of the nerve impulses after the end of stimulation, at high stimulus intensities. The cell responding to carbon dioxide was presented with a range of environmental odorants and found to respond to methyl butyrate and 2-butanone. The coding characteristics of the carbon dioxide cell and the ability to detect other odorants are discussed, with particular reference to the known behavior of the fly.
During the Middle Jurassic, the regional environment of Curio Bay, southeast South Island, New Zealand, was a fluvial plain marginal to volcanic uplands. Intermittent flashy, poorly-confined flood events buried successive conifer forests. With the termination of each flood, soils developed and vegetation was reestablished. In most cases, this developed into coniferous forest. In approximately 40 m of vertical section, 10 fossil forest horizons can be distinguished, highlighting a type of fluvial architecture which is poorly documented. Flood-basin material is minimal, but a short-Lived floodbasin lake is inferred to have developed within the interval of study. Paleocurrent indicators suggest enclosure of the basin on more than one side. Sedimentation style suggests a relatively dry (less than humid but not arid) climate with seasonal rainfall. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The middle years of schooling are receiving increased attention. This paper gives some background to 'middle schooling' and begin discussion if physical education is to be involved in the shift that an increasing number of schools are attempting to make in order to enhance student learning. It addresses findings, innovations and changes to the field of physical education. A set of questions are posed about the relationship between the middle years of schooling, health and physical education.