929 resultados para Mesenchymal Stem Cells


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Nanopartikuläre Wirkstofftransportsysteme besitzen ein großes Potential für therapeutische Anwendungen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden verschiedene grundlegende Aspekte, die für das erweiterte biologische Verständnis und die Entwicklung weiterer zielgerichteter Strategien zur Pharmakotherapie mit Nanopartikeln und –kapseln notwendig sind, näher untersucht. Experimente zur zellulären Aufnahmefähigkeit (in vitro und ex vivo) wurden mit verschiedenen Nanopartikeln und –kapseln aus diversen Monomeren und biokompatiblen Makromolekülen in immortalisierten Zellkulturlinien, humanen mesenchymalen Stammzellen und Leukozyten durchgeführt und durchflusszytometrisch sowie mittels konfokaler Laser-Raster-Mikroskopie analysiert. Die Einflüsse der Oberflächenfunktionalisierungen der nanopartikulären Systeme, deren toxikologische Effekte sowie der Einfluss von adsorbiertem bovinem Serumalbumin auf funktionalisierten Polystyrol-Nanopartikeln wurden in Bezug auf die zelluläre Aufnahme untersucht.Um die multiplen Wechselwirkungen der Nanopartikel mit Bestandteilen des humanen peripheren Vollblutes zu untersuchen, wurde erfolgreich ein durchflusszytometrisches Analyseverfahren in antikoaguliertem peripherem Vollblut (ex vivo) entwickelt. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass der Einfluss von Calcium-komplexierenden Antikoagulanzien zu einer Verringerung und nicht Li-Heparin zu einer Verstärkung der zellulären Aufnahme von funktionalisierten Polystyrol-Nanopartikeln in diversen Leukozyten führt.Für Folsäure-gekoppelte Hydroxyethylstärke-Nanokapseln (Synthese Frau Dr. Grit Baier) konnte ein größenabhängiger selektiver, Folatrezeptor α vermittelter, zellulärer Aufnahmeweg in HeLa-Zellen nachgewiesen werden.Hydrolysierbare, nicht zytotoxische Polyester-Nanopartikel aus Poly(5,6-Benzo-2-methylen-1,3-dioxepan) (Synthese Herr Dr. Jörg Max Siebert) mit eingebettetem Paclitaxel zeigten in HeLa-Zellen eine vergleichbare pharmakologische Wirkung wie kommerziell erhältliche Paclitaxel-Formulierungen.Die in dieser Arbeit eingesetzten Nanopartikel und Nanokapseln besitzen ein vielfältiges Potential als Wirkstofftransportsysteme. Es zeigte sich, dass Unterschiede bei der Größe, der Größenverteilung, des Polymers sowie der Oberflächenfunktionalisierung der Nanopartikel bedeutende Unterschiede der Zellaufnahme in diversen Zellkulturlinien (in vitro) und Leukozyten in peripherem Vollblut (ex vivo) zur Folge haben.


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Questo studio ha valutato l'efficacia di un approccio rigenerativo utilizzando cellule staminali mesenchimali (MSC) e uno scaffold di idrossiapatite pura e porosa (HA) progettata con tecnologia CAD-CAM per sostituire il condilo dell'articolazione temporomandibolare (ATM). Metodi.Uno scaffolds di HA con porosità totale del 70% è stato prototipato per sostituire i due condili temporomandibolari (sinistro e destro) dello stesso animale. MSC sono state ottenute dalla cresta iliaca ed espanse in coltura. Guide chirurgiche su misura sono state create e utilizzate per esportare la pianificazione virtuale delle linee di taglio dell'osso nell'ambiente chirurgico. Sei pecore sono state sacrificate a 4 mesi dopo l'intervento.Gli scaffold sono stati espiantati, campioni istologici sono stati preparati, ed è stata eseguota l'analisi istomorfometrica. Risultati.L'analisi della riduzione di porosità per apposizione di osso neoformato mostrata una differenza statisticamente significativa tra la formazione ossea nei condili carichi di MSC rispetto ai condili senza (


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Mesenchymale Stamzellen (MSC) sind Vertreter der adulten Stammzellen. Sie bergen durch ihre große Plastizität ein immenses Potential für die klinische Nutzung in Form von Stammzelltherapien. Zellen dieses Typs kommen vornehmlich im Knochenmark der großen Röhrenknochen vor und können zu Knochen, Knorpel und Fettzellen differenzieren. MSC leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag im Rahmen regenerativer Prozesse, beispielsweise zur Heilung von Frakturen. Breite Studien demonstrieren bereits jetzt auch bei komplexeren Erkrankungen (z.B. Osteoporose) therapeutisch vielversprechende Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Oft kommen hierbei aus MSC gezielt differenzierte Folgelinien aus Zellkulturen zum Einsatz. Dies bedingt eine kontrollierte Steuerung der Differenzierungsprozesse in vitro. Der Differenzierung einer Stammzelle liegt eine komplexe Veränderung ihrer Genexpression zugrunde. Genexpressionsmuster zur Erhaltung und Proliferation der Stammzellen müssen durch solche, die der linienspezifischen Differenzierung dienen, ersetzt werden. Die mit der Differenzierung einhergehende, transkriptomische Neuausrichtung ist für das Verständnis der Prozesse grundlegend und wurde bislang nur unzureichend untersucht. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine transkriptomweite und vergleichende Genexpressionsanalyse Mesenchymaler Stammzellen und deren in vitro differenzierten Folgelinien mittels Plasmid - DNA Microarrays und Sequenziertechniken der nächsten Generation (RNA-Seq, Illumina Plattform). In dieser Arbeit diente das Hausrind (Bos taurus) als Modellorganismus, da es genetisch betrachtet eine hohe Ähnlichkeit zum Menschen aufweist und Knochenmark als Quelle von MSC gut verfügbar ist. Primärkulturen Mesenchymaler Stammzellen konnten aus dem Knochenmark von Rindern erfolgreich isoliert werden. Es wurden in vitro Zellkultur - Versuche durchgeführt, um die Zellen zu Osteoblasten, Chondrozyten und Adipozyten zu differenzieren. Zur Genexpressionsanalyse wurde RNA aus jungen MSC und einer MSC Langzeitkultur („alte MSC“), sowie aus den differenzierten Zelllinien isoliert und für nachfolgende Experimente wo nötig amplifiziert. Der Erfolg der Differenzierungen konnte anhand der Genexpression von spezifischen Markergenen und mittels histologischer Färbungen belegt werden. Hierbei zeigte sich die Differenzierung zu Osteoblasten und Adipozyten erfolgreich, während die Differenzierung zu Chondrozyten trotz diverser Modifikationen am Protokoll nicht erfolgreich durchgeführt werden konnte. Eine vergleichende Hybridisierung zur Bestimmung differentieller Genexpression (MSC vs. Differenzierung) mittels selbst hergestellter Plasmid - DNA Microarrays ergab für die Osteogenese mit Genen wie destrin und enpp1, für die undifferenzierten MSC mit dem Gen sema3c neue Kandidatengene, deren biologische Funktion aufzuklären in zukünftigen Experimenten vielversprechende Ergebnisse liefern sollte. Die Analyse der transkriptomweiten Genexpression mittels NGS lieferte einen noch umfangreicheren Einblick ins Differenzierungsgeschehen. Es zeigte sich eine hohe Ähnlichkeit im Expressionsprofil von jungen MSC und Adipozyten, sowie zwischen den Profilen der alten MSC (eine Langzeitkultur) und Osteoblasten. Die alten MSC wiesen deutliche Anzeichen für eine spontane Differenzierung in die osteogene Richtung auf. Durch Analyse der 100 am stärksten exprimierten Gene jeder Zelllinie ließen sich für junge MSC und Adipozyten besonders Gene der extrazellulären Matrix (z.B col1a1,6 ; fn1 uvm.) auffinden. Sowohl Osteoblasten, als auch die alten MSC exprimieren hingegen verstärkt Gene mit Bezug zur oxidativen Phosphorylierung, sowie ribosomale Proteine. Eine Betrachtung der differentiellen Genexpression (junge MSC vs. Differenzierung) mit anschließender Pathway Analyse und Genontologie Anreicherungsstatistik unterstützt diese Ergebnisse vor allem bei Osteoblasten, wo nun jedoch zusätzlich auch Gene zur Regulation der Knochenentwicklung und Mineralisierung in den Vordergrund treten. Für Adipozyten konnte mit Genen des „Jak-STAT signaling pathway“, der Fokalen Adhäsion, sowie Genen des „Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction pathway“ sehr spannende Einsichten in die Biologie dieses Zelltyps erlangt werden, die sicher weiterer Untersuchungen bedürfen. In undifferenzierten MSC konnte durch differentielle Genexpressionsanalyse die Rolle des nicht kanonischen Teils des WNT Signalweges als für die Aufrechterhaltung des Stammzellstatus potentiell äußerst einflussreich ermittelt werden. Die hier diskutierten Ergebnisse zeigen beispielhaft, dass besonders mittels Genexpressionsanalyse im Hochdurchsatzverfahren wertvolle Einblicke in die komplexe Biologie der Stammzelldifferenzierung möglich sind. Als Grundlage für nachfolgende Arbeiten konnten interessante Gene ermittelt und Hypothesen zu deren Einfluss auf Stammzelleigenschaften und Differenzierungsprozesse aufgestellt werden. Um einen besseren Einblick in den Differenzierungsverlauf zu ermöglichen, könnten künftig NGS Analysen zu unterschiedlichen Differenzierungszeitpunkten durchgeführt werden. Zudem wären weitere Anstrengungen zur erfolgreichen Etablierung der chondrogenen Differenzierung zur vollständigen Analyse der Genexpression des trilinearen Differenzierungspotentials von MSC wünschenswert.


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We have investigated the use of hierarchical clustering of flow cytometry data to classify samples of conventional central chondrosarcoma, a malignant cartilage forming tumor of uncertain cellular origin, according to similarities with surface marker profiles of several known cell types. Human primary chondrosarcoma cells, articular chondrocytes, mesenchymal stem cells, fibroblasts, and a panel of tumor cell lines from chondrocytic or epithelial origin were clustered based on the expression profile of eleven surface markers. For clustering, eight hierarchical clustering algorithms, three distance metrics, as well as several approaches for data preprocessing, including multivariate outlier detection, logarithmic transformation, and z-score normalization, were systematically evaluated. By selecting clustering approaches shown to give reproducible results for cluster recovery of known cell types, primary conventional central chondrosacoma cells could be grouped in two main clusters with distinctive marker expression signatures: one group clustering together with mesenchymal stem cells (CD49b-high/CD10-low/CD221-high) and a second group clustering close to fibroblasts (CD49b-low/CD10-high/CD221-low). Hierarchical clustering also revealed substantial differences between primary conventional central chondrosarcoma cells and established chondrosarcoma cell lines, with the latter not only segregating apart from primary tumor cells and normal tissue cells, but clustering together with cell lines from epithelial lineage. Our study provides a foundation for the use of hierarchical clustering applied to flow cytometry data as a powerful tool to classify samples according to marker expression patterns, which could lead to uncover new cancer subtypes.


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Articular cartilage injuries and degeneration affect a large proportion of the population in developed countries world wide. Stem cells can be differentiated into chondrocytes by adding transforming growth factor-beta1 and dexamethasone to a pellet culture, which are unfeasible for tissue engineering purposes. We attempted to achieve stable chondrogenesis without any requirement for exogenous growth factors. Human mesenchymal stem cells were transduced with an adenoviral vector containing the SRY-related HMG-box gene 9 (SOX9), and were cultured in a three-dimensional (3D) hydrogel scaffold composite. As an additional treatment, mechanical stimulation was applied in a custom-made bioreactor. SOX9 increased the expression level of its known target genes, as well as its cofactors: the long form of SOX5 and SOX6. However, it was unable to increase the synthesis of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Mechanical stimulation slightly enhanced collagen type X and increased lubricin expression. The combination of SOX9 and mechanical load boosted GAG synthesis as shown by (35)S incorporation. GAG production rate corresponded well with the amount of (endogenous) transforming growth factor-beta1. Finally, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein expression was increased by both treatments. These findings provide insight into the mechanotransduction of mesenchymal stem cells and demonstrate the potential of a transcription factor in stem cell therapy.


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Introduction Adequate migration and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells is essential for regeneration of large bone defects. To achieve this, modern graft materials are becoming increasingly important. Among them, electrospun nanofiber scaffolds are a promising approach, because of their high physical porosity and potential to mimic the extracellular matrix (ECM). Materials and Methods The objective of the present study was to examine the impact of electrospun PLLA nanofiber scaffolds on bone formation in vivo, using a critical size rat calvarial defect model. In addition we analyzed whether direct incorporation of bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) into nanofibers could enhance the osteoinductivity of the scaffolds. Two critical size calvarial defects (5 mm) were created in the parietal bones of adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. Defects were either (1) left unfilled, or treated with (2) bovine spongiosa, (3) PLLA scaffolds alone or (4) PLLA/BMP-2 scaffolds. Cranial CT-scans were taken at fixed intervals in vivo. Specimens obtained after euthanasia were processed for histology, histomorphometry and immunostaining (Osteocalcin, BMP-2 and Smad5). Results PLLA scaffolds were well colonized with cells after implantation, but only showed marginal ossification. PLLA/BMP-2 scaffolds showed much better bone regeneration and several ossification foci were observed throughout the defect. PLLA/BMP-2 scaffolds also stimulated significantly faster bone regeneration during the first eight weeks compared to bovine spongiosa. However, no significant differences between these two scaffolds could be observed after twelve weeks. Expression of osteogenic marker proteins in PLLA/BMP-2 scaffolds continuously increased throughout the observation period. After twelve weeks osteocalcin, BMP-2 and Smad5 were all significantly higher in the PLLA/BMP-2 group than in all other groups. Conclusion Electrospun PLLA nanofibers facilitate colonization of bone defects, while their use in combination with BMP-2 also increases bone regeneration in vivo and thus combines osteoconductivity of the scaffold with the ability to maintain an adequate osteogenic stimulus.


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The reconstruction of large bone defects after injury or tumor resection often requires the use of bone substitution. Artificial scaffolds based on synthetic biomaterials can overcome disadvantages of autologous bone grafts, like limited availability and donor side morbidity. Among them, scaffolds based on nanofibers offer great advantages. They mimic the extracellular matrix, can be used as a carrier for growth factors and allow the differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. Differentiation is triggered by a series of signaling processes, including integrin and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), which act in a cooperative manner. The aim of this study was to analyze whether these processes can be remodeled in artificial poly-(l)-lactide acid (PLLA) based nanofiber scaffolds in vivo. Electrospun matrices composed of PLLA-collagen type I or BMP-2 incorporated PLLA-collagen type I were implanted in calvarial critical size defects in rats. Cranial CT-scans were taken 4, 8 and 12 weeks after implantation. Specimens obtained after euthanasia were processed for histology and immunostainings on osteocalcin, BMP-2 and Smad5. After implantation the scaffolds were inhomogeneously colonized and cells were only present in wrinkle- or channel-like structures. Ossification was detected only in focal areas of the scaffold. This was independent of whether BMP-2 was incorporated in the scaffold. However, cells that migrated into the scaffold showed an increased ratio of osteocalcin and Smad5 positive cells compared to empty defects. Furthermore, in case of BMP-2 incorporated PLLA-collagen type I scaffolds, 4 weeks after implantation approximately 40 % of the cells stained positive for BMP-2 indicating an autocrine process of the ingrown cells. These findings indicate that a cooperative effect between BMP-2 and collagen type I can be transferred to PLLA nanofibers and furthermore, that this effect is active in vivo. However, this had no effect on bone formation. The reason for this seems to be an unbalanced colonization of the scaffolds with cells, due to insufficient pore size.


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Abstract Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been demonstrated to play an important role as signaling and regulating molecules in human adipocytes. In order to evaluate the differential modulating roles of antioxidants, we treated human adipocytes differentiated from human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells with MitoQ, resveratrol and curcumin. The effects on ROS, viability, mitochondrial respiration and intracellular ATP levels were examined. MitoQ lowered both oxidizing and reducing ROS. Resveratrol decreased reducing and curcumin oxidizing radicals only. All three substances slightly decreased state III respiration immediately after addition. After 24 h of treatment, MitoQ inhibited both basal and uncoupled oxygen consumption, whereas curcumin and resveratrol had no effect. Intracellular ATP levels were not altered. This demonstrates that MitoQ, resveratrol and curcumin exert potent modulating effects on ROS signaling in human adipocyte with marginal effects on metabolic parameters.


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The synovium contains mesenchymal stem cells with chondrogenic potential. Although synovial and articular cartilage tissue develop from a common pool of mesenchymal cells, little is known about their genetic commonalities. In the present study, the mRNA levels for several cartilage-related proteins, namely, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), Sox9, aggrecan, and collagen types I, II, IX, X, and XI, were measured using the real-time polymerase chain reaction. Our data reveal the synovium of calf metacarpal joints to physiologically express not only type I collagen but also COMP, Sox9, aggrecan, and collagen types X and XI. The mRNA levels for the latter five proteins lie between 2% and 15% of those in articular cartilage. We speculate that these genes are being expressed by chondroprogenitor cells, whose presence in the synovium reflects a common ontogenetic phase in the fetal development of this tissue and of articular cartilage.


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We have investigated the influence of long-term confined dynamic compression and surface motion under low oxygen tension on tissue-engineered cell-scaffold constructs. Porous polyurethane scaffolds (8 mm x 4 mm) were seeded with bovine articular chondrocytes and cultured under normoxic (21% O(2)) or hypoxic (5% O(2)) conditions for up to 4 weeks. By means of our joint-simulating bioreactor, cyclic axial compression (10-20%; 0.5 Hz) was applied for 1 h daily with a ceramic ball, which simultaneously oscillated over the construct surface (+/-25 degrees; 0.5 Hz). Culture under reduced oxygen tension resulted in an increase in mRNA levels of type II collagen and aggrecan, whereas the expression of type I collagen was down-regulated at early time points. A higher glycosaminoglycan content was found in hypoxic than in normoxic constructs. Immunohistochemical analysis showed more intense type II and weaker type I collagen staining in hypoxic than in normoxic cultures. Type II collagen gene expression was slightly elevated after short-term loading, whereas aggrecan mRNA levels were not influenced by the applied mechanical stimuli. Of importance, the combination of loading and low oxygen tension resulted in a further down-regulation of collagen type I mRNA expression, contributing to the stabilization of the chondrocytic phenotype. Histological results confirmed the beneficial effect of mechanical loading on chondrocyte matrix synthesis. Thus, mechanical stimulation combined with low oxygen tension is an effective tool for modulating the chondrocytic phenotype and should be considered when chondrocytes or mesenchymal stem cells are cultured and differentiated with the aim of generating cartilage-like tissue in vitro.


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OBJECTIVE: MicroRNA (miRNA) are a class of noncoding small RNAs that act as negative regulators of gene expression. MiRNA exhibit tissue-specific expression patterns, and changes in their expression may contribute to pathogenesis. The objectives of this study were to identify miRNA expressed in articular chondrocytes, to determine changes in osteoarthritic (OA) cartilage, and to address the function of miRNA-140 (miR-140). METHODS: To identify miRNA specifically expressed in chondrocytes, we performed gene expression profiling using miRNA microarrays and quantitative polymerase chain reaction with human articular chondrocytes compared with human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The expression pattern of miR-140 was monitored during chondrogenic differentiation of human MSCs in pellet cultures and in human articular cartilage from normal and OA knee joints. We tested the effects of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) on miR-140 expression. Double-stranded miR-140 (ds-miR-140) was transfected into chondrocytes to analyze changes in the expression of genes associated with OA. RESULTS: Microarray analysis showed that miR-140 had the largest difference in expression between chondrocytes and MSCs. During chondrogenesis, miR-140 expression in MSC cultures increased in parallel with the expression of SOX9 and COL2A1. Normal human articular cartilage expressed miR-140, and this expression was significantly reduced in OA tissue. In vitro treatment of chondrocytes with IL-1beta suppressed miR-140 expression. Transfection of chondrocytes with ds-miR-140 down-regulated IL-1beta-induced ADAMTS5 expression and rescued the IL-1beta-dependent repression of AGGRECAN gene expression. CONCLUSION: This study shows that miR-140 has a chondrocyte differentiation-related expression pattern. The reduction in miR-140 expression in OA cartilage and in response to IL-1beta may contribute to the abnormal gene expression pattern characteristic of OA.


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BACKGROUND Synovial explants furnish an in-situ population of mesenchymal stem cells for the repair of articular cartilage. Although bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) induces the chondrogenesis of bovine synovial explants, the cartilage formed is neither homogeneously distributed nor of an exclusively hyaline type. Furthermore, the downstream differentiation of chondrocytes proceeds to the stage of terminal hypertrophy, which is inextricably coupled with undesired matrix mineralization. With a view to optimizing BMP-2-induced chondrogenesis, the modulating influences of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2) and transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-ß1) were investigated. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS Explants of bovine calf metacarpal synovium were exposed to BMP-2 (200 ng/ml) for 4 (or 6) weeks. FGF-2 (10 ng/ml) or TGF-ß1 (10 ng/ml) was introduced at the onset of incubation and was present either during the first week of culturing alone or throughout its entire course. FGF-2 enhanced the BMP-2-induced increase in metachromatic staining for glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) only when it was present during the first week of culturing alone. TGF-ß1 enhanced not only the BMP-2-induced increase in metachromasia (to a greater degree than FGF-2), but also the biochemically-assayed accumulation of GAGs, when it was present throughout the entire culturing period; in addition, it arrested the downstream differentiation of cells at an early stage of hypertrophy. These findings were corroborated by an analysis of the gene- and protein-expression levels of key cartilaginous markers and by an estimation of individual cell volume. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE TGF-ß1 enhances the BMP-2-induced chondrogenesis of bovine synovial explants, improves the hyaline-like properties of the neocartilage, and arrests the downstream differentiation of cells at an early stage of hypertrophy. With the prospect of engineering a mature, truly articular type of cartilage in the context of clinical repair, our findings will be of importance in fine-tuning the stimulation protocol for the optimal chondrogenic differentiation of synovial explants.


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BACKGROUND CONTEXT Proteolytic enzyme digestion of the intervertebral disc (IVD) offers a method to simulate a condition of disc degeneration for the study of cell-scaffold constructs in the degenerated disc. PURPOSE To characterize an in vitro disc degeneration model (DDM) of different severities of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and water loss by using papain, and to determine the initial response of the human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) introduced into this DDM. STUDY DESIGN Disc degeneration model of a bovine disc explant with an end plate was induced by the injection of papain at various concentrations. Labeled MSCs were later introduced in this model. METHODS Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS control) or papain in various concentrations (3, 15, 30, 60, and 150 U/mL) were injected into the bovine caudal IVD explants. Ten days after the injection, GAG content of the discs was evaluated by dimethylmethylene blue assay and cell viability was determined by live/dead staining together with confocal microscopy. Overall matrix composition was evaluated by histology, and water content was visualized by magnetic resonance imaging. Compressive and torsional stiffness of the DDM were also recorded. In the second part, MSCs were labeled with a fluorescence cell membrane tracker and injected into the nucleus of the DDM or a PBS control. Mesenchymal stem cell viability and distribution were evaluated by confocal microscopy. RESULTS A large drop of GAG and water content of the bovine disc were obtained by injecting >30 U/mL papain. Magnetic resonance imaging showed Grade II, III, and IV disc degeneration by injecting 30, 60, and 150 U/mL papain. A cavity in the center of the disc could facilitate later injection of the nucleus pulposus tissue engineering construct while retaining an intact annulus fibrosus. The remaining disc cell viability was not affected. Mesenchymal stem cells injected into the protease-treated DDM disc showed significantly higher cell viability than when injected into the PBS-injected control disc. CONCLUSIONS By varying the concentration of papain for injection, an increasing amount of GAG and water loss could be induced to simulate the different severities of disc degeneration. MSC suspension introduced into the disc has a very low short-term survival. However, it should be clear that this bovine IVD DDM does not reflect a clinical situation but offers exciting possibilities to test novel tissue engineering protocols.


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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) directly affects nearly 1.5 million new patients per year in the USA, adding to the almost 6 million cases in patients who are permanently affected by the irreversible physical, cognitive and psychosocial deficits from a prior injury. Adult stem cell therapy has shown preliminary promise as an option for treatment, much of which is limited currently to supportive care. Preclinical research focused on cell therapy has grown significantly over the last decade. One of the challenges in the translation of this burgeoning field is interpretation of the promising experimental results obtained from a variety of cell types, injury models and techniques. Although these variables can become barriers to a collective understanding and to evidence-based translation, they provide crucial information that, when correctly placed, offers the opportunity for discovery. Here, we review the preclinical evidence that is currently guiding the translation of adult stem cell therapy for TBI.


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Introduction: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are very common; in Germany incidence of ACL ruptures is estimated at 32 per 100 000 in the general population and in the sports community this rate more than doubles. Current gold standard for anterior cruciate lig- ament repair is reconstruction using an autograft [1]. However, this approach has shown some limitations. A new method has been her- alded by the Knee Team at the Bern University Hospital (Inselspital) and the Sonnenhof clinic called Dynamic Intraligamentary Stabilization (DIS), which keeps ACL remnants in place in order to promote biologi- cal healing and makes use of a dynamic screw system [2]. The aim of this study was to investigate the cytocompatibility of collagen patches in combination with DIS to support regeneration of the ACL. The spe- cific hypothesis we tested was whether MSCs would differentiate towards TCs in co-culture. Materials and methods: Primary Tenocytes (TCs) and human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were harvested from ACL removed during knee prothesis or from bone marrow aspirations (Ethical Permit 187/10). Cells were seeded on two types of three dimensional carriers currently approved for cartilage repair, Novocart (NC, B. Brown) and Chondro-Gide (CG, Geistlich). These scaffolds comprise collagen structures with interconnecting pores originally developed for seeding of chondrocytes in the case of CG. ~40k cells were seeded on punched zylindrical cores of 8 mm in Ø and cultured on CG or NC patches for up to 7 days. The cells were either cultured as TC only, MSC only or co-cultured in a 1:1 mix on the scaffolds and on both sides of culture inserts (PET, high density pore Ø 0.4 mm, BD, Fal- con) with cell-cell contact. We monitored DNA content, GAG and HOP-content, tracked the cells using DIL and DIO fluorescent dyes (Molecular Probes, Life technologies) and confocal laser scanning and SEM microscopy as well as RT-PCR of tenocyte specific markers (i.e. col 1 and 3, TNC, TNMD, SCXA&B, and markers of dedifferentiation ACAN, col2, MMP3, MMP13). Finally, H&E stain was interpreted on cryosections and SEM images of cells on the scaffold were taken. Results: ThecLSMimagesshowedcellproliferationoverthe7dayson both matrices, however, on CG there were much fewer MSCs attached than on NC. SEM images showed a roundish chondrocyte-like pheno- type of cells on CG whereas on NC the phenotype was more teno- cyte-like (Fig. 1). Gene expression of both, MSC and TC seem to confirm a more favorable environment in 3D for both patches rather than monolayer control.