945 resultados para Meiofauna, substrato secondario algale, acidificazione, vent, Ischia
Seleção de matrizes. Seleção e retirada dos rebentos. Preparo do substrato. Manutenção de mudas.
O presente estudo refere-se à caracterização dos solos da microbacia do ribeirão Barro Branco no município de São José de Ubá, Rio de Janeiro, abrangendo uma área de cerca de 550 ha, como parte integrante do Projeto Modelagem Hidrológica apoiado pela FAPERJ. O resultado final deste estudo consistiu no Mapa Semidetalhado de Solos da microbacia de acordo com as normas preconizadas pela Embrapa Solos, com a utilização de geotecnologias e técnicas de mapeamento digital. Consiste na caracterização dos solos visando contribuir para o planejamento do uso e ocupação das terras de forma racional e sustentável. Como material básico, utilizou-se uma aerorrestituição na escala 1:10.000 que foi empregada para a geração de um modelo digital de elevação (MDE), tendo ainda o apoio de imagens do Sensor Geoeye-1 de 2010. Os resultados obtidos, além de permitirem uma visão geral sobre as características ambientais da área, contêm todos os critérios utilizados para distinção e classificação dos solos e uma descrição das principais classes de solos da área estudada, cuja distribuição espacial é representada em um mapa na escala 1:10.000. Este mapa é constituído por 25 unidades de mapeamento, que compõem uma legenda de identificação dos solos, individualizados até o 5º nível categórico do Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos (SiBCS), seguido de textura, tipo de horizonte A, fases de vegetação, relevo e, para solos pouco evoluídos, substrato geológico. As principais classes de solos identificadas foram: Argissolos Vermelhos; Argissolos Vermelho-Amarelos; Gleissolos, Argissolos Amarelos; Afloramentos de Rocha e Luvissolos. Os primeiros apresentando grande predomínio sobre as demais classes da área com ocorrência superior a 42% do total. O principal tipo de utilização agrícola nessa microbacia é com pastagens, em sua maioria em estágio avançado de degradação, devido à baixa capacidade de retenção de água no solo, a baixa fertilidade e o baixo nível de utilização de insumos e práticas de conservação de solos na área.
Este trabalho refere-se ao levantamento dos solos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, que abrange uma área de 43.797,5 km2. Consiste no reconhecimento e caracterização dos solos em sua ambiência, visando contribuir para o planejamento do uso e ocupação das terras de forma racional e sustentável. Foi realizado em nível de reconhecimento de baixa intensidade, com mapa final em escala 1:250.000, de acordo com os procedimentos metodológicos preconizados pela Embrapa. Como material cartográfico básico foram utilizadas fotografias aéreas 1:60.000 (USAF), com apoio adicional de imagens de satélite Landsat (escala 1:100.000 e 1:250.000) e bases planialtimétricas 1:50.000 (IBGE). A distribuição espacial dos solos no estado é representada em cartas topográficas 1:250.000 através de 161 unidades de mapeamento, que compõem uma legenda de identificação de solos, individualizados até o quarto nível categórico, conforme o atual Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos (SiBCS), seguido de textura, tipo de horizonte A, fases de vegetação, relevo, e, para o caso específico dos Cambissolos desenvolvidos de sedimentos aluvionares recentes, substrato geológico. As principais classes de solos identificadas foram: Argissolos (Amarelos, Vermelhos e Vermelho-Amarelos), Latossolos (Amarelos, Vermelhos e Vermelho- -Amarelos), Cambissolos (Húmicos e Háplicos), Neossolos (Litólicos e Regolíticos), Luvissolos (Crômicos e Hipocrômicos), Chernossolos (Rêndzicos e Argilúvicos) e Nitossolos (Vermelhos e Háplicos), que predominam nas áreas de drenagem livre, enquanto nas partes mais baixas da paisagem ocorrem Gleissolos (Tiomórfi cos, Sálicos, Melânicos e Háplicos), Neossolos (Flúvicos e Quartzarênicos), Espodossolos (Cárbicos e Ferrocárbicos), Planossolos (Nátricos, Hidromórfi cos e Háplicos) e Organossolos (Tiomórficos, Mésicos e Háplicos). Foram identificados quatro grandes ambientes na área do estado, com padrões de distribuição de solos característicos, cujas principais relações com os outros elementos do meio natural são descritas.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
The hydrologic structure of Taal Volcano has favored development of an extensive hydrothermal system whose prominent feature is the acidic Main Crater Lake (pH<3) lying in the center of an active vent complex, which is surrounded by a slightly alkaline caldera lake (Lake Taal). This peculiar situation makes Taal prone to frequent, and sometimes catastrophic, hydrovolcanic eruptions. Fumaroles, hot springs, and lake waters were sampled in 1991, 1992, and 1995 in order to develop a geochemical model for the hydrothermal system. The low-temperature fumarole compositions indicate strong interaction of magmatic vapors with the hydrothermal system under relatively oxidizing conditions. The thermal waters consist of highly, moderately, and weakly mineralized solutions, but none of them corresponds to either water-rock equilibrium or rock dissolution. The concentrated discharges have high Na contents (>3500 mg/kg) and low SO4/Cl ratios (<0.3). The Br/Cl ratio of most samples suggests incorporation of seawater into the hydrothermal system. Water and dissolved sulfate isotopic compositions reveal that the Main Crater Lake and spring discharges are derived from a deep parent fluid (T≃300°C), which is a mixture of seawater, volcanic water, and Lake Taal water. The volcanic end member is probably produced in the magmatic-hydrothermal environment during absorption of high-temperature gases into groundwater. Boiling and mixing of the parent water give rise to the range of chemical and isotopic characteristics observed in the thermal discharges. Incursion of seawater from the coastal region to the central part of the volcano is supported by the low water levels of the lakes and by the fact that Lake Taal was directly connected to the China sea until the sixteenth century. The depth to the seawater-meteoric water interface is calculated to be 80 and 160 m for the Main Crater Lake and Lake Taal, respectively. Additional data are required to infer the hydrologic structure of Taal. Geochemical surveillance of the Main Crater Lake using the SO4/Cl, Na/K, or Mg/Cl ratio cannot be applied straightforwardly due to the presence of seawater in the hydrothermal system.
Durante años los ecólogos y biogeógrafos han reconocido a los regimenes climáticos y a las condiciones del substrato como controles dominantes de la estructura y el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas. En la actualidad, un conjunto nuevo de controles emerge de las intervenciones que los humanos imponen (asociadas a la densidad poblacional, la riqueza, y la conectividad del paisaje). En esta tesis se describen el uso del suelo, y las características estructurales y funcionales de la vegetación, y se estudian sus controles biofísicos y humanos en regiones subtropicales secas (con lluvias estivales) a nivel global. Estas regiones, originalmente dominadas por formaciones leñosas, albergan en la actualidad una gran diversidad de contextos humanos y formas de manejo. La distribución global de las regiones se determinó a partir de bases de datos climáticas y topográficas. La caracterización del contexto humano, el uso del suelo y la producción de bienes, y la composición de la vegetación, se apoyó en datos cartográficos, estadísticas subnacionales, archivos fotográficos, e imágenes satelitales de alta resolución espacial. La cuantificación del funcionamiento del ecosistema se basó en el uso de información radiométrica proveniente de sensores remotos. Se determinaron cinco regiones en América del Norte y del Sur, África, Asia y Australia, incorporando condiciones semiáridas a subhúmedas. Los análisis implicaron caracterizaciones a nivel regional y local (mayor a 6000 puntos de muestreo), discriminando sistemas de uso no cultivados y cultivados. El reemplazo de la vegetación no cultivada fue variable, desde regiones en donde predominan los cultivos (aproximadamente 75 por ciento en Asia), hasta regiones en donde la fracción del territorio bajo este uso es mínima (aproximadamente 3 por ciento en Australia). Las intervenciones humanas (remoción de biomasa, pastoreo, aplicación de subsidios, etc.) han creado una gran variedad de patrones de vegetación/paisaje internamente en cada región. Los sistemas no cultivados desplegaron un gradiente de decreciente cobertura leñosa o creciente ocurrencia de parches antropogénicos en todas las regiones, que finalmente resultó en una productividad más baja e inestable. Sudamérica presentó los paisajes más leñosos o conservados y los más altos valores de productividad, mientras que Asia y Australia presentaron la mayor transformación de la cobertura y los valores más bajos de productividad. Los paisajes cultivados desplegaron un gradiente de creciente escala de producción no relacionado claramente con la productividad promedio de la vegetación. Norteamérica y Australia se asocian al extremo de mayor escala, mientras que África y Asia al de menor escala (Asia presentó aspectos de ambos extremos). Sudamérica en tanto, presentó nuevamente los valores más altos de productividad, aún sin contar con los altos subsidios que reciben los cultivos de Asia y Norteamérica, mientras que África presenta los valores más bajos. La densidad poblacional explicó la fracción agrícola cuando se consideran todas las regiones, pero la conexión a los mercados adquiere importancia en aquellas regiones más ricas y menos pobladas (Australia y Sudamérica). A nivel paisaje la presión poblacional perdió importancia determinando las características de sistemas no cultivados, siendo el nivel de pobreza y la conectividad los factores determinantes del grado de modificación de la cobertura leñosa. En sistemas cultivados, la pobreza y la densidad poblacional determinaron la escala y el grado de industrialización de la producción. La disponibilidad hídrica demostró un poder explicativo igual o menor que los factores humanos determinando la cobertura y el funcionamiento del ecosistema. Este factor tuvo una mayor importancia para sistemas no cultivados que cultivados. Los efectos de la transformación de un paisaje no cultivado a cultivado sobre la productividad dependieron de las características estructurales y funcionales de la vegetación bajo ambos tipos de uso. Así, el reemplazo trajo aumentos en la productividad en Asia, Australia, Sudamérica (cuando se consideraron las prácticas de riego), y disminuciones en Norteamérica y África. La contextualización de las condiciones pasadas o actuales de los ecosistemas permitió adquirir una base empírica para interpretar procesos clave involucrados en las interacciones entre sociedad y naturaleza. Visiones comparativas como las seguidas en esta tesis por lo tanto ayudarían a explorar caminos alternativos y estrategias de manejo de ecosistemas en un mundo con demandas crecientes por alimento, y en donde sostener o incrementar el capital natural y social es el gran desafío. En este sentido, se analiza la situación actual del Chaco Sudamericano en comparación con las restantes regiones, y se señalan aquellos aspectos fundamentales que llevarían a procesos de degradación de los ecosistemas ante los cambios en el uso a los que está sujeta esta región.
The vent mussel Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis, a large vesicomyid clam and a smaller thyasirid were collected from an area of sediment subject to diffuse hydrothermal flow. The mussels live on the surface, the vesicomyids are partly buried and the thyasirids burrow in the sediment. The fine structure of the gills differs in the three bivalves. Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis hosts two types of bacterial symbiont, one methanotrophic, and another probably thiotrophic. The other two bivalves have single types of symbiont of different shapes. Stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen indicate thiotrophy in the vesicomyid and thyasirid, but a predominance of methanotrophy in the mussel. This is the first time that such an assemblage has been found at a hydrothermal site on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), with the different faunistic elements exploiting different energy resources
ABSTRACT: At a large North Sea pockmark, with active methane seeps, surface sediments were found to have higher insoluble sulphide concentrations than sedlments from the surrounding area. The fauna of the pockmark was characterized by 2 species which have not pi-evlously been reported from the Fladen Ground in the northern North Sea. These species were a b~valve, Thyasira sarsi (which is known to contain endosymbiotic sulphur-oxidising bacteria) and a mouthless and gutless nematode, Astomonerna sp., which also contains endosymbiotic bacteria The nematode was the dominant meiofauna species in the pockmark sediments. Both macro-lnfauna and total nematodes were in low abundance in samples taken from the base of the pockmark. Sediment samples from the pockmark contained numerous otoliths, implying that substantial winnowing of the sediment had taken place. This was supported by studies on the sulphide concentrations in the sediment which showed multiple layering of the sediments on the sides of the pockmark, suggesting displacement. The carbon isotope compositions (6I3c) of the tissues of benthic animals from in and around the pockmark were generally in the range -16 to -2O%, indicating that little methane-derived carbon was contributing to their nutrition. T sarsi had the most 13c-depleted tissues, -31.4 to -35.1 L, confirming the nutritional dependence of this species on chemoautotrophic bacteria that utilize reduced sulphur.
The way in which total secondary production is partitioned amongst species in various macrofauna communities (Amphiura, Venus, Abra, Modiolus) around the British Isles is discussed. When the proportion of total production is plotted for each species, ranked in order of productive importance, curves are produced which are characteristic of particular physical conditions. The shapes of the curves are independent of the actual species involved, but depend on the proportion of individuals in the community which adopt a particular feeding behaviour, and the scope for diversification within trophic groups. The form of these curves correlates closely with bottom currents and associated bed-stresses, since these affect both the nature of the food supply to bottom animals and the nature of the substrate. These observations have important implications for the structure and functioning of benthic communities. Comparison of production partitioning in the meiofauna of mud and sand substrates indicates a remarkable similarity within trophic groups although the partitioning of production between trophic groups is very different. The shapes of production-rank curves again appear to depend on the scope for diversification within trophic groups. In the meiofauna resources are partitioned more equitably than in the macrofauna. There is a marked discontinuity in the lognormal distribution of body sizes within integrated benthic communities at the meiofauna-macrofauna size boundary.
Benthic biomass size spectra (BSS) and normalized biomass size spectra were constructed, and benthic secondary production was estimated by a size spectrum equation in the shallow waters in the East China Sea, ranging latitudinally from 40A degrees N to 29A degrees N. The BSS patterns were bimodal, two biomass peaks corresponding to meiofauna and macrofauna, respectively, separated by a trough of low biomass at 8-256 mu g individual dry weight which varied in position with median sediment particle size. The BSS also displayed bimodality within meiofauna size ranges, which in most stations was due to the relative proportions of nematodes and other meiofauna taxa. Re-analysis of data from sites in the UK, South Africa, and Antarctic showed a similar bimodality in the adult species body size distribution within the meiofauna size range. Macrofaunal production estimated by the size spectrum equation was very similar to the results of Brey90 empirical equation. However, these production values were much lower than those calculated by Brey01. Different individual dry-to-wet conversion ratios, temperature deviation, and macrofauna taxonomic composition might be responsible for the between-model differences. The macrofaunal P/B ratios calculated by this equation ranged from 0.3 to 3.4 which were in accordance with values from Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes. Meiofaunal production estimates will need further empirical support.
Mangroves are highly productive environments that play important ecological and socioeconomic roles; however, they have been impacted to different degrees in most countries worldwide. The knowledge of which organisms inhabit this environment and their ecological interactions is the first step towards its conservation. The natural variability of environmental factors in mangroves provides numerous niches available to different species. Meiofauna have patchy patterns of distribution that are related to the availability of resources. Hence, meiofauna are expected to present a high diversity of different taxa occupying the different microhabitats offered by mangroves. This work aims to test the hypothesis that the assemblage structure of Nematoda varies significantly among mangrove microhabitats and to contribute knowledge on the meiofauna diversity in mangrove environments. This work was carried out in a mangrove region at Pernambuco state, Northeastern Brazil. Qualitative samples were collected in nine microhabitats which show different characteristics mainly in terms of presence of vegetation or another organism and sediment grain size. Univariate and multivariate analysis were applied to Nematoda genera abundance data. Our results demonstrate the existence of significant differences among microhabitats regarding nematode assemblage structure corroborating the hypothesis. Different Nematoda assemblages are present in at least seven microhabitats. These assemblages are composed of nematode genera with different trophic and morphological features, demonstrating a strong relationship between morphological diversity and ecological plasticity. Furthermore, this study also demonstrates the importance of the conservation of this ecosystem and its attributes.
Highlights •We exposed meiofauna to 7 different large macrofauna species at high and low densities. •Macrofauna presence altered nematode community structure and reduced their abundance. •Macrofauna species had similar effects by reducing the few dominant nematode species. •Meio–macrofauna resource competition and spatial segregation are the main drivers. •Trawling effects on macrofauna affect nematode communities indirectly. Diverse assemblages of infauna in sediments provide important physical and biogeochemical services, but are under increasing pressure by anthropogenic activities, such as benthic trawling. It is known that trawling disturbance has a substantial effect on the larger benthic fauna, with reductions in density and diversity, and changes in community structure, benthic biomass, production, and bioturbation and biogeochemical processes. Largely unknown, however, are the mechanisms by which the trawling impacts on the large benthic macro- and megafauna may influence the smaller meiofauna. To investigate this, a mesocosm experiment was conducted whereby benthic nematode communities from a non-trawled area were exposed to three different densities (absent, low, normal) of 7 large (> 10 mm) naturally co-occurring, bioturbating species which are potentially vulnerable to trawling disturbance. The results showed that total abundances of nematodes were lower if these large macrofauna species were present, but no clear nematode abundance effects could be assigned to the macrofauna density differences. Nematode community structure changed in response to macrofauna presence and density, mainly as a result of the reduced abundance of a few dominant nematode species. Any detectable effects seemed similar for nearly all macrofauna species treatments, supporting the idea that there may be a general indirect, macrofauna-mediated trawling impact on nematode communities. Explanations for these results may be, firstly, competition for food resources, resulting in spatial segregation of the meio- and macrobenthic components. Secondly, different densities of large macrofauna organisms may affect the nematode community structure through different intensities of bioturbatory disturbance or resource competition. These results suggest that removal or reduced densities of larger macrofauna species as a result of trawling disturbance may lead to increased nematode abundance and hints at the validity of interference competition between large macrofauna organisms and the smaller meiofauna, and the energy equivalence hypothesis, where a trade-off is observed between groups of organisms that are dependent on a common source of energy.
In the near future, the marine environment is likely to be subjected to simultaneous increases in temperature and decreased pH. The potential effects of these changes on intertidal, meiofaunal assemblages were investigated using a mesocosm experiment. Artificial Substrate Units containing meiofauna from the extreme low intertidal zone were exposed for 60 days to eight experimental treatments (four replicates for each treatment) comprising four pH levels: 8.0 (ambient control), 7.7 & 7.3 (predicted changes associated with ocean acidification), and 6.7 (CO2 point-source leakage from geological storage), crossed with two temperatures: 12 °C (ambient control) and 16 °C (predicted). Community structure, measured using major meiofauna taxa was significantly affected by pH and temperature. Copepods and copepodites showed the greatest decline in abundance in response to low pH and elevated temperature. Nematodes increased in abundance in response to low pH and temperature rise, possibly caused by decreased predation and competition for food owing to the declining macrofauna density. Nematode species composition changed significantly between the different treatments, and was affected by both seawater acidification and warming. Estimated nematode species diversity, species evenness, and the maturity index, were substantially lower at 16 °C, whereas trophic diversity was slightly higher at 16 °C except at pH 6.7. This study has demonstrated that the combination of elevated levels of CO2 and ocean warming may have substantial effects on structural and functional characteristics of meiofaunal and nematode communities, and that single stressor experiments are unlikely to encompass the complexity of abiotic and biotic interactions. At the same time, ecological interactions may lead to complex community responses to pH and temperature changes in the interstitial environment
El presente estudio realiza un análisis comparativo entre la novela del mexicano Juan Rulfo, Pedro Páramo (1955), y un cuento del escritor ruso Dostoievski que trata también el tema del Más allá, titulado Bobok (1873). Paralelamente, se trabaja con la posibilidad de que el relato ruso hubiese podido ser una más de las fuentes literarias de la novela mexicana, y se trata de determinar las posibles conexiones -directas o indirectas- entre las dos obras. Ambas son puestas en común por su género literario, y a partir de ahí se estudian los elementos constitutivos que tienen en común, sus afinidades y divergencias más llamativas.
The chaotic physical and chemical environment at deep-sea hydrothermal vents has been associated with an ecosystem with few predators, arguably allowing the habitat to provide refuge for vulnerable species. The dominance of endemic limpets with thin, open-coiled shells at north Pacific vents may support this view. To test their vulnerability to predation, the incidence of healed repair scars, which are argued to reflect non-lethal encounters with predators, were examined on the shells of over 5,800 vent limpets of Lepetodrilus fucensis McLean (1988) that were collected from 13 to 18 August 1996. Three vent fields on the Juan de Fuca Ridge at ca. 2,200 m depth were sampled, two within 70 m of 47 degrees 56.87'N 129 degrees 05.91'W, and one at 47 degrees 57.85'N 129 degrees 05.15'W with the conspicuous potential limpet predators, the zoarcid fish Pachycara gymninium Anderson and Peden (1988), the galatheid crab Munidopsis alvisca Williams (1988), and the buccinid snail Buccinum thermophilum Harasewych and Kantor (2002). Limpets from the predator-rich vent were most often scarred, a significant difference created by the high incidence of scars on small (