926 resultados para Microscopy atomic force
Aurivillius phase Bi 5Ti 3Fe 0.7Co 0.3O 15 (BTF7C3O) thin films on α-quartz substrates were fabricated by a chemical solution deposition method and the room temperature ferroelectric and magnetic properties of this candidate multiferroic were compared with those of thin films of Mn 3 substituted, Bi 5Ti 3Fe 0.7Mn 0.3O 15 (BTF7M3O). Vertical and lateral piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) measurements of the films conclusively demonstrate that BTF7C3O and BTF7M3O thin films are piezoelectric and ferroelectric at room temperature, with the major polarization vector in the lateral plane of the films. No net magnetization was observed for the in-plane superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry measurements of BTF7M3O thin films. In contrast, SQUID measurements of the BTF7C3O films clearly demonstrated ferromagnetic behavior, with a remanent magnetization, B r, of 6.37 emu/cm 3 (or 804 memu/g), remanent moment 4.99 × 10 -5 emu. The BTF7C3O films were scrutinized by x-ray diffraction, high resolution transmission electron microscopy, scanning transmission electron microscopy, and energy dispersive x-ray analysis mapping to assess the prospect of the observed multiferroic properties being intrinsic to the main phase. The results of extensive micro-structural phase analysis demonstrated that the BTF7C3O films comprised of a 3.95 Fe/Co-rich spinel phase, likely CoFe 2 - xTi xO 4, which would account for the observed magnetic moment in the films. Additionally, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism photoemission electron microscopy (XMCD-PEEM) imaging confirmed that the majority of magnetic response arises from the Fe sites of Fe/Co-rich spinel phase inclusions. While the magnetic contribution from the main phase could not be determined by the XMCD-PEEM images, these data however imply that the Bi 5Ti 3Fe 0.7Co 0.3O 15 thin films are likely not single phase multiferroics at room temperature. The PFM results presented demonstrate that the naturally 2D nanostructured Bi 5Ti 3Fe 0.7Co 0.3O 15 phase is a novel ferroelectric and has potential commercial applications in high temperature piezoelectric and ferroelectric memory technologies. The implications for the conclusive demonstration of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties in single-phase materials of this type are discussed.
Aurivillius phase thin films of Bi5Ti3(FexMn1−x)O15 with x = 1 (Bi5Ti3FeO15) and 0.7 (Bi5Ti3Fe0.7Mn0.3O15) on SiO2-Si(100) and Pt/Ti/SiO2-Si substrates were fabricated by chemical solution deposition. The method was optimized in order to suppress formation of pyrochlore phase Bi2Ti2O7 and improve crystallinity. The structuralproperties of the films were examined by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. Optimum crystallinity and pyrochlore phase suppression was achieved by the addition of 15 to 25 mol. % excess bismuth to the sols. Based on this study, 17.5 mol. % excess bismuth was used in the preparation of Bi2Ti2O7-free films of Bi5Ti3FeO15 on SrTiO3(100) and NdGaO3(001) substrates, confirming the suppression of pyrochlore phase using this excess of bismuth. Thirty percent of the Fe3+ ions in Bi5Ti3FeO15 was substituted with Mn3+ ions to form Bi2Ti2O7-free thin films of Bi5Ti3Fe0.7Mn0.3O15 on Pt/Ti/SiO2-Si, SiO2-Si(100), SrTiO3(100), and NdGaO3(001) substrates. Bi5Ti3FeO15 and Bi5Ti3Fe0.7Mn0.3O15thin films on Pt/Ti/SiO2-Si and SiO2-Si(100) substrates were achieved with a higher degree of a-axis orientation compared with the films on SrTiO3(100) and NdGaO3(001) substrates. Room temperature electromechanical and magnetic properties of the thin films were investigated in order to assess the potential of these materials for piezoelectric,ferroelectric, and multiferroic applications. Vertical piezoresponse force microscopy measurements of the films demonstrate that Bi5Ti3FeO15 and Bi5Ti3Fe0.7Mn0.3O15thin films are piezoelectric at room temperature. Room temperature switching spectroscopy-piezoresponse force microscopy measurements in the presence and absence of an applied bias demonstrate local ferroelectric switching behaviour (180°) in the films. Superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry measurements do not show any room temperature ferromagnetic hysteresis down to an upper detection limit of 2.53 × 10−3 emu; and it is concluded, therefore, that such films are not mutiferroic at room temperature. Piezoresponse force microscopy lithography images of Bi5Ti3Fe0.7Mn0.3O15thin films are presented.
The microphase separation of block copolymer (BCP) thin films can afford a simple and cost-effective means to studying nanopattern surfaces, and especially the fabrication of nanocircuitry. However, because of complex interface effects and other complications, their 3D morphology, which is often critical for application, can be more complex than first thought. Here, we describe how emerging microscopic methods may be used to study complex BCP patterns and reveal their rich detail. These methods include helium ion microscopy (HIM) and high resolution x-section transmission electron microscopy (XTEM), and complement conventional secondary electron and atomic force microscopies (SEM and TEM). These techniques reveal that these structures are quite different to what might be expected. We illustrate the advances in the understanding of BCP thin film morphology in several systems, which result from this characterization. The systems described include symmetric, lamellar forming polystyrene-b-polymethylmethacrylate (PS-b-PMMA), cylinder forming polystyrene-b-polydimethylsiloxane (PS-b-PDMS), as well as lamellar and cylinder forming patterns of polystyrene-b-polyethylene oxide (PS-b-PEO) and polystyrene-b-poly-4-vinylpyridine (PS-b-P4VP). Each of these systems exhibits more complex arrangements than might be first thought. Finding and developing techniques whereby complex morphologies, particularly at very small dimensions, can be determined is critical to the practical use of these materials in many applications. The importance of quantifying these complex morphologies has implications for their use in integrated circuit manufacture, where they are being explored as alternative pattern forming methods to conventional UV lithography.
Fabrication of nanoscale patterns through the bottom-up approach of self-assembly of phase-separated block copolymers (BCP) holds promise for nanoelectronics applications. For lithographic applications, it is useful to vary the morphology of BCPs by monitoring various parameters to make “from lab to fab” a reality. Here I report on the solvent annealing studies of lamellae forming polystyrene-blockpoly( 4-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P4VP). The high Flory-Huggins parameter (χ = 0.34) of PS-b-P4VP makes it an ideal BCP system for self-assembly and template fabrication in comparison to other BCPs. Different molecular weights of symmetric PS-b-P4VP BCPs forming lamellae patterns were used to produce nanostructured thin films by spin-coating from mixture of toluene and tetrahydrofuran(THF). In particular, the morphology change from micellar structures to well-defined microphase separated arrangements is observed. Solvent annealing provides a better alternative to thermal treatment which often requires long annealing periods. The choice of solvent (single and dual solvent exposure) and the solvent annealing conditions have significant effects on the morphology of films and it was found that a block neutral solvent was required to realize vertically aligned PS and P4VP lamellae. Here, we have followed the formation of microdomain structures with time development at different temperatures by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The highly mobilized chains phase separate quickly due to high Flory-Huggins (χ) parameter. Ultra-small feature size (~10 nm pitch size) nanopatterns were fabricated by using low molecular weight PSb- P4VP (PS and P4VP blocks of 3.3 and 3.1 kg mol-1 respectively). However, due to the low etch contrast between the blocks, pattern transfer of the BCP mask is very challenging. To overcome the etch contrast problem, a novel and simple in-situ hard mask technology is used to fabricate the high aspect ratio silicon nanowires. The lamellar structures formed after self-assembly of phase separated PS-b-P4VP BCPs were used to fabricate iron oxide nanowires which acted as hard mask material to facilitate the pattern transfer into silicon and forming silicon nanostructures. The semiconductor and optical industries have shown significant interest in two dimensional (2D) molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) as a potential device material due to its low band gap and high mobility. However, current methods for its synthesis are not ‘fab’ friendly and require harsh environments and processes. Here, I also report a novel method to prepare MoS2 layered structures via self-assembly of a PS-b-P4VP block copolymer system. The formation of the layered MoS2 was confirmed by XPS, Raman spectroscopy and high resolution transmission electron microscopy.
Diarthrodial joints are essential for load bearing and locomotion. Physiologically, articular cartilage sustains millions of cycles of mechanical loading. Chondrocytes, the cells in cartilage, regulate their metabolic activities in response to mechanical loading. Pathological mechanical stress can lead to maladaptive cellular responses and subsequent cartilage degeneration. We sought to deconstruct chondrocyte mechanotransduction by identifying mechanosensitive ion channels functioning at injurious levels of strain. We detected robust expression of the recently identified mechanosensitive channels, PIEZO1 and PIEZO2. Combined directed expression of Piezo1 and -2 sustained potentiated mechanically induced Ca(2+) signals and electrical currents compared with single-Piezo expression. In primary articular chondrocytes, mechanically evoked Ca(2+) transients produced by atomic force microscopy were inhibited by GsMTx4, a PIEZO-blocking peptide, and by Piezo1- or Piezo2-specific siRNA. We complemented the cellular approach with an explant-cartilage injury model. GsMTx4 reduced chondrocyte death after mechanical injury, suggesting a possible therapy for reducing cartilage injury and posttraumatic osteoarthritis by attenuating Piezo-mediated cartilage mechanotransduction of injurious strains.
L’estradiol (E2) est une hormone femelle qui joue un rôle essentiel, à la fois dans la régulation et dans la détermination de certaines conditions physiologiques in vivo, telle que la différenciation et la prolifération cellulaire. Lorsque l’E2 est donné en supplément, par exemple dans le cas de thérapie hormonale, deux effets sont observés, un effet génomique et un effet non-génomique, de par son interaction avec les récepteurs à œstrogène du noyau ou de la membrane cellulaire, respectivement. L’effet non-génomique est plus difficile à étudier biologiquement parce que l’effet se produit sur une échelle de temps extrêmement courte et à cause de la nature hydrophobe de l’E2 qui réduit sa biodisponibilité et donc son accessibilité aux cellules cibles. C’est pourquoi il est nécessaire de développer des systèmes d’administration de l’E2 qui permettent de n’étudier que l’effet non-génomique de l’œstrogène. Une des stratégies employée consiste à greffer l’E2 à des macromolécules hydrophiles, comme de l’albumine de sérum bovin (BSA) ou des dendrimères de type poly(amido)amine, permettant de maintenir l’interaction de l’E2 avec les récepteurs d’œstrogène de la membrane cellulaire et d’éviter la pénétration de l’E2 dans le noyau des cellules. Toutefois, ces systèmes macromolécules-E2 sont critiquables car ils sont peu stables et l’E2 peut se retrouver sous forme libre, ce qui affecte sa localisation cellulaire. L’objectif de cette thèse est donc de développer de nouvelles plateformes fonctionnalisées avec de l’E2 en utilisant les approches de synthèses ascendantes et descendantes. Le but de ces plateformes est de permettre d’étudier le mécanisme de l’effet non-génomique de l’E2, ainsi que d’explorer des applications potentielles dans le domaine biomédical. L’approche ascendante est basée sur un ligand d’E2 activé, l’acide 17,α-éthinylestradiol-benzoïque, attaché de façon covalente à un polymère de chitosan avec des substitutions de phosphorylcholine (CH-PC-E2). L’estradiol est sous forme de pro-drogue attachée au polymère qui s’auto-assembler pour former un film. L’effet biologique de la composition chimique du film de chitosan-phosphorylcholine a été étudié sur des cellules endothéliales. Les films de compositions chimiques différentes ont préalablement été caractérisés de façon physicochimique. La topographie de la surface, la charge de surface, ainsi que la rhéologie des différents films contenant 15, 25, ou 40% molaires de phosphorylcholine, ont été étudiés par microscopie à force atomique (AFM), potentiel zêta, résonance plasmonique de surface et par microbalance à cristal de quartz avec dissipation (QCM-D). Les résultats de QCM-D ont montré que plus la part molaire en phosphorylcholine est grande moins il y a de fibrinogène qui s’adsorbe sur le film de CH-PC. Des cellules humaines de veine ombilicale (HUVECs) cultivées sur des films de CH-PC25 et de CH-PC40 forment des amas cellulaire appelés sphéroïdes au bout de 4 jours, alors que ce n’est pas le cas lorsque ces cellules sont cultivées sur des films de CH-PC15. L’attachement de l’estradiol au polymère a été caractérisé par plusieurs techniques, telles que la résonance magnétique nucléaire de proton (1H NMR), la spectroscopie infrarouge avec transformée de Fourier à réfraction totale atténuée (FTIR-ATR) et la spectroscopie UV-visible. La nature hydrogel des films (sa capacité à retenir l’eau) ainsi que l’interaction des films avec des récepteurs à E2, ont été étudiés par la QCM-D. Des études d’imagerie cellulaires utilisant du diacétate de diaminofluoresceine-FM ont révélé que les films hydrogels de CH-PC-E2 stimulent la production d’oxyde nitrique par les cellules endothéliales, qui joue un rôle protecteur pour le système cardiovasculaire. L’ensemble de ces études met en valeur les rôles différents et les applications potentielles qu’ont les films de type CH-PC-E2 et CH-PC dans le cadre de la médecine cardiovasculaire régénérative. L’approche descendante est basée sur l’attachement de façon covalente d’E2 sur des ilots d’or de 2 μm disposés en rangées et espacés par 12 μm sur un substrat en verre. Les ilots ont été préparés par photolithographie. La surface du verre a quant à elle été modifiée à l’aide d’un tripeptide cyclique, le cRGD, favorisant l’adhésion cellulaire. L’attachement d’E2 sur les surfaces d’or a été suivi et confirmé par les techniques de SPR et de QCM-D. Des études d’ELISA ont montré une augmentation significative du niveau de phosphorylation de la kinase ERK (marqueur important de l’effet non-génomique) après 1 heure d’exposition des cellules endothéliales aux motifs alternant l’E2 et le cRGD. Par contre lorsque des cellules cancéreuses sont déposées sur les surfaces présentant des motifs d’E2, ces cellules ne croissent pas, ce qui suggère que l’E2 n’exerce pas d’effet génomique. Les résultats de l’approche descendante montrent le potentiel des surfaces présentant des motifs d’E2 pour l’étude des effets non-génomiques de l’E2 dans un modèle in vitro.
Nano-scale touch screen thin film have not been thoroughly investigated in terms of dynamic impact analysis under various strain rates. This research is focused on two different thin films, Zinc Oxide (ZnO) film and Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) film, deposited on Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) substrate for the standard touch screen panels. Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) was performed on the ZnO film coated PET substrates. Nano-impact (fatigue) testing was performed on ITO film coated PET substrates. Other analysis includes hardness and the elastic modulus measurements, atomic force microscopy (AFM), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of the film surface.
Ten delta of DMA is described as the ratio of loss modulus (viscous properties) and storage modulus (elastic properties) of the material and its peak against time identifies the glass transition temperature (Tg). Thus, in essence the Tg recognizes changes from glassy to rubber state of the material and for our sample ZnO film, Tg was found as 388.3 K. The DMA results also showed that the Ten delta curve for Tg increases monotonically in the viscoelastic state (before Tg) and decreases sharply in the rubber state (after Tg) until recrystallization of ZnO takes place. This led to an interpretation that enhanced ductility can be achieved by negating the strength of the material.
For the nano-impact testing using the ITO coated PET, the damage started with the crack initiation and propagation. The interpretation of the nano-impact results depended on the characteristics of the loading history. Under the nano-impact loading, the surface structure of ITO film suffered from several forms of failure damages that range from deformation to catastrophic failures. It is concluded that in such type of application, the films should have low residual stress to prevent deformation, good adhesive strength, durable and good resistance to wear.
We report deterministic selection of polarization variant in bismuth BiFeO3 nanoislands via a two-step scanning probe microscopy procedure. The polarization orientation in a nanoisland is toggled to the desired variant after a reset operation by scanning a conductive atomic force probe in contact over the surface while a bias is applied. The final polarization variant is determined by the direction of the inhomogeneous in-plane trailing field associated with the moving probe tip. This work provides the framework for better control of switching in rhombohedral ferroelectrics and for a deeper under- standing of exchange coupling in multiferroic nanoscale hetero- structures toward the realization of magnetoelectric devices.
Boron-doped diamond is a promising electrode material for a number of applications providing efficient carrier transport, a high stability of the electrolytic performance with time, a possibility for dye-sensitizing with photosensitive molecules, etc. It can be functionalized with electron donor molecules, like phthalocyanines or porphyrins, for the development of light energy conversion systems. For effective attachment of such molecules, the diamond surface has to be modified by plasma- or photo-chemical processes in order to achieve a desired surface termination. In the present work, the surface modifications of undoped and boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films and their functionalization with various phthalocyanines (Pcs) were investigated. The NCD films have been prepared by hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) on silicon substrates and were thereafter subjected to modifications with O2 or NH3 plasmas or UV/O3 treatments for exchange of the H-termination of the as-grown surface. The effectiveness of the modifications and their stability with time during storage under different ambients were studied by contact angle measurements and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Furthermore, the surface roughness after the modifications was investigated with atomic force microscopy (AFM) and compared to that of as-grown samples in order to establish the appearance of etching of the surface during the treatment. The as-grown and the modified NCD surfaces were exposed to phthalocyanines with different metal centers (Ti, Cu, Mn) or with different side chains. The results of the Pc grafting were investigated by XPS and Raman spectroscopy. XPS revealed the presence of nitrogen stemming from the Pc molecules and traces of the respective metal atoms with ratios close to those in the applied Pc. In a next step Raman spectra of Ti-Pc, Cu-Pc and Mn-Pc were obtained with two different excitation wavelengths (488 and 785 nm) from droplet samples on Si after evaporation of the solvent in order to establish their Raman fingerprints. The major differences in the spectra were assigned to the effect of the size of the metal ion on the structure of the phthalocyanine ring. The spectra obtained were used as references for the Raman spectra of NCD surfaces grafted with Pc. Finally, selected boron doped NCD samples were used after their surface modification and functionalization with Pc for the preparation of electrodes which were tested in a photoelectrochemical cell with a Pt counter electrode and an Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The light sources and electrolytes were varied to establish their influence on the performance of the dye-sensitized diamond electrodes. Cyclic voltammetry measurements revealed broad electrochemical potential window and high stability of the electrodes after several cycles. The open circuit potential (OCP) measurements performed in dark and after illumination showed fast responses of the electrodes to the illumination resulting in photocurrent generation.
Les petites molécules de type p à bandes interdites étroites sont de plus en plus perçues comme des remplaçantes possibles aux polymères semi-conducteurs actuellement utilisés conjointement avec des dérivés de fullerènes de type n, dans les cellules photovoltaïques organiques (OPV). Par contre, ces petites molécules tendent à cristalliser facilement lors de leur application en couches minces et forment difficilement des films homogènes appropriés. Des dispositifs OPV de type hétérojonction de masse ont été réalisés en ajoutant différentes espèces de polymères semi-conducteurs ou isolants, agissant comme matrices permettant de rectifier les inhomogénéités des films actifs et d’augmenter les performances des cellules photovoltaïques. Des polymères aux masses molaires spécifiques ont été synthétisés par réaction de Wittig en contrôlant précisément les ratios molaires des monomères et de la base utilisée. L’effet de la variation des masses molaires en fonction des morphologies de films minces obtenus et des performances des diodes organiques électroluminescentes reliées, a également été étudié. La microscopie électronique en transmission (MET) ou à balayage (MEB) a été employée en complément de la microscopie à force atomique (AFM) pour suivre l’évolution de la morphologie des films organiques minces. Une nouvelle méthode rapide de préparation des films pour l’imagerie MET sur substrats de silicium est également présentée et comparée à d’autres méthodes d’extraction. Motivé par le prix élevé et la rareté des métaux utilisés dans les substrats d’oxyde d’indium dopé à l’étain (ITO), le développement d’une nouvelle méthode de recyclage eco-responsable des substrats utilisés dans ces études est également présenté.
La presente tesis es un estudio dedicado a la optimización y desarrollo de sistemas del tipo juntura túnel. La metodología utilizada para la realización de la tesis consistió, en primer lugar, en la optimización de las componentes independientes de la juntura túnel: electrodo y barrera aislante. Posteriormente se optimizaron los procesos de fabricación para el desarrollo y caracterización de dispositivos del tipo juntura túnel en su forma final. En la primera parte de la tesis se analizan detalladamente los resultados obtenidos de la caracterización eléctrica y topografica de barreras aislantes en sistemas electrodo - barrera. Los sistemas bicapas estudiados, GdBa_2Cu_3_7/SrTiO_3, Nb/Ba_0,05Sr_0,95TiO_3 y YBa_2Cu_3O_7/SrTiO_3, fueron caracterizados utilizando un microscopio de fuerza atómica en modo conductor. Se propuso un modelo fenomenológico basado en los resultados experimentales, que permitió la obtención de parámetros críticos para el desarrollo de dispositivos del tipo juntura túnel con nuevas funcionalidades. La información obtenida de la caracterización de los sistemas bicapas (homogeneidad de crecimiento, baja densidad de defectos y de pinholes) indican un muy buen control de los parámetros de crecimiento de las barreras. Por otro lado, se obtuvo un buen comportamiento aislante para espesores mayores a 2 nm sin la presencia de pinholes en la barrera. La similitud en la estequiometría de las barreras (SrTiO_3) permitió comparar los distintos sistemas estudiados en términos de conductividad eléctrica. Se verificó que el modelo fenomenológico permite comparar la conductividad eléctrica de los sistemas mediante uno de los parámetros definidos en el modelo fenomenológico (obtenido de los ajustes lineales de las curvas I(V)). De los 3 sistemas estudiados, las bicapas GdBa_2Cu_3O_7/SrTiO_3 presentaron un mayor valor de longitud de atenuación de los portadores de carga a través de la barrera y una muy baja densidad de defectos superficiales. Las bicapas YBa_2Cu_3O_7/SrTiO_3 y Nb/Ba_0,05Sr_0,95TiO_3 permitieron validar el modelo fenomenológico propuesto para el análisis de la respuesta corriente - voltaje obtenida con el microscopio de fuerza atómica en modo conductor. La segunda parte de la tesis abarca conceptos de magnetismo y microfabricación para el desarrollo de junturas túnel magnéticas. Durante la caracterización de las películas ferromagnéticas individuales de Co_90Fe_10 (CoFe) se logró aumentar valor del campo coercitivo de films de 10 nm de espesor al incrementar la temperatura de depósito. Esto se debe a un aumento del tamaño de grano de los films. El aumento de la temperatura del sustrato durante el crecimiento influye en la morfología y las propiedades magnéticas de los films de CoFe favoreciendo la formación de granos y la pérdida del eje preferencial de magnetización. Estos resultados permitieron la fabricación de sistemas Co_90Fe_10/M_gO/Co_90Fe_10 con distintas orientaciones relativas accesibles con campo magnético para el estudio del acople magnético entre los films de CoFe. La caracterización eléctrica de estos sistemas, particularmente la respuesta corriente - voltaje obtenida con el microscopio de fuerza atómica en modo conductor, indicó que las propiedades de transporte eléctrico de las junturas presentan un alto grado de reproducibilidad. Se analizó además la inuencia del sustrato utilizado en la corriente túnel que atraviesa la barrera aislante. Por otro lado, se discuten los fenómenos relacionados a la optimización de las propiedades magnéticas de electrodos ferromagnéticos para la fabricación de junturas túnel Co_90Fe_10/MgO/Co_90Fe_10 y Co_90Fe_10/MgO /Fe_20Ni_80. En particular, se estudió el acople magnético entre capas ferromagnéticas y la inuencia del sustrato utilizado para el crecimiento de las tricapas. La optimización de los electrodos magnéticos involucró el análisis de la inuencia de la presencia de un aislante entre dos capas magnéticas en el acople de los electrodos. Se logró el desacople de films de 10 nm de Co_90Fe_10 y Fe_20Ni_80 separados por un espaciador de MgO de 2 nm. Finalmente se detallan los pasos para la fabricación de una red de junturas túnel magnéticas y su caracterización eléctrica a bajas temperaturas. El sistema estudiado fue la tricapa Co_90Fe_10 (10 nm)/M_gO (8 nm)/ Fe_20Ni_80 (10 nm) crecido sobre un sustrato de M_gO. La caracterización eléctrica confirmó la buena calidad de la junturas fabricadas. Las junturas obtenidas presentaron un comportamiento altamente resistivo (~ MΩ). Las mediciones de la corriente túnel en función de la temperatura permitieron descartar la presencia de pinholes en la barrera. El transporte de los portadores de carga es por efecto túnel a través de la barrera aislante. Las curvas de conductancia diferencial permitieron calcular el valor medio de la altura de la barrera de potencial (φ = 3.1 eV) a partir del modelo de Brinkman. Los resultados obtenidos en cada uno de los capítulos se complementan y son relevantes para la optimización de junturas túnel, debido a que brindan información crítica para su correcto funcionamiento. En la presente tesis se lograron obtener los primeros avances para la fabricación de arreglos de junturas túnel que permitan el desarrollo de dispositivos.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
A surface sensitivity study was performed on different transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) under ambient conditions in order to understand which material is the most suitable for future device applications. Initially, Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy studies were carried out over a period of 27 days on mechanically exfoliated flakes of 5 different TMDs, namely, MoS2, MoSe2, MoTe2, HfS2, and HfSe2. The most reactive were MoTe2 and HfSe2. HfSe2, in particular, showed surface protrusions after ambient exposure, reaching a height and width of approximately 60 nm after a single day. This study was later supplemented by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) cross-sectional analysis, which showed hemispherical-shaped surface blisters that are amorphous in nature, approximately 180–240 nm tall and 420–540 nm wide, after 5 months of air exposure, as well as surface deformation in regions between these structures, related to surface oxidation. An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of atmosphere exposed HfSe2 was conducted over various time scales, which indicated that the Hf undergoes a preferential reaction with oxygen as compared to the Se. Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy showed that the blisters are Se-rich; thus, it is theorised that HfO2 forms when the HfSe2 reacts in ambient, which in turn causes the Se atoms to be aggregated at the surface in the form of blisters. Overall, it is evident that air contact drastically affects the structural properties of TMD materials. This issue poses one of the biggest challenges for future TMD-based devices and technologies.