936 resultados para Maximum Power Point Tracking


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In this paper, an algorithm for approximating the path of a moving autonomous mobile sensor with an unknown position location using Received Signal Strength (RSS) measurements is proposed. Using a Least Squares (LS) estimation method as an input, a Maximum-Likelihood (ML) approach is used to determine the location of the unknown mobile sensor. For the mobile sensor case, as the sensor changes position the characteristics of the RSS measurements also change; therefore the proposed method adapts the RSS measurement model by dynamically changing the pass loss value alpha to aid in position estimation. Secondly, a Recursive Least-Squares (RLS) algorithm is used to estimate the path of a moving mobile sensor using the Maximum-Likelihood position estimation as an input. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated via simulation and it is shown that this method can accurately determine the position of the mobile sensor, and can efficiently track the position of the mobile sensor during motion.


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The paper presents a new fully distributed uplink power control method for CDMA systems. The power control algorithm calculates explicitly and assigns directly the desired mobile transmit powers achieving both maximum Carrier-to-Interference Ratio at the base station and minimum mobile energy consumption. Compared with the commonly known iterative power control algorithms, the direct assignment method is easier to implement and more power efficient.


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The central concern of this study is to identify the role of power and politics in systems implementation. The current literature on systems implementation is typically divided into two areas, process modelling and factor based studies. Process modelling classifies the implementation into a linear process, whereas factor based studies have argued that in order to ‘successfully’ implement a system, particular critical factors are required. This literature misses the complexities involved in systems implementation through the human factors and political nature of systems implementation and is simplistic in its nature and essentially de-contextualises the implementation process. Literature has investigated some aspects of human factors in systems implementation. However, it is believed that these studies have taken a simplistic view of power and politics. It is argued in this thesis that human factors in systems implementation are constantly changing and essentially operating in a dynamic relationship affecting the implementation process. The concept of power relations, as proposed by Foucault (1976, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1982), have been utilised in order to identify the dynamic nature of power and politics. Foucault (1978) argued that power is a dynamic set of relationships constantly changing from one point in time to the next. It is this recognition that is lacking from information systems. Furthermore, these power relations are created through the use of discourse. Discourse represents meaning and social relationships, forming both subjectivity and power relations. Discourses are also the practices of talk, text and argument that continuously form that which actors speak. A post-structuralist view of power as both an obvious and hidden concept has provided the researcher a lens through which the selection and implementation of an enterprise-wide learning management system can be observed. The framework aimed to identify the obvious process of system selection implementation, and then deconstruct that process to expose the hegemonic nature of policy, the reproduction of organisational culture, the emancipation within discourse, and the nature of resistance and power relations. A critical case study of the selection and implementation of an enterprise-wide learning management system at the University of Australia was presented providing an in-depth investigation of the implementation of an enterprise-wide learning management system, spanning five years. This critical case study was analysed using social dramas to distinguish between the front stage issues of power and the hidden discourses underpinning the front stage dramas. The enterprise-wide learning management system implemented in the University of Australia in 2003 is a system which enables academic staff to manage learners, the students, by keeping track of their progress and performance across all types of training activities. Through telling the story of the selection and implementation of an enterprise-wide learning management system at the University of Australia discourses emerged. The key findings from this study have indicated that the system selection and implementation works at two levels. The low level is the selection and implementation process, which operates for the period of the project. The high level is the arena of power and politics, which runs simultaneously to the selection and implementation process. Challenges for power are acted out in the front stage, or public forums between various actors. The social dramas, as they have been described here, are superfluous to the discourse underpinning the front stage. It is the discourse that remains the same throughout the system selection and implementation process, but it is through various social dramas that reflect those discourses. Furthermore, the enactment of policy legitimises power and establishes the discourse, limiting resistance. Additionally, this research has identified the role of the ‘State’ and its influence at the organisational level, which had been previously suggested in education literature (Ball, 1990).


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This present work examines the load carrying capacity, energy absorption and fracture characteristics of wrought magnesium and aluminium alloy tubes in three-point bending. Magnesium alloy AZ31, and aluminium alloys 6063 and 7075, were extruded into cylindrical tubes of both equivalent thickness and mass. A strong thickness effect was present meaning that the AZ31 tube had significantly higher load and energy absorption performance than an equivalent mass 6063 tube, albeit not as high as the 7075 tube. Hinge formation and maximum load was delayed for the magnesium alloy, meaning that a high energy absorption rate persisted to higher deformation displacements than the aluminium alloys. It was also found that fracture during deformation was dependent on the indenter diameter, tube thickness and lower support separation.


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The visual representation of multivariate spatial and temporal data is important for interpreting and analyzing historical geographic patterns that change over time. The introduction of geospatial technologies in historical scholarship has challenged the suitability of current visual representations due to the need for greater temporal emphasis and the tracking of historical events over time. This research presents a holistic multivariate approach to historical visual representation for point based historical data. The method has been developed through extending the spatial presence in information graphics and through meaningful spatial classification. This paper demonstrates the benefits gained from integrating historical, geographic, temporal, and attribute data through the development of a case study on the history of Melbourne’s cinema venues between 1946 and 1986.


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This paper investigates the problem of location and velocity detection of a mobile agent using Received Signal Strength (RSS) measurements captured by geographically distributed seed nodes. With inherently nonlinear power measurements, we derive a powerful linear measurement scheme using an analytical measurement conversion technique which can readily be used with RSS measuring sensors. We also employ the concept of sensor fusion in conjunction for the case of redundant measurements to further enhance the estimation accuracy.


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One of the possible models of the human visual system (HVS) in the computer vision literature has a high resolution fovea and exponentially decreasing resolution periphery. The high resolution fovea is used to extract necessary information in order to solve a vision task and the periphery may be used to detect motion. To obtain the desired information, the fovea is guided by the contents of the scene and other knowledge to position the fovea over areas of interest. These eye movements are called saccades and corrective saccades. A two stage process has been implemented as a mechanism for changing foveation in log polar space. Initially, the open loop stage roughly foveates on the best interest feature and then the closed loop stage is invoked to accurately iteratively converge onto the foveation point. The open loop stage developed for the foveation algorithm is applied to saccadic eye movements and a tracking system. Log polar space is preferred over Cartesian space as: (1) it simultaneously provides high resolution and a wide viewing angle; and (2) feature invariance occurs in the fovea which simplifies the foveation process.


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The Point Distribution Model (PDM) has proven effective in modelling variations in shape in sets of images, including those in which motion is involved such as body and hand tracking. This paper proposes an extension to the PDM through a re-parameterisation of the model which uses factors such as the angular velocity and distance travelled for sets of points on a moving shape. This then enables non-linear quantities such as acceleration and the average velocity of the body to be expressed in a linear model by the PDM. Results are shown for objects with known acceleration and deceleration components, these being a simulated pendulum modelled using simple harmonic motion and video sequences of a real pendulum in motion.


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Generalized adaptive resonance theory (GART) is a neural network model that is capable of online learning and is effective in tackling pattern classification tasks. In this paper, we propose an improved GART model (IGART), and demonstrate its applicability to power systems. IGART enhances the dynamics of GART in several aspects, which include the use of the Laplacian likelihood function, a new vigilance function, a new match-tracking mechanism, an ordering algorithm for determining the sequence of training data, and a rule extraction capability to elicit if-then rules from the network. To assess the effectiveness of IGART and to compare its performances with those from other methods, three datasets that are related to power systems are employed. The experimental results demonstrate the usefulness of IGART with the rule extraction capability in undertaking classification problems in power systems engineering.


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This OXADM are located in the nodes, which have more than two switching directions in ring networks. The function of OXADM is to flexibility switch the wavelengths among the different input and output ports. Because of the OXADM's imperfect performance, the insertion loss and crosstalk are induced in the system. Analytical modeling method is using to analyze the OXADM structure in crosstalk or power leakage that lead to the power penalty. To overcome this problem, power penalty is needed to be supplied. The insertion of this power penalty depends on few parameters. The parameters that we going to investigate here will be in term of number of operating wavelengths and number of input/output ports as well as the Q factor. The variation of this parameters will affects the amount of the desired power penalty. Simulation results in higher crosstalk or higher power penalty needed as the number of OXADM increases. As the sum of the wavelength and the number of input/output for each OXADM increases, the power penalty will increased as well. Investigation on the maximum Q factors is 6 to get the minimum power penalty at the lowest BER for most of the combination of the sum of the wavelength and the number of input/output for each OXADM.


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To describe and quantify the frequency, velocity and acceleration at impact during tackling in Australian football using a combination of video and athlete tracking technology.


Data was collected from twenty professional Australian Football League players during four in-season matches. All tackles made by the player and those against the player were video-coded and time stamped at the point of contact and then subjectively categorised into low, medium and high intensity impact groups. Peak GPS and acceleration data were identified at the point of contact. Two-way analysis of variance was used to assess differences (p < 0.05) between tackle type (made and against) and tackle intensity.

A total of 173 tackles made and 179 tackles against were recorded. Significant differences were found between all tackle intensity groups. Peak velocity was significantly greater in high (19.5 ± 6.1 km h−1) compared to medium (13.4 ± 5.8 km h−1) and low intensity (11.3 ± 5.0 km h−1) tackles. Peak Player Load™, a modified vector magnitude of tri-axial acceleration, was significantly greater in high (7.5 ± 1.7 a.u.) compared to medium (4.9 ± 1.5 a.u.) and low intensity (4.0 ± 1.3 a.u.) tackles.

High intensity tackles, although less frequent, are significantly greater in speed of movement immediately prior to contact and in the resultant impact acceleration compared to tackles of lower intensity. Differences in accelerometer data between tackles observed to be progressively greater in intensity suggest a level of ecological validity and provide preliminary support for the use of accelerometers to assess impact forces in contact invasion sports.


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Prediction intervals (PIs) are a promising tool for quantification of uncertainties associated with point forecasts of wind power. However, construction of PIs using parametric methods is questionable, as forecast errors do not follow a standard distribution. This paper proposes a nonparametric method for construction of reliable PIs for neural network (NN) forecasts. A lower upper bound estimation (LUBE) method is adapted for construction of PIs for wind power generation. A new framework is proposed for synthesizing PIs generated using an ensemble of NN models in the LUBE method. This is done to guard against NN performance instability in generating reliable and informative PIs. A validation set is applied for short listing NNs based on the quality of PIs. Then, PIs constructed using filtered NNs are aggregated to obtain combined PIs. Performance of the proposed method is examined using data sets taken from two wind farms in Australia. Simulation results indicate that the quality of combined PIs is significantly superior to the quality of PIs constructed using NN models ranked and filtered by the validation set.


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Geometric object detection has many applications, such as in tracking. Particle tracking microrheology is a technique for studying mechanical properties by accurately tracking the motion of the immersed particles undergoing Brownian motion. Since particles are carried along by these random undulations of the medium, they can move in and out of the microscope's depth of focus, which results in halos (lower intensity). Two-point particle tracking microrheology (TPM) uses a threshold to find those particles with peak, which leads to the broken trajectory of the particles. The halos of those particles which are out of focus are circles and the centres can be accurately tracked in most cases. When the particles are sparse, TPM will lose certain useful information. Thus, it may cause inaccurate microrheology. An efficient algorithm to detect the centre of those particles will increase the accuracy of the Brownian motion. In this paper, a hybrid approach is proposed which combines the steps of TPM for particles in focus with a circle detection step using circular Hough transform for particles with halos. As a consequence, it not only detects more particles in each frame but also dramatically extends the trajectories with satisfactory accuracy. Experiments over a video microscope data set of polystyrene spheres suspended in water undergoing Brownian motion confirmed the efficiency of the algorithm.


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This paper presents an analysis of optimum rectifier circuits for wireless energy harvesting in deep brain stimulation (DBS) devices. Since DBS demands compact and low power consumption devices, small, high conversion efficient, and high output voltage rectifiers need to be developed. The investigation that is presented in this paper is analytical and simulated based. Analysis on a variety of circuit configurations brings more evidence to improve the performance of rectifiers. Analytical parameters influencing the output DC voltage and the efficiency of the rectifiers are described. The operating frequency of the 915 MHz industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio band is used in this study. The maximum conversion efficiency of the LC matched half wave rectifier, the Greinacher voltage doubler, the Delon doubler, and the 2-stage voltage multiplier is obtained as 56.34%, 74.45%, 71.48%, and 31.44%, respectively, at the 30 dBm input power level. The corresponding maximum output DC voltages are 6.27 V, 16.83 V, 13.36 V, and 9.20 V. Thus the Greinacher voltage doubler is deemed as the best configuration according to the conversion efficiency and the output voltage measurements.