1000 resultados para Meia Idade


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This essay intends to think critically and theoretically on the interrelations among subject, identity, and Feminism in the context of Postmodernity, a context which will be herein denominated ―Age of Crises. These three aspects will be approached under a Historical perspective and put into question in a philosophical sight guided by Post-structuralistic theories, especially Derridian Deconstruction. In general, the main objective is to reach into a discussion about the undecidable inter-relation between Feminist thinking and Postmodernity, which is one of the configurations of the many contemporary crises. In order to do so, it will be necessary a previous discussion on the postmodern subject and its identity. This discussion will open up the possibility of contextualizing and discussing Feminism inside the intended objective. This discussion will be structured around the word ―crises which, in a compositional relation to the word ―age, will be taken as a synonym for ―Postmodernity and ―contemporary. ―Age of Crises, ―Postmodernity, ―contemporary, and ―Feminism will be words haunted by the phármakon phenomenon, a key aspect for Derridian Deconstruction, which will be the gravitational force that approximates and separates, in an undecidable relation, those signs.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the learning of Senior Citizens after a face-to-face course with the goal of teaching them how to use the internet. The study population was composed of people (n=18), of both genders, aged 50 years or over, from the open university for Senior Citizens UNATI (“Universidade Aberta da Terceira Idade” in Portuguese) at Araraquara. Two hour classes weekly were taught in the computer laboratory - LDI in Portuguese located in the School of Dentistry in Araraquara. The course program content covered the use of e-mail and researches in sites. In order to evaluate the learning acquired, a self-evaluation questionnaire was applied in twice (before and after the course), which enabled the development of students concerning their knowledge and skill in the topics approached in classes. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed. The average performance of participants was calculated per point and interval of confidence of 95% (IC95%) in the beginning and in the end of the course. Comparison between the averages was performed by using the paired Student’s-t test. The level of significance adopted was 5%. It was observed that the students’ learning about computer use improved significantly after the course (Student’s-t test: -5.360, p<0.001, p2=0.628, =0,999), however, 72.2% of them reported that they did not know how to attach a file to a message to be sent by e-mail, as well as having no or little skill to perform this activity. It was concluded that the evaluated course improved the participants knowledge and skills in computer use.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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The elders began to be highlighted in the social scene, not only by their numerical growth, but mainly for their redeployment into new social spaces and accelerating its pace of life. This article aims to analyze the specializations and the time built around the aging and trace its repercussions in the subjectivity production of the oldest. Therefore, it was taken as the object of analysis the differentiation of old age in the aging process.


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This study's aim was to verify coping strategies among children aged between 7 and 12 years old who will be experiencing surgery and the potential relationship of coping strategies with sociodemographic variables, stress in children and in companions, and the child's prior experience with surgery. A total of 58 children hospitalized and waiting for elective surgeries responded to the Assessment Instrument of Coping to Hospitalization and an instrument to assess stress. The companion received a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Lipp Stress Symptom Inventory. Problem-solving strategies and distraction were the most frequent strategies used, while social withdrawal and opposition were the least frequent. Girls and children of stressful parents used emotion regulation strategies with significantly more frequency. Likewise, greater cognitive restructuring was observed in older children and those with prior experience with surgeries. The results show the need to consider the studied variables when developing pre-operative preparation programs.


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Since there are few physical education teachers working in kindergarten, now, due to the elementary school for nine years - getting children 6 years of age, this seems to be a challenge for teachers. Therefore, interested in mobilizing efforts to understand how your training is on this new context, and how is this entry of students from 6 years old in elementary school. From the perspective of the physical education teacher who is acting in this context. In this sense, the objective of this study was to analyze teacher training and teaching of physical education among children 6 years of age entering the first grade of elementary school from the perspective of physical education teachers who work in this field. This study was guided by the principles of qualitative research, making the collection through semi-structured interview, 11 participated in the investigation of physical education teachers working in the first grade of elementary school. The categories of analysis that have emerged from our study were: 1 Teacher training; 2 The 9-year elementary school for children 6 years of age; 3 Teaching physical education in early childhood education: Reflections on its limits and its possibilities. We can point out that physical education in school is still recognized as unimportant, although the LDB 9394/96 art. 26 § 3, have given your requirement, this is not enough to change the scenario that presents itself. School is still considered by many as a space in which the body is separated from the cognitive. Therefore, for many, the play of children is worthless and physical education is worthless. Teachers interviewed here reveal that has focused efforts on making a better quality of physical education, especially among children 1 year, trying to meet their expectations and need characteristics of the universe of childhood


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O tema abordado neste trabalho foi escolhido após uma experiência como monitora em um curso de informática para a terceira idade ministrado na Unesp - Câmpus de Rio Claro. A pesquisa é de caráter bibliográfico e teve como objetivo identificar e compreender possíveis benefícios e dificuldades que se mostram presentes em atividades envolvendo o uso de computadores por pessoas da terceira idade. A análise é feita com base em estudos teóricos sobre educação para a terceira idade em que se considera a qualidade de vida e desenvolvimento pessoal


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Swimming is a sport well suited to any age group, it worked properly when the individual stimuli that provides assist in human development. But water stimulation, is not something that is so easily in physical education in Brazil. Development corresponds to changes that occur throughout life, but that depends on the stimuli provided. Several studies have shown positive effects of swimming in relation to the child. This study aimed to verify if children swimmers and physical education classes have better motor development than those who do not practice the sport. Collection was done with two groups of 10 students between 9 and 11 years. As a group consisting of non-swimmers, and another formed by those that complement the physical education class with the regular practice of swimming. To develop the study was administered a battery of the proposed motor adapted Rosa Neto (2002) in which each child performed tasks corresponding to their chronological age (CA) and were only able to perform the task at a later age, when it was obtained successful in completing the task as originally proposed. At the end of the application of all statistical tests was done getting mean and standard deviation of the old motor (IM), calculated the ratio General Motor (MGQ) for the classification of the child's motor development and application of the t test with p <0.05 to observe the level of significance in the results. The results showed that the group swimmers had better agility tests which resulted in a difference between (IC) and (IM) higher compared with the non-practitioner. They also had higher average (MGQ), but these were not sufficient to classify the group into another level of development, however, by observing isolated cases, two children that practice would be a greater level of development. Through the t test was observed that the group swimmers had significant difference in balance ability. We conclude that the swimming group got positive overall...


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Introdução: O Kung Fu é um sistema de luta desenvolvida na China por meio de observações dos movimentos dos animais, e principalmente da necessidade dos monges praticarem alguma atividade física. Poucos estudos têm verificado os benefícios do Kung Fu não só como uma arte marcial, mas também como uma opção de exercício físico para quem busca uma boa qualidade de vida e melhora na aptidão cardiovascular através da filosofia de buscar a cada dia o extremo, a perfeição e o equilíbrio. Objetivo: Verificar a influência do treinamento de 12 semanas de Kung Fu estilo garra de águia em praticantes iniciantes adultos na capacidade cardiorrespiratória. Metodologia: Participaram do presente estudo 21 estudantes com idade entre 18 e 25 anos, divididos em grupo controle (n=10) e grupo treinamento (n=11). O grupo treinamento foi submetido a 12 semanas de treino e o grupo controle constituído por participantes que não praticavam atividade física de forma regular e que mantiveram sua rotina de vida normal. O protocolo de esteira rolante do teste de VO2 máximo foi utilizado antes e após 12 semanas. As aulas ocorreram duas vezes por semana na UNESP e tiveram duração de uma hora e meia cada aula, sendo dividida em quatro partes: aquecimento, condicionamento físico, alongamento e técnica. Para análise estatística, os dados foram separados de acordo com grupo e gênero. Devido à natureza paramétrica dos dados, foi realizada análise anova fatorial e adotado um p≤0,05. Todas as análises foram realizadas no programa estatístico SPSS. Resultados: O grupo controle apresentou os seguintes valores de Vo2pico: Masculino (n=6) - pré 38,8±8,0mL.kg−1.min−1 e pós 38,5±7,6mL.kg−1.min−1; Feminino (n=4) - pré 37,5±4,2mL.kg−1.min−1 e pós 38,0±4,1mL.kg−1.min−1. O grupo treinamento apresentou: Masculino (n=7) - pré 55,4±3,0mL.kg−1.min−1 e pós 55,3±3,7mL.kg−1.min−1; Feminino (n=4) - pré...


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Apesar da literatura sobre anestesia em equinos ser ampla, referências sobre técnicas e fármacos anestésicos em muares são escassas. Nesse contexto objetivou-se relatar o caso de uma mula com um ano e meio de idade, fêmea, pesando 232 Kg, que foi atendida no Hospital Veterinário da UNESP de Araçatuba no dia com queixa de ferida granulomatosa no membro torácico direito, na região da quartela. Ao exame físico o animal apresentava frequência cardíaca (FC) de 56 batimentos por minuto (bpm), respiratória (f) de 44 movimentos por minuto (mpm), temperatura retal de 38,1 (T°), mucosas róseas e tempo de preenchimento capilar (TPC) de dois segundos. A ferida apresentava-se com tecido de granulação exuberante, em que a remoção cirúrgica foi indicada. O hemograma completo foi realizado antes da cirurgia, não apresentando alterações significativas. Como medicação pré-anestésica (MPA) utilizou-se xilazina 2% (0,5 mg/Kg/IV) associada com Acepromazina 1% (0,05 mg/Kg/IV). Em seguida, foi feita a indução anestésica com Cetamina 10% (2 mg/kg/IV) e Midazolam 0,5% (0,05 mg/kg/IV). Concomitantimente, foi realizado o bloqueio do nervo sesamóide abaxial lateral e medial com 5 ml de Lidocaína 2% em cada ponto. A cirurgia foi realizada com o animal em decúbito lateral esquerdo, empregando-se anestesia total intavenosa (TIVA), empregando-se a associação do Éter Gliceril Guaiacol (EGG) 5%, Xilazina 2% (1mg/ML) e Cetamina 10% (2 mg/ML). O volume total infundido, totalizando duas bolsas de 250 ml, foi administrado em uma hora e meia de cirurgia. O paciente manteve-se estável durante toda a cirurgia e foi continuamente monitorado quanto a profundidade anestésica por meio dos estágios e planos de Guedel, bem como com a mensuração das frequências cardíaca (FC), que se manteve entre 35 a 40 bpm e respiratória (f) mantida entre 25 a 28 mpm. Ao termino do procedimento cirúrgico o paciente permaneceu assistido durante toda a recuperação, sendo essa tranquila e de boa qualidade, com o paciente assumindo a posição quadrupedal em 15 minutos. A técnica anestésica empregada foi adequada, eficiente e se mostrou viável para realização de cirurgias a campo em muares.